Evolutions-prelims10.qxd 2005/09/28 12:11 PM Page xiii List of abbreviations AFDL Alliance des forces démocratiques pour la libération du Congo—Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo ANC African National Congress ANC Armée Nationale Congolaise—Congolese National Army AP Assembly point APLA Azanian People’s Liberation Army ASF African Standby Force AU African Union BCP Basutoland Congress Party BDF Bophuthatswana Defence Force BJSTT British Joint Services Training Team BMATT British Military Advisory and Training Team BNP Basotho National Party CAC Central African Command CADSP Common African Defence and Security Policy CCFADM Joint Commission for the Formation of the Mozambican Defence Forces CDF Ciskei Defence Force CIO Central Intelligence Organisation CMF Commonwealth Monitoring Force CoD Council on Defence CODESA Convention for a Democratic South Africa COIN Counter-insurgency Comira Military Committee for the Resistance in Angola CSANDF Chief of the South African National Defence Force CSB Civil Service Board CSC Supervisory and Monitoring Commission DDR Disarmament, demobilisation and rehabilitation DoD Department of Defence DRC Democratic Republic of the Congo DSP Division Spéciale Presidentille—Presidential Special Division or Praetorian Guard DTA Democratic Turnhalle Alliance ECCAS Economic Community of Central African States EEZ Exclusive economic zone xiii Evolutions-prelims10.qxd 2005/09/28 12:11 PM Page xiv xiv Evolutions & Revolutions ELNA Army for the National Liberation of Angola EPLA People’s Army for the Liberation of Angola FAA Forces de Angola—Angolan Armed Forces FAC Forces Armées Congolaise—Congolese Armed Forces FADM Forças Armadas de Defesa de Moçambique— Armed Forces for the Defence of Mozambique FALA Armed Forces for the Liberation of Angola (UNITA) FAM Forças Armadas de Moçambique FAPLA Popular Armed Forces for the Liberation of Angola FAZ Forces Armées Zairoise—Zairian Armed Forces FLS Front Line States FNLA National Front for the Liberation of Angola FNLC Force Nationale pour la Liberation de Congo— National Front for the Liberation of Congo FPLM Forças Populares de Libertação de Moçambique Frelimo Frente de Libertação de Moçambique— Mozambique Liberation Front GC Garde Civile—Civil Guard GDP Gross domestic product GNP Gross national product GPA General Peace Agreement GRAE Revolutionary Government of Angola in Exile GURN Government of Unity and National Reconciliation HoD Head of Department IMET International Military Education and Training INM Imbokdvo National Movement ISDSC Inter-State Defence and Security Committee ISS Institute for Security Studies JHC Joint High Command JMCC Joint Military Co-ordinating Committee JOC Joint Operations Command JWTZ Jeshi la Wananchi Tanzania KAR King’s African Rifles KZSPF KwaZulu Self-Protection Forces LDF Lesotho Defence Force MAS Mauritian Air Service MCP Malawi Congress Party MDC Movement for Democratic Change MDF Malawi Defence Force MK Umkhonto we Sizwe Evolutions-prelims10.qxd 2005/09/28 12:11 PM Page xv Abbreviations xv MLC Mouvement pour la Liberation de Congo— Congo Liberation Movement MMD Movement for Multiparty Democracy MoD Ministry of Defence MoU Memorandum of Understanding MPF Mauritius Police Force MPLA Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola MPR Mouvement Populaire de la Révolution— Popular Revolution Movement MSC Military Steering Committee MYP Malawi Young Pioneers NAC Nyasaland African Congress NCO Non-commissioned officer NDF Namibian Defence Force NDP National Democratic Party NEPAD New Partnership for Africa’s Development NNLC Ngwane National Liberatory Congress NP National Party OAU Organisation of African Unity ONUMOZ United Nations Operation in Mozambique OPDS Organ on Politics, Defence and Security OPO Ovambo People’s Organisation OPVDCA Provincial Organisation of Volunteers for the Civil Defence of Angola PAC Pan Africanist Congress PCPD Portfolio Committee of Parliament on Defence PIOC Parliamentary Integration Oversight Committee PLAN People’s Liberation Army of Namibia PMG Parliamentary Monitoring Group PMU Police Mobile Unit PRU Police Reserve Unit RAF Royal Air Force RCD Rassemblement Congolais pour la Démocratie— Congolese Democratic Assembly RECAMP Reinforcement of African Peacekeeping Capabilities Renamo Resistência Nacional Moçambicana RF Rhodesian Front RSF Rhodesia Security Force RSP Royal Swaziland Police SACU South African Customs Union Evolutions-prelims10.qxd 2005/09/28 12:11 PM Page xvi xvi Evolutions & Revolutions SADC Southern African Development Community SADCC Southern African Development Co-ordination Conference SADF South African Defence Force SANDF South African National Defence Force SAP South African Police SAPS South African Police Services SARM Service d’Action et de Renseignment Militaire— Military Operations and Intelligence Service SDP Swaziland Democratic Party SIPO Strategic Indicative Plan for the Organ SIPRI Swedish International Research Institute SMC Senior Management Committee SMF Special Mobile Force SSU Special Support Unit SWA South West Africa SWANU South West Africa National Union SWAPO South West Africa People’s Organisation SWATF South West Africa Territorial Force TANU Tanganyika African Nationalist Union TBVC Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda and Ciskei TDF Transkei Defence Force TEC Transitional Executive Council TPDF Tanzania People’s Defence Force TR Tanganyika Rifles TUL Tanu Youth League UANC United African National Council UDF United Democratic Front UDI Unilateral Declaration of Independence UK United Kingdom UN United Nations UNAVEM UN Angola Verification Mission UNIP United National Independence Party UNITA National Union for the Total Independence of Angola UNITAF United Task Force Somalia UNOMUR United Nations Observer Mission on the Rwanda Uganda Border UNOSOM United Nations Operation in Somalia UNTAC United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia UNTAG United Nations Transitional Assistance Group UPA Union of the Peoples of Angola Evolutions-prelims10.qxd 2005/09/28 12:11 PM Page xvii Abbreviations xvii UPNA Union of the Peoples of the North of Angola US United States (of America) USDF Umbutfo Swaziland Defence Force VDF Venda Defence Force WOPC Warrant officer platoon commander ZANLA Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army ZANU Zimbabwe African National Union ZAPU Zimbabwe African People’s Union ZDF Zimbabwe Defence Force ZIMCORD Zimbabwe Reconstruction and Development Conference ZIPA Zimbabwe People’s Army ZIPRA Zimbabwe People’s Revolutionary Army ZNA Zimbabwe National Army ZNDF Zambia National Defence Force ZNS Zambia National Service ZPM Zimbabwe People’s Militia.
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