Edward Hasted The history and topographical survey of the county of Kent, second edition, volume 5 Canterbury 1798 <i> THE HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF THE COUNTY OF KENT. CONTAINING THE ANTIENT AND PRESENT STATE OF IT, CIVIL AND ECCLESIASTICAL; COLLECTED FROM PUBLIC RECORDS, AND OTHER AUTHORITIES: ILLUSTRATED WITH MAPS, VIEWS, ANTIQUITIES, &c. THE SECOND EDITION, IMPROVED, CORRECTED, AND CONTINUED TO THE PRESENT TIME. By EDWARD HASTED, Esq. F. R. S. and S. A. LATE OF CANTERBURY. Ex his omnibus, longe sunt humanissimi qui Cantium incolunt. Fortes creantur fortibus et bonis, Nec imbellem feroces progenerant. VOLUME V. CANTERBURY: PRINTED BY W. BRISTOW, ON THE PARADE. M.DCC.XCVIII. <ii> <blank> <iii> TO CHARLES SMALL PYBUS, Esq. ONE OF THE RIGHT HONORABLE THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF HIS MAJESTY’s TREASURY, AND MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT FOR THE TOWN AND PORT OF DOVER, &c. &c. SIR, YOUR partiality to a county, of which this is a History, has given me hopes, that the Dedication of this part of it to you will not be looked upon in an unacceptable light. The continued assistance and li= beral encouragement which you have favored me with in the progress of my larger History, and the many other essential marks of friendship which you iv have honored me with, cannot but flatter me with those hopes. You are besides, Sir, materially con= nected with the county, by the important station which you have so long held in representing the town and port of Dover, to the universal satisfaction of your constituents, who, confident of your attachment to the best of kings, and the happy constitution of this country, (an attachment which you have perse= vered in with unabated constancy) have continued their approbation of your conduct by repeatedly chusing you, with the same fervent zeal, in two suc= cessive parliaments. Give me leave, Sir, to join in the deserved acknowledgment of your public merit, and at the same time to seize this opportunity of re= turning my thanks to you for the many favors which you have conferred on, SIR, Your most respectful, and much obliged humble servant, EDWARD HASTED. London, May 12, 1798. <v> INDEX. A. Abergavenny, Nevill’s, lords, p. 9, 75, 83, 88, 124, 160, 258; lady, p. 320; Beauchamp, lord, p. 74, 83. Abergavenny, Henry Nevill, earl of, possesses Tipperidge MANOR, 269. Adam, William, 392; Adam’s, 448. Adams, Fitzherbert, present rector of Ulcomb, 396. Addington, church of, 190. Addresley MANOR, in Shrop= shire, 482. Ady’s, of Ulcomb, 386. Adye’s, of Shelve, 436. Æthelstan Etheling, 462. Alabaster, William, D. D. 464. ALBANS, alias Wimblingbury MANOR, 98. Albermarle, Betun, earl of, 354, 366. Albrincis, de, family of, 312, 575 Alcher, earl of Kent, 388. Alchorne’s, account of, 343. Aldersey’s, 567. Aldham’s, of Ightham, 16, 37. ALDINGTON MANOR, in Thurn= ham, 525, 526, church of, 528. Aleff, John, parson of Hol= lingborne, 475. Allen, Sir John, lord-mayor, account of, 42; John, 307. Allen’s, of Stockbury, 580. Almnery green, in Chart Sutton, 357. Ambrel Tanton tithery, in Stock= bury, 581. Amherst, Jeffry, 181, 188. Amherst, Stephen, possesses West Farleigh manor, 140; capt. Thomas possesses a part of Yalding parsonage and ad= vowson of vicarage, 172. Amherst’s, of Bayhall, account of, 267, 269, 271. Andrews, James, present vicar of Boughton Monchensie, 345. Annandale, Johnson’s, mar= quis’s of, 218. Antiquities found, 9, 22. Apulderfield, Thomas, 439. Archer’s, 557, 558, 560. Argall’s, of East Sutton, 378. Armorial bearings, the same borne by different families, 297. Arpends of vineyard, measure of, 353, 480. Arundel, Fitzalans, earls of, 74, 83, 368. Ashburnham’s, 305, 448. ASHDEN MANOR in Lenham, 427. ASHURST, parish of, 276; place, 277. Ashway’s, 347. Astry’s, 350, 516. At-Leeze, family of, 466. At-Water’s, of Lenham, ac= count of, 424. At-Water’s, 412, 437. At-Wood’s, 162. Auberville’s, 575, 577. AUBORNE MANOR, in East Peckham, 98. Aucher’s, of Swingfield, 328; of Otterden, account of, 536; origin of, 388. vi Audley, Hugh de, 159, 179, 211, 228, 230. Averenches, family of, 312. AUGUSTPITTS MANOR, in Horsemonden, 318. Austen, Francis, 18; Austen’s, 162, 332; baronets, 365. Austen, Francis Motley, pos= sesses Wingfield manor and Crouch, in Wrotham, 21; Barnes place, in Hadlow, 188. Austen, John, possesses Grove= hurst, Broadford, &c. in Horsemonden, 319. Austen’s, of Broadford, account of, 318, 320. Austen, Edward, possesses Cow= sted MANOR and tithery, 579, 580. Austeyne, James, 394. Aylesford, antient demesne of, 146, 154. Aylesford, Heneage, earl of, possesses Binbury MANOR, 524; Bredhurst and Mere-court manors, 589. Ayscoughe, Edward, 301. B. Bacheler’s, of Frinsted, 557. Bacon, lord chancellor, 304. Badlesmere MANOR, in Plax= tool, 23. Badlesmere’s, 164, 165, 211, 482. BADMONDEN MANOR, in Horse= monden, 319. BADSELL, manor of, 257. Baieux, Odo, bishop of, 13, 57, 102, 108, 120, 129, 138, 148, 178, 257, 337, 347, 354, 366, 376, 411, 420, 430, 453, 454, 455, 465, 479, 480, 503, 514, 521, 525, 534, 550, 554, 555, 574. Baker, Robert, 358. Baker’s, of Sisinghurst, 95, 111, 130, 140, 150, 195. Baldwin, William, possesses Har= rietsham MANOR and place, 450; Harbilton MANOR, 455; lessee of Marley tithery, 458; possesses Stoneacre MA= NOR, in Otham, 518. Banister, Ralph, 160; Richard, 215. Banks, Thomas, 377; Sir John, bart. 589. BARDEN MANOR, in Tunbridge, 225; Barden-house farm, 226; Barden Little tithery, 254; Barden furnace, 272. Barden’s, of Tunbridge, 225. Barefoot’s, 4. Bargrave’s, 464. Barham’s. See Berham’s. Barkley, hundred of, 324. Barley, John, 448, 551, 552, 558. Barling, Clement, 395. Barming, West, manor, 162. Barmingjet, rectory of, 125. Barnmill tithery, in Tunbridge, 254. BARNES PLACE, in Hadlow, 188. Barnes Garden, MANOR, in Leeds, 497. BARNES MANOR, in Brenchley, 292. Barnes, John, 319. Barnard, Christopher Vane, lord, 50, 52, 86, 470. Barnham, Benedict, 167, 304, 453; Francis, 443. Barnham’s, of Hollingborne, 340, 468, 471, 474. Barrett, Valentine, 440, 466. Barrow, Maurice, 486. BARONS PLACE, in Mereworth, 86. BARSTED MANOR, in Wrotham, 17. Bartholomew, Philip, 69. Bartholomew, Leonard, possesses Sore and Badlesmere MANOR, in Plaxtool, 23. Bartholomew’s, of Oxenhoath, 20, 23, 65, 151; of Adding= ton, 23. vii Bartie lands, in Bersted and Thurnham, 506. Bartie’s, 286. Barton, Walter, possesses part of Hadlow parsonage, 190; John possesses Mascals, in Brenchley, 286. Barton’s, of Hadlow, 181, 187, 188; of Chart Sutton, 359. Bassage’s, 289. Bathurst, Richard, clerk, pos= sesses Pulleyn’s manor, in Horsemonden, 318; present vicar of West Peckham, 70. Bathurst’s, of Sprivers, 316. BATTELL-HALL SEAT, in Leeds, 498. Battle gunpowder, where made, 197. Baud, Sir William le, 313, 432. Baveden, hamlet of, 319. Bavent’s, 24, 46. BAYHALL MANOR, in Pem= bury, 264. Bayham abbey. See Begeham Bayley, Benjamin Neale, 331, 571. Baynden SEAT, in Horsemon= den, 312. Beald’s, 186. Beaulieu, in Lamberhurst, 302; priory in Normandy, 319. Becket, Thomas, murder of, 131. BEDMANTON, borough and ham= let of, in Wormsell, 561, 563. BEGEHAM ABBEY, in Lamber= hurst, 301, 261, 264, 270, 296, 316. Belcher, William, possesses Bun= ces court, in Otterden, 546; a part of Rumpsted MANOR, in Hucking, 571; Elizabeth possesses a part of ditto, ibid. Belcher’s, of Ulcombe, 331, 546, 571, account of, 386; of Royton, 426. Bellamont, earl of, 404. Bempde, John Vander, 217, 218. Bendeville’s, 57. BENSTEDE MANOR, in Hunton, 148, 151. Bentley, Jane, 581, 582. Beresford, Michael, 331. Bergavenny, barony of, 77. See Abergavenny. Barham court, 130. See Teston house. Barham’s, of Teston, 3, 130, account of, 131. Berkeley, Sir Thomas, 217, 274; Sir Maurice, 393. Berkeley’s, of Worcestershire, account of, 263, 264. Bermondesey’s, 162. Berney, Robert, 290. BERSTED, parish of, 505. Bertie family, origin of, 506. Bertyn, Simon, 509, 510. Best, George, possesses Blechen= den, alias Cruttenden MA= NOR, 333; Chilston MANOR, 410; lessee of Chilston ti= thery, 411; possesses Bewley MANOR, 412; lessee of Bew= ley tithery, 413; possesses Lenham MANOR, 423; Roy= ton MANOR, 426; Runham MANOR, ibid; an estate in Lenham, 430; the advowson of Lenham vicarage, 444. Beswicke’s, of Spelmonden, account of, 314, 315, 316. Betenson, Sir Richard, 287. Bewle, stream of, 297. BEWLEY MANOR, in Boughton Malherb, 411, 455. BICKNOR, parish of, 565. Bidborough, parish of, 272, 247. Bidlake’s, of Devonshire, 358. BINBURY MANOR, in Thurnham, 523; wood, 520, 521. Bing, Henry, possesses Yokes court, in Frinsted, 559; the advowson of Frinsted rectory, 560. Bing’s, of Wrotham, 3, 227, account of, 11. Bing’s. See Byng. viii Bithesea, George, present rector of Ightham, 45. Blacksole field, in Wrotham, 9. BLACKPITTS MANOR, in East Peckham, 98, 99. BLECHENDEN, alias Cruttenden MANOR, in Hedcorne, 332. Blechenden, Edward, 410. Blechingley, in Surry, church of, 251. Blunt, Richard, alias Leigh, 3. BOARDFIELD MANOR AND HAMLET, in Otterden, 539. Bobbing manor, 563. BOKINGFOLD MANOR, in Yald= ing, 163. Bolney, George, 270. Boon’s tenement, in Bidborough, 273. Booth, Sir Charles, 450, pos= sesses Bayndon, in Horsemon= den, 312; Nathaniel, 223. Boreman, John, possesses Kent’s chantry, in Hedcorne, 331. Borough, Sir Edward, 436, 526, 539. Borough-green HAMLET, in Wrotham, 20. Bosville’s, of Bradbourn, 287, 510. Boswell, lady Margaret, 246. BOTANY, 9, 128, 138, 201, 436. Boteler’s, of Teston, barts. 123, 130, 136, 143, 168, 501, ac= count of, 131; Sir Wm. 20. BOUGHTON MONCHENSIE, pa= rish of, 336, 342. Boughton quarry, 336, 337. BOUGHTON MOUNT, SEAT, in Boughton Monchensie, 343. BOUGHTON MALHERB, parish of, 397; manor of, 562. BOUNDS, SEAT, in Bidborough, 273; NEW, alias LITTLE, SEAT, in Tunbridge, 237. Bourne, John de, 339. Bourchier, Sir Thomas, 485; John, 576. Bouverie, Mrs. Elizabeth, pos= sesses Nettlested, Hylthe and Pimpe manors, 123; the ad= vowson of Nettlested rectory, 125; Teston MANOR and house, 130, 131, 134; the advowson of Teston rectory, 136; Totesham and Ewell manors in West Farleigh, 143; Yalding manor, 161; Henhurst, in Yalding, 168; Kenward’s farm, in Yalding, ibid.
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