~- TEXAS:BOARD·OF:WATER.ENGINEERS H. Ao Beckwi tht Olairman A. P. Hollinst Member O. F. Dent t Member ." ·BULLETIN '5:306 RECORD'S OF ·WIAT.EB-I....EV.ELM.E,A·SU.R.EM.ENTS I·N L'AM·B COUNTY, TEXIA'S 1914 -- 19'5:3 Compiled by c. R. Follett, Engineer .~ Texas Board of Water Engineers Prepared in cooperation with the Geological Survey, United States Deparnnent of the Interior December ,1953 •• J ~t< 06c... W -Z OO,-r '8 q3'= 'Y\.o\t;30b RECORDS OF WATER.=LEVEL MEASUREIY1ENTS IN LAMB COUNTY, TEXAS 1914 - 1953 Compiled by Co Ro Follett, Engineer Texas Board of Water Engineers December 1953 This bulletin contains measurements of the depths to water below land- • I • surface datum in 64 wells in Lamb County, Texas 0- A feyt measurements made in 1914 by 9.0' L·,o. Bak~r':and iI). 1936 by engineers, of the :Resettlement Adminis- tration are included in this bulletino . In 1937 an inventory of wat~r wells ,in Lamb .County i;ncl~ding depth-to- water measurements was made cooperatively by the United States Geological Survey, .~ the Texas Board of Water Engineers and the Work Projects Administration. Obse~- vation well~ selected in 1937 for water-level measurements, have been measured periodically since then as a part of a state-wide cooperative program with the Uo S. Geolo~ical.~urveyo . If m9re t~an one water-level measurement was made ,during a month, only the highest water level for that month ,is given. in this reporto The accompanying map shows the location of the observation wells with the well numbers assigned to them in the recordso Discussions of the water-level measurements, pumping, rainfall, recharg~, geology and other factors are given in reports referred to ,~ in the following list of publications. 2 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS ..'- ' ALEXANDER, WC) H. Jr., and BROADHURST, W0 L., Progress report on ground water in the Hi.gh Plains in Texas, 1942. * ALEXANDER,·W. H. Jro, and OTHERS, Progress report on ground water in the High Plains in Texas, 1943. * ALEXANDER, W0 H. Jr It, and LANG, J. W., Ground water in the H.igh Plains of Texas, Progress report noo 5, 1945. BAKER, Co L., Geology and underground waters of the Northern Llano Estacada: Univ. of Texas Bull. 57, 1915. * BARNES, J 0 R., ELLIS, w. C., LEGGAT, E. R., SCALAPINO, R a A., a11d GEORGE, W.O., Geology and ground water in the irrigated region of the Southern High Plains in Texas, Progress re~ort no. 7, 19490 g}~ound BROADHURST, W0 L., and ALEXANDER, W. H.' Jr., Progress report 011 water in the High Plains in Texas, 1944. BROADHURST, W. L., Ground water in 'High Plains in Texas, Progress report no. 6, 1947. --------, Records of wells in Lamb County, 1938. BURLEIGH, H. P., and WELLS, HoM., Preliminary report on the under·ground water supply of Plainview and vicinity, Texas, 1936. * HUGHES, :WILLIAM·F., .Cost· 'of ,pumping water.. J!or irrigation'Texas High Plaiiis,. 195·1.' 1.1 .' ::. JOHNSON, W. D., The High Plains and their utilization, U. S. Gee1. Survey 21st Ann. Rept., pt. 4, Hydrology, pp. 609-741, 1901; 22d Ann. Rept., llt. 4, Hydro-· graphy, pp. 637-669, 1902. * LEGGAT, Ei R., Development -of wells for irrigation and fluctuation of water levels in the High Plains of T~xas to January 1951, Bulletin 510~, 1951. MEINZER, O. E., and WENZEL, L. K., Water levels and artesian pressure in wells in the United states in 1937, U. S. Geo1. Survey Water-Supply Paper 840, 1938. , Water levels and artesian pressure in wells in ~t~h~e~U~n~i~t-e~d-S~t~a~t-e-s~~~1~9~3~8~,~u~.-s.Geol. S~vey~ter-S~~Paper 845~ 1939. , Water levels and arte.sian pressure in wells in -t~h-e~U~n~it~e-d~S~t-a~~-s~i-n~~~3~9~,~U~o-S~~~~Smreyht~-S~p~P~~OO6,'~~; , Water levels and artesian pre,ssure in observation ~w-e-l~1~s~i~n~t~h-e~U-n~it~e-d~S~t-a~t-e-s~i-n~1940,P~t 4, u. s. ~ol. S~veyWater-S~ly Paper 909 1J 1941. , Water levels and artsian pressure in observation ~w-e~1~1~s~i-n~t~h-e-U~n-l~·t~e~d~S~t-a~t-e-s~in~194l,p~t 4, u. S. Geel. S~veyhter-S~~P~er 939,' 1943.,. ., 3 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS MEINZsER, 00 Eo, and WENZEL, L. K., Water levels and artesian pressure in 'observa­ tion wells in the United States in 1942, Part 4, Uo So Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 947, 19440 , Water levels and artesian pressure in observ~­ ~-t-i-~~w-e-l~l~s~i~n~t~h-e~U~n~i~t-e~d~S~t-a~t-esin 1943, Part 4, U. S. Geol. S~veyWater-S~ly Paper ge9, 19460 SAYRE, Ao No, and OTHERS, Water levels and artesian pressure in obServation wells in the United States in 1944, Part 4, u. s. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1019, 19470 , Water levels and artesian pressure in observation wells -"""!"'"i-n-t~h~e""""'U""'n-i~t-e~d~S~t-a""!"'t-e-s-in1945, Part 4, U0 s. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1026, 19480 , Water levels and artesian pressure in observation wells --i-n-t-h-e-U-n-i-t-e....d-S-t-a-t-e-s-in 1946, Part 4, u. s. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1074, 1949. J Water leve~s and artesian pressure in observation wells .~ - ...i-n-·t""""h..-e.-..ol!!!u~n~i~t-e-.a~S!""'l"'t-a ...t-e-s-in 1947, Part 4, u. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1099, 19500 , Water levels and artesian pressure in 'Observation wells -~i-n-t~h~e.........U.....n-_i~t-e~d~S~t-a""!"'t-e-s-in 1948, Part 4, U. So Geql. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1129, 19510 , Water levels and artesian pressure in observation -w-e~ll~s-J.~·n---.t"""!"'h-e~U~n~i""!"'t-e~d~St~atesin 1949, Part 4, U. S. Geol. Survey Wate.r-Supply Paper. 1159, 1952 0 , Water levels and artesian pressure in observation -w-e......l ....ls-l-·n-t....h-e-U-n-i-t-e~d-S-tates in 1950, Part 4, Uo s. Geol. Survey Water-S~pply Paper 1160, 1952. WHITE, 'W 0 No, Ground water in the Texas High Plains, Texas State Bd. of Water Engr.o, Press r.elease, Apr 0 12, 19390 * WHITE, W. No, and OTHERS, Ground water in the H.igh Plain's in Texas, Texas state Bdo of Water Engro, 19380 * , Ground water in the High Plains in Texas, 1940, U. So --G-e-o~l-o -S....ur-v-e-y~W~a-t-e-r---S-up-p-ly Paper 889.;.F, 19460 , Ground water in the High Plains of Texas,Texas State -B~d-o-o-f~W~a-t-e-r~En-gr-o--,~1~94.-0 .... 0 * * Out of print. Copies available for references in most public libraries and at the Austin office of the Uo So Geological Survey. 4 Bu II etin 5306 LAMB COUNTY, TEXAS Texas Board of Water Engineers OBSERVATION WELLS in cooperation with rFebruory 1953 U. S. Geolog ical Sur vey I PAR MER COUNTY i 102°80' 'CASTRO,. 102°20' COUNTY 102°10' · _0I. ' ...... ~." . ,_. ~- -'. ~'" -'r:'"': ':-' -:-: '-:- '~4" 'ry -..... .-~·-·C'.:3'2L.-\-~~r'-~,rr-·,.--r~-.-~---...-_-T]~ ~~===-:f:O:&~~~Jp=:iI~-:F.' ";;;;;.=11 Do ., •, , p.' 7 q • • I) .. p' e i~" . 0 ..0 ~'! ~ ·"IIJ. ~ . 1& .) , ,R! ..=. • I to 1 .'. " ., •• }i • 0 I I re .• .11. j~ 0 rJt.... ~ 1" .' • ~ •/ ~'~_.. ~ o.~ ~13::i"'a~·"""'6e~.zq=~,~o::a:::+=-=~ . -. .11 Ill. 'B -~, - ~. '/, ;, " i- ·......~~_ ~~ ~ •'Cl .1. .' \' • ... • <ID ' CIl I..-!Ol) l ..... ' I/ C"'51'1 " I; b'6 A( 19 :~ ..~ ,...'- • i.' - :n'P, ~ '... , i ' 1'., ...'" G ,ll I' ~ Oi':ll \('. 38 . ~ :. 11ti.. ~ I. p 57d:.... ~. .-..;;w •. 1-/ .'11' .62 f' .\~~~ ~~.:~. I. • .e .' .... '\'W_~ ~' A':99·. ~~ .EARr.H,· • ~ ,- .• rIO" - fill· ... /. IV at .~ ~ ':~ >- r--QlIQ .. I J ~ ". .n. '...,.11 J~~L .... .aa ~, .60 ~ .. lb,l. " :- :~.... loA IUAOL.)eo ~ _.~_.~' ~ J41'~·· BO~ .,~ ~~~ ~ " ..v ....,y..,......... "'.. 4: ....... 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