Over 120 Influential Twitter Accounts Influential World Leaders President Barack Obama - @POTUS & @BarackObama Vice President Joe Biden - @VP & @JoeBiden The White House - @WhiteHouse Speaker of the House Paul Ryan - @SpeakerRyan Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell - @SenateMajLdr Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau - @JustinTrudeau President of France Francios Hollande - @Fhollande French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius - @LaurentFabius Government of Mexico - @gobrep British Prime Minister David Cameron - @David_Cameron Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull - @TurnbullMalcolm President of Brazil Dilma Rousseff - @dilmabr Pope Francis - @Pontifex Presidential Candidates Hillary Clinton - @HillaryClinton Bernie Sanders - @BernieSanders & @SenSanders Donald J. Trump - @realDonaldTrump Ted Cruz - @tedcruz John Kasich - @JohnKasich Marco Rubio - @marcorubio Ben Carson - @RealBenCarson LGBT Supportive Companies Amazon - @Amazon Netflix - @Netflix HBO - @HBO Google - @Google Toyota - @Toyota Chevrolet - @Chevrolet McDonald's - @mcdonalds Allstate - @Allstate BMO Harris Bank - @BMOHarrisBank Procter & Gamble - @ProcterGamble Starbucks - @Starbucks Coca-Cola - @CocaColaCo PepsiCo - @PepsiCo Nike Inc. - @Nike General Mills Co. - @GeneralMills The Walt Disney Co. - @WaltDisneyCo Morgan Stanley - @MorganStanley American Airlines - @AmericanAir Target - @Target General Motors Co. - @GM United States Military & Agencies Army - @OfficialUSArmy Navy - @USNavy Marines - @USMC Air Force - @usairforce Coast Guard - @USCG U.S. National Guard - @USNationalGuard U.S. Dept of Defense - @DeptofDefense Peter Cook, Spokesman for the Pentagon - @PentagonPresSec U.S. Justice Department - @TheJusticeDept Veterans Affairs - @DeptVetAffairs Celebrities and Trend Setters First Lady Michelle Obama - @MichelleObama & @FLOTUS Lady Gaga - @ladygaga Ellen Degeneres - @theEllenShow George Takei - @GeorgeTakei Tyra Banks - @tyrabanks Jimmy Fallon - @jimmyfallon Stephen Colbert - @StephenAtHome Jimmy Kimmel - @jimmykimmel Andy Cohn - @Andy John Oliver – iamjohnoliver Selena Gomez - @selenagomez Emma Watson - @EmWatson Stan Lee - @TheRealStanLee Pauley Perrette (NCIS) - @PauleyP Miley Cyrus - @MileyCyrus Happy Hippie - @happyhippiefdn Ricky Martin - @ricky_martin Ashton Kutcher - @aplusk Mayim Bialik - @missmayim Ellen Page - @EllenPage Bob Harper (Biggest Loser) - @MyTrainerBob Wanda Sykes - @iamwandasykes Kerry Washington - @kerrywashington Lena Dunham - @lenadunham Matthew Morrison - @Matt_Morrison Jane Lynch - @janemarielynch Neil Patrick Harris - @ActuallyNPH Russel Brand - @Rustyrockets Zach Galifiniakis - @galifiniakisz Kevin Smith - @thatkevinsmith Neil DeGrasse Tyson - @NeilTyson Mindy Kaling - @MindyKaling Jussie Smollet (Empire) - @JussieSmollett Jason Collins (NBA) - @jasoncollins98 Melissa Joan Hart - @MelissaJoanHart Transgender Notables and Leaders Jenna Talackova - @jennatalackova Janet Mock - @janetmock Carmen Carrera - @carmen_carrera Isis King @MsIsisKing Laverne Cox - @Lavernecox Candis Cayne - @candiscayne Alexis Arquette - @AlexisArquette Amanda Lepore - @Amanda_Lepore Jazz Jennings - @JazzJennings__ Caroline Cossey – @Caroline_Cossey Rose Venkatesan - @rosevenkatesan Chaz Bono - @ChazBono Laura Jane Grace - @LauraJaneGrace Media CNN - @CNN & @cnnbrk FoxNews - @foxnews MSNBC - @msnbc CBS - @CBSnews NBC - @NBC & @NBCnews ABC - @ABC ESPN - @espn BBC - @BBCworld The Associated Press - @AP Rachel Maddow MSNBC- @maddow Megyn Kelly - @megynkelly George Stephanopoulos - @GStephanopoulos Oprah Winfrey - @Oprah Robin Roberts -@RobinRoberts Anderson Cooper - @andersoncooper New York Times - @nytimes Huffington Post - @HuffingtonPost Washington Post - @washingtonpost Additional World Leaders on Twitter United State's Congressional Members on Twitter United State's Governors on Twitter Twitter's Top 100 Most Followers Twitter's top 100 Followed Actors/Directors Twitter's top 100 Followed Media/News/Publishing.
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