PRIMARY CARE COMMISSIONING COMMITTEE - OPEN MEETING Tuesday, 5 November 2019 10.00 am Wigan Borough CCG Boardroom - Wigan Life Centre AGENDA Agenda Item Time Presenter Pages/ Action Verbal Required 1 Chairman's Welcome Frank Costello 2 Apologies Frank Costello 3 Declarations of Interest Individuals will declare any interest that they have, in relation to a decision to be made in the exercise of the commissioning functions of Wigan Borough Clinical Commissioning Group, in writing to the Governing Body, as soon as they are aware of it and in any event no later than 28 days after becoming aware. 4 Minutes of Previous Meeting and Actions Frank 1 - 8 Approve Costello 5 Contract Options Appraisal: P92012 Jonathan 9 - 68 Approve Kerry 6 Practice Merger Application: Debbie 69 - Approve P92042/P92652 Szwandt 106 7 Standing Agenda Items Catherine 107 - 7.1 Finance Update Receive Johnson 118 Primary Care Commissioning Aaron 119 - 7.2 Receive Programme Update Barker 126 Alison Primary Care Quality Improvement Foster / 127 - 7.3 Receive Programme Update Debbie 138 Szwandt Claire Roberts / 139 - 7.4 Primary Care Transformation Update Receive Jonathan 150 Kerry Laura Verbal 7.5 NHS England Update Receive Browse Report 8 Any Other Business Frank Costello 9 Date and Time of next meeting Tuesday 7th January 2020 – 10am Wigan Life Centre – Meeting Room 17 Minutes of Primary Care Commissioning Committee - Open Meeting Held on Tuesday 3 September 2019 at 10.00 am in Wigan Borough CCG Boardroom - Wigan Life Centre. Present: Gary Cook Secondary Care Consultant, Governing Body – Chair (GC) Frank Costello Lay Member (FC) Linda Scott Director of Clinical Services and Primary Care (LS) Jonathan Kerry Senior Assistant Director of Primary Care (JK) Margaret Hughes PPG representative (MH) Catherine Johnson Senior Finance Manager (CJ) Ernie Rothwell Lay Member (ER) Laura Browse NHS England Representative (LB) Debbie Szwandt Assistant Director of Primary Care (DS) Jennifer Gammack Senior Assistant Director of Primary Care (JG) Aaron Barker Primary Care Commissioning Manager (AB) Nikesh Vallabh GP Representative (NV) Karen Parker Health Watch Wigan and Leigh (KP) Janet Kay WBCCG Primary Care Support Officer (Notes) ACTION 1 Chairman's Welcome GC welcomed members to the meeting 2 Apologies Paul McKevitt Rebecca Murphey Claire Roberts Stuart Cowley Stef Duerden Mick Hodlin 3 Declarations of Interest No declarations of interest were raised. 4 Minutes of Previous Meeting and Actions The minutes were approved and as a true accurate record. Actions 5.3 Completed Actions 5.4 In Progress Page 1 Resolved: The committee received the report 5 Standing Agenda Items 5.1 Finance Update CJ updated the Committee on the budget and clarifies the finance position to the members. The following was noted: CJ stated that Finance must keep an eye on Q3 & Q4 periods. There is potential a forecast overspend this year. The reserves are currently showing a negative figure due to funding the PCN budgets resulting in a shortfall; however this will be continually monitored throughout the year. Network roles issued in the 19th August guidelines from NHS England, there are some queries which will need to be addresses. A CCG claims form is due to be published. NHS England has a three- four year programme of work for auditing, Wigan CCG Primary Care Finance is the first to be accurate. More information to be provided to the members for the November meeting. QOF overspend is a positive outcome, once the QOF results/reports are produced they will be shared at the November meeting, we are hoping for more achievements. Resolved: The committee received the report. 5.2 Primary Care Commissioning Programme Update AB gave members an update on the Co Commissioning Programme. The following was noted: The APMS contracts are being monitored quarterly; there will be a further update for the November meeting. There is a change of a practice name. We have updated PCN Guidance. Updates roles. The PCN deliver additional winter appointments. There are 16,000 additional appointments from Primary Care Networks so we will see 100% coverage for the winter resilience. CQC visited Dr Anis there were no improvement’s from the first report. (to be continued in the closed meeting). Marsh Green has got an outstanding from the CQC Inspection. It was suggested that Marsh Green practice should be wrote to Page 2 congratulate them. NV. Raised a concern regarding the additional appointments, make sure the infra structure is in place with the I.T systems and ensure you have coverage, especially for the Winter Resilience. How will we all deliver this when some of us are on different networks? JG. We will have new AD’s from 1st November to 31st March. JK. There has been a Q2 review on the Primary Care Specification of the Commissioning Intentions, JK. To pick up with NV. Lessons learnt. Action: To share results of Q2 Review on the Primary Care JK Specification Commissioning Intentions. Resolved: The committee received the report 5.3 Primary Care Quality Improvement Programme Update DS provided an update on progress across the Quality Improvement Programme: September Update: Changes from the last report and areas of work covered. Linda Scott, Primary Care Director is now the Senior Responsible Officer for this programme of work Two replacement practice nurse positions have been filled and all SDFs. Have a lead nurse now. Dr Anis & Anis (P92012) remain in special measures, following the comprehensive re-inspection visit on the 30th May 2019, the CQC published findings on the 5th August 2019 and the practice received a second Inadequate rating. In addition, the CQC have also published the enforcement decision, which is a notice of proposal for cancellation of registration. The CQC findings have been escalated and WBCCG continue to work with the practice team and Wigan Local Medical Committee to manage the requirements in line with both primary care contracting and CQC process. There has also been one other CQC report published in this report period relating specifically to Wigan Borough Locality Practices; Marsh Green Medical Practice (Y02885) received an overall rating of “Outstanding”. This is one of the six APMS contracts procured in August 2018 and is an improvement from the previous rating of Good. Resolved: The committee received the report 5.4 Primary Care Transformation Update JK provided an update on to the Committee on the key areas being Page 3 progressed within the Transformation plan: Primary Care Networks (PCNs) As previously reported, the Primary Care Networks align to the 7 Service Delivery Footprints To support PCNs a development session has been held, supported by Capita & Primary Care Commissioning (PCC), to give support to PCNs on the challenges faced and to give them some space to work through in a collaborative session The workshop was well attended which we hope will be of benefit to PCNs and Practices in the delivery of specifications in the future, and we will look to hold similar sessions in the future to continue to support PCNs as they mature. Workforce and Training Funding that was previously received by the CCG from HEE to support workforce training have now been aligned to the Enhanced Training Practices (ETP) The ETP is currently Marus Bridge Practice in SWAN PCN, we will work with the practice to ensure that the funding still aligns to the aspirations of the Training Group and to support getting maximum benefits for the Wigan Workforce. The CCG has also been working with Community Healthcare Partnership (CHCP) to ensure that the opportunity to expand the Community Link Worker/Social Prescriber workforce through the PCN DES is not missed and builds on the current capability of CLWs and links into the Mental health teams too. Estates There are a number of schemes that are currently progressing: Ashton Health Centre is nearing build completion and we will then move onto commissioning and mobilisation of services before Christmas. Shevington Surgery has a revised set of plans and a Business Case is being developed to support the Practice and CCG understand the potential costs for progressing with the scheme. Coldalhurst Lane is awaiting confirmation from GM HSCP with regards to the potential extension/refurbishment. It should also be noted that the potential of a development to support Boothtown Practice has also been progressing, with a new developer engaged in the scheme and some positive conversations happening with appropriate stakeholders. Digital/Information Technology The work plan is focused on support the day to day requirements of General Practice as well as delivering a number of transformational projects to support future ways of working and getting the most from technology. Clinical Migration consolidation continues, with plans in place to have all but 2 practices standardised on 2 main clinical systems within the current Page 4 calendar year. Work continues to support the remaining practices to maximise clinical system potential and work within their PCNs. The Information Governance Forum has created a revised Information Assurance Statement to underpin sharing across the Borough. We have 50 signatories out of a possible 64 currently which is a positive position having only circulated last month. We are also looking at how to make the best use of digital records and use less storage space within practices to maximise space for clinical service delivery. This is being piloted in 3 locations and if successful will be developed into a full business case for wider rollout. It is expected that the pilot will run until around December. Resolved: The committee received the report 6 NHS England Update LB updated the committee on on-going work within the Partnership Claire Roberts (WBCCG) is to attend a Task and Finish Group, the intention of the group is to investigate how the monies flow.
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