THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. Nu3IBIF:R 5,307. VOL. XVIII. NEW YORK, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1890. 5. Thence running northerly for 208.2 feet more or less, to the point of beginning. This plot has been heretofore used in part as a hurying-ground. And hereby determines that one-half of the entire cost and expense of said proceeding shall be assessed upon the property deemed to be benefited thereby, and one-half upon the said City of New York. All of which were adopted by the following vote: Affirmative-The Mayor, the Comptroller, the Commissioner of Public Works, the President of the Department of Public Parks, the President of the Board of Aldermen-5. The following communication from the Department of Docks, relating to an exterior street from Sixty-fourth to Eighty-first street, on the East river, was presented and read : CITY OF NEW YORK-DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS, PIER " A " NORTH RIVER, NEty YORK, October g, 18go. V. B. LIVINGSTON, Esq., Secretary, Board of Street Opening and Improvement SIR-At a meeting of the Board governing this Department, held this date, the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That the Board of Street Opening and Improvement he and hereby is informed that the plan for an exterior street from Sixty-fourth to Eighty-first street, on the East river, provided for BOARD OF STREET OPENING AND IMPROVE• by chapter 697 of the Laws of 1887, as amended by chapter 272 of ,the Laws of 1855 and by chap- ter 257 ofthe Laws of 1889, was determined by the llcpartmeut of Docks on the 27th of June, MENT. 1889, and adopted by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund an the 2d of July, IS9o, and that the said plan is on file in the Department of Docks, and copies of the same certiticd and tiled, The Board of Street Opening and Improvement met at the Mayor's office on Friday, one in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works in the City of New York and one in tie office of the Register of the City and County of New York, and that the grades of said street have been October 17, i8go, at 2 o'clock P. at., pursuant to the following notice : fixed by the Department of Docks, with the concurrence ofthe Commissioner of Public 11'ork,, and OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF STREET OPENING AND IMPROVEMENT, a copy of same certified by the Board of :the Department of 1tock.s and by the Commissioner of ROOM No. Io, STEWART BUILDING, of Public \Yorks, has been filed in the Department of Public Works, in the office of the Secretary of NI:w YORK, October 14, 1890. State and in the office of the Register of the City and County of New York, as re lured by section SIR--You are respectfully requested to attend a regular meeting of the Board of Street Opening 4 of said act, amended as aforesaid ; and that the said lioanf of Street Opening and Impr„ventent and Improvement of the City of New York, to be held in the Mayor's Office, at the City I-fall, on of the City of New York be and hereby is requested to cause the necessary proceedings to be insti- Friday, October 17, 1890, at 2 o'clock P. M., at which it is proposed to consider unfinished toted to acquire title for the City of New York of all the property, rights, tcruts, easements, privi. business, with such other matters as may be brought before the Board. leges or interests required for the said exterior street as soon as possil,le, in order that the work of Very respectfully, improving this portion of the water. front may be proceeded with as quickly as possible. V. B. LIVINGSTON, Secretary. Yours respectfully, The roll was called anti all the members were present and answered to their names. AUciUS'l'l.' 'i,.I)OCfIARTY, Secretary. The minutes of the meeting of October 3, 18go, were read and approved. On motion, the matter was referred to the Coun=el to the Corporation irporair with the re hued that he The following report and resolutions, relating to the opening of a new park on the grounds prepare the necessary resolution, for adoption by this Board to carry into effect the resolution adopted known as St. John's Cemetery, in the Ninth Ward of the City of New York, were presented and by the Department of Docks. The f ll wing communication from the Department of public Parks, inclosing resolutions to read OFFICE OF THE lay out and extend East One Hundred and Seventieth street, from prospect avenue to Bristow street, BOARD OF STREET OPENING ANI) IMPROVEMENT. was presented and read Crry OF NEW Vt ,RK-DEPAI:TMFAT OF PUBLIC P:1RKs, To the Board of Street Openiszt,r and Improvement of the Cily of Mw York: COMDIISS[ONERS' OFFICE, -NOS. 49 .ANI) 51 CIiAaIP,ERs S1Rt'ET, SIRS-I have to report that on the 6th of October, 1890, at the office of the Clerk of the Board October id, 1890. of Aldermen, at the City Hall, in the City of New York, I have caused to be delivered to the Clerk of said Board, and left with him, copies of resolutions adopted by this Board on the 3d October, Mr. V. B. LIVINGSTON, Si'c,'c'lary, Board of Stre.•t Opening and Imfrovenawt 189o, copies of said resolutions being hereto annexed. They provide fur the altering of the map or SIR - I herewith transmit petition of l ranklin A. Wilcox to lay .,ut and extend East One Ifun- plan of the City of New York, by laying out and opening certain pieces or parcels of land, in the dred and Seventieth street, from Prospect avenue to Bristow street, and submit a nap or plan show- Ninth Ward of the City of New York, for the purpose of a public park. ing the proposed extension, also technical description thereof, and the necessary resolutions fir the I do also report that I caused to be published in the CITY RECORD the notice required by law, action of the Board of Street Opening and Impruvcutent. a copy of which, together with the proof of the publication thereof, is hereto annexed. It is recommended that the prayer of the petitioners he granted. Dated NEW YORK, October 17, 1890. The entire length of East One Ifundred and Seventieth street, including the prol)used exten- Very respectfully, sion, is about 2,500 feet. V. B. LIVINGSTON, Secretary. Very respectfully, Whereas, At a meeting of the Board of Street Opening and Improvement of the City of New CHARLES Di' I". RUINS, Secretary, I). P. P. York, held on the 3d October, i8go, the following resolutions were adopted by said Board : Whereupon the President of the Department of Public parks offered the f,llowing resolutions Resolved, That the Board of Street Opening and Improvement of the City of New York deem Resolved, That this Board deem it for the public interest to after the may or Ilan of Nit' York it for the public interest to take and acquire certain pieces or parcels of land, located in the Ninth City so as to extend and lay out East ( Inc l lun,h'ed and Seventieth street, front Proa ect avenue to Ward of the City of New York, for the purpose of a public park, pursuant to chapter 320 of the Bristow street, as a street of the first class, of the uniforut width of sixty feet, in the Twenty-third Laws of 1887, and to alter the map or plan of the City of New Yak, by laying out and opening Warrl of said city, said extension being more particularly described as f)l tons, : said pieces or parcels of land, for the sail purpose of a public park, the said pieces or parcels of Beginning at a point in the western line of hiristow street, distant 210.74 feet southerly from land being bounded and described ac follows : the intersection of the southern line of Boston road its western hi tie ,t iiristow street : thence Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Leroy street, distant 364.58 feet easterly from the I. Southerly ;thong the western line of Bristow street for 60 feet ; intersection of the southern side of Leroy street with the eastern side of Hudson street ; thence- 2. Thence westerly, deflecting to the right go degrees for 298.47 feet Running westerly along the southern side of Leroy street, for 364.58 feet, to the eastern 3. 'l'hence northerly, deflecting I16 d: • gee's 54 minutes 42 second, to the right fur 62.71 feet I. 'V'hence easterly for 280.23 feet to the point Of beginning. side of Hudson street ; 4. z. Thence running southerly along the eastern side of Hudson street, for 208.0 feet, to the And that this Board (propose to alter the map Or plan of New York City so as to lay out and northern side of Clarkson street extend said East One Hundred and Seventieth street as afutesaid. Resolved, That such proposed action of this Board he laid before the Board of Aldermen, and 3. Thence running easterly along the northern side of Clarkson street, for 340.62 feet, to the northern side of Carmine street ; that full notice of the same be published for ten clays in the Crry REcolu). And that the Secretary of this Board be and is hereby directed to tran.mit to the L'oard of 4.
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