THE HUTCHESONIAN 2015 VERITAS 1 THe HuTcHesonian 2015 conTenTs 2015 Team Editor William Byam Shaw Sub Editors Art and Cover Design Olivia Taylor from THe sTaff noTes communiTy Drama recTor 4 8 23 Melissa Rutnagur Music Elaine Duncan Anna Heywood Sport Katie Turnbull Kingarth Street Hector Ritchie Community/Trips s6 beyonD TriPs anD Amy Greig Creative Writing 30 HuTcHie 35 excHanges 38 Jamie Rodney Photography Professional Photography: JSH Pix, SNS Photography, YoungMedia, Warren Media. Sports Team Photography: cLubs anD Drama anD creaTive © The School socieTies 41 music 48 WriTing 55 Photography Company (www.schoolphotograp hs.co.uk) In-house Photography: Maria Campbell, Kate Flannigan, Anna Heywood (S6), Hutchesons’ Photography Club, Hutchesons’ Form & Year Tutors, KingarTH sPorT Prize LisT Gillian Tooth. Overview sTreeT 63 83 106 Miss Kate Marson Mrs Jane Ritchie Hutchesons’ Grammar School is governed by Hutchesons’ Educational Trust, Registered Charity Number SC002922 2 eDiToriaL o say that 2014 was a big year for Scotland would be a bit of an understatement. The Glasgow TCommonwealth Games was the starting gun that sounded Scotland’s stage-left appearance onto the world stage, with people from lands far and wide flocking to our nation to see what we had to offer, and they weren’t disappointed. For two weeks our country became an international hotspot – the perfect storm of contrasting cultures and integrating nationalities. Our city’s experience during this time can only truly be illustrated through one encounter I had during the Games: I was enjoying a nice walk through a particularly rainy Glasgow Green, before finding myself face-to-face with an athlete from the Malawian team: half- draped in his own country’s flag and clearly plied plenty with some of our country’s good whiskey, he was belting out “Scotland the Brave” at the top of his lungs, whilst also managing to take some selfies with the locals. The Games showed the world what we were about, and gave us all a healthy dose of national pride to tide us over to the next event in our jam-packed year. Almost as soon as the monumental Commonwealth Games finished, it was the 400th anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn, an event you may remember featuring in the film “Braveheart” about that Mel Gibson lookalike for writing speeches. By the time you’re reading this William Wallace. This was a historic event in our nation’s magazine a new British Government will have been history that deserves a place in our country’s collective decided and our country will be transformed, for better or consciousness. worse. With such an important event occurring only at the beginning of the year, we can surely expect much Up next was the main course, the pièce de résistance, more from 2015. the most prominent of our country’s footprints in 2014: the referendum. I won’t bore you with any of my While it’s easy to get lost in the sheer variety of own views on the “indy ref” (no doubt you’ve the events taking place in Britain, the activities at heard enough of those already) and in truth it isn’t our school match, nay, surpass that of the United the result that matters. What truly matters is that Kingdom as a whole. If you do end up reading on our nation was now thrust into the spotlight: be it you’ll hear all about the goings on at our school, at dinner parties, news conferences, or White the most prominent of which being the House addresses, we were suddenly the topic of establishment of the new Assembly Hall, which will conversation. For example, one member of the J8 house a number of events across the year and will group that went on a school trip to our partner be put to great use in the future. In addition school in Nitte, India (which you will hear to this you’ll hear all about the music about further on in this issue) was asked concerts and trips, the drama shows and numerous times about the situation in our competitions, our skill in sports, our country by several bright eyed talent in sciences, and so much more. schoolchildren. You undoubtedly won’t read all of it – you’ve most likely only picked this up It’s clear that 2014 was the year of the simply to look at cute photos of your Scot, with this leaving no small amount of children or embarrassing photos of pressure for 2015. However the oncoming your mates – but I would urge you to year will prove to be just as exciting, with at least give everything a look. the General Election injecting some Because if you do give us a chance, excitement into the political landscape of our you may be a tad surprised about time. You can find out more about the how little you knew Hutchie and, who election and indeed British politics in an knows, it might just make you feel exclusive interview with our own First ever so slightly proud. Minister Nicola Sturgeon in this issue, who also recounts to us the tips and tricks of William Byam Shaw S6 public speaking and her very own method 3 WHiLe iT’s easy To geT LosT in THe sHeer varieTy of THe evenTs TaKing PLace in briTain, THe acTiviTies aT our scHooL maTcH, nay, surPass THaT of THe uniTeD KingDom as a WHoLe. if you Do enD uP reaDing on you’LL Hear aLL abouT THe goings on aT our scHooL, THe mosT ProminenT “of WHicH being THe esTabLisHmenT of THe neW assembLy HaLL ... 4 from THe recTor in praise of english: a glimpse into the exam system magine for a moment you had ‘The marking of Close Reading is not been a pupil in S5 at Hutchesons’ a straightforward, mechanical task, Iin session 2012-13. but one which requires from the marker a considerable element of At precisely 9am on Monday 20th judgement in all but the most May you would have been sitting straightforward questions – and down in the Assembly Hall with 160 these are rare. In a typical allocation others in your year group and there will be over 200 different opening the first of the two Higher answers to every question. In order English papers you were sitting that to award the correct mark to each morning, this one on Close Reading. answer, you must be guided by the You would have begun by reading a detailed instructions which follow, by passage entitled ‘Addicted to the exemplification given at the shopping’, the first five lines of which Markers’ Meeting of how to apply are reproduced here: these instructions, and by your own professional judgement.’ This is a story about modern consumerism; it is being written And then they will consult the inside a mall. From my vantage point instructions specific to question 1(a): on a wooden bench purposely designed to be uncomfortable and There must be some attempt to use placed alongside a digital screen this article, to think about how you own words. Blatant lifts: 0 marks pulsing ever-changing adverts selling might answer the question! other outlets, other products, other Any two of the following for 1 mark ways here to spend, spend, spend, I ***** each: can watch shoals of people hurrying in and out of stores honouring the As a pupil you would remember your 1. retailers do not want consumers creed of the turbo-consumer: live to English teacher having told you that: to sit down and take a break shop. ‘Answers to questions testing from shopping (‘wooden bench ‘Understanding’ (coded U) must be purposely designed to be Then, turning your attention to expressed using ‘own words as far uncomfortable’) Question 1, you would see that it as is reasonably possible’. Where 2. positioning of bench to maximise was worth 4 marks and that it said: candidates simply quote from the marketing opportunities (‘placed passage, they gain no marks. alongside a digital screen’) Read lines 1–5. Answers to questions requiring ‘Analysis’ (coded A) are the most 3. use of technology to market products and to tempt (a) In what ways does the mall seem difficult to mark accurately and consumers (‘screen pulsing to encourage consumerism? consistently. Only genuine comment ever-changing adverts’) (2 marks, U) by the candidate is eligible for marks.’ 4. the mall offers diverse/seemingly (b) Show how the writer’s use of endless methods for consumers language in these lines This help comes from the Marking to buy goods (‘other outlets, emphasises the intensity of Instructions, which are available to other products, other ways’) consumerism in the mall. candidates on the SQA website. (2 marks, A) Later when a marker comes to mark And then, specific to question 1(b): your script they will be remembering And you would begin to write …. their further instructions from within Marks will depend on the quality of Take a moment now, as a reader of that same document: comment on appropriate language 5 feature(s). A single insightful highlights the narrowing marks on that, then you do a final comment on one of the following focus/determination of question worth 5 marks which asks may be worth up to 2 marks; more consumers as they shop in the you to identify key areas in which the basic comments will be worth up to mall passages disagree. 1 mark each. 8. ‘shoals’ suggests the vast number of people who are in the You have had 1 hour and 45 minutes Reference alone: 0 marks. Mere mall/ suggests that the to complete this paper.
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