0 March, 1902: FLT 5L r1 , ' ';', P9INTN't'• EDITORI AL. The Outlook — Holding the Winds -In Every. Country = Front the Fields L- In China - Under the _ I ' Law —in Othet longues =Death ,of a Worker — The :Annual Offering — Increase in. Home '. Funds ' ,The Haskell Home . raining School --:- GoOd Circulations— Our Mexican Health' Journal 90 ', •\ , (Illustrated)Doing Good.— The Simplicity of His Greatness , , GENERAL ARTICLES. 'The Anglo-Chinese" Academy (Illustrated) ' ;103'. Calcutta, India . , . - . '. ' ' 104, Natal (Illustrated) . ,, 105 ' Belgium ' ....' .. ' 108 Tidings frOni Helsingfors, Finland ('illustrated) 109 Medical Missionary Students in Foreign Fields 111- -The Message in 'Japan (Illustrated) ' 112 Kolozsvar, Hungary- • .,- . , ,. 114 e, . Our:Literatbre in AuStralia (Illustrated) - 115 Missionary Onportunities in Chicago ' . ' , , , 116 From Southern Russia Through ,Asia Minor (Illustrated) , 118 The Work 'Among the Mexicans of Atizona (illustrated) ' 121 ' .. We$ Coast Mission Field, Smith America (Illustrated) ,. 122. RenOtt from EurOpe (Illustrated) . 124. ilARCH STUDY' OF THE FIELD" ,' ' ' . ' \ 126- .- 'INCIDENTS' IN THE 'MISSION STORY.'.„ ," , ..t, iliSitionary, . Heroine 7,Telitgu Missionaries 127 CILIMPse* OF UNENTERED FIELDS.: ' ' The Herthit Kingdom = The Island of Guam —.Micronesia 129-, BUR MISSIONARY SANITARIUMS., --,' , The Bittie Creek Sanitarium and Hospital —.The Nevi England .Snnitariun —, Portland (Oregon) ' Sanitarium — Lone ' Star ' Sanitarium, Texas — Egypt :— Calcutta Sanitarluni —Jeritsalem, Palestine — Avondale Health Retreat—'The Electro-Hydropathic Institute — Kimberley,,, South ' Africa — Medical Missionary Work in the South — Alaska —.Vegetarian Dinners ., • ' ., ' 11.3i GLEANINGS "FROM OUR POST BAGS. ' . . fientsin, China= Among. the' Islands —Hamilton, Bermuda —Biazil — Micas del Toro, COlombia— ',Bridgetown, Barbados — Bonacca, Bay Islands = Cairo, Egypt — Santa Cruz, Jamaica — Tuna- , . puna, Trinidad — Georgetown, British Guiana , ' . • . The- issionary EdUcation of 'Children- (Fourth Sabbath Reading) , 141- ' Brief Mention . ,., 143 , PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE MISSION BOARD OF' SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS,,,, 267 W. I:lain St., Battle Creek, Mich., U. S. A. Subscription 75 Cents 50 Cents a Year. To Other Countries. • !LE VAR A,11.1111 The National Convention, Federation of Women's Citiba, meets at Los Angeles, May 1:to 8; 1902. • Round-trip .ticketsAngeles and Sn Franciscofom Chiëago,$g.ôo ,Deh r, $4O.00. On sale April,ritO!#;:,-; returithinit. June 25. Open to PAO 'ckroutes returning. California—a ii ti singing. bir an , apting. The . joUrOeitthither, through New exico aiidi.Atiiima, is arfieniorible One. see,Giand Canyon of'Arizona, World's. greatest scenic ,Vronder:, Tourists going eililier.tOckaporic ti etis ' ,ent weather in East may btiy . e• Pick Special accommodation for clu Women and their friends on the Cali- hest train for l!st tr-d.yeleab, daily, Chicago to Lo Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco.• _ . -Apply to Agents; The Atcbison Topeka & Santa Fe Railway. System, fordeseriptiee boc;Ics—" A Boiik for Club ' '.--.Worfeen,"":To patifernikand Rack," "Golf in California," A.ClimatM,MimeJe,r. sent for tea cents postage. • NEW YORC:377!BOadirair ; BOSTON 2 WathiOR- Mr•StIKONTREAC,QUE.j.L38 .'St. Jamtt. - El; A.'„it rCliestmit'St.,- DETROIT ; kviGnsitold Se.; AND, Willienison Bldg; CmiCn434413.-:' 1'7 alma. St,; • PITTSBURG. 402 Park Bldg.; 'ST: tOUIS, ' lir.Voorth St.; 'CIMAGO, xc Adiims St'.; . PEORIA, SoithSt.'. KANSAS CITY, Toth & Main Sts.; •.D • monvEsi3OS itvivitableBbk.; MINNEAPOLIS. Bidg•;,. Eir; xra.Liwrenen • .LAILE•CITY, Doo*Blk.; LOS ANGELES..,.; 200 Siring SAN .FRANCISCO, 6i Market St.; "SANTA BAR. B RA' 'State, ; GALVESTON, 224Tremorit'St; ,;246 Main St1. SAN ANTONIO, tor E. Corn. .;• 414N& K.:Piyoi St. " 1111 /I/ / .....rt... Cbt THE RUBEER- TYPE Is used by individuals..who wish to have the con- Milwaukee venience of setting up and printing any desired ay Chicago, til Railw METAL-BODIED RUBBER TYPE St. Pa THE ONLY "[CUR.., 1111,11,14,,LCAtl. TYPC OWNS RiKr" AND OPERATES OVER 6,690 Miles. of Thoroughly Equipped Road. Iowa • . 1,804 miles. Wisconsin . 1.670 " South Dakota . 1,225 " Minnesota . 1,129, " Illinois. 360 Upper Peninsula of Michigan 160 " Missouri . 146 " North Dakota . 118 " wording. It is made entirely A rubber, or with a Nebraska . , metal body and rubber face. The latter is the more expensive. Holders are furnished to cor- ELECTRIC LIGHTED TRAINS. respond with the amount of letters bought. Equipment and Service Unequaled. Prices from 15 cis. to $10. We offer none but what are' good. Send for catalogue. Time tables, maps, and information furnished on BUSINESS OFFICE SUPPLY CO., Limited application to Typewriters and Office Supplies F. A. MILLER, General Passenger Agent, Chicago. Battle Creek, Michigan Through First Class and MITTITI1111111 A TRIP OVER THE Tourist Sleeping Cars to MEXICAN CEN— TRAL RAILWAY California . presents more that is of interest to the pleasure seeker, man of business, and Oregon or invalid, than can be seen in a like Every Day in the Year between number of miles elsewhere in the world. Thermal springs, a climate Chicago, San Francisco like Indian summer, rich agricultural Los Angeles and Portland districts where the products of the via temperate zone and semi-tropics are raised side by side. Growing cities Chicago, Union Pacific and prosperous mining camps, and mountain and hillsides teeming with North-Western Line game, quaint and curious Indian A most comfortable and inexpensive villages, ruins, historic and prehis- means of making the trip overland toric, the most ancient and the most modern side by side. Lowest Rates ,* Finest Scenery The MEXICAN CENTRAL RAIL- Shortest Time on the Road WAY connects the Waters of the Gulf of Mexico with the Slopes of the Personally Conducted Pacific. Excursions lixcursion tickets on sale through- out the year. Write for book — every Tuesday and Thursday "FACTS AND FIGURES ABOUT from Chicago MEXICO." T. R. RYAN, Gen. Agt., 481 Broadway - New York 435 Vine St., - Cincinnati 328 Marquette Bldg.. Chicago. 601 CheetSt„Philadelphia 507 Smithf Id St.,Pittsburg W. C. CARSON, Eastern Agent, 368 Washington St.,Boston 234 Superior St., Cleveland 52 Broadway, New York. 301 Main St., - - Buffalo 17 Campus Martius,Detroit 212 Clark St., - Chicago 2E. King St., Toronto, Ont. C. R. HUDSON, G. F. & P. A., City of Mexico. JAPANESE FLOWER SELLERS. OUR WATCHWORD: " This Goebel of the Kingdom shall be ;Sreaehed in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." "THERE SHALL BE DELAY NO LONGER." MISSIONARY MAGAZINE, WITH WHICH IS COMBINED THE MEDICAL MISSIONARY AND GOSPEL OF HEALTH VOL. XIV. BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN, MARCH, 1902. No. 3, IR_ I A-1_, The Outlook. and to develop the work systematically in The situation in all the world-wide every land already entered. Workers are mission field to-day should stir us to offering themselves. The contributions such activity as has never before been show that the tide of missionary interest witnessed in the history of God's work is rising. No spasmodic effort will an- on earth. swer the call of to-day. We must pray and work as never before, for how can Holding the Winds. we be indifferent while angels that excel The angels at the four quarters of the in strength are exerting all their powers earth are holding the winds. The prophet to keep open for a little time our pathway describes it in the Revelation, in terms of service ? which indicate that all the energies of From the Fields. heaven are called into service in order to restrain the powers of evil, Now and Now and then we hear from laborers in various fields as to their earnest long- then gusty currents of hateful strife blow here and there, but the final Armageddon ing to get the work further forward with all speed on account of indications is held back. of less favorable times just ahead. For instance, Brother Town writes from Bue- Into Every Country. nos Ayres : " War talk is very strong All this is for the one purpose that the here just now, and before this reaches way may be held open for the progress you Argentina and Chile may be at it. of the Advent message. While all heaven This will make it more difficult to prose- has these many years been laying hold cute the work." Evidently the tension upon the world's wide door to keep it has subsided. The suggested danger calls, open, we must confess with grief that we attention to the fact that in many fields have been slow to enter. The time past where we might now have scores profit- of neglect must suffice us. The practical ably at work, the way may be very largely thing to do now is to plan definitely to closed at a later period. Years ago, be- open stations at once in every country fore our work had entered the remote where this message is not being preached, lands, reports of local wars or rumors of 100 EDITORIAL. wars had a far-away sound to our ears. the cause in this country, who have a Now every throb of the great world's knowledge of French, Spanish, Portu- pulse is felt directly in our work, and is guese, Italian, or other foreign languages. a signal to us to hasten on. There may be Bible workers or teachers having some foreign language at their In China. command who might be available for Our small work in China must be service at some time in other lands. Will vigorously pushed forward and increased not conference workers kindly take an if we would make up lost time. Now is interest in reporting such ? the time to work, too, for, according to the following observation of a Bible Society agent, trouble is certainly brew- Death of a Worker. ing: — Dr. John Eccles died at Bocas del " Thousands of boat-loads of small arms Toro, South America, January i8. Dr. and ammunition were passing weekly up Eccles had been living in St. Andrew's the Yangtse-kiang, and the arsenals were being enlarged an worked day and night.
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