POST-GAME NOTES Oakland Athletics Baseball Company 510-638-4900 | Athletics.Com | @Athletics

POST-GAME NOTES Oakland Athletics Baseball Company 510-638-4900 | Athletics.Com | @Athletics

POST-GAME NOTES Oakland Athletics Baseball Company 510-638-4900 | | @athletics OAKLAND ATHLETICS (0-2) VS. HOUSTON ASTROS (2-0) FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 2021 — OAKLAND COLISEUM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E Houston 0 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 3 9 14 0 Oakland 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 5 8 1 Win: Bryan Abreu (1-0) Loss: Jesús Luzardo (0-1) Save: None Game Time Temperature: 55 First Pitch: 6:40 pm Time of Game: 3:34 Attendance: 5,446 OAKLAND NOTES HOUSTON NOTES • The A’s have started the season 0-2 for the second time in the • The Astros defeated the A’s for the second consecutive night last three years (2019) and the 16th time in Oakland history. and are 2-0 to start the season for the 17th time in club history • Chad Pinder hit the A’s first home run of the season, a pinch (last: 2020). hit two-run shot off Brooks Raley in the seventh inning…it was • Bryan Abreu relieved Houston starter Cristian Javier with run- his fourth career pinch home run, which is tied for fifth most ners on first and second and two outs in the fourth inning and in Oakland history…the record is 5 (Burroughs, McGwire, Stein- tossed 2.1 scoreless innings for his first Major League win. bach, Aldrete)…it was his eighth career home run against the • Jose Altuve went 3-for-3 with two walks and four runs scored… Astros, which are his most against any team (also homered it is the eighth time in his career he reached base safely five twice in the ALDS last year). times in a game and three of those have come against the A’s, • Mark Canha was hit by a pitch for the 54th time in his career, including his most recent on April 7, 2019…scored four runs in a which ties Miguel Tejada for fifth most in Oakland history…the game for the third time in his career (June 29, 2016 at LAA; July record is 59 by Sal Bando. 9, 2017 at TOR)…is 4-for-7 with three walks and six runs scored • Jesús Luzardo struck out a career-high eight batters in 5.0 in- over the first two games. nings of work but also allowed five runs for the loss. • Alex Bregman homered for the second consecutive game to • Jake Diekman allowed three runs in his 2021 debut…surren- become the sixth player in Houston history to homer in each dered just two runs in 21 games and 21.1 innings all last year. of the first two games of the season (last: Correa in 2016)…had three RBI tonight after driving in two runs yesterday and is the HOME RUNS fifth player (sixth time) in Houston history with two multiple RBI games in the first two games (last: Maldonado in 2020). Player Inning Count RBI Location Pitcher Pinder (1) 7 0-1 2 LF Raley • Michael Brantley had three doubles in a game for the second time in his career (also May 3, 2018 vs. Toronto)…has four dou- bles over the first two games. • Cristian Javier retired the side in order in each of the first three innings before allowing two runs in the fourth…lasted 3.2 in- nings, which matched the second shortest start of his career (3.0, Aug. 9, 2020 at Oakland)…is now 0-2 with a 6.94 ERA in three career regular season starts against the A’s. • Joe Smith has pitched in each of the first two games and now has 784 career appearances, which are the most among active pitchers. HOME RUNS Player Inning Count RBI Location Pitcher Bregman (2) 3 0-0 2 LCF Luzardo Gurriel (1) 4 2-2 1 LF Luzardo ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ!"#$ÿ ÿ% & ÿ ÿ' ' ( ) % 0 12 3 4 556755856895 555755785%@8 ABC3 C(C33CDCCEF ABC3C(C33CDCCE F GHIPQRSÿ7U VWX8696555 5 7 5 88 r`a`SÿcdfrdV7W598855555855 UY`aIHRbSÿcd VeeXW76655 8 5 8 65 c`PYR`asSÿrdV97i688585 8 5 5 65 UYRfg`aSÿ6UVW55977558 6 8 857 ÿÿÿÿÿÿfjRgkSÿhSÿ wfcdVW5575855555855 hPipRYSÿqd V8969585556 5565 lHsaSÿ8UV7@e98785555898 rsYYR`Sÿtt V87WW555555 567W r`kg`aSÿSÿ6UV555655555 5 8 8 85 GHQ`YRuSÿvw V7W5W58855 5 5 6 55 sYRH`aSÿvwV555755555 8 5 5 55 xPYYyRHSÿ8U VWX868655 8 8 7 5 @5 ÿÿÿÿÿÿif yisIIbSÿ wfvwV555855555 855 55 tIY`Sÿrd V888W585555 5575 csYyRSÿ7UV666687555 5 85 77 `Hsa`sSÿrV555W55555 5 5 6 X5 GaYPSÿttV89695555555568 ÿÿÿÿÿÿ`QyRYSÿ V555555555 5 5 5 55 hsgSÿqdV55575555555875 ÿÿÿÿÿÿGYRPSÿUSÿ V555555555 5 5 5 85 ÿÿÿÿÿÿ`f yaRYSÿ wfqdVW5578855 8 7 5 8 55 ÿÿÿÿÿÿq`HRbSÿ V555555555 5 5 5 55 x`Yiy`SÿGYSÿrV555655555 5 8 8885 ÿÿÿÿÿÿtgyISÿSÿ V555555555 5 5 5 55 ÿÿÿÿÿÿcPu`YsSÿ V55555555555585 ÿÿÿÿÿÿh`bHsYSÿUSÿ V555555555 5 5 5 55 ÿÿÿÿÿÿtgyISÿUSÿ V55555555555555 ÿÿÿÿÿÿ YRHbSÿ V555555555 5 5 5 55 ÿÿÿÿÿÿqsgsSÿ V55555555555555 ('(')) 2 % ''12 ÿÿÿÿÿÿvyRpg`aSÿ V55555555555555 ÿÿÿÿÿÿmRaRHpRaSÿ V55555555555555 CDB ((%2 ' ' ' % ( 1 1) CÿÿUY`aIHRbÿ6ÿ9SÿcPu`YsSÿcPu`YsSÿvyRpg`aÿGHQ`YRuÿ7SÿqsgsV `fwsgRYRÿgsYÿhsgÿyaÿIRÿXIVÿftIYPipÿsPIÿgsYÿc`PYR`asÿyaÿIRÿXIVÿifxYsPaRÿsPIÿgsY 3ÿÿUYRfg`aÿ7Sÿ6YÿyaayafÿsÿcPu`YsSÿ7ÿsaSÿ5ÿsPIÿxPYYyRHÿ8Sÿ9IÿyaayafÿsÿcPu`YsSÿ5ÿsaS sYRH`aÿyaÿIRÿ@IV 5ÿsPIV CÿÿGHIPQRÿ6ÿGHQ`YRuÿ7ÿUY`aIHRbÿeÿUYRfg`aÿWÿxPYYyRHÿeÿtIY`ÿhPipRYV CDB 3CDÿÿUY`aIHRbÿ7ÿUYRfg`aÿ6ÿWÿxPYYyRHÿ8ÿhPipRYÿ6ÿ9V CÿÿlHsaÿ8Sÿh`bHsYSÿUV ÿ3CDÿÿUY`aIHRbV (Cÿÿc`PYR`asÿ8Sÿ`QyRYV 3" ÿ"ÿ#ÿ$ #ÿ&##ÿÿÿÿtIY`ÿ`Hsa`sÿ6ÿUYRfg`aV 3ÿÿ yaRYÿ8SÿXIÿyaayafÿsÿq`HRbSÿ8ÿsaSÿ8ÿsPIV EÿÿhPipRYV Cÿÿr`a`ÿjRgkSÿhÿc`PYR`asÿ6ÿcsYyRÿ7ÿlHsaÿ6ÿ yaRYÿ9V BDdFÿÿ`Hsa`sÿtIY`V 3CDÿÿc`PYR`asÿ8ÿsYRH`aÿ8ÿ yaRYÿ7ÿ7ÿ yisIIbÿ8V "eÿ3DEFÿÿ7fgsYf85V 3" ÿ"ÿ#ÿ$ #ÿ&##ÿÿÿÿGaYPÿlHsaV "eÿhCÿÿiV EÿÿsYRH`aV BDdFÿÿsYRH`aV D4hdDB "eÿ3DEFÿÿ5fgsYfeV dFÿÿrsYYR`fxPYYyRHV "eÿhCÿÿXV D4hdDB 4ÿÿlHsaÿ8SÿnRHyafV dFÿÿ7ÿGaYPflHsaÿcsYyRflHsaV 43DF343CCE3C 43DF343CCE3C `QyRY 9Vi86V7677 5 9 5 8W cPu`YsÿcSÿ5f8iV55WV5@WW 8 @ 7 79 GYRPSÿUÿmSÿ8f55V557V8855 8 8 5 @ tgyISÿU9VW57V5788 8 8 5 @ q`HRb W9V555V8877 8 5 8 6 qsgs 5V558V58558 5 5 9 tgyISÿÿwSÿ85V555V7555 5 8 5 6 vyRpg`a7XV555V7667 8 7 5 e h`bHsYSÿUÿwSÿ7eVXW8V5788555W mRaRHpRa5V555V8555 8 5 5 6 YRHb 5V558V5855 8 8 5 W 2')2%'')% %2%% ( 1' ( oFÿÿGYRPSÿUV DCCÿÿUYRfg`aÿbÿvyRpg`aV CFÿÿlHsaÿbÿ`QyRYÿr`a`ÿbÿtgyISÿV F#$!" #"ÿÿ`QyRYÿX6f9eÿGYRPSÿUÿ6Wf8iÿq`HRbÿ89fXÿtgyISÿÿ88fWÿh`bHsYSÿUÿ8Wf85ÿ YRHbÿ8ef85ÿcPu`Ysÿi7fWeÿtgyISÿUÿ65f8eÿqsgsÿ78f87ÿvyRpg`aÿ7ef8WÿmRaRHpRaÿ86fWV B pqÿÿ`QyRYÿ8fWÿGYRPSÿUÿWf5ÿq`HRbÿ5f8ÿtgyISÿÿ5f8ÿh`bHsYSÿUÿ7f5ÿ YRHbÿ8f5ÿcPu`Ysÿ7f9ÿtgyISÿUÿ8f8ÿqsgsÿ8f5ÿvyRpg`aÿ5f5ÿmRaRHpRaÿ8f5V C" ÿ$" ÿÿ`QyRYÿ8WÿGYRPSÿUÿ@ÿq`HRbÿ6ÿtgyISÿÿ6ÿh`bHsYSÿUÿWÿ YRHbÿWÿcPu`Ysÿ79ÿtgyISÿUÿ@ÿqsgsÿ9ÿvyRpg`aÿeÿmRaRHpRaÿ6V D!" #" ÿ " $ " ÿÿGYRPSÿUÿ7f5ÿmRaRHpRaÿ7f8V re&# "ÿÿw ÿGYy`aÿsasaVÿ8Uÿv`aÿURHHyasVÿ7UÿtR`aÿU`YRYVÿ6UÿUYy`aÿxsYg`aV s $#ÿE$ " ÿÿrYyÿhsg o"!" ÿÿWWÿRfYRRSÿ `YIHbÿrHsPb o# ÿÿ8XÿgkSÿlPIÿhsÿqd # ÿ&#$!ÿÿe95ÿ ÿÿ669 ÿÿWS99e A""ÿÿl`pH`aÿrsHyRPg & #ÿÿ' ÿ ÿ ÿÿÿ ! 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