First Practice ~--l Fair, Cooler lIawkeye Grldders Open Fall IOWA-;Fair, cooler In IOUth and Drllla Today ea t portions today; tomorrow See Story OJ' Pare 4 falr. 10 til a Cit,', Hornin, Netll,paper FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1940 l'IIe. 1oI11r- VOLUME XL NUMBER 290 4 'rs ot: pre­ con_ sUen' lored nlza_ lurch' : I : 111 been on: Accepts Presidency Nine Hour Raid laron Senate Instructs Committee Wreaks Havoc . eOn. ' In City's Heart P.m. John, ,To Fight House Amendment sUan .-------------------:------ Homes, Harborside k by; Devastated in Mass Final Phases Newly-Appointed S. D.I. President Attacks on Third Day .T.U. Draft LONDON, Sept. 10 (Tuesday) eters Of Bill (AP)-German bombers smashed To Return 'to 'Alma .Mater Dec. 1 hard and long at London last Now Reached ~--------------------------------------------- . night and earl today In n nine­ hour and two-minute raid that Pope Pius Sends Roosevelt Assurance demolished Office buildings In the Conscription Supporters v. M. Hancher very heart of this teeming cap­ He Cuntinues Efforts to Restore Peace ital and laid a swath of devasla Pleased at Result Named Head tion over homes and harborside Of Senate Action HYDE PARK, N. Y., Sept. 9 cun to bring about world peace_" in a third consecutive ali-nigh. )rts (AP)-An assurance from Pope Taylor also gave Mr. Roosevelt bombardment. WASHINGTON, Sept. 9 (AP)­ Pius that the vatican still strives infol'mation he had picked up By State Board The cop and rury of the on­ for world peace reached Presi- through the vatican, with its slaught were odmilt dly a'S gr at ster­ The peace-time conscription bill dent Roosevelt today three hours churc)1 connections in every Euro­ for moved on into the co nference after he signed a bill providing pean nation_ . White House offl­ Native Io wan and a graduate with two degrees from the Uni­ BULLETIN iver­ stage toduy, with senate conferees the biggest peacetime armament daIs did not discuss the tenor of BERLIN, Sept 10 (Tue8day) s fol' versity of Iowa, 44 year old Vir­ free-by a 48-19 senate vote-to fund in U. S. history. this data, but there was no de- (AP) - Berlin residents were W. A verbal message from the nial that the outlook for peace ap­ gil M. Hancher, prominent Chi­ fight the house amendment post­ cago attorney, will return to the drlyen to helter by a U-mln­ of pope was relayed to the chief ex- ,peared as gloomy as ever. ute all' raId alarm early today campus Dec. 1 to assume his new poning the draft for sixty days. ecutive by Myron C. Taylor, I Before seeing Taylor, Mr. as British bombers vi Hed the duties as president of his alma I the The situation was the result just back from Rome, where he Roosevelt had been wa d i n g metropolitan area. II be of a move by Senator Adams (0- was sent last fall as Mr. Roose- ; through a slack of official papers, mater. Authorized sources said that The announcement of the new -t of Colo) to cement that much dis­ v'elt's personal representative to 'among them the $5,25 1 , ~86 ,392 none of the raiders reached tlle' presiden~y was made yesterday te­ puted provision Into the measure 'collaborate willi his holiness in 'defense b{ll. • centra I ect10n of the city. at 9 by having the senate instruct its efforts to restore peace. The measl!re a;'rived only this Contacted at Ft. Dod.e last conferees to uccept it. Not only here Taylor made a report at a two- 'morning, lr~m Washington; -and nlrht by The -Daily Towan, Dr. as those of Saturday and SunddY did the chamber reje~t this move, rt ot hour lunCheon conference with the 'president- signed 'it within S, D. Chaae, president of the nigh Is, which killed 000 person and but it voted down, 44 to 23, a pro­ Mr. Roosevelt at the latter's fam- minutes aiter it was laid on his Iowa Alumni association made and maimed uncountl'd thousDnd _ posal that the coniel'ees be bound lIy' Home. Later, through Secre- 'desk. the toilowln. statement per­ l ,OOO -Pound Bombs 10 insist upon the senate-approved tary Stephen Early, the president . The legislation, Early said,' con­ talnin. to the appointment of The blasts of 800 and 1,000- draft age limits Of 21 to 30, in­ said the gist of the message from templates the largest expenditUl'e Hancher to the presidency of pound bombs, which ripp d away clusi yeo (The house figures are the pope was that "the vatican of any bill to which Mr, ROose­ the State UniverSity of Iowa: several rloors of bulldinas, were 21 to 44) . is dOing everything it possibly velt has affixed ' his signature. "On behaU of the Alumni al­ repeated. Final Phues soclatlon and mysell I wish io The alarm, ending at 5:40 a.m.. Thus, after weeks of contro­ say that we are very pleased as dawn drew near, was surpas - vefsy the drtl!t act had reached ·wlth ~ he seleeUon of the board. ed in length only by th nine­ ODe of the iinal \>hases of legis­ Republicans in Maine Sweep.' We feel that they have made hour and 40-mlnute Cllert of SUII­ lative action.' In conference, rep­ an Ilxceptional choice for he Is day night and Monduy mort1lng. rellentatives of the house and sen­ All Major Offices in Elec~i()n an Iowa man a"d understands . One tremendous salvo in south ale discuss the points on which Iowa people. We IIhall clve London threw debriS high In the \he bills of the two houses <\fe .-~----- ------- him our fullest cooperation and air_ II variance, and try. to bring GOP Candidate we are are .hU 'he boar". Bombers circled the city area. \lie into conformity. APt>roval/ 0 0 • Willkie Plans facolty, students and the I one of them at leD!!t rour lim • .01 their work OY . each branch IFar Ahead as Final people will do the same. Be II dropping the heaviest of bombs os sends a bill on to the White R C I Campaign Talk a man really suited tor t.he they went b tore veering off 10 House. elurns Olne n position." the fac or the frenzied anti-air­ The leading senate support- On Third Term, craft cannonading. ers of conscription were frankly PORTLAND, Me" Sept. 10 by George T. Baker of Davenport, The attackers Dppeared "on much pleased at the result of (Tuesday) (AP)-Maine republi­ RUSHVILLE, Ind., Sept. 9 (AP) president of the Iowa state board schedule" Monday night, et In­ the votes taken. Since the sen­ cans apparently scol'ed a clean -AItel' a brief talk with Henry (See HANCHER, Page 6) ' cendlory flares to light the tar­ ate had refused to say that its geu of those to follOW, and strUCK conferees should accept the 60- sw~ep of all of the . five major 'Ford, Wende\! L. WiIlkie an - P f T B-II hard at the Th ames-side wharve day postponement amendment, offIces at stake as final returns nounced tonight that his first ro its ax I and warehouses. Then the raid poured in early today from this VIRGIL MELVIN HANCHER they were inclined to argue that major campaign address next seem d to be marking time. It also had told the conferees to There was less of the mass bom­ state's first-in-the-nalion election. Monday at Coffeyville, R an., Near RevI- ~~I- on • reject it. As the unofficial tabulption bardment to which London hoo Senate Bill would interpret "the diffel'ence climbed toward the two-thirds b t h'l h f f become accustomed Saturday and At any rate a conference com- ', e ween my p I osop Y 0 ree - RUlllania BeCOlDes Nazified Sunday nights and which killed a\ mittee composed entirely of men mark, the electlon of the repub- , d th ·t f th Chairman HarrIS· on enterprise an a 0 e new ' least 600 persons and maimed who voted for the senate bill was hcan. gubernatonal,. nominee was I ISM won G thousands. appointed to negotiate with the conceded by his democratic op- deal." ays easure 1 0 But long aller midnight the agents of the house. The senate ponent, while Rep; Ralph O. The re~ubJican preSidential i To Senate Tomorrow Italy Attacks Former KinO" Latvs Decrp-ed pace stepped up steDdily, and tho conferees are Senators Sheppard Brewster the G.O.P. choice (or the nommee saId that the speech authoritative British Press associ­ D-Tex), R c y n 0 Ids (D-NC), U.S. sen~te held an ap;Jarentiy would tie in domestic issues with WASHINGTON, Sept. 9 (AP) British F lee t S k R f 0 A g a ins t Je1VS; ation said it reached tne pitch or Thomas (D-Utah), Minton (0 - insurmount~ble lead of 31,000 international affairs. He also dis­ ~The senate finance committ(!c At Alexandria ee s e uge Sunday night's onslaught- ac­ Ind ) Austin (R-Vt) and Bridges votes over FO I'mer Governor Louis cussed that one of the talks on virtually completed today its re­ Property Taken knowledged to have been the worst (R-NH). J, Brann, the democratic nominee. his western tour would take up vision of the house-appl'oved ex- in the capital's history. Sheppard, chairman of the mil- In the three contests for seats the third term issue_ cess profits tux bill, with last ROME, Sept.
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