[it , V'i ' f'. > . T . *■'■■■ ' ■ t CHENEY oimAirr SATURDAY, APRIL 8, IMS' Ati PAGE TWELVE iSmtrtiPBtrr lEornitiQ l|rraUt cannot beast ot 0 , 4 9 9 DRIVING SCHOOL long as attttadso of that sort Hollister Street Teacher BaU Tickets exist. EINAR MMAMtONRON About I'own Heard Along Main Street "Many paopla wtfl not ramam- an DoalAWntrsi U rn ber. and more cannot know, of tha Writes Stories for Radio Are limited Cnse Ihken at U ty Cak Vo. 'Mtmekeeter A CUy o f VtUoge Charm Mn. M in ri P. **cY«jr tf ** meeting of Josephine HUla and And on Some of Manchester's Side Streets^ Too thU writer, la tha coluaiaa of The nowar Mtxott, wbo hM b#«i Ur lit TELEPHONE 5141 htr lu T i tor tho p«»t thr«« w#«k*, Maachastar Herald, away back In The kldi want Chsatscl YOL. LXVXL, N a IM m Pkae ig) MANCHESTER, CONN,. MONDAY, APRIL 5.1948 IM I. We said 'mat,' wa mean Capacity Nearly Reached (FOURTEBN PAGER) nu d ARmcBimij la Aowlnc tmprovamant chiita a larre number of Man-aaldewalk. She ptckad It up and •’Cheater, the Curieos OaoMr le Quite a 1^ Florida found that it contnined aomc collided, but vlolenUy, and a word For Soddl Event Next --------------- -- A r a . battle ensued In which no holda the ercatten of Mlm Sytvta Claflla, n o Tootli FWlowrfilp of the teacher In gradee U and H I at tha ■ouUi Katbodlat church uill meet were barred. And whan tha smoke Friday N ight ROTCmLLBR OR I^aaon X t oV ttem uaually waa a name and an addreea. had cleared away, though wa did HNUster Street SdwoL Cbeotet'a U. S. RoadbloA in BerUn Sector ^ i « arantin ut 7:S0 at the church. ARIENS ‘nLI.ER vacation In the vicinity of SL | ThU honeat flndcr mailed the not know each oUiar parsoiudly, wa adventuree wera hrea iceat en Rsetrvatlona for tha annual 20 Persons Slain Petersburg and there U ummlly MUfold to Its owner. Sunday were destined to meat face to fbea, FOR SALE I t e Fadaratei] Oanlan Clu**"®* Uncle Baa’a Story Land on Statlen Maqonle Ball to ba bald In tha Soviet Fighter Plane the atata announce Ita fourtn oulte s colony of Mancheater folka: there came a knock on the flnder’a by means of a Herald advartlaa- Bath bi A-l OoMIttoa in the Sunshine Oty. Manchea-. door. There atood a mother and ment. no leas, just 15 years later, WTHT at SHM Bjn. for two wacfea Ihmpla lodge room liaxt Friday eouna ot fiowar ahou’ Judipnjr. baglnntag on March E SInoa that April S t » . ot the New Haven t>r »et tocethcra In the gulf city her two chUdren, the mother car- in 1M«. Tha result of that msH- night will ba at th} capacity well John S. Wtokott and Smi mg was a frlandahlp that haa time Mlaa OUflln haa bean detag ISfi Mata M n c t As Police Strike T .^ C J U Howe atreet, with aev- «re frequent. | «* * shorter storlee’^ for the program, in advance of the date for the •ral outatandln* apeakera and an Tslklna to Home of thoae who! Bowera. rro'wn stronger aa time goaa on. "So, once mors. The Herald can but children have been w r it i^ to ■oclal event, CSmlrman Jamee exhibit of table arranirementa and have retimed w. beard / " V demand more about the camel and Crashes into British take a pat on tha back, R not only Maher stated today. 'Shis year It flower plctnree for Judglnfl. PHmm rrmRrk that he had aeen a that toare la aa aooaat peraon Chaster cornea back to the pro* ^ a r a t Peteraburg where; here.” said the woman, who had brings the world to ua. It also gats la neceeeary to limit the number In Egypt Today gtam on Monday. April S. DUncheater Aaeembly, O r d w ^ M n y thouswds of Mkncheater taken tlw trouble to expraas her IIS acquainted with our own Mlaa ClafUn, who has been teadi- of dancers because of the fire law Rainbow for Olrla. haa been invited Z la r s are buried. Knowing thatjthanka thU w ^ townspeople whom wa might narar to attend the 10:45 morning wor- meet otherwise. That Is a real tng In Manchinter fCr the poet rostrictloB. Thoae who have not many pirate treasures are ■“ PP®** three yeara, has been arritlim for ahlp aervlce Sunday at the South A man and woman wera In a lo­ service, as we see It. yet oiada raaorvatians a n urged FILMS Seven Policemen and 13 Transport at Berlin! ed to be buried on FloridlM cbildrdh for some time. Her a l^ ea , Mcthodlat church. Rainbow girla cal dining plane the other night Thank you so much, for vahia contact Seeretary-TYeasurer DEVEI.OBKD AND 3 Candidates shores we w’ondered what be ble space. Mr. Editor, and to that poems, and songs with nmsle of Qvlliana Killed in Alex­ art obuAted to attend church, un- meant about Manchester treasure They aeemed to bo enjojrlng them- fitewart Kennedy immediately. PRINTED leaa for lllneaa or another po™ distinctive and interesting Heard her own com position have been being buried there. aelvea. The orchestra waa playing printed In such magaxinea aa CStairman Maher le being ae- 24-HOUR SERVICE andria; Scores Are reaaon. They are requeetcd to soothing music. Bat, when the Along, may we wish every suc- An 14 Persons Aboard Asked what he meant the local American Childhodd and ChUdren’e alated in arranging tor the ball by Face Primary meet at the church at iv>on after waitress brought the cheek to the Pitin Deponit Box Wounded; Mo're Than Overhaul Veto Has Head Start 10:16 aa convenient. man said "Oh. we took a drive ■Sincerely youra, AcUvRlea. While aha waa teaching tha following commltteea: V ik in g tmd P i b l o f day out to look over Seminole Be­ couple, things Changed. The man's ” E. Ruth Britton. in Southbrldga, Maeoachusatta, At Store Entranes wrath was not diagulaed. He told Secretary-treasurer, Stewart R. 100 Bnildinga Bum In Wisconsin Russian Craft PcriUi; The Italian-American Athletic ta tea” . March 31, IMS she wrote the words and muale Sylvia ClafBa Kennedy. Move Backed the watreaa he objected to the 16 tor oeveral operattaa which wore As Mobs Terroriie Qty Club wUl hold Ita monthly meet­ Mention of Seminole 18 Laurel Place Muoie committee, W. Stanley cents added to the check for the iTanchester, Oonn. produced by the chUdren In her star, roll from her typewriter with Two Americans Am onf ing Monday. April 5, at the Ital­ Isn’t exactly pleasing to a lot^ of amusement and entertalnnMnt tax. BroadweU, HaroM'W. Lavaaway. KEMPS ian-American Cltib on Eldrldge school. oueh ease that aha can readily coro- Qioice of Voteik Lies Manchester residents. The es­ The watlreaa said that It was ne- Alexandria, Egypt, April 6. By Senators Victims; Inddent Slin atreet. Important mattera per­ Lost year Mlaa ClafUn was asked Mna tha Writing with her teaching. Refreohment committee, Gra­ tates” U, or was. an area near ceaaary to charge the tax after Re-assignment of mall carrier taining to the aofthall team are to to dramatise a story for the radio Mies Claflin’B pupils at Hollister ham L, Clark, William C. Bray, —(/F)— Seven policemen and Between MacArthur, New Tension Jnst aa 8t. Pete, Bome of it on land and nine in the evening. The man con­ routes end changes In ths dlatrlbU' 1,0 dlacuaaed. Ail membera are some under the water which waa Uon system are designed to expe­ station but had t® refuse, aa the School are well aware of her Fred Lewie, W. Stanley Broa^ 18 civiHana were slain in Stassen and Dewey; tinued to object and Inatsted upon UnM for rshaaraala would taka too ablHty and frequently ask her to welL Potent Bloc Behind De­ Feeling Being Eased: urged to attend. to be developed aa a auper-su^r aeelng the manager. The matter dite postal delivery In town. Tha Alexandria today aa a police resldenUal colony. Moat of the change-over Is now In prooeea. much time from bar school work. ten one of "the stories you make Decorating committee, Frank 27 Delegates at Stake waa explained and tho Cheek waa This year's erriea of atorlen hew- up". Crawahaw, Elton A. Johnson, ■trike left Egypt’s second mand for Change Report ‘Wings Hit money for the development paid. cauaa many of the post offloa em­ raised through sales of both stock ployes are on new jobs It neceaaar- Alexander T. McEkrtde, Nila Shan' largest City terrorized by With OP W ithou t Persona patronising dining plac Milwaukee, April 5.—(F)—Wis­ Two U. S. MPa stand by with i aa h Qennan goSeeaMn eheelia gaga ot ga and building loU to people Hring lly slon-s up the work until tha again herewith in case any others Plantation Settled at Plymouth, nlng and C. Harry Shennlng. KNOFLA looting mebs. Scores vAre Berlin, April 6.—<ff>—A ea where there la entertainment of Ladles’ room, J < ^ L. Von Deck. consin voters, fed 4a unvarying driver nt n rendhiock In tke BerSa i Wonnoee. The check getat Is la » U. S, sector Consent of Rnssiana Relief at Last in and near this town. There pew system can operate smoothly. wish to write to her: la New England.” 1623: ’wounded. More than 100 deoe to the boundary ot the Raseloa Soviet fighter smashed into a was scarcely a person in town who any kind should remember that the Some post offlcs box patrons wlU Mlos Aana-Marla Braun Check Room committee, Holgar get-tougfa-wlth-Ruaath diet, coU dM M ala highway leadiag frara tha S.
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