AmericanMineralogist, Volume 73, pages 1502-1519,1988 INDEX. VOLUME 73. 1988 Abbott, R.N., Jr., C.trrr.Burnham: Polytypism in Bailey, S.Itr., see Peacor, D.R., 876 nicas: A polyhedral approach to energy Baldwj-n, D,K., see Edgar, A.D., 524 calculations, 105 Ba11, D.G.A., see Robin, P.F., 253 Abrecht, J.: Experimental evaluation of the Barton, M., C. Van Gaans: Formation of or- MnC03 + Si02 = I4nSiO3 + C02 equilibrium at 1 thopyroxene - Fe-Ti oxide symplectltes in kbar, 1285 Precambrian intrusives, Rogaland, southwes- Abrecht, J., D.A. Hewitt: Experimental evidence tern Norway, 1046 on the substitution of Ti in bi-otite. 1,275 Batiza, R., see A1lan, J.F., 74I Afifi, A.M., E.J. Essene: MTNFILE: A microcom- Bayliss, P., A.A, Levinson: A system of puter program for storage and manipulation of nomenclature for rare-earth mineral species: chemical data on minerals. 446 Revision and extension. 422 Ahn, J.H., D.M. Burt, P.R. Buseck: Alteration of Belkin, H.E., G. Cavarretta, B. De Vivo, F, andalusite to sheet silicates in a Tecce: Hydrothermal phlogopite and anhydrite pegmatite, 559 from the SH2 we11, Sabatini volcanic dis- Aizenshtat, 2,, see He11er-Kal1ai, L., 376 trict, Latj,um, Italy: Fluld inclusions and Akizuki, M., K. Harada: Symmetry, twinning, and nlneral chemistry, 775 para11e1 growth of scolecite, mesolite, and Be11, D.R., see Edgar, A.D., 524 natroli-te, 613 Bernstein, L.R., see Ross, C.R,, ff, 657 Akizukl, M., H. Nishido: Epistilbite: Symrnetry Bethke, C.M., see Altaner, S.P., 766 and twinning, 1434 Bethke, P.M., see Altaner, S.P., 145 A11an, J.F., R.0. Sack, R. Batiza: Cr-rich Bettison, L.A., P. Schiffman: Conpositional and spinels as petrogenetic j-ndicators: MORB-type structural varlations of phyllosili.cates frorn lavas from the Lamont seamount chain. eastern the Point Sa1 ophiolite, California, 62 Pacifi.c, 74I Bhattacharya, A., A.C. Mazumdar, S.K. Sen: Fe-Mg Al1en, F.M., P.R. Buseck: XRD, FTIR, and TEM mixing ln cordierite: Constraints fron studies of optically anisotropic grossular natural data and implications for cordierite- oarnat< S6R garnet geotherrnometry in granulites, 338 Altaner, S.P., C.M. Bethke: Interlayer order in Bhattacharya, R.N., see Ganguly, J., 901 i11ite/snecrite, 766 Bianchi, R., T. Pilati, V. Die11a, C.M. Gramac- Altaner, S.P., N. Vergo: Sericite from the clo1i., G. lvla.nnucci: A re-examinatlon of Silverton caldera, Colorado: Discussion, thortveitite, 601 L472 Bish, 0.L., see Post, J.E., 861 Altaner, S.P., J,J. Fitzpatrick, M.D. Krohn, Bish, D.L., see Veblen, D.R., 677 P.M. Bethke, D.0. Hayba, J.A. Goss, Z.A. B1adh, K.W., see Jambor, J.L., 927 Brown: Amrnonlurnin alunites, 1,45 B1oss, F.D,: Presentatj,on of the Roebling Medal Andersen, D.J., D.H. Lindsley: Internally con- of the Mineralogical Society of America for sistent solution models for Fe-Mg-l4n-Ti 1987 to Gerald V. Gibbs, 668 oxldes: Fe-Ti oxides, 7L4 B1oss, F.D.: Memorial of D. Jerome Fisher, 925 Andersen,D.J., see Frost, B.R., 727 B1oss, F.D., see Gunter, M.E., 1481 Angel, R.J.: High-pressure structure of Boak, J.L., see Dynek, R.F., 547 anorthite, 1114 Boggs, R.C. : Calciohilairite: CaZrSi3Og.3H2O, Anovitz, L.M., E.J. Essene, lrl.R. Durham:Order- the calcium analogue of hilairite from the disorder experiments on orthopyroxenes: Golden Horn batholith, northern Cascades, Implications for the orthopyroxene Washington, 1191 geospeedometer, 1060 Boland, J.N., see Konings, R.J.M. , 754 Appleman,D.E., see Post, J.E., 1401 BoulEgue, J., see Stouff, P., 1162 Arima, M., see Edgar, A.D., 524 Bowles, J.F.W.: Definition and range of composl- Armbruster, T., R. Oberh2insli: Crystal chemistry tion of naturally occurring ninerals with the of double-ring silicates: Structural, chemi- pseudobrookite structure, 1377 cal, and optical variation in osumilites, Brothers, S.C., see Dymek, R.F., 547 585 Brown, 2.A., see Altaner, S.P., 745 Armbruster, T., R. Oberhdnsli: Crystal chemj-stry Bryndzia, L.T., O.J. Kleppa: High-temperature of double-ring silicates: Structures of reaction calorimetry of solid and liquld sugilite and brannockite, 595 phases in part of the quasi-binary system Aurisicchio, C., G. Fioravanti, 0. Grubessi, Cu2S-Sb253,707 P.F. Zanazzi: Reappralsal of the crystal Burke, E.A.J., see Hawthorne,F.C., 189 chemistry of beryl, 826 Burke, E.A.J., see Jambor, J.L., 1492 Burnham,C.W., see Abbott, R.N,, Jr., 105 Bacon, C.R., M.M. Hirschmann: Mg/l4n partitioning Burnham,C.l.rl., see Pj-nckney,L.R., 798, 809 as a test for equili-brium between coexisting Burt, D.M.: Planet Alsioff: A problern set for Ie-I1 oxades. )/ students of phase equilibrla or metarnorphic Bailey, S.W., see MacKinney, J.A., 365 petrology, 936 0003-o04x/88 / | | 12-r 502s02.00 r502 AUTHOR INDEX, VOLUME 73, I988 1503 Burt, D.M.: Planet Alsioff: Solutions to Craig, J.R., see Johnson, N.E.' 389 problems posed in the previous issue, 1201 Criddle, A.J., see Dunn, P.J., 4O5, 4I3 Burt, D.M,: Stability of genLhelviLe, Criddle, A.J., see Rouse, R.C., 643 Zn4(BeSi04)35: An exercise in chalcophilicity using exchange operators, 1384 Daddar, R., see King, R.trrr., 424 Burt, D.M., see Ahn, J.H., 559 Davidson, P.M., D.H. Lindsley, [,'l.D.Carlson: Burt, D,M., see Kortemeier, W.T., 507 Thermochemlstry of pyroxenes on the ioin Burton, B.P., P.M. Davidson: Order-disorder in Mg2Si206-CaMgSi206: A revision of the modef ornphacitic pyroxenes: A model for coupled fnr nressrrres rrn to 30 kbar, 1264 substitutlon in the point approximation-- Davidson, P.M., see Burton, B.P., 916 Reply, 916 de Camargo, M.B., S' Isotanl: Optical absorption Buseck, P.R., see Ahn, J.H., 559 spectroscopy of natural and lrradiated pink Buseck, P.R., see A11en, F.M., 568 tourmaline, I72 Buseck, P.R., see Hassan, I., 119 de Gennaro, M., see Franco, E., 420 Buseck, P.R., see Sharp, T.G., 1292 DePaolo, D.J.: Acceptance of the Mineralogical Society of America Award for 1987, 674 Campana, C.F., see Hughes, J.M., 181 De Vivo, 8., see Belkin, H.E., 775 Cannl11o, E., F. lLazzi, G. Rossi: Crystal struc- Die11a, V., see Bianchi, R', 601 ture of andremeyerite: BaFe(Fe,Mn,Mg)Si207, Drexler, J.W., see Hughes, J.M., 181 608 Duesler, E.N., B.C. Chakoumakos,E.E. Foord: Carlson, hl.D.: Subsolidus phase equilibria on Zirnbabweite, Na(Pb, Na, K) 2As4(Ta, Nb, Ti ) a0te' the forsterite-saturated join Mg2Si206- an arsenite-tantalate with a novel corner- CaMgSi206 at atmospheric pressure, 232 linked octahedral sheet, 1186 Carlson, W.D., D.H. Lindsley: Thermochernistry of Dunn, P.J.: Protocols for scientists on the pyroxenes on the join Mg2Si206-Cal4gSi2O6, 242 deposition of investlgated rnineral Carlson, lrl.D., G.R. Rossman: Vanadium- and specimens, 1480 chromium-bearing andalusite: Occurrence and Dunn, P.J., D.R. Peacor, A.J. Criddle' C.J. optical-absorpti-on spectroscopy, 1366 Stanley: fngersonite, a new calcium-manganese Carlson, I4r.D., J.S. Swinnea, D.E. Miser: antimonate related to pyrochlore, fron'' Stability of orthoenstatite at high tempera- LSngban, Sweden, 405 ture and 1ow pressure, 1255 Dunn, P.J., D.R. Peacor, A.J. Criddlet C.J. Carlson, W.D., see Davldson, P.M., 1264 Stanley: Filipstadite, a new I'4n-FeJ+-Sb Carmichael, f., see Kress, V.C., 1267 derivative of spinel, from L8ngban, Sweden, Carpenter, P,K., see Llilliams, L.B., 1457 4r3 Carro11, M.R., M.J. Rutherford: Sulfur specia- Dunn, P.J., J.D. Grice, F.J. Wicks' R.A. Gault: tion i.n hydrous experimental glasses of Paulkellerite, a new bismuth iron phosphate varying oxldatj-on state: Results from mineral from Schneeberg, Gerrnany, 870 measured wavelength shifts of sulfur X-rays, Dunn, P.J., J.D. Grj-ce, W.C. Metropolis: 845 Zodacite, the Mn analogue of nontgomeryite' Cattl, M., G. Ferraris, G. Ivaldi: Thermal from Mangualde, Portugal, II79 behavior of the crystal structure of stron- Dunn, P.J., C.A. Francis, J' Innes: A tian piemontite, 1370 rncgovernite-1i.ke mineral and leucophoeniclte Catti, M., see Ivaldi, G., 358 from the Kombat mine, Namibia, 1182 Cavarretta, G., see Belkin, H.E., 775 Dunn, P.J., see Peacor, D.R.' 632' 838' 888 Chakoumakos, 8.C., see Duesler, E.N.., 1186 Dunn. P.J., see Rouse, R.C., 643 Chakoumakos, B.C., see Lumpkin, G.R., 1405 Durham, W.R., see Anovitz, L.M., 1060 Chakraborty, S., see Ganguly, J., 901 Dutrow, B.L,, see Holdaway, M'J.' 20 Chappe11, B.W., see lalhalen, J.B., 28I Dyar, M.D., M.T.^Naney: Effects of quench Christy, A.G.: A new ?c superstructure in beryl- methods on FeJ+/Fez+ ratios: Reply, 1479 lian sapphirine from Casey Bay, Enderby Land, Dymek, R.F., J.L. Boak, S.C. Brothers: Titanian Antarctica, 1134 chondrodite- and titanian clinohumite-bearing Chu, H., see Shen, P., 383 metadunite from the 3800 Ma Isua supracrustal C1owe, C.A,, R.K. Popp, S.J. Fritz: Experimental belt, lJest Greenland: Chemistry, petrology, investigation of the effect of oxygen and origin, 547 fugacity on ferric-ferrous ratios and unit- ce11 parameters of four natural Eberl, D.D., J. Srodof: Ostwald ripening and clinoamphiboles, 487 interparticle-diffraction effects for i11ite C1owe, C.A., see Phi11ips, M.W., 500 crystals, 1315 Cohen, R.E.: Order-disorder in omphacitic Eber1, D.D., J. Srodof,, M. Lee, P.H. Nadeau: pyroxenes: A model for coupled substltution Sericite from the Silverton caldera, j-n the point approximation--Discussion, 910 Colorado: Reply, I475 Co11yer, S., N.W.
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