1230 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 February 3, 2011 2011, millions of protesters took to the tion to a democratic political system, in- Levi Mitchell threw a 22-yard touchdown streets across the country; cluding the transfer of power to an inclusive pass to Brandon Kaufman; Whereas hundreds of Egyptians have been interim caretaker government, in coordina- Whereas Mitchell then threw another killed and injured since the protests began; tion with leaders from Egypt’s opposition, touchdown to Nicholas Edwards with 8 min- Whereas on February 1, 2011, President civil society, and military, to enact the nec- utes and 16 seconds left in the fourth quar- Hosni Mubarak announced that he would not essary reforms to hold free, fair, and inter- ter; run for reelection later this year, but wide- nationally credible elections this year; Whereas Mitchell threw a third touchdown, spread protests against his government con- (7) affirms that a real transition to a le- again to Kaufman, with 2 minutes and 47 sec- tinue; gitimate representative democracy in Egypt onds left in the game, clinching a win in the Whereas on February 1, 2011, President requires concrete steps to be taken as soon Eagles’ first trip to the National Collegiate Barack Obama called for an orderly transi- as possible, including lifting the state of Athletic Association Division 1 Football tion, stating that it ‘‘must be meaningful, it emergency, allowing Egyptians to organize Championship Subdivision game; must be peaceful, and it must begin now.’’ independent political parties without inter- Whereas the Eagles began the 2010 season He also affirmed that: ‘‘The process must in- ference, enhancing the transparency of gov- in the newly renovated and dedicated Roos clude a broad spectrum of Egyptian voices ernmental institutions, restoring judicial su- Field, named after Eastern Washington Uni- and opposition parties. It should lead to elec- pervision of elections, allowing credible versity alumnus and offensive lineman Mi- tions that are free and fair. And it should re- international monitors to observe the prepa- chael Roos of the National Football League’s sult in a government that’s not only ground- ration and conduct of elections, and amend- Tennessee Titans; ed in democratic principles, but is also re- ing the laws and Constitution of Egypt as Whereas Roos Field is the only Division 1 sponsive to the aspirations of the Egyptian necessary to implement these and other crit- college football stadium to feature a red people.’’; ical reforms; playing surface, leading Roos Field to be Whereas despite President Hosni (8) pledges full support for Egypt’s transi- aptly nicknamed ‘‘The Inferno’’; Mubarak’s pledge in 2005 that Egypt’s con- tion to a representative democracy that is Whereas head coach Beau Baldwin was troversial emergency law would be used only responsive to the needs of the Egyptian peo- named the Coach of the Year by College to fight terrorism and that he planned to ple, and calls on all nations to support the Sporting News; abolish the state of emergency and adopt people of Egypt as they work to conduct a Whereas the 2010 Buck Buchanan Award, new antiterrorism legislation as an alter- successful transition to democracy; honoring the most outstanding defensive native, in May 2010, the Government of (9) expresses deep concern over any organi- player in the Division I Football Champion- Egypt again extended the emergency law, zation that espouses an extremist ideology, ship Subdivision, was awarded to Eagles line- which has been in place continuously since including the Muslim Brotherhood, and calls backer J.C. Sherritt; 1981, for another 2 years, giving police broad upon all political movements and parties in Whereas Big Sky Conference honors were powers of arrest and allowing indefinite de- Egypt, including an interim government, to awarded to Eagles running back Taiwan tention without charge; affirm their commitment to non-violence Jones, who was named Offensive Player of Whereas the Department of State’s 2009 and the rule of law, the equal rights of all in- the Year, and Eagles linebacker J.C. Human Rights Report notes with respect to dividuals, accountable institutions of jus- Sherritt, who was named Defensive Player of Egypt, ‘‘[t]he government’s respect for tice, religious tolerance, peaceful relations the Year; human rights remained poor, and serious with Egypt’s neighbors, and the fundamental Whereas the Eagles clinched a share of the abuses continued in many areas. The govern- principles and practices of democracy, in- 2010 Big Sky Conference title, with a con- ment limited citizens’ right to change their cluding the regular conduct of free and fair ference record of 7-1 and an overall season government and continued a state of emer- elections; record of 13-2, and finished the 2010 season gency that has been in place almost continu- (10) underscores the vital importance of with an 11-game win streak; and ously since 1967.’’; any Egyptian Government continuing to ful- Whereas the Eagles enjoyed widespread Whereas past elections in Egypt, including fill its international obligations, including support from their dedicated and spirited the most recent November 2010 parliamen- its commitments under the Egypt-Israel fans, as well as the entire Eastern Wash- tary elections, have seen serious irregular- Peace Treaty signed on March 26, 1979 and ington University community: Now, there- ities at polling and counting stations, secu- the freedom of navigation through the Suez fore, be it rity force intimidation and coercion of vot- Canal; and Resolved, That the Senate— ers, and obstruction of peaceful political ral- (11) ensures that United States assistance (1) congratulates the Eastern Washington lies and demonstrations; and to the Egyptian Government, military, and University football team for winning the Na- Whereas any election must be honest and people will advance the goal of ensuring re- tional Collegiate Athletic Association Divi- open to all legitimate candidates and con- spect for the universal rights of the Egyptian sion 1 Football Championship Subdivision ducted without interference from the mili- people and will further the national security title; tary or security apparatus and under the interests of the United States in the region. (2) recognizes the hard work and dedication oversight of international monitors: Now, f of the players, head coach Beau Baldwin, and therefore, be it the assistant coaches and support personnel Resolved, That the Senate— SENATE RESOLUTION 45—CON- who all played critical roles in helping the (1) acknowledges the central and historic GRATULATING THE EASTERN Eastern Washington University Eagles win importance of the United States-Egyptian WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY FOOT- the Subdivision title; and strategic partnership in advancing the com- BALL TEAM FOR WINNING THE (3) respectfully requests the Secretary of mon interests of both countries, including 2010 NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATH- the Senate to transmit an enrolled copy of the resolution to— peace and security in the broader Middle LETIC ASSOCIATION DIVISION 1 East and North Africa; (A) the President of Eastern Washington (2) reaffirms the United States’ commit- FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP SUB- University, Dr. Rodolfo Are´valo; ment to the universal rights of freedom of DIVISION TITLE (B) the Athletic Director of Eastern Wash- assembly, freedom of speech, and freedom of Mrs. MURRAY (for herself and Ms. ington University, Bill Chaves; and access to information, including the Inter- CANTWELL) submitted the following (C) the Head Coach of the Eastern Wash- net, and expresses strong support for the resolution; which was considered and ington University football team, Beau Bald- people of Egypt in their peaceful calls for a win. agreed to: representative and responsive democratic f government that respects these rights; S. RES. 45 (3) condemns any efforts to provoke or in- Whereas on January 7, 2011, the Eastern AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND stigate violence, and calls upon all parties to Washington University football team (re- PROPOSED refrain from all violent and criminal acts; ferred to in this preamble as the ‘‘Eagles’’) SA 36. Mr. VITTER submitted an amend- (4) supports freedom of the press and defeated the University of Delaware Blue ment intended to be proposed by him to the strongly condemns the intimidation, tar- Hens by a score of 20 to 19, to win the 2010 bill S. 223, to modernize the air traffic con- geting, or detention of journalists. National Collegiate Athletic Association Di- trol system, improve the safety, reliability, (5) urges the Egyptian military to dem- vision 1 Football Championship Subdivision and availability of transportation by air in onstrate maximum professionalism and re- title; the United States, provide modernization of straint, and emphasizes the importance of Whereas the Eagles were down for most of the air traffic control system, reauthorize working to peacefully restore calm and order the championship game, trailing 0 to 19 until the Federal Aviation Administration, and for while allowing for free and non-violent free- late in the third quarter; other purposes; which was ordered to lie on dom of expression; Whereas, it was not until 1 minute and 48 the table. (6) calls on President Mubarak to imme- seconds remained in the third quarter of the SA 37. Ms. KLOBUCHAR submitted an diately begin an orderly and peaceful transi- championship game that quarterback Bo amendment intended to be proposed by her VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:29 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\S03FE1.002 S03FE1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD February 3, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 1231 to the bill S. 223, supra; which was ordered to (1) an estimate of the total revenues gen- of the House of Representatives a report de- lie on the table. erated by Department of the Interior due to scribing and assessing the progress being SA 38.
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