US 20060058336A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2006/0058336A1 Nakanishi et al. (43) Pub. Date: Mar. 16, 2006 (54) PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION FOR Publication Classification TREATMENT OF DRUG DEPENDENCE (51) Int. Cl. (76) Inventors: Shigetada Nakanishi, Kyoto-shi (JP); A6IK 31/4745 (2006.01) Takatoshi Hikida, Baltimore, MD A6IK 31/473 (2006.01) (US); Ira Pastan, Potomac, MD (US) A6IK 31/47 (2006.01) C d Add A6IK 31/4178 (2006.01) orrespondence Address: A6IK 31/407 (2006.01) BRCH STEWART KOLASCH & BRCH (52) U.S. Cl. ......................... 514/297; 514/310; 514/397; PO BOX 747 514/411 FALLS CHURCH, VA 22040-0747 (US) (21)21) AppAppl. No.: 10/493,4889 (57) ABSTRACT (22) PCT Filed: Feb. 26, 2004 (86) PCT No.: PCT/P04/02301 The present invention relates to the use of a medicinal Substance capable of enhancing or disinhibiting the actions Related U.S. Application Data of acetylcholine, and provides a pharmaceutical composition for treating drug dependence comprising Said Substance as (60) Provisional application No. 60/449,868, filed on Feb. an active ingredient, and a method of treating drug depen 27, 2003. dence using the Same. Patent Application Publication Mar. 16, 2006 Sheet 1 of 7 US 2006/0058336A1 Fig 1 ÁeM??edö?6Jau?uedopo?quu??osºuu9ul y--No.````*auquedoqbº O\/]LIA}} C?ksne10nN suequunooe eu||0?.0|Á?90W Patent Application Publication Mar. 16, 2006 Sheet 2 of 7 US 2006/0058336A1 Fig 2 Before After conditioningBefore conditioningAfter conditioning conditioning 8 O 500 6 O O 4. O -50 O 2 O O -1000 O -15 a T-tg F. : (mg/kg) T-wt Patent Application Publication Mar. 16, 2006 Sheet 3 of 7 US 2006/0058336A1 Fig 3 IT-tg O T-Wt Saline NaloxOne Patent Application Publication Mar. 16, 2006 Sheet 4 of 7 US 2006/0058336A1 Fig. 4 b Before After 3. Before . After conditioning conditioning g conditioning conditioning with morphine : 6OO with morphine 7 5o 2400 5O O s: ele g C 250 E 2O 3s O D il - Saline Donepezil E. g -Wt (1 mg/kg) T-tg Patent Application Publication Mar. 16, 2006 Sheet 5 of 7 US 2006/0058336A1 Fig 5 Before After b a Salie conditioning conditioning A Donepez J-BOO with cocaine N14 se 12 SOO 510 440 s 8 E 200 s 4. 2 w o 1 3 Day 0 1 2 3 4 S Dr.2 Saline Cocaine Saline d s 2Donepezil f-w e125 Galanthamine 25 s e100 s 7s s SO s 25 O - A-ard - Saline Saline Donee Sale Cocaire Cocaine (10 mg/kg) Day O S O Saline 175 Donepezil 150 5 125 to 7S 50 al 25 2 C O hu Day O 12 Saline cocaine Cocaine (10 mg/kg) Patent Application Publication Mar. 16, 2006 Sheet 6 of 7 US 2006/0058336A1 Fig 6 1S IT-tg 93 a 3 750. Before Afterwith conditioning Cocaine 500 S.g 3 2 250 2 O saline pilocarpine . Patent Application Publication Mar. 16, 2006 Sheet 7 of 7 US 2006/00583.36A1 Fig 7 Before After conditioning conditioning with alcohol SOO 4OO 300 200 1 OO Saline Donepezil - OO -200 US 2006/0058336A1 Mar. 16, 2006 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION FOR 0006 Throughout the present specification and claims, TREATMENT OF DRUG DEPENDENCE the term “drug dependence” means conditions including “Substance-related disorders' based on the criterion of TECHNICAL FIELD DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Dis 0001. The present invention relates to the treatment of orders, Fourth Edition) of American Psychiatric Association, drug dependence, more specifically, to a pharmaceutical namely, Substance use disorders and Substance-induced dis composition for the treatment of drug dependence, which orders. comprises a medicinal Substance capable of enhancing or 0007. At present, there are few effective cures for drug disinhibiting the action of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter, dependence. Cocaine- or amphetamine-dependence is cur in the central nervous system (CNS) and a method of rently treated by psychotherapy, however, its effects are treating drug dependence with Such a Substance. poor, and there is no effective medical therapy available. Treatment with dopamine antagonists or agonists is consid BACKGROUND ART ered, however, there is little therapeutic effect. Psychotic disorders induced by cocaine or amphetamine are treated by 0002 Drug- or substance-dependence is a disorder Symptomatic treatment with antipsychotic drugs. Opium or caused by various types of addictive (dependence-produc nicotine dependence is treated by alternative Substances ing) Substances. The number of patients/drug abusers Suf Such as methadone or nicotine patch. Although Such therapy fering from drug dependence is estimated to exceed 30 may be effective on withdrawal Symptom, the dependence millions worldwide. The cost to society is high when social itself remains. Regarding benzodiazepine, it shows certain problems caused by drug-dependence-related organic men effects on withdrawal Symptoms of alcohol dependence, but tal disorder and Socially dysfunctional characteristics of it is ineffective on alcohol dependence per se. An alcohol drug dependent individuals are considered. Thus there is a deterrent disulfiram is useful in the rehabilitation period of Worldwide demand for an effective cure for drug depen alcohol dependence treatment but may cause noxious reac dence. tion when taken simultaneously with alcohol. Therefore, the 0003) There are two types of drug (substance) dependen administration of disulfiram must be combined with psy cies, psychological and physical. Psychological dependence chological or behavioral therapy, and hence causes practical refers to a condition wherein an organism possesses a inconvenience. An opioid receptor antagonist, naltrexone, heightened desire and compulsion for taking a certain drug. has been approved in the U.S.A. as a therapeutic medica Physical dependence refers to a condition wherein both ment, however, the effects of this drug is yet to be estab psychologically and physically morbid Symptoms (with lished. drawal Symptoms) occurs to an organism when the drug is 0008. The regions of the brain that are closely associated depleted from the body and the pharmacological effect with the reward System, the System closely related to drug thereof weakens or vanishes after having habituated to the dependence, include; ventral tegmental area (hereinafter, condition under the influence of an addictive drug. “VTA”), nucleus accumbens (NAc), locus ceruleus and 0004) To the onset of drug dependence, the involvement medial forebrain bundle. In particular, the dopaminergic of the CNS reward system has been elucidated. The reward system projecting from VTA to NAc plays the central role in System has been identified as the Site responsible for intrac the activation of the reward system (FIG. 1). FIG. 1 ranial Self Stimulation-related behaviors in animals and playS illustrates the dopaminergic pathway of the meSolimbic a role in eliciting Senses of pleasure, motivation, and eupho system. As seen from FIG. 1, the reward system functions ria. The treatment of drug dependence is made very difficult when dopamine derived from VTA acts on nerve cells of Since many addictive Substances have an activity of Stimu NAc. Cocaine increases the NAc dopamine level through lating this System, thereby eliciting Senses of pleasure in inhibition of dopamine transporters of nerve cells in the users, and the influence of Such activity remains even after NAc. It is also known that opium, amphetamine and alco the drug, as a causative agent, is depleted from the body. In hols elevate the NAc dopamine level. Therefore, increase of accordance with the Symptoms, addictive drugS/Substances dopamine level in NAc is implicated in inductive mecha are classified into the following types: morphine type, alco nism of drug dependence. hol type, barbiturate type, amphetamine type, cocaine type, 0009 From this viewpoint, the researches of this field cannabinoid type, organic Solvent type, khat type, and were focused on drugs that target dopamine itself or other hallucinogen type. Examples of Substances generally known neurotransmitters indirectly related to the dopaminergic to cause drug dependence include cocaine, opium (heroin, nervous System Such as Serotonin, GABA or glutamic acid, morphine, etc), alcohols, amphetamine (or amphetamine receptors thereof and intracellular signaling cascades asso like Substances), caffeine, cannabinoids, hallucinogen, ciated with dopamine receptors. However, no investigation inhalants, nicotine, phencyclidine (or phencyclidine-like of Such kind has resulted in the development of any Sub Substances), Sedatives, hypnotic agents and anxiolytic stance effective for the treatment of drug dependence So far. agents. Patients are often found to be dependent on more 0010 NAc contains cholinergic cells that produce ace than one type of these Substances. tylcholine (ACh), which is another neurotransmitter differ 0005 Most addictive drugs can cause dependence after a ent from dopamine. The present inventors have established Single administration and once the user is affected, the a method to Selectively eliminate cholinergic cells in the Symptoms Sometimes persist over a long term even after the NAc, and demonstrated that ACh has an antagonistic activ use is terminated. For these reasons, drug dependence is ity against dopamine activities and that the reduction of NAc considered as a chronical neurological disorder. Further ACh level by cholinergic cell elimination enhances the more, overdose of Such drugs may have a deteriorating effect sensitivity to cocaine in mice (Hikida et al., Proc. Natl. on living body and may even cause death. Acad. Sci. USA 98, 13351-13354 (2001)). US 2006/0058336A1 Mar. 16, 2006 DISCLOSURE OF INVENTION Substance, wherein Said Substance has an activity of 0.011 The present inventors, with consideration to the enhancing or disinhibiting the action of ACh. Situation above, have conducted an investigation with a 0024 (12) Use of a medicinal substance having an activ purpose of developing medicaments effective for the treat ity of enhancing or disinhibiting the action of ACh in the ment of drug dependence.
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