SPARTAN ElAmy Volume 89, No. 23 the Sall Jose Stale I nivervilv Community S'ince 193-1 .(1001,4.1 2, Itni) Football tickets still available Spartan football team ready for PCAA game to open league play Saturday By Karen M. Derenzi Ily Richard Motroni >evil,. i Hi I 9sh, the Daily staff writer Titans have made Daily staff writer some impressie sil ides illis wason. Saturday, the SJSU finnball With dramatic 'dories owl- Rerekel And After losing then tiist two games to Hawaii and na- team will do something they haven't Stanford, the major it!, of SJSU's faithful followeis iiiav tionally ranked I .otiisiaba State scow. of done in nearly a month play a by 444) and 56- think the toughest part ol the Spartans' football season is '2, the Titans have game at Spartan Stadium. pulled themselves together to beat now past. ll'AA foes long Beach State and Tickets for the game against (hall State. Think again. "When Fullerton State are available until 5 a team like us has to play big time schools. Saturday's game against Fullerton State at Spartan in (those teams.) own hack you can easily say that . p.m. today at the Spartan Ticket Of- Stadium will he Sltit l's conference Kiwi which coach lifes not tan . said Fullerton State coach Gene Murphy. fice. located in the Men's Gym at laude Gilbert said it will he anything but easy. "I/Ill 111;11., Ille way Fifth and San Carlos streets, and in things go ilw A is going to get "There is outstanding talent in the PCAA." Gilbert recognition the Associated Students Business said. "Every team we face ill he shinning at us, be- "Still. I'm proud Office on the main floor of the Michae ur e y sta photographer that our team has come hack after cause we are picked to v. the division and Fullerton losing big in the first two games to dominate the last two See mulct:a. back page Sparta!! quarterback Mike Pere, ( I ) ealls out a play State is no different from ilh. I'llEVIEW. page 4 Feeling the aftershock Pasadena quake claims six lives, injures about 100 By Julie Rogers Daily stall writer A Southern (.(ilifornia earthquake claimed The quake, which at least six lives and injured about 1(10 people Thursday. measured 6.1 on the The California State University at los An gelcs was one of the hardest hit campuses in the Richter scale and was CSU svstein As 01 10 p.m. Thursday. one CSU at I iis centered nine miles Angeles student WU% dead and the campus (( damaged by a fire in the SCiellee Building and a southeast of Pasadena, possible toxic spill in the Chemistry building. according to Janice Walker, a CSU public in was recorded at 7:42 a.m. formation officer. The student. 21-yearold lope Exposit. died wlwri part of a garage structure collapsed "We're trying it) assess the damage." said and crushed her, said Los Angeles County corn a spokesman in the president's office at CSU ner spokesman Bolt Dambacher. I its Angeles. 'Die quake. which measured (1.1 on the On the CM! Northridge campus. the earth- Richter scale and was centered nine miles quake caused a chandelier in the library to come southeast of Pasadena, was recorded at 7:42 crashing down and immense structural damag,e a. in. to ale building. No one was injured by the ob- The jolt lasted about 20 seconds and was ject's fall. Classes were closed for the day and followed by at least 15 aftershocks measuring were scheduled to resume today. about 3 or more on tlw Richter scale. At the CSU Long Beach campus. no in- It was the largest earthquake in the Los jures were reported but eight windows were Photos by Assocoled Angeles area since a (i .1 quake iti 1971, accord- broken hy the quakes impact and "several el- ing to the t I. S ( Ieological survey. cv stopped until the quake elided. "It was ) , Silt/lig:. said JalliCe Walker. "It was like floating on the ocean." said the public atfinis specialist for the CSU chan- Jeff Mitchell. city editor of the Daily 49er University garage cellor's ()flit,. "This was not one of those I king Beach State's student -run newspaper. earthquake. that vini laugh oft " "We came out very well. it was just an- The CSI at I os Angeles campus was other carthquake.’ Kamm said. "You stand in closed after the quake hit and is scheduled to re the doorway until the shaking stops. could be damaged open on Monday. See (WAKE, back page in big S.J. quake SJSU radio club provides link By Dave Lanson were built after the Sim Bernardino Day staff writer quake compelled the state to to earthquake-stricken L.A. comparable tighten building icstrictions. If an earthquake By Edwin (;arcia placed on the clubIs door Angeles Orbach's comments highlight to the one that hit Los Daily staff writer The reports that Wong received over the the San Jose area, zi problem eilell *ly must Thursday shook Shortly after Thursday's earthquake jolted club's Kenwood 520S radio which produced Street Parking Garage face that of emergency pre- the Seventh IAIS Angeles, SJSt I's Amateur Radio Club was high pitched distortion voices . 'tar to the mu- structural paredness. SJS11, the City of San could sustain serious monitoring c lllll mimic:Mons from Soutlwni sical group 'Tlw Chipmunks were coming SJSU Jose and Santa Chita County all damage, said Henry Orbach, California. from Southern Califonna amateur radio opera- traffic op- plans to deal nianager of parking and have with an earth- "Ielephoiw lines were down in los An- tors giving the latest details of the earthquake. erations. quake equal to Thursday's severe geles. as happens in major disasters. making "We have some serious con- temblor Sinithern California. radio c llllllll unication a vital source of immedi- Thursday's quake didn't create as much cerns about the Seventh Street Ga- The university, !Aiming a ate information after tlw quake. student detnand for information as Mexico rage, obviously,'" Orbach told mandate from the California State SJSI.I students manning club station ('ity's quake did two years ago, Wong said KSJS. the student rim radio sta- lIniversity Hoard of Trustees, W6YI. were found in their ’shack" on the third When Mexico City's major communications tion. "That's why the chancellors adopted a plan in March that sets floor of the Engineering Building receiving up- were shut down, Wong and company went int() office has funded the structural re- procedures for any lia/ardous to the -minute information and passing it along action helping students contact their loved ones. emergency, said Harold Manson. inforcement of the garage... 'Two n try to console (he sister of the 1.upe to students as a free service. "They really get a kick out of it when we he has no doubts special projects coordinator for the Orbach said Esposito, t alifornia State 1 rniversity at Los An- A few hours after the earthquake hit at tell them their families are OK," Wong said. 10th and lIniversity Police I )(Tat-inlets. about the safety of the geles earthquake fatality. A slab of cement from 7:42 a.m., Club President Alvin Wong made a "If it's good news. theyre grateful. '' because both Ser GARAGE, back page Fourth Street ;images the school's parking gargage fell upon Fposito. sign reading -eaitliquake update" which was Sec RADIO. bark page Buerger calls proposal A.S. board of directors 'What I hear is to A.S. 'unspecific' passing a resolution fill posts after long search Ry Charlotte Banta S011iCe Center... Ile Said. 'II'S Ills! a on apple pie. The Ily Edwin Garcia won't be making decisions fiw my- Daily staff writer matter of time." Daily staff writer self but for the students.’ she said. The Asian American Resource Buerger argued that while ev board hasn't made The Associated Students Board Fijeli. a 25 -year-old senior. has Center resolution was one of four eryone agreed with the resolution. a of Directors welcomed with ap been liniking forward to serving with which were unanimously approved plan of implenwntation was needed any study; it doesn't plause its two newest members the hoard. "I have some areas of in- by the Associated Students Board of "What I hear is passing a rem, Wednesday. filling the void created terest I'd like to investigate through Directors Wednesday, despite exten Intim) on apple pie," Buerger said even know where it by summer resignations. my positon." he said. sive questioning by Dan Buerger, "The board hasiit made any study, ShaRon Lewis. business affairs The political science major's executive assistant tit the president. it doesn't eVell kIll/W where it stands.' director, and John Hjelt. students' first concern is the Inter Organinitio- Buerger said while Ile agreed stands." rights and responsibilities director, nal Council. a group of campus that the center niight he "an excel- Cm/ said that campus Asian Dan Buerger, were reci lllllll ended by A.S. Presi clubs. because he thinks it has a lot lent addition" the resolution is not clubs and associations have been try executive assistant dent Michael Mel riman after a one - of potential." specific enough. ing to find space for the center but month search for the candidates. A.S. Personnel Directiw Mich- "ro whom are you directing have only received rejection. Per The hoard voted unanimously ele Benolone is relieved that the po- this (resolution)? And what precisely haps with ihe hoard's support.
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