(No. :t5.) 18 7' 5. TASMANlA. HOUSE OF ·ASSEMBLY. - COUNCIL OF EDUCAT~ION. REPORT FOR 1874. Laid upon the Table by the Attorney-General, and ordered by the House to be printed, July 27, 1875. · /', ., , ' 1'\-, -.ANNUAL REPORT of the TASMANIAN CouNCIL OF EnucATION_fo~ the · Year 1874-75. To His Excellency FREDERICK ALoYsrns WELD, Esquire, Governor and Com­ mander-in- Chief in and over the Island of Tasmania and its Dependencies. · 1\1:.A.Y IT PLEASE YouR ExcELLENCY. 1. In conformity with the provisions of " The Tasmanian Council of Education and 22Vict,No.21, Scholarship Act," we have the honor to submit this our Fifteenth Report embracing the Section 30. proceedings of the Council between the 1st May, 1874, and the 3Qth April, 1875. 2. The Rev. Canon Davenport was elected President for the year ending 30th President. - June, 1875. 3. We caused an Examination of Candidates for the Council of Education Exhibi- Council of Education tions to be held in the month of June, 1874. Eleven Students presented themselves Exhibitions, •:for-examination ; one was rejected at . the preliminary Examination, and, on the recom- G,aze.t(e , ,- mendation of. the Examiners, Exhibitions of the annual value of £20 each for four years . Notice; .23 ·, were awarded to Evans John Taylor, pupil of Rev. R. D. Poulett-Harris, M.4-., High .June, 1874·) School, Hobart Town, and George Alexander Webster, pupil of Rev. J. R. Buckland, · · B.A., Hutchins School, Hobart Town. The remaining eight obtained a standard of marks sufficient to entitle them to an. Exhibition. The Examiners in closing their Report on the· Examination observe :- " We are of opinion that the results· of the Examination are very satisfactory, '!'he number of marks obtained by the foremost of the Candidates is somewhat less than it has been for several years past, but greatly exceeds half the maximum, which is the standard of qualificati"on for an Exhibition. And it is an unprecedented feature ot this Examination-that the above standard was reached by all the _ Candidates. We are gratified to observe_ that thfl first in the list, as Wl'll as three others, has dis­ tinguished himself at former Examinations, and obtained an Exhibition awarded by the Board of , .. Education. These repeated honours are likely to be in his case, as they have been in several other3, the foundation· of future success. They also afford a ·valuable stimulus to the exertions of Tasmanian · . boys in every social grade, and reflect great credit.on the Schoolmasters, without whose careful training . · they could not have been achieved." 4. The Fifteenth Examination for the Degree of Associate of Arts was held in Sep- Degree of tember, 1874; M. H. Irving, Esq., M.A., H-ead Master of Wesley College, Melbourne, t·A_-, G~zette , bei?g Examiner in Engl~h,'; Latin, Greek, French, Pu[e ~athe?1-atics, and Natural·-Se~;~~;er> Philosophy; the Hon. F. b. Dobson, M.A., L.L.D., Exammer m German ; H. M; I.874. · · Andrew, Esq., M.A., Examiner in Chemistry; F. Goldstraw, Esq., M.A., Examiner in Geology; .and J. Summers, Esq., Mus. Bae., Examiner in Music. Seventeen Candidates, under nineteen years· of age, presented themselves ; . sixteen passed the Preliminary Examination, and thirteen succeeded in obtaining· the Degree : five being placed in ·the First Class, _seven in the Second Class, and one in the Third Class. Two of the successful Candidates were examined at Launceston under supervision sanctioned by the Council~ _Five Candidates over-nineteen years of age, one male and four female, presented themselves, and two of the latter .. obtained a Third Class. · -- 4 5. William Harvey Buckland, as Senior Associate for the year, received the Council's Gold Medal, a First Prize of the value of £ I Oeach for Latin, Greek, and Mathematics, and a Second Prize of the value of Five Pounds for French. To George Henry Reilly, who was placed in the First Class, was awarded a Prize of the value af £5 for Natural Philosophy. To Morton John Cecil Allport, who was also placed in the First Class, was awarded a Prize of the value of £5 for Geology. To Herbert Burgess Barrett, who was. also placed in the First Class, was awarded a Second Prize of the value of £5 each for Latin and Greek. To William Andrew Bayley Birchall, who was also placed in the First Class, was awarded a First Prize of the value of £10 for French. To Thomas Augustine Lewis, who was placed in the Second Class, was awarded a Second Prize of the value of £5 for Mathematic!:l ; and to Stephen Kennard Chapman, who was also placed in the Second Class, was· awarded a Prize of the value of £5 for English. The Examiners in closing their Report observe:- ." The following Tabl~ 8hows how this Examination bears cqmparison with. fonner y~ar~ :- '. '~ .. -- ·- -- - -· ··--·· --- ... ~ -,l ~~ "' ! ~ -,l,; "' ~ "~ ~-5 ~ ... <:)"N ~ ~ ~ ~.g " t'ti ~ "' -1," _.., ~ ""... ~ ~ . ~ -~·Ji "-~' ~~ "' t:j"S ~" "t:3•~ .!! 0 ~- I;.) 0 ~~ ~ ~ :';:;: I;:! :! ~~ ~ t-. 1,, "'""" ~" i :g "'""'"',_"'~ ~ :: " -~:!::1rs _.§~ -~ 8 ~-~ "'- ··,;j g; ~~ ""' ~~ ~ i::; ""'l "' ! "l "'l""' ·1::i --- ----"' -:-·-:-· - .. ,-~'---_..,.,,..1871. 1860-1871 114 13 91 84 40 19 2,5 2637 2095 3303 2430 1872 11 0 11 9 3 l 5 2821 2075 1873 14 2 12 10 4 1 5 3295 2228 1874 17 1 16 13 5 7 l 3082 2357 .. - The Examination, when the number of Candidates under 19 is taken into consideration, may be pronounced a satisfactory, if 110t_a brilliant one." · Tasmanian 6. The Examination for Tasmanian Scholarships in September last was conducted by Schol!lrsblps; Ga%etteN otico M. H. Irving, Esq., M.A. Five Candidates presented themselves. Three satisfied the 29 Sept. 1874. conditions prescribed for the awai•d of a Scholarship, viz. :- James ·wmiam Tibbs, A.A., 1872. Francis Leicester Butler, A.A., 1872; and Alfred Doran, A.A., 1873. The available Scholarships were awarded to the two first nameq., and they have since proceeded to Great Britain to enter upon their University studies. · - Latin verso 7. On the recommendation of the Examiner, M. H. Irving, Esq., M.A., a Prize of composition. Books, of the value of £5, was awarded to Alfred Doran, A.A., 187:3, for Latin Verse Composition. · Dry Scholar- . 8. The Dry Scholarship was awarded to William Harvey Buckland, Senior Associate ship. of the year, he having intimated his intention to proceed with his studies and compete for a Tasmanian Scholarship. Local exami­ 9. Since the publication of our last Report two Examinations of Candidates for nation for Matriculation at the University of Melbourne have been held in Hobart Town, under Matriculation at Melbourne our supervision, with the following results:- · University. October Term, 1874.-Four Candidates. ·one failed. Gamaliel llenry Butler, Thomas James Crisp, and Hector Ross, passed. February Term, j875.-Two Candidates, William RossendeU J_:>i~rc~ and William Tarleton, passed. · . · Vacancies in . l 0. We desire to record our deep regret at the loss the Council has su_stained during Council. the past year by the decease of the Rev; J.' R. Buckland. 'J'he vacancy has been filled by the election of Morton Allport, Esq. ~-, v··· "1 'I.: -w~ '·s*brni't. ,i :s·tatem:~nt ·bf' thif · Disbursements of the·.co-rincil .between ·tne '1st ~'.Fii!Jmclal January and the 31st , Decenrbe:t, i 874, .the terinin:ation 0'f) the · fi.ri:ancia:l ,year ; together Sta:tement. with.a -Supplementary .Statement of Payments betw!30Il th!3. I st ;T 11,nu,ary a114 th~ 30t'g. April, 1875. The tptal expenditure under every head for the year 1871,}s -~ho_~ J<> have· amounted !6 _£11::12. 3s. 4d..:, being £39_ 16s. 8~. in ~xcess of tµ.l=l_ ·su-rp. · v.oted ·by Parliament. · 12. We append to our Report a Roll of the Tasmanian· :Sdhola:rs,"a List ·of .those ..i\:-ppendix A, Students who haive _obtained the Degree of Associate- of Arts, and a List of thos~ who- B, and•C. obtained Exhibiiions o·ffered by the _Cou.ncil. - ~ ·· ' ' . ~- ARTHUR "DAVENPQR'I\ .8.A::, ·P..r~sident: · Hobart Town, Hth May, 187-5. TASMANIAN COUNCIL OF EDUCATION. ABSTRACT of EXPENDITURE incurredfor the .Year-1874. ADMINISTRATION. ·. £ . s. ' d. £ s. d. £ .8, d. Secretary's salary 60 0 0 Books and stationery 11 2 8 Printing and advertising 5 4 0 76 6 8 DEGREE OF ASSOCIATE 0F ARTS AND TASMANIAN SCHOLARSHIPS. Examiners' Fees- M. H. Irving, Esquire, M.A. 90 0 0 F. S. Dobso11, Esquire, M.A., L.L.D. 5 0 0 H. M. Andrew, Esquire, M.A. - 5 0 0 F. Goldstraw, Esquire, M.A. 5 0 0 Rev. D. F. X. Bercbinor 5 0 0 J. Summ·ers, Esquire, Mus. Bae. 5 0 0 Henry Hunter, Esquire ·5 0 0 ---- 120 0 0 One Gold :Medal (W. H. Buckland, Senior Associate) 10 0 0 p~- -~ Hl5 1 6 Incidental charges- Printmg Examination Papers - 17 16 0 Local supervision A.A. Degree Examination in Launceston 5 0 0 Attendance and expenses of Annual Meeting in Town Hall 9 6 0 32 2 0 ----- 267 ·3 6 TASMANIAN SCHOLARS . Mr. J. W. H. Geiss, from 1 January to 31 December, 1874 - 200 0 0 Mr. D. E. Stewart, ditto 200 0 0 Mr. G. W. Wauirbouse, 1 June to 31 Dec. 1874 - 116 13 4 Mr. C. C. Williamson, ditto 116 13 4* 633 6 8 COUNCIL OF EDUCATION, EXHIBITIONS. A. P. Canaway, (Exhibitioner of 1870), from 1 January to 30 June, 1874 - 10 0 O W. H. Buckland, (ditto), ditto 10 o 0 A. Doran, (ditto 1871), from 1 Jan.
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