The Zip Code Your Want Ad for Mountainside is Is Easy To Place- Just Phone 686-7700 07092 An Official Newspaper For Tht Borough Of Mountoiniidi Publlihtd Bach ThurMay By Trwmar Pubilihlno Con suBserlptlpn S«cond Cdii Psifig* MOUNTAINSIDE, N.J.. THURSDAY. MAY 9,1974. 1 Niw prev!d«(iet Road, Mounialnilflt, N.J, fi7WJ M Ytafly 20 C»nt« Per Copy VOL, 16 NO. 22 paid st Mountainside, N,Jt Regional board OKs open lunch for Dayton New policy approved,on class ranks District votes to reword aitendqnee reguhtioris By KAREN STOLI. Approval of an open lunch policy at Jonathan Dayton Regional High School, Springfield, and of a "late arrival-early release" program at David Brearley Regional in Kenilworth were among changes voted by the Regional High School District Board of Education at its. meeting Tuesday night. The board also an- nounced plans to reword its new. attendance regulations. Approximately 70 personi, including a number of students, were on hand for the iosiion at Arthur L. Johnson Regional in Clark, which also saw board adoption of a new method for ranking studenti, to be im- plemented next year. The changes,made in the wake of student protests over alleged injustices in the school system, were approved on a trial basis only for the remainder of the school term, ending June 21, The Dayton program begins today: the one at Brearley on Monday. Regarding the Dayton lunch policy. Prin- cipal Anthony Fiordaliso noted he had drawn Up a number of guidelines to regulate the program. Although students will have the option of remaining in the cafeteria or on school grounds, or of leaving the school area, they will not be permitted to go to their lockers, nor to* "loiter" In halls and waihroomi. They also may not fit in or use ears during the lunch period, WILD BLUi YONDiR—BrothBrs David, left, and Robert Papp prtpore to louneh their FIORDALISO SAID no excuse for tardiness kite into the h«ovens, with help from the breezes at ichol Lake Pork, Mountainside. RAG DOLL ROUNDUP—Looking over a collection of handmade Other handicrafts, a plant sale, bake contost, rides and after lunch would be accepted, and students (PhetQ-GrBphies) rag dolls, to bo featured sale items at the annual games will be part of the fair, scheduled from noon to 5 p.m. who fail to comply with the guidelines would Mountainside PTA Fair.this Saturday, are {from left) Ondine. at the Deerfield School. (Photo-Graphics) lose the open lunch privilege. "The program Jennifer ond Ivi Karady'and Phyllis and Andrew Solomon. willbe-evaluated by. the students and the Hlaff prior to the end of the semester to see if it School board seeks drivers should be continued next term," he stated. The principal noted if the policy is successful, there Raison is appointed director is a possibility the lunch period could be ex for handicapped youngsters panded next,year frpni the present 23 minutes Thfc Mountainside BoSrd of Education, cilintf service to contact the board, to 45 minutes, as students had requested. "a1 growing, need for transportation of han- Althpugh bui companies have been utilized in of Dramatic Arts Academy The "late arrival-early release" program at dicapped children to schools outside the the past fprsueh transportation, Mountainside " Gerald Goldsmith, president of the American Between 1967 and 19C9, Raison produced n Brearley affects only, those students who have borough," has invited parents and other is one of a numtser of area communities which Academy of Dramatic Arts. has announced the weekly community service radio program. first or last period study halls, a total of about private citizens interested in providing such a has found it more economically advantageous appointment of Charles W. Raison of Moun- "Talk about Theater," which was carried! by 25 150 persons. To participate, they must have to sign formal contracts with individuals. Such' tainside as director of the school. Raison has stations. written parental consent. an agreement, board secretary John been executive director of the academy for five Raison received his R.A. degree from The new .student ranking regulation, Firemen say 'thanks' MeDonough explained, notei that trans- years. He is a former college professor and a Michigan State University and his M.F.A. from presented by Sonya Dorksy of Springfield, is Members of the Mountainside Volunteer Kire portation "must be supplied in all kinds of director of regional theater. Tulanc. based upon the premise that "students who Department this week thanked borough weather, and under all kinds of conditions; Raison joined the Anierican Academy in Among those on the roster of famous AADA enroll in courses which are academically residents for their generosity during the advene or otherwise," 19G9. Before that he was associate professor of alumni are Spencer Tracy, Anne Bancroft, Jim demanding and intellectually challenging organization's recent annual fund drive. Before applying to the board, potential theater and chairman of the department of Backus, John Cassavetes. Gena Rowlands, should be rewarded for their efforts." "Support of this type certainly makes the all drivers alio should be familiar with other theater at Lycoming College, Willtainsport, Pa. Vince Edwards, Dina.Merrill, David Hartman, All courses in the curriculum will be divided volunteer membership want to do that much requirements as lilted in the latest New Jersey Havinfi founded the Arena Theater in 1962. Cathy Burns, James Fifrrentino. Gail Fisher, among three categories, indicating their more for the benefit of the community," a Administrative Code, MeDonough said. Among Raison served as its managing director, and Agnes Moorehead, Michael Brandon, Lynda "weight" on the ranking scale, with, higher spokesman noted. "To those families who were these are regulations for vehicles, which must then in 19(i5 was instrumental in the design and Day George, Grace Kelly, Randolph Mantoolh, credit given to those pupils who successfully not at home when we knocked on each door in be equipped with the following: construction of its $750,000 thrust .stage facility Don Rickles, Cleavon Little, Geraldine Brooks, complete the more "challenging" courses. town, we ask that you send in your donations in 1, Chains and-or mow tires; | on the Lycoming campus. Lauren Bacilli, Hume Cronyn, Robert Cum Ranking will be in decile categories only. The the* envelopes we left for your convenience. The Raison produced 55 plays and supervised the mings, Colleen Dewhurst, Kirk Douglas, Ruth (Continued on page 4) full success of our drive depends on you." (Continued en page 4) production of more than 100 plays at the Arena Gordon, Florence Henderson, Garson Kanin. Theatef." As a performer, he toured with the Sam Levine, Pat O'Brien, Robert Reilford, USC) in Germany in 1958. He has also served as Jason Robards. Renee Taylor. ^Constance consultant, lecturer and cvaluator for federal .Towers, Rosalind Russell, Edward G CIIABLES W, KAJSON Title IH projects Robinson, Tftelma Rittcivand many more. Raison. is married and resides in Moun- tainside with his wife, Diane, and their three children, Jennifer, Drew and Coleman, Brownies to hold dance tomorrow Two events for Mountainside Brownie Girl Scouts are scheduled this month. There will be the annual Brownie father- smi daughter dance tomorrow from 7:30 to 0 p.m. at the Community Presbyterian Church, All i&i rHi .^Mim Brownies and their fathers have been en- couraged to attend. A town-wide ftyup ceremony will he held Wednesday, May 15; at 3:30 p.m. in the com- munity Presbyterian Church auditorium. At this time all third-grade,;Brownies will receive their Junior Girl Scout pins and enter a new level of Girl Scouting; Relatives and friends are invited to attend. For further information, readers may call Barbara Secmeri at 232-6191. Volunteers are sought The Mountainside Mobile Meals program has issued a call for -volunteers to serve as sub- stitute drivers during the next four months. Further information may be obtained by calling either Mabel Young at 233-4024 or Bette Lennox at'232-8207: |iniiuiiiiniiniuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiii § Recreation activities ~ sign-up at PTA Pair | The Mountainside Recre'atloit Com- § mitslon will'accept registrations forg spring and summer programs at the PTA S Fair Saturday at the Deerfleld School. I oTHEVlCr6R$^AA*i»o thf^^hff^vF^SP^^H'fl^ ^eh^Ki^anis Recreation Director St|e Wlnano an-1 Key Club pose with some of,th* "trophies rtfiey yon" a't the recent'stqte'&nveritlon. nounced that ^tic recreation booth will be f matured all afternoon lpy member* or the I Shown are,-frohrWtf front,'"DohrvFlshbeln (secretary), Don! Hefiej'(district . cominlsslon. ( '» .1 secrey)secretary),, Joel Goldberg (past lleut»Vr^i^BovjiWOrXi<^n^o**(d'jr'dltlleut»^BjWOXi^n^o*W4(p«jrltctl , • • \RegUtratlons ;for , iummer tennis j secretary)ty) ; second rciwWorciw.Won ^fobor^pqs^fob i p.resfdenj), Rtch^Goldha^meF^patt .vice- tepsods, soccer/cfeatlyye CanceC lg golf and! , THE CRAIN HILL HOUSE, located at 27 Ne^Prbvldence rd construction features, such os the fleldstone foundation, president), David Gollob^pastifeasurerbthlfd'row, Gary Sh«rmarvMatt Dryjaale, mans saftball'.caftbll n t>e madeat'thld'hl i L /fthtrd. House yest of the New Providence 'road-Mountaty remain. The Planning Board, noting local, sources report the *CrctTOyWorth;ffourth«;,Robert CoWrjT Alan Goi.ldrTlfi^^A^^)bl^- yje^ Tennis permits ^Ul alsojie issued. •\ avertOe'VlnterslKtlonJ/ls among"the Mountainside homes home could have been built as early as 1740, has urged Warrearren Bromberg,, Eric Geiiif; sixth row,, "Dave Hetzel,, John GieSet; sevenseventth rbyv? •- selected for possible Inclusion In the Un^on] CountV Planning fprther, research Into the structure's past 6wner»hlp Wid For'addHloh'al information, Naders may 1 Robber t JayJ , GarG y WernerWn; RogeRgerr Dq^Dq^, Mike BaumrlndBaumrlnd , Ed Rosen {vice-president){vicepres , call the' recreaUontifflce' I3ZTO1^ Board'ft survey of histoflc sltes^ Although the house'has interior construction features.
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