IVINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD VOL. NO. HIGHTSTOWN, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AUG. 1967 Newsstand IOC jyer copy Fool Law T R ’ Law Hearing l nveiling Tonight Delayed Permits, Fences Planning Board V* ouId Be Needed: ^ ants "I il Aug. I $200 t ine Limit To Rework Rill In a five-minute meeting Tues- Publlr hearing on a proposed law- i day night, the East WindsorTown- that would require "durable, 4-6- j ship planning board announced thal fee' nigh fencing around every per­ i Us revised planned unit develop­ manent or portable private pool In ment ordinance would not lie un~ F ast Windsor deeper that two feet NTHONY r P AN ' DONALD SCHULTZ | veiled until Thursday, Aug. 17 at : s scheduled for 7:30 tonight before 8 p. m. •he township committee. a O t l g Acting halrman William E. Hightstown of 1910; s Urt«*. Hiirh Sh 0 < * > . I r a i n The lav. designed to cut ac­ Harvey said the board already had This is the first in a series cidental drowning potential and Main Street across from the his photograph shows a shoes on boys on the station Franzo vs. Schultz gone beyond the recommendation in of nine glimpses at the Hights- tighten pool health standards, Is present location of the Baptist wooden passenger station lo­ p la if o r d a te the photo in the township committee's resolution town of the turn of the century. - used on one In use In nearby Wash­ Church, Information on the pho­ cated at the corner of Railroad vicinity of 1900. The ornate asking for a restudy of the law's The photographs are repro­ ington T ownshtp. tos was provided by long time and Rogers Avenues, opposite :>aby carriage, center, is ready density regulations. duced from penny post cards in Pools less than two feet deep borough residents Mr. and Mrs. the present community center for the innual baby parade held Mr. Harvey said the law had a collection owned by Donald and with less than 120 square feet tor Committee John Brandt of Stockton Street, in the housing project. The n Asbury Park for many years. been modified in Us density sec­ Horne, a member of the bor­ | of surface area "Shall not be left Pennsylvania Railroad train ran The passenger station was Thursday, the East Windsor didacy and today's 4 p.m. dead­ tions as well as in the percentage ough work force. The original and former local school teacher unattended" according to the pro­ through Hightstown on a route • • zee about : <4i me passenger Democrat Club innounced the can­ line for filing, there was appar­ : land set aside for Industrial use. cards were made by a photog­ and present historian and posed law. This would mean an connecting Camden and South service was discontinued. But adult would le required to super­ didacy of Incumbent township com­ ently some confusion within the There also was a definition or two rapher remembered only as Mr author, Altheus Albert, also added to the section on dwelling Amboy. the rails are still used today vised use of the smaller pools and mitteeman Anthony Franzo. [Older Democrat!! organization as Thorburn. He had a studio on of Stockton Street. units, he said. Women's long skirts, and high for freight shipping. to empty them when absent. The announcement was made in to whether the incumbent would the absence of vacationing Mr. accept. Apparently, the law as amended Permits would lie required for would have been revealed Tuesday construction of all pools with the Franzo who heard of his nomin­ yesterday afternoon, St. Wednesd: y any pro! len that may night, but an "uncertainty" which Stockton $2" fee being eliminated for the ation after returning from Lake have existed seen ed to be Ironed came to light In a 40-mlnute pre- private portable variety. George. Rex Bar Relocation Bid Killed Mr. F-ranzo was nominated in out when municipal chairman Sal meeting executive session of the The fencing section says School Io hall Cangelost said Mr. Franzo'snom- board caused the further delay. that portable pools need not be the apparent belief that a pri­ naiing petition would be filed yes­ According to Mr. Harvey, the fenced if a cover is securely mary battle would be waged be­ terday afternoon or today. problem arose In discussion of placed over them when not in use. tween the regular Democrats and II ithin Month The filing would seem to elimin­ the law's commercial section. As Boro Zoners Sav No’4-1 Pools are subject to Inspection the splinter Young Democratic ate a primary battle, unless a IDuring the brief public portion of The East Windsor district board ; the health ifflcer or building Taxpayers Club. But on Friday, the new group's ■ : • - - in pair: : September I fbe meeting he said another study- of education this week broke ground Hightstown*s zoning board de­ new motel. In other business, the board set Inspector who may bring viola­ spokesman. Stanle Koder an­ puts another name on the Novem- of i!le section would !>e required, for a new, 40-classroom elemen­ nied a request from Irving and Rose Other questions .mid objections Aug. 30 for a hearing on an appli- tors to court where they face fines nounced that the group would not her ‘ allo\ The chairman recommended that tary school in the Kensington Park Seidel to move their Rex Bar centered around traffic congestion cation by Sebarco Stations, Inc. to I up to $200 and as much as 90 put up a candidate (see story this : - ■ 44 s an assist- the law not come up for discussion section of the township and awarded from the M ercer Street urban on Route 33. -he possibility of erect a service station on twd lots j days In jail. page). an: • •>,< director if National at the time and suggested another a contract for demolition of the renewal area to a ne site on the addition of , service station on the south side of M ercer Street Other sections of the law pro­ on the site, and adequacy of existing across from Cedar Hill cemetery, In the week between the an­ Lead Laboratories Fast Windsor., executive session for Tuesday abandoned Stockton Street elemen- nearby Academy Street, hibit sand or earth floors In pools, He " - 21 vearc : usiness andi^tgnt to delve into the "un- sewer mains in the vicinity. The firm had withdrawn a pre- j and the use of aluminum paint as nouncement of Mr. Franzo'scan- tary school. The Seidels* attorney Barclay rranagement experience and has! certainty." The contract was awarded to R, Mai si urv of Allentown said Tues- The >oa: a ij mriied (he case, vlous application for a station at an inside finish * studied mr BB a degree at St. Mr- Harvey declined to discuss Hawthorne, Inc., of Philadelphia day a decision had not yet been and tic not se' sate for further Railroad Avenue and Stockton Another portion calls for the hearings r a ement of , Street before the board had reached Dissidents John's University in New York.; changes already made in the law, after its bid of $9,300 was de- reached whether rc ippeal the township engineer to examine the He is i r rent 1 • . member o f saying it would be preferable to dared lowest received at board board's 4-1 spll' dedsloi to decision,_____________ a decision. lot where a pool is to be Installed the East Windsor Lions Club and present all the changes In the meeting last Thursday. superior court. to determine the best means of II on t lhit ■he .w. erora ms :v Foreign Wars completed modification on Aug The brick building adjacent to The bar was to have been leveled disposing of discharge water l P Post. He is member of the 17. the Walter C. Black school is to by July 31 ,-ccordlng to state from: the pool. Surface drainage * , . , . Applegarth A!; Wing of the Civil The acting chairman said the be razed and the site covered merit release : on Ju. "byhousing Tow nship Man Dies >ot he allowed, where neigh- | (111(1 I (J (I f p Air Patrol and at: Air Force change needed in the commercial half with grass and a black-topped authority executive director and ■■orlng properties might be harmed veterai World War n who holds part of the law was "m echanical," parking rrea before school re- counsel Bruce r rend :• whief he by It. severa ierorations including the Involving a change In the mode of slimes Sept. 6. Other sections of The Young Democratic Tax­ said even an appeal by Mr. Seidel the proposed Purple Heart. expression of a board Intention. In other action at the meeting, would not delay condemnation pro­ law cover lighting, location, fll- payers Club of East Windsor In Fiery Aecident Township will not put up a can- H:s piane was shot down before He did not elaborate further on the board approved purchase of a ceedings and razing. Mr. French •ratior appearance, noise, ana m- i didate for township committee the Allied Invasion of ■ urope and,an>' of ttle modifications. new school bus and a station wagon could not be reached Wednesday spectlon of pools. A 49-year-old East Windsor following the 2:20 a.m. accident, in November and will no longer he liecami Gerrr an prisoner, The board has been working on for use in transporting private for comment on the delay. The law was Introduced on first Township man died early Friday according to “ast Windsor Town­ function as an organization, ac­ spending 18 months in six dif­ the changes to the "PHD" law since school children to schools within Denial of the request to relo­ reading at a July 11 meeting, but morning after his auto hit two ship police.
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