PUDLIC t.tl'RARY 4?.r> E.HKOA:) ST. ADV. WE3TKIEI.D.N. I . Father's Day THE WESTFIELD LEADER June 15 THE LEADINS AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY SEVENTY-NINTH YEAR—No. 44 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE S, 1969 Hofoinl <'lii.-n l'"«t:iK« I'iil ,'i2 Pages—10 Cents jit WKHtricwi. N..r. Defer Sex Education Party Contests Draw Pending Study 30% Voter Turnout A moratorium on the controversial family living — sex education Contests loom in only three of four wirds in the November election jrognam in WcstfieWs elementary schools was oailod by (he Board of of four representatives to Uhe Town Council as lilic rosu-lt c' Tuesday's Sdiioatton Tuesday night. It was announced that the curriculum will not Summer School How Westfield Voted Primary Election. An anticipated Democratic write-In campaign in the ie resumed next fait until a final report from an augmented study com- On The Gubernatorial Candidates Third Ward failed to materialize and John Mei'kl, incumbent Republican, nittee has been approved by the school board. Teachers Named REPUBLICANS DEMOCRATS appears to be uncontesled for reelection to the post, (Major areas of study will focus • MoDermott 2720 Meyner 551 Four write-in votes were cast by in the material used atvd the appro- Twcnty-if-our teachers were ap- Sandmen 65$ Toriti 112 Democrats in Idle ward, three of iriate age level for its introduction, proved for the tuition-free Westfield Sears 151 HelstosM 235 25% of Boro them for a Robert Morling and one irovisions for giving parents the op- summer sdhool which will begin Ozzard 78 Hennessey 1 for Norman Wellen, but Democratic rortunJty to become fully acquain- June 25 and end Aug. 1 at West- Cahili 562 Kelly 43 Town Committee Chairman Rob- ed wfth the total program, and ttie field High School. Daily hours tor Parsekian 156 ert Berenson indicated tlial it was raining of ffhe sdhool staff in the the classes will be 8:25 a.m. to 12:30 Voters Ballot unlikely Chat his party would field landling of this material. p.m. with two 24iour classes sche- a candidate from the ward. Merling According to Oharles H. Franken- duled for most courses. Faculty Mrs. J. B. Weiss Jr. works on was unknown to him, he said, and tach, board present, "these are will receive a fee of $400 for each one of Jicr paintings for the In Primaries a check of phone books and city nerely areas which appear to need two-hour class. Sidewalk Art Show to be held Republicans directories railed Lo *>'«» clle "We- MOUNTAINSIDE of !lis tudy and we will not set any limit Appointed were Judith DeOhellis, Saturday in Mtndowaskin Park. State to Hold Hearing :- «,„ !>„,.. '<«? ^entity. a ohe .scope of tlie committee's Spanish I; Barbara Ball, Knglish I \ ,otivMes." nd possibly French I; Anthony Art in Park The original atudy committee wil! Patri'arca, woodsdvop; Cambridge G. This Saturday On Overpass Proposal e Increased by represeirtatoves of eckel, how to study end data pro- for he Mihisterium, Medical Assoda- essing; John D'Andxea, safe driv- The annual Sidewalk Art Show a ,, ,. MOUNTAINSIDE - Mayor Fred Wilhelms Jr. of Mountainside received council seat, was the GOP top ^ ]]s A ta, . • Renubli- Km, Parent-Teacher Council and ing. wi a total te ndRe and sale of the Westfield Art Asso- „ ]etter fram David j ci^g Sbale oomtmjssjoner of Transportation, """>«• * ™ ™ * " cans cast ballots and a surorisutely wo or three other community or- uWican Ron8W M c Also J<*n Elder, biology; Bari elation is scheduled for tWs Satiir- thiis wcek r<,gard.ing tne department's proposed plan "for the improve- P ' Heymann. also ™ ^^rt DemoSvm lanizartions involved in youth work. b |WVl Gordon, English, grades 7 and 8; day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Mui- ment of Houte 22i n the vioinilty of New provident RJ " seeking a seat on the council, the ' Interest in the sex education pro- Leland Goslin, general science and dowaskfo Park. In case c-f rain, it Goi^^g investigation of the plans'revealed that the ru™cruP w'th a t.°tal vole <*, 748' ram, wihidh now has completed its Mr Saia ltlhat an This farger-tlran-usual Democratic chemistry; Richard Gralewski, will be held on the following Sat- jnterseetiun has been one of the Thomas Ricciarrii, GOP candidate turnout is felt to be tlie result of a irst year in Westifield schools, re- math, grades 7 and 8; Clarence uixJay, June 14. major sources of complaint due to for Mayor, had a total vote of 740, rains high, allhonglh attendance at rift in the party ranks wK5i the for- Jbnes, safe driving; Kevin Keane, Mrs. F. C. Donavan (Noni) wil! traftEio congestion and has been a District voting was: District 1— mation of the NCJW Democratic Coa- \iesdtay's meeting of dhe Board of PAMBLA A. KING English II and English III, do portraits from 11 a.m. on and h fo Retard MI, Simmon,, 142, Hey- u ™Uloh VlW Msli hereT Education in the Elm St. school was aaard r a numt)er oi yeaWi A H Also Antfeony Dazzaro, U.S. His- Mrs. Hclia Bailin will do portraits .consulting engineer was hired to maun, 138; District 2-Riccrardi, L , Rcpu,blicaiinls slrong] su T€*atly reduced from last month's topy I; Brenda Meelcings, math cp, during the afternoon. .<jy the improvement of Route'22 «lar record attendance. Miss King Wins stu 223 S-mnons, 330^ Heymann, 232; d ^^ Frank £&&£. grade 9, and algebra I; John Mon- Throughout the day, Norman from Greenbrook Township to the Owtnct 3-xR.cc.arxii, 11 , S,mmons, ^ cnMti<iale for the Ftiankentoacii said that he felt _-, Oil 1 • tag> alSabra I; Michael Mulviliill, WeSbb, Lee Caskins and Mrs. A. g, [ state Parkway and1 that iat "generally the majority is in art en US, Heym,ann, 110; Dislnot 4-Ric- ^^.^ election. whjle he ,. EiWtlll nChfllarSniD science grades 7 and 8; Roland Ro- Donald Green, professional painters Gowbei-g indicated that "in our crardi 137 Simmons. 143, Heymann, ,cd fl , d fa „ ivor of the concept of lhe family !*•*.* ^~ |- History, Grade 8, and and members of the association, g sment with tlie consutant, we ving program. However, there u TOan0| vs a re 141; District 5—Riciardi, 12S, Sim.of Union County's 21 communities, world history, grade 9; Thomas will be painting on location in war- ,j,ave jngjcated that the first con- rrtons, 126, Heymann, 127. he lost, to Rep. William T. Oaliill in ave been expressed many sugges- Hyan, English I and II; Patricia ious media. tract should be for tilie improvement In the Democratic race Arthur am concerning specific areas in and Mrs. Harold W. King of the state. Cahill pol'ied third of tha Thomas, personal typing. This popular event has attracted ^ ji j\j providence Rd. inter- M. Goldberg was high man with a Jivc candi<}ates nere wUl 562 vote5. iie program that people believe Ave., is the recipient of the Marian ]e ew total of 128 with John H. Palmer ^.^ ,„ Also Dennis C. Burke, safe driv- an increasing number of New Jer- chamge.due to Sandmn sccond ave caused a problem." He ex- E. Ewan ing; Donald Cuoureilo, Spanish I sey artisbs each yesar, ared affords ceived." Mr. Jr. running a dose second with 126. the s(ats contot a)so was sccor]d resse'd a hope that the results of award. A and II; Jean Russo, algebra I and an opportunity for local residents j^a preliminary review indicates Both men are seeking councri seats. |lere o** n»i • *H iHim K; ElizabeMi Gromlldi, plane geom- to purchase paintings, prints and rtlva^t the only leasable solution John P. Walsh, a candWate for McDermott wllose lym Va]m r meet with broad approval of tlie wlio plans to awenattendo an insuunn)nstttutromn 3^^ . LiixtLincfa flliarClarkk , Pre>nfFrench I and TtIt;' drawings »at moderate pricesBrices. would be the construction of a ommtimiy.mrroimty. " of higheg r learningg- Miss King, wtw and DavDavUU j BMWJI readw jm. ginaide separation (ov«rp.^ss) but Distnot vohns was: District 1- s(ate'lolal| amassed some 35399 Dw'Wg ite routinfe business session ranks In tlie top five per cent of k I tli t fi t f provcmeht ' Inspection that the sitate depsrtment intends ffalsh IB. Goldberg, 18. Palmer. v(jles in N Je ie board fipprwert policies and her ciass, will attend Stafford Hall 18; District.ffM*. «. ^f± W^tiield. Democrats gave, their .„ Palmer, 26; Dstoct J^WaWi, fojg^iv,, tovihe candjii^r. <*$&.. trtrt 4-WaWh.'st, GoMbwe. M. ^d^'tiW^jSt^st «C "tht" ry procedures shouW disorder or High School, Miss King was oo the Palmer, 38; Dtstnet 5-Walsh, 29, stat(J ^ Mmirtated 33 ^eir can- ending disorder occur. Also approv- honor roil consistently, This year • 'Mr/.Soldheri "added Uwt blie de- SA'NFORD R. SIMON partment has- no plans for making GoWberg, 30, Palmer, 29. didates for Town Couircil ^tMi i was a procedure policy outlining sihe served as an assistant secretary Republican incumbent committee- FenneI]yi Wia:[.d x> m voUs. HarrJ le course of acton to be followed to the Student Coiwil and was re- New Providence Rd. a connector men and women elected were: Dis- ard 2, 110: and Patric* Msgr. Fox to Speak between Routes 22 and 78, and the Foshey W garding "student concerns." The sponslble for the Student Council 4rict 1-Lucilie Scott Reel, 139; Dis- Minoguo mcd t m.
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