More smokers every day are turning to Chesterfield 's happy combination of mild ripe Amer­ ican and aromatic Turkish to­ CHESTERF/ELOS baccos-the world's best ciga­ the H appy Combination rette tobaccos. for More Smoking Pleasure When you try them you wi/1 know why Chesterfields give millions of men and women more smoking pleasure •.. why THEY SATISFY ... the blend that can 't be copied ... the RIGHT COMBINATION of the world's best cigarette tobaccos Copyrighc 1939, LI GGEIT & MYERS ToBACCO Co. Copyright 1929 by ALFRED SCOTT, Publisher, 156 Fift h Ave., New York, N. Y. r CARNEGIE HALL PROGRAM 3 • •UA ,EA'Y.:E :t;;,y;;E"" R-A D 1:0,. ~ "I could sit through it ~ Y ours For Keeps ~ again!" ~ ~ How often have you remarked that after a li( ,,,.,~ Carnegie Hall concert. You can salisfy your ),; LI( heart's desire with a Lafayette Automatic ~ On Victor Records H Phono-Radio Combination You can hear the ~ f-4 beautiful symphonies that thrilled you to- .;. .,, night, in your own home .. faithfully, mag- .,.. ~ nificently reproduced on a Lafayette. Send · >! for our booklet, or cal! W Alker 5-8883. ;:1:1 c( )lo The Boston ~ LAFAYETTE RADIOS ~ -I JOO SIXTH AVE. • NEW YORK O Symphony Orchestra 11111 o 1 o v M , :!I .r ::r·xv ::1 v :1 liJ ORATORIO SOCIETY OF N. Y. Serge Koussevitzky, Conductor Carnegie Hall Announcements Sixty-Fifth Season JANUARY ALBERT STOESSEL, Conductor • One of the special characteristics of the Boston Symphony Orchestra is exceptional beauty, depth and richness of tone. Saturday Eve. Jan. 7-PHILHARMONic-SYMPHONY SociETY Serge Kousse,·itzky has been the d istinguished con­ This is due in part to the magnificent instruments used, Sunday Aft. Jan. 8-PmLHARMONic-SYMPHONY SociETY BACH ductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra since 1924. TI e is cons idered one of the outstanding au­ many of which are priceless museum pieces. The wonderful Sunday Eve. Jan. 8-UKRAINIAN SYMPHONY ÜRCHESTRA thorities on Sibelius in the world. tones of these instruments, of this orchestra, lose nothing in Monday Eve. Jan. 9-JosEPH SziGETI, Violinist MASSINBMINOR ( U nabridged) a Victor Higher Fidelity recording. You hear them mellow, Tuesday Eve. Jan. 1o-RuooLF SERKIN Wed. Eve. Jan. rr-RoBERT KITAIN, Violinist pure, transcendently beautiful, as they are heard from the Thurs. Morn. Unqualified Praise from Music Jan. 12-TowN HALL LEcTURE SERIEs CARNEGIE HALL stage. (Stefan Zweig) Critics for the new Victor Almost ali of the great performances for which the Boston Thurs. Eve. Jan. 12-PHILHARMONic-SYMPHONY SociETY Tuesday Evening, February 28 Higher Fidelity Recording of Symphony Orchestra and Dr. Koussevitzky are especially Friday Aft. Jan. 13-PHILHARMONic-SYMPHONY Soc1ETY 7:30 o'clock Saturday Morn. Sibelius Fifth Symphony famous are on Victor Records. This is true of the other Jan. 14-PHILHARMONic-SYMPl!ONY SociETY Saturday Aft. Jan. 14-JosEF LHEVINNE, Pianist by the great orchestras of the world as well. Hear a symphonic con­ Saturday Eve. Jan. 14-MISCHA GooDMAN Tickets at Box Office Boston Symphony Orchestra cert of your own selection on the new Victor Higher Fidelity Sunday Aft. Jan. 15-PHILHARMONIC-SYMPHONY SociETY Serge Koussevitzky, Conductor Records at your dealer' s! Sunday Eve. Jan. 15-BURTON HoLMES and Monday Aft. Jan. 16--BuRTON HoLMEs Office of the Society "T he year's best reco rding," writes the RCA Victrola U·l34·A in Monday Eve. Jan. 16--ARGENTINITA, Spanish Dancer music critic of one of New York's leading 1202 Steinway Hall, 113 West 57 St. Fine 18th Century Cabinet Tuesday Eve. Jan. 17-Jussi ByoERLING, Song Recital newspapers. Wed. Eve. Jan. 18-YEHUDI MENUHIN, Violinist Telephone Clrcle 7-4199 Combines Victor Record and Thurs. Morn. "The finest symphonic album set the radio entertainment. Has auto­ Jan. 19-TowN l:IALL LEcTURE SERIES phonograph has ever given us," writes matic record changer. .. Radio ( Ronald Stm-r ) Steinway Piano an eminent authority connected with one has Electric Tuning for 8 sta­ Thurs. Eve. Jan. 19-PHILHARMONic-SYMPHONY SociETY of :-.lew Yo rk 's fo remost music merchants. tions. In walnut, $3 55.oo*; ma­ Friday Aft. Jan. 2o-PHILHARMONic-SYMPHONY SocrETY Fifth Avenue School of Music hogany. $365.00*. Price includes Friday Eve. Jan. 2o-GoLDEN HILL CHoRus PlANO, VJOLIN, 'CELLO, HARP, VOICE $g.oo in any Victor Records you Saturday Aft. Jan. 21-M1scHA ELMAN, Violinist and THEORY OF MUSIC choose. $2.00 subscription to Vic­ Courses in music appreciation, group singing, Symphony No. 5 in E Flat Major (Si­ tor Reco rd Review, membership and instrumental music for children. beliu s, Op. 82), and Pohj ola's Daughter in the Victor Reco rd Society, Appointment-Director of Music RH H530 RCA Victor Master Antenna. (Sibelius, Op. 49) by the Boston Sym­ phony Orchestra, Se rge Koussev itzky, , ' Conductor. Album M-474 (AM-474 I'OR BEER AT ITS BEST ASK I'OR CAFE BOHEME for automatic operation) 10 sides, $10. "famous for food" Listen to the "Magic Key of RCA" every Sunday, 2 to 3 P.M., E. s.T. on the NBC Blue N etwork. The rendez-vous of the musical world. MODERATE PRICES LUNCHEON- COCKTAILS DINNER --- SUPPER Patronized by celebrities Hofmann, Elman , Grofé, Rosenthal , Eddie Cantor, Ed . Wynn , Jack Benny and ma ny others. A SERVICE OF THE RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA Tlu F. & M. Schae[er Bre wing Comf>any, Brooklyn, N. Y JUST ACROSS THE STREET ON SEVENTH A VENUE CARNEGIE HALL PROGRAM CARNEGIE HALL PROGRAM 5 HEAR THESE AMAZING THE PIANO AT THIS CONCERT 15 A COLUMBIA RECORDS BEETHOVEN: The Nine Symphonies Most ali of these played by the late Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Felix Weingartner. STEINWAY Prices for these records are surprisingly reasonable. Hear them or write for complete information and catalogues. This chosen instrument of the concert platform is also The. Gramophone Shop, Inc. the ideal piano f o r the h orne - with its glorious tone The World's Best Recorded Music adapted to the d:mensions of even the smallest room. 18 EAST 48th STREET NEW YORK CITY Tel. Wlckersham 2-1876 JESUS MARIA SANROMA ___We ship_ records~afe~y around the corner o r around the world. who uses the Steinway exclusively in concert and at home, $ays: CARNEGIE HALL PROGRAM CHRISTMAS "The Steinway piano, like the Stradivarius violin, Seaaon 1938-1939 is beyond praise; and its action offers the maximum FIRE NOTICE-Look around now and choose the nearest exi• SEALS of musical and mechanical response with the min­ to your seat. In case of fire walk (not run) to that Exit. Do not try to beat your neighbor to the street. imum of effort." JoHN J, McELLIGO'IT, Firt: CommiSJion~r New Yorl' Tuberculosis The Steinway is the piano preferred and used by virtually every one of the great artists since Liszt and Wagner. In CARNEGIE HALL and Greater New York a new Steinway can be bought only at Saturday Afternoon, January 7, at 2:30 Health Association Second Afternoon Concert STEINWAY & S O N S Steinway H ali, 109 West 57th Street, New York City Chesterfield Cigarettes fbetween Sixth and Sevenfh Avenuesl BOSTON SYMPHONY On sale in Buffet and Ladies' Rooms ·ORCHESTRA off of Parquet and First Tier Boxes. SERGE KOUSSEVITZKY, Conductor CARNEGIE HALL KREUTZER SONATA Fridav Evening, Feh. 24th. at 8:~u GEo. E. Juoo, Manager C. W. SPALDINc, Asst. Manager Music ....... Beethoven Book.. ...... Tolstoy NEW ~.REAT FILM SENSATION PROGRAMME ARTUR at HAYDN .................................. Symphony in B-Bat, No. 102 WORLD THEATRE 49th Street, East of 7th Ave. OF FLEXEES' L Largo; Allegro vivace SCHNABEL II. Adagio Pianist SEVEN BASJC III. Menuetto: Allegro; Trio Only Carnegie Appe:uance FIGURE TYPES IV. Finale: Presto Steinway Piano WILL MAKE PROGRAM CONTINUED ON SECOND PAGE FOLLOWING CARNEGIE HALL VOU LOVELIER? Monday Evening, Mar. 27th, at 8:30 - Which ever you may be, GEORGES Flexees will help you •••• TODAY'S achieve your fullest BALDWIN GREAT PIANO ENESCO possibilities of beauty. Used exclusively by sucT! famous artists as Violinist BARER • BAUER • BJ.OERLING • BORI • CASELLA • CHAJES Only Carnegie Appearance EISENBERGER • GABO R • GIESEKING • GOLSCHMANN •ITURBI JOHNSON • LABUNSKI • LHEVINNE • NAEGELE • NIN·CULMELL Steinway Piano PONS • ROSENTHAL • SCHIPA • SLENCZYNSKI • TANSMAN BALDWIN PIANOS • 20 EAST 54th STREET Tickets at Box Office Baldwin, also the Acrosonic, Hamilton and Howard Pianos - CARNEGIE HALL PROGRAM 7 6 f CARNEGIE HALL PROGRAM • • NEW MODES ••• in hair, face and figure Now is the time to come to Elizabeth classes ... Body Massage, Giant Roller, Arden's Salon ... to correct your silhouette Ardena Baths, to give your figure slim WHO HAS ALWAYS DREAMED OF HAVING ... to get a new coiffure ... to perfect every roundness ... Face Treatments, Firmo-Lift, detail of your beauty for the new season lntracellular Mask, to regroom your skin FINE ORGAN MUSIC IN HIS OWN HOME and the new clothes ... Exerci se, for pos· ... and, o f co urse, an Elizabeth Arden T oday-even on a moderate income-this ambition can be realized! ture or for slenderizing, individually or in coiffure, upswept or cleverly transitional. e Many business and professional men in mod­ erate circumstances are today finding it possible to gratify a lifelong ambition-an ambition for­ 691 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, PLAZA 3-5846 © 1938 EA merly beyond the dreams of ali but the very • wealthy. In their own homes they are enjoying the fascinating, ever-varied beauty of fine organ music. PROGRAM CONTINUED The Hammond Organ is os practical for yo1w • living roam as a piano! And it's easy to learn to pl ay. Yet when you sit at its console you have at your fingertips myriads of instrumental voices. DuKELSKY ................ "Dédicaces," fo r Piano and Orchestra, You can interpret your favorite melodies in the with Soprano obbligato familiar tones of a fine church organ-or in I.
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