Students to get . role me. choosmge newaprestdent student conimittee .. "Ithink it is very imparrant representatives '. ." building basically ignoredthcforum. "Inever met this president and probably won't meet the next~Idydcm'tcsrtwhois . elected," said student Melissa MaddaIs ' ' . Whakverstwhtdinmestis . in tbe proctss, it is moving for full-time frcultyv and thi Faculty employed during Kachclle patslow. See Seurcrb, 12 Post-'Ikn~Faculty*Evdwtioa the summer quarter for the See Con*!cg9 Page l2 Parslowsaid that the corn- page ... 9 C-DUS Life New face brings ideas and skills to Highline By Heather Baket ridsudtaricbesstdentdlives. S&affRepoder r "It's nice be in Having your husbandon cunpus doesn't mean you will LcannaAlbchthubrwght the heartbeat of gettoseehimallthetime. "I her youthful spirit, but mature the campus.oo haven't seen him yet. Maybe wc experience to Highline. CM meet in the cafeteria lor Albrecht has filledthe psi- lunch." tion of Student Rngrams Coor- --Allrccht Her husband is not the only dinator. family she has on campus her As Student Programs Cmr- management analystin the trea- son, Taylor, who is in the day dinator, Albrechtsits on the Ser- sury department. cafe pgram on campus. vice and Activity panel as a On her leisure time Albmcht She also has a daughter nonvotingmember and also likes to do outdoor activities. "I named Elizabeth. handles the budget. like to do desktop publishing Her son got to recently dunk Besides handlingS&A bud- andgraphic design," said I LtaaumNbmcht her at the FaJl Festival's dunk/' get she also wocks with the Ath- Albht. tank. letic Department. Sheworiredasthemrrlreting "Om good thing about being "Cold would be an under- With the athletic department director for the Central Wmh- in student p~ogramsis that Ilike statement," Albrecht said. She she would help the sumwrnding ington W~ldcats. to volunteer and do'differcnt had to stay in the water for 10 communities foe1 connected to At Central Washington she things. So, here you have the minutes, and it is a memory that the Highline'ssports pmgram. mahred in communication and opportupity," said Albmht she will never forget. "We are trying to get more minored in advertisingand Highline is not a foreign Albrecht is happy to be here exposure for Highline athletic speacb: A gigglingproblem ground to Albmcht. at Highline and will bring new sports. It is very true that most kept Albrecht from pursuinga " Ido have ties to Highline ideas to the.campus. She will of the coaches are not here on bmdcast&p. becausemy husband (Jeff also belp getmom expure for campus .. :they have full-time She graduated in 1995 with Albrccht) is the head men's bas- Highline's sports teams. jobs outside of coaching." her Bachelorof Arts degree in ketball coach," she said. An-'. Albhtalsolikeswhucher It is not the first time that communication. otherquality that drew her office is located in the student Albrecht has worked with an Norto coming to Highline, closer to Highline was that it programs omce. "It's nice to be athletic program. she worked at Boeingas funds was a quality institution that intheheartbeatofthecampus." great and the water quality is pmgcam - uPcople Like Us, Evening student ice to Live!"- fot individuals with kid- close petfdon. creamsocia. ney disease and their families. 0 Volunteers needed to be hgrams will be held Oct. 9 Student Governmentis plan- parent mentors and 10 at the 'IWrwila Commu- ning an eveningstudent ice nity Center.. For more informa- cream social for Oct. 14. The sauthKingcwnty~~oftioncall 1-8WKidncy.. ': socialwillstart,at5p.m.andrun . .. ChilQen'sHomcSocictyWash- tilt 8 p.m. Fot mom informdonp. Andthehers are... call-206-878-37 10 txt. 33 15 ot<. ington is looking for volunteers " 3215. to bumme ParentMentors. Vol- The winnersof the raffle for unteers will receive trainingin the reserved spot next to Ed child development, relationship Colleges on campus Athletes asking for Command's are LuAnn Fumr building skills and more. Several colkges will be on pledges for wak-a-&on' for Fall, Molly Reitz for Winter, Volunteers must be 21 years- Kathy Lundfar Spring andMar- campus in the month of Octo- old and commit 4-6 hours per Student Athletes arc asking gmt Hunsperger for summer. ber. All college tables will be monthand attend a two-day located in the lower level of students and faculty for finan- training seminar. cial support for this year's Ath- Be aware of domestic Building 6. Here is a list of col- .For more information call leges that will be visiting. letics Walk-a-thon. This event AnnemarieRobinson, parent violence in October i is to help raisefunds for the ath- WashingtonWestern i mentor cootdinatorat 253 -854- Women'sPrograms and University's Human Services letic program. The walk-a-thon 0700 ext, 155. will be held Oct. 17 from 10 Team Highlineis hosting events program (Seattle campus)- Oct. on Oct. 14 for Domestic Vie 1 from 930 am. -1 p.m. a.m.tO 1 p.m. For more infor- Free program provided mation contact LRanrraAlbrecht lence Awareness Month. Pacific Oaks College NW- at 206- 878-3710 ext. 3255. by the Natiod Kidney There will be various pmen- Oct. 5 from 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. Foundation tationsandprojects held University of Washington - Pool pump working throughout the day. Oct. 11 from 10 a.m. - 12:30 The National Kidney Foun- For more information contactp.m. The pool is now running. dation of Oregon and Washing- Dawn Merydith at 206- 878- City University-Oct. 12 The new pump is performing ton presents a free educational 3710 ext. 3340. from 1-3 p.m. Tutoring Opportunities ...4 - available in all subjects c Scholarships Aren't ;.:. ' Looks good on resume Only for 'Straight A" .4 '.i Students Make some money . Have you ever said "Therearen't any sc Requirements: forstudents like me"? This workshop will show you"' i, otherwise! learn how to research these scholarship 1. 3.0 GPA in chosen subject opportunities and get tips on applying. Co-sponsored 2. Recommendation fkom by Multicultural Services and Women's Programs. instructor in particular subject Oct 13 & 20 2:00pm400pm Wed Main Campus LaShawn Morgan & BIdg 10, Rm 103 Rebecca Rodes For more informa Son call Eena Item #8 130 Fec: $10 at ext. 3 P48 Call (206) 878-3710, ext. 3340. " - Ic ! I e voice of I I t)4f.stwknts CampusLife scpt, 30, I999 i 3 I f @I?arkingvoid., leaves I students uddfilled ... .. :. I ' Sbbridee 'access closed '.: .* .. - - experience with m#tias*c~adi-*is a .candidate forum tentatively evening classes." . ~2fr0nn~ to 1 p.m. in Building 8, --Renee jovet There will (L fiae Ioe ."- .c I F Opinion Editorials I'm becoming a killer nerd OK, I'm ot#essive. I'm turn- Bo-ardrushing ing intothe Murha Stewart of daily living. Son= obsessions am better through process than others. I used to obsess about the usual things shop- Highline's Board of Trustees needs to workharder if it really ping, weight, having pretty wants to include the campus communityin the effort to nplace friends, and my ex-boyfriend. President Ed Command. Command will retire in July 2000. From the beginning, the Board of Trustees has said that they want to involvethe commu- nity, faulty, staff and students in t)re search. Their effort to do so could be best put as mediocre. Thestu&ntfarumaboutdre~tial~~was planned onlya few daysbefore it convdon Sept. 22. Conss quently, students didn't with only 13 peopk there, csscn- tially all Student Govemmentand Team Highlii members. TheNshjobchat~Boardof~did~~gthe ~" studentfwumleaves~onsofwhethertheborrddly~~ And while this can get you student participation. ttuoogb theday. it wcm't@you FramthatfosumtheBoardof'Ibtccsdecidcdtoaddastu- tiwugh life. denttothecommitteeoffindingapresident. ItisuptoRenee After asummer of soul Jovet,studentbodypd&nt,tofinda*hulenttobeanfhC~ sertrhiaq mitts by this Friday. fitand1110longert~0~18chiatl The timeline for Jovet's decision puts her in a tough spot. totakcmy~off. ~isnot~ghtitmf~hertorwsccpt@idansandinta- Staying home oo the week- view applicants or even comc up with a~ application process. cndtostudyisnotthecbaiaof Herbestbetistoclosehercyrcrsud~aramdrurdpoirrtba somebodyinthestirdentcenter,uhomryormaynotbeqrralifisd fortheposition. Isthiidrcwaytochooecapersonwbogc4to decide who will be the college's next @cleat? ' MoretimeisneadadsoJovctcanrmrlmtbebestpossiMede- cision for the entire campus.. ........ The~ismhingtbtpmxss,notgi~'~tscnmgh timeleamabouttheissue. TheBoaurdofThsteesneedstoslow ' downbef6rcthcytrytoslii~bpsrttbe~~ munity. colltgc is a-&&&I cbancc n& wbo will probably be your boss shape, but someday you may Command leaves . it into a fgut...ycar instit~tion. dy,"I said cometoafdintlwroedmd SomestudamwiUcboageto In order to become a full- theFearetwon#cls~~is pasty during their cbllegelife fledged 'bed" it tdces 8 lot of ignorance and.the other is a big deskto fill and otbcn wiM use theit brains sacrifice. It means giving up knowkdge. It%your choice, aadmrltcwi8edbcisions. Meads who adtthe sharpest Tern hopes to soyIudQy IIC- Fiiding a replacemnt fot HigWi's president, Ed Command Becominga good student tools in the shedand saying otga&e~-V& isgoingtobedifficult. Hcisleavingbehindamofa- firl college and a lot of pabpk who admire him. - i Onemaybeundertheassamptionthatadegepidwtsuf- The Thunderword . e. fers fiom a swollen egoor acquired power trip syndnrme. Tbat*s not Command. How many college pnsidentscan you imagine who host ice cream socials? At the ice cream social he laid low, not drawing attention to himself. He basiily walked dthe ~oomcan- versing with hcility, sbdcnts, and &, mva once acting as if he wee the star of the show. Command has become intertwimd with the college, starting as registrar and dimtor of admissions. Woyears la!er he became the administrative assistantto the pnsidint and five years later the vice president. Command finished at the top as pesidclrt in 1990. Nottomenttionthefactdrathe~8ovcy~kaadersy to talk to. At last week's Board Of dg many e- ersusedCommand'strai~ase~~ofwhat~dl~~tosde in his replacement. They commtndcd his open& policy and his visibilityon campus.
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