kaitak ON THE MOVE 第八期 ISSUE 8 032012 環保連接系統 全力起動九龍東 曾大大推動了香港現代工 新優質商業區創造知名度; 區融合,並與主要的運輸基 的影響、土地需求、營運可行 業發展的九龍東包括前機場 「多元化」的活動場地 — 包 建連接起來,包括現有港鐵 性、財務表現和經濟回報, 舊址、觀塘和九龍灣。隨着政 括露天食肆、活力洋溢的海 觀塘線及已規劃的沙田至 以及其他路面環保交通工具 府推出「起動九龍東」計劃, 濱、水上活動、休閒娛樂設 中環線(沙中線),使市民往 的選擇,進行初步的可行性 它將再度成為香港一個全新 施;「優良設計」— 融合綠色 來各地更暢達便捷。 研究。研究結果顯示單軌列 的經濟動力中心。 生活和締造環境宜人的公共 車系統是首選的長遠方案。 休憩空間;「加強連繫」九龍 就啟德發展計劃過往的廣泛 起動九龍東 東區內外各地 — 以環保連接 公眾參與活動的意見所得, 市民對環保連接系統的 這願景以啟德發展計劃為主 系統全面貫通整個地區。 市民均一直期望興建一條環 高度期望 軸,致力把整個九龍東轉型 保連接系統。為此,在2007 擬議興建的高架鐵路環保連 為香港另一個核心商業區, 嶄新綠色連繫 年由行政長官會同行政會議 接系統全長約9公里,共12個 提供充裕的辦公室樓面面 嶄新的環保連接系統是 通過的《啟德分區計劃大綱 站,將途經啟德發展區所有 積,以實現國家「十二五」規 「起動九龍東」計劃內矚目的 圖》內已預留用地,興建以鐵 主要的旅遊熱點,為香港締 劃其中一個主要目標 — 支持 項目之一。這個綠色運輸系 路為主的環保連接系統。 造獨一無二的新地標,增添 香港作為國際金融、貿易和 統會貫通整個啟德發展區, 2009年年底,土木工程拓展 旅遊的吸引力。走線兩端將 航運中心的地位,以及發展 以至觀塘和九龍灣,把新舊 署委聘顧問,就環保連接系 分別連接港鐵九龍灣站和觀 為離岸人民幣業務中心和國 統走線方案、對交通和環境 塘站,並途經日後可與沙中 際資產管理中心。 線交匯的啟德車站廣場, 方便乘客轉車。 「起動九龍東」的重點涵蓋 四大概念總綱計劃:「塑造嶄 新品牌」— 為即將面世的嶄 露天食肆 Al fresco dining 多元化活力海濱 Vibrant waterfront 啟德新里程 . Kai Tak on the Move ... [ 第八期.Issue 8 ] 2 環保連接系統 的建設費用估計約為120億 願景,推動該區與時並進。 雖然電池電動巴士、超級電 有關方面在選擇採用高架單 港元,包括興建基礎設施、 此外,該系統貫徹啟德發展 容巴士及混合動力巴士在香 軌列車的過程中,亦曾探討 車站、鐵路機電工程、列車、 計劃的綠色理念,建設一個 港尚待確定可行,政府已計 其他類型的鐵路系統。其中 車廠和觀塘連接橋。預期收 路面零排放、比柴油巴士 劃資助專營巴士公司購置此 另一主要選擇是雙車卡配備 益將不足以支付建設成本、 消耗更少能源的運輸系統, 等巴士進行測試,以確定是 橡膠輪胎的行人捷運系統, 日常營運及維修保養的 將有助保護環境和改善空氣 否適合在本地道路使用。因 其應付急灣位置所需的活動 費用。 質素。 此,啟德所採用的路面環保 半徑較小,較有利於行駛啟 交通工具,須視乎實地測試 德鄰近狹窄的腹地區域, 效益顯著 路面環保公共交通 的結果而定。日後,環保鐵路 而且可輕易配合共用路軌; 環保連接系統帶來的經濟效 環保連接系統的動工興建, 連接系統投入服務後,路面 益難以一一量化 因其不但 需配合啟德發展區內的多項 不過,該系統須要建造體積 , 的運輸服務會作適當調整, 龐大的板式高架橋來裝置導 是快捷的運輸系統,將啟德 基建項目,包括沙中線啟德 為市民提供另一交通選擇。 發展區 九龍灣與觀塘各區 站和沿前跑道的園景平台的 軌,對景觀影響較大。 、 連繫起來,更是「起動九龍 發展。預計環保連接系統會 路面環保公共交通工具的優 東」不可或缺的一環 環保連 在 年啟用 不過 隨着 另一方面,同樣為雙車卡的 。 2023 。 , 點,在於建設成本和營運費 單軌鐵路則只須裝置主樑式 接系統將產生催化作用,為 居民陸續遷入啟德發展區, 用較低,且可靈活規劃路線, 毗鄰的舊區注入活力 鼓勵 並對交通需求增加 我們需 高架導軌,外形美觀而富現 , , 惟會對繁忙的道路網絡添加 代感;而且建議的每個方向 私人發展及重建;加強九龍 要在2013年起為居民提供另 壓力。此外,從載客量、旅遊 東的區內與區外的緊密連 一替代的路面環保公共交通 單線行車,可避免共用軌道, 吸引力、提供既安全可靠又 接 孕育該區成為一個全新 工具 初期可先採用現時已 減低操控方面的顧慮,令單 , 。 便利的區內連繫、與其他發 的核心商業區 在香港路面行駛的最新型環 軌鐵路更勝一籌。 。 展項目的協同效應,以至提 保交通工具,包括超低硫柴 升九龍東核心商業區的形象 成本龐大 環保連接系統如實施得宜, 油巴士(歐盟五期排放標準) 等方面,成效卻難與環保鐵 最終決定是否採用環保連接 定必成為香港另一個精彩旅 和液化石油氣小巴,其後或 路連接系統相比。我們會就 系統的另一重要因素,則須 遊景點,吸引大量遊客到訪, 會考慮採用其他獲批准的新 採用環保鐵路連接系統或路 衡量其成本與效益。按2010 使區內的各行各業受惠。環 交通工具。 面環保交通工具作為長遠安 年的價格計算,整個系統 保連接系統象徵高瞻遠矚的 排,積極聽取公眾意見。 取道開源道或敬業街 Choice between Hoi Yuen Road or 環保連接系統進入觀塘後, King Yip Street 須要在鐵路走線上選擇沿開 When EFLS lands in Kwun Tong, a choice 源道或敬業街行走 開源道 needs to be made between two alternative 。 routes following either Hoi Yuen Road or 方案優勝之處在於較接近港 King Yip Street. The Hoi Yuen Road option 鐵觀塘站,更為直接方便; has the advantage of finishing closer to the 不過,為容納環保連接系統, MTR Kwun Tong Station and thus providing 需把開源道現時三條行車線 a more direct and convenient link. However, 的其中一條封閉,搬移一些 to accommodate EFLS, one traffic lane of 現有巴士路線;並須拆卸 the 3-lane carriageway of Hoi Yuen Road would need to be closed and some existing 開源道 Hoi Yuen Road 一些現有的簷篷,以符合消 防要求 bus routes would be diverted to other roads. 。 Some existing canopies would also need to be demolished to meet fire-fighting 至於取道敬業街的方案方 requirement. 面,環保連接系統則會沿觀 塘明渠旁行走。該處空間較 Choosing King Yip Street would mean 為寬敞,除了對交通造成較 running EFLS along the edge of the Kwun 少影響外,對景觀的阻隔 Tong Nullah, where there is more space and little impact on traffic. This option, with 亦較輕微,但前往港鐵觀塘 less visual impact, increase the walking 站的步行距離則較開源 distance to the MTR Kwun Tong Station by 道方案增加約250米 敬業街 King Yip Street 。 approximately 250m, though. 啟德新里程 . Kai Tak on the Move ... [ 第八期.Issue 8] 3 Environmentally Friendly Linkage System Set to Energize Kowloon East 鑽石山 現有港鐵路線 + 施工中的延線 黃大仙 Diamond Hill Existing MTR Line + Wong Tai Sin Extension Under Construction 規劃中的沙田至中環線 彩虹 Shatin to Central Link Under Planning Choi Hung 啟德發展區 啟德 Kai Tak Development Area Kai Tak 環保連接系統走線 EFLS Alignment 環保連接系統替代走線 土瓜灣 EFLS Alternative Alignment To Kwa Wan 環保連接系統車站 EFLS Station 九龍灣 Kowloon Bay 港鐵與環保連接系統的交匯站 MTR Station Interchange with EFLS 環保連接系統車廠 EFLS Depot 馬頭圍 牛頭角 Ma Tau Wai Ngau Tau Kok 開源道 觀塘 Hoi Yuen Road Kwun Tong 觀塘連接橋 藍田 Kwun Tong Lam Tin Transportation Link 敬業街 King Yip Street n Having been a driving to support Hong Kong’s water-based activities, new and old districts, force of Hong Kong’s modern position as an international entertainment and more; opening up access, and industrial development, financial, trade and shipping ‘Design’ to embrace linking with major transport Kowloon East – an area centre and Hong Kong’s green living and enticing infrastructure, including the encompassing the former development into an public open spaces; and current Mass Transit Railway airport, Kwun Tong and offshore Renminbi business ‘Connectivity’ both within (MTR) Kwun Tong Line Kowloon Bay – is once again centre and international and beyond Kowloon East and the planned Shatin to emerging as a new economic asset management centre into the territory to fully Central Link (SCL) for easy powerhouse with the – one of the key goals of integrate the whole area interchanges. launch of the government’s the National 12th Five-Year through an Environmentally ‘Energizing Kowloon East’ Plan. Friendly Linkage System The proposed EFLS has long initiative. (EFLS). been seen as an important In energizing Kowloon East, element in KTD, fulfilling Energizing Kowloon East the focus will fall on four An Inspiring Green public aspirations gauged This vision, with the Kai Tak important development Connection from extensive public Development (KTD) at its concepts: ‘Branding’ to One of the most exciting engagement exercises that heart, sees the whole area create awareness that a elements of the plan is the formulated the land use of Kowloon East evolving new premier office district new EFLS, a green transport plan. A land reserve was into an alternative Central is emerging; ‘Diversity’ to system, that will run all made in the Kai Tak Outline Business District (CBD). feature a multi-faceted the way through KTD and Zoning Plan approved The new CBD will provide area with al fresco dining, deep into Kwun Tong and by the Chief Executive in much needed office space a vibrant waterfront, Kowloon Bay, connecting Council in 2007 for the 啟德新里程 . Kai Tak on the Move ... [ 第八期.Issue 8 ] 4 possible provision of a Tak Station Square, where sharing and manoeuvrability East”. This catalytic effect rail-based EFLS. A project passengers can interchange are eliminated, making the will inject vibrancy into feasibility study on EFLS with the planned SCL. monorail a better option. the old neighbouring was commissioned by districts, encourage the Civil Engineering and EFLS System Significant Cost private development Development Department In the process of choosing Another vital factor in and redevelopment, and in late 2009, which studied an elevated monorail the ultimate adoption of enhance connectivity within the preliminary engineering system, other types of rail EFLS is the cost versus the and beyond Kowloon East feasibility of network systems were explored. The benefits that the system will that must be in place for alignments, analysed the main contender was a two- deliver. In 2010 prices, the new CBD to grow. impacts on traffic and car rubber-tired Automatic capital cost of the system environment, the land People Mover (APM) that as a whole, incorporating With proper requirement, operational was more flexible with a infrastructure, stations, implementation, EFLS viability, the financial smaller turning radius and electrical and mechanical will become another implications and potential thus can manoeuvre more works for the railway, significant tourist attraction returns, and other green easily in the congested the trains, the depot and of Hong Kong, pulling in road-based options. hinterland around Kai Tak, KTTL, is estimated at large numbers of visitors, A monorail system emerged and, importantly, can also HK$12billion. Anticipated which will help support as the preferred long term easily accommodate track revenues are unlikely to diverse local businesses. solution. sharing. On the downside, meet the capital cost as well It will also be a potent this system requires a as the regular operating and symbol of the forward- Elevated Expectations bulky visually-intrusive slab maintenance expenses. thinking vision and drive for for EFLS structure to mount the modernity in the district. The proposed elevated guideway. Substantial Benefits Furthermore, in keeping rail-based EFLS will run for It is not easy to quantify with the green character about 9km in a single line The monorail, on the other all the economic returns of KTD, a transport system with 12 stations. The route hand, with two-car trains as from EFLS since it is more with no roadside emissions will pass through all the well, can be mounted on a than an efficient transport and much less energy major tourism hotspots much sleeker raised beam- system connecting KTD, consumption than diesel in KTD to create a unique girder guideway that looks Kowloon Bay and Kwun buses will protect the landmark in Hong Kong modern and appealing. Tong. It is a vital component environment and improve with high tourism appeal. In addition, with a single in “Energizing Kowloon air quality. Each end of the route will line in each direction link with the existing MTR proposed, the issues of track stations at Kowloon Bay and Kwun Tong respectively, with an intermediate station situated at the Kai 啟德新里程 . Kai Tak on the Move ... [ 第八期.Issue 8] 5 Road-based Green Public Transport 對觀塘避風塘的影響 Impact on Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter Several infrastructure 在整個綠色運輸網絡中 One of the more scenic and ambitious sections
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