UNDERGROUND COAL MINES AS SOURCES OF WATER FOR PUBLIC SUPPLY IN NORTHERN UPSHUR COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA by W. A. Hobba, Jr. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Water-Resources Investigations Report 84-4115 Prepared in cooperation with UPSHUR COUNTY COMMISSION and the CITY OF BUCKHANNON, WEST VIRGINIA Charleston, West Virginia 1987 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR DONALD P. HODEL, Secretary U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Dallas L. Peck, Director For additional information Copies of this report can write to: be purchased from: District Chief U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Geological Survey Books and Open-File Reports 603 Morris Street Federal Center Charleston, WV 25301 Box 25425 Telephone: (304) 347-5130 Denver, CO 80225 CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 3 1.1 Problem 4 1.2 Purpose and Scope-------- - -- --- Q 1.3 Location and Hydrogeologic Setting----- Q 2.0 FEASIBILITY OF USING MINES FOR PUBLIC SUPPLY 11 3.0 FACTORS AFFECTING USE OF MINES FOR PUBLIC SUPPLY 15 4.0 POTENTIAL OF MINES IN NORTHERN UPSHUR COUNTY FOR PUBLIC SUPPLY 19 4.1 Location and Description of Mines - -- 20 4.2 Yield of Mines 22 4.2.1 Flooded mines 22 4.2.2 Freely draining mines 24 4.3 Quality of Mine Water 26 4.3.1 Chemical and physical characteristics------ 26 4.3.2 Relation of water quality to chemical composition of coal--- --- - ---- 28 4.3.3 Treatment of mine water --- - ------ 30 5.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 33 6.0 SELECTED REFERENCES 37 III ILLUSTRATIONS Page Figure 1.1-1 Map showing Upshur County and the surrounding area 5 1.1-2 Graphs showing average river flow during 1930 and 1953 droughts, and current and projected needs of the Buckhannon water system 5 1.2-1 Photograph of the Buckhannon River north of Buckhannon flowing at about 250 cubic feet per second 7 1.3-1 Geologic map showing locations of large areas of known undermining, lineaments, salty-water wells, and stream-gaging site 9 3.0-1 Schematic of well tapping flooded Buckhannon River mine and specific conductance profile of water in the well 17 4.1-1 Map showing areas of underground coal mines in the northern part of Upshur County 21 4.2-1 Map showing flooded parts of three abandoned coal mines south of Buckhannon, near Adrian and the general quality of the stored water 23 4.2.2-1 Map showing major underground coal mines near Buckhannon 25 4.2.2-2 Map showing location, flow, and quality of water draining from coal mines north of Buckhannon, near Century 25 4.3.2-1 Map showing parts of Upshur County where total sulfur in coals is less than or greater than 2 percent 29 IV TABLES Page Table 1.1-1 Average river flow during the 1930 and 1953 droughts, and current and projected needs of the Buckhannon water system 5 2.0-1 Public-water systems using mine water as a supply after 1960 13 3.0-1 Factors and their effect on the quantity and quality of water from mines 17 3.0-2 Chemical analyses of well and mine water 17 4.3.1-1 Complete and partial chemical analyses of water from mines and wells 27 4.3.1-2 Chemical analyses of raw and treated mine water used for public supply and raw water from Minear and Miller-Todd mines, near Buckhannon, West Virginia 27 4.3.3-1 Selected ways of removing or reducing chemical and bacteriological constituents that exceed recommended concentrations 31 5.0-1 Summary of quantity and quality of water available from coal mines in northern Upshur County 35 FACTORS FOR CONVERTING ENGLISH UNITS TO INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM (Si) UNITS The following factors may be used to convert the inch-pound units published herein to the International System of Units (SI): Multiply inch-pound units By To obtain SE units Length inches (in.) 25.4 millimeters (mm) 0.0254 meters (m) feet (ft) 0.3048 meters (m) miles (mi) 1.609 kilometers (km) Area 2 acres 0.4047 square hectometer (hm ) 2 square miles (mi ) 2.590 square kilometer (km ) Volume acre feet 1.233xlO~3 cubic hectometers (hm ) 1,233.48 cubic meters (m ) gallons (gal) 3.785 liters (L) 3.785 cubic decimeters (dm ) 3.785xlO~3 cubic meters (m ) million gallons (Mgal) 3,785 cubic meters (m ) 3.785xlO~3 cubic hectometers (hm ) cubic feet (ft ) 28.32 cubic decimeters (dm ) 0.02832 cubic meters (m ) Flow cubic feet per second (ft /s) 28.32 liters per second (L/s) 28.32 cubic decimeters per second (dm /s) 0.02832 cubic meters per second (m /s) gallons per minute (gal/min) 0.06309 liters per second (L/s) 0.06309 cubic decimeters per second (dm /s) 6.309zlO~5 cubic meters per second (m /s) million gallons per day 43.81 cubic decimeters per (Mgal/d) second (dm /s) 0.04381 cubic meters per second (m /s) micromhos per centimeter 1.000 microsiemens per centimeter at 25°C (pmhos/cm at 25 C) at 25 C (pS/cm at 25 C) The unit liter is accepted for use with the International System (SI). See National Bureau of Standards Special Bulletin 330, p. 13, 1972 edition. NOTE REGARDING VERTICAL DATUM The National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (AGVD) , the reference surface to which relief features and altitude data are related, and formerly called "mean sea level" is referred to as "sea level" throughout this report. VI UNDERGROUND COAL MINES AS SOURCES OF WATER FOR PUBLIC SUPPLY IN NORTHERN UPSHUR COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA By W.A. Hobba, Jr. ABSTRACT The northern part of Upshur County in Most mine water requires some central West Virginia primarily uses the treatment. Water from flooded mines near Buckhannon River as a source of public Buckhannon is moderately hard, slightly water supply. Current (1961) water use of acidic, and generally contains excessive 1.6 million gallons per day exceeded the amounts of iron, manganese, and hydrogen flow of the river measured during a sulfide. Water from wells in the vicinity drought period in 1930 by as much as 1.46 of the ml TIPS is chemically similar to million gallons per day. Three flooded water from mines. However, after contin­ underground mines the Buckhannon River uous pumping of a flooded mine by the mine, the Miller-Todd mine, and the Minear mining company, the dissolved mineral load mine located about 6 miles south of increased, and specific conductance was Buckhannon at Adrian were considered as a reported to have increased from about 400 source of municipal water supply during to 3,000 micromnos at 25 C. time of drought. They store 1,170 acre- feet of water. This stored water, plus an This report also describes how ion additional 500 gallons per minute infil­ exchange, filtration, chemical injection, tration into the mines, is enough water to aeration, and reverse osmosis techniques supply the 1,500 gallons per minute for can be used to remove or reduce chemical 265 days needed by the Buckhannon water and bacterial constituents that could system, and projected needs of 2,500 limit use of mine water for public supply. gallons per minute for 135 days for the year 2018. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Many individuals, and officials from Lawrence Arch (Bethlehem Mines Corp.) mining companies and consulting firms supplied information for their mines near supplied information and assistance during Century, West Virginia. Roger Shingler the study. The author appreciates (Kimball Engineers), David Parks, and Rick cooperation and information supplied by Banick supplied information on their Denver Tenney, "Dusty" Williams (Upshur public water systems using mine water. Coal Co.), Howard "Red" Gould, and Bill Several home owners in Adrian, West Nesselrotte (Badger Coal Co.) for the Virginia permitted access to their wells flooded mines near Adrian, West Virginia. for water sampling and aquifer testing. 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Problem Northern Upshur County Needs an Auxiliary Source of Public-Water Supply in Case of Drought Water use in northern Upshur County exceeds the drought flow of the current source of freshwater, the Buckhannon River. Population is increasing in northern have been insufficient for five of these Upshur County (fig. 1.1-1), an area months for the 1981 water needs of the served by the Buckhannon public water area (table 1.1-1 and fig. 1.1-2). The system. The water system is currently flow of the river for the 4-month period being expanded to serve a larger part of of August through November 1930 is 411 the county. Water for the system is Mgal less than the projected water demand derived from the Buckhannon River. for the year 2018. Thus, a water supply County, city, and regional planners are of 2,380 gal/min plus the entire flow of concerned that, should a drought occur, the river would be required to supply the the available river water would not meet necessary water for the system. The flow minimum demands. For example, the aver­ of the river for the 3-month period of age daily flow of the river in August September through November 1953 is 244 through November 1930 and in September Mgal less than the projected water demand through November 1953 was less than the for the year 2018. Thus, 1,860 gal/min projected use (4.0 Mgal/d) for the year plus the entire flow of the river would 2018 (Samuel Ludlow, Engineer, Region VII be required to get the necessary water Planning and Development Council, writ­ for the system. ten commun., 1978), and the flow would 80° 30' 80° 00' 39POO' 38? 45' 1012345 MILES i I i i i i i i 1012345 KILOMETERS !8 Base from U.S.
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