j "Iowa's alternative ~ newspaper" _V_o_I_.1 _0_8_,_N_o_. _18~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~dne~a~ June 25,1975 Iowa City, Iowa-------------- 52242 -----10' Eyewitnesses say lightning downed plane Survey finds More than 100 perish Iowa hospitals avoid abortions in New York jet crash DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - The NEW YORK (AP) - All EII&em Trampot1&Uon WetY BoercI, wu .ad executive director of the Iowa Civil AIrlInes 7f1 jetllDereombw la for llaDcIDI repartI Liberties Union (\cLU) said Tue8day abcQ eytwltiww lIIat tbe pi.­ In I tbUDderttonn CI'IIbed and blamed juIt wultluelt by u.... ' court action may be necessary to compel Ibort of Kennedy airport 'l'IIeIday, killInI many public hospitall to permit abortions. "It'. ceNinIy IIItnItbItII dill wID be more thaD 101 peI'IOnI aboard. eonaldered In the ItmItiptlon." be The director, Claudia Morrilley, said a Witb 111 p.IHI...... and .... ern majority of public hospitallin Iowa do not membel'l lboIrd, the ~wu OIl I perronn abortions despite federal court ~ ' 1I1d at IeIIt "'" ptWiu CI'IIIIIa ....top rn,t& from New . In tbe I... were attrtbutIId to ~, decisions that they must. c.. of them I PIn AmerbIIl ..... at She said this was diaclOlleCl by an eight· ':'I~ :1tItt!'.~ Elkton, Md .• IDd the adler I TWA IIrIIaw month ICLU survey, known as the before It tore tbrouIb tine ill Rome. Reproductive Freedom Project, of the Ipproac:b Ilibt IIlInddona and plowed ItIto "1.4btmnI 'bit the pIane." dIdared IVluability of abortion and sterilization III area of paJtiandnor1b of tile Upon. ~ewlinew hoi Mann, I N.-.a Cult operatlOllll In Iowa. M It akIdded alone tile pound. die bit police olftcer. "It tilted to the ~ IDd The ICLU It willing to undertake airliner IJQI -=rc.r ...Yt1y traveUad went lbout II more y.,., then hit tile litigation to force public hoIpltala to RockawlY Boulevard, bIl did not Itrlte 1J'OUDd .•• any vehlcl,.. Then It flipped IIpIkIe down. permit abortions and sterilization ". am almoIt poaitJve the pIIae .. bit operations if that is necessary to make "It wu full of .,me, people were by IIghtnlnc," IIId Neal Ra1rden, 23, no them available to Iowa women, she said. IICfUJ1ling and yellInc," uId tile flnt 'NIl pumplns PI at I DMrby fl11inI Mrs. Morrissey and the director of the doctor to reach tile wreckqe. station. Reproductive Freedom Project, Ginny The deatb toll 9CMdlld In fIIIIIlItude 'I'be p1atJe, Ji1icbt., wu beDkJnc low on llellWard of Des Moines, said at a news the 111 perin killed wbeo 111 AIuka Ita Ipproach to Kennedy It llIeU 4:. p.m. Airline. Itruck a mountain neu conference only 47 of 145licenaed hospitala m EDT, 23 minutes behind Ita acheduIed 3:46 Juneau In lW111n one of the naUon'. wont p.m·landIna· which were sent questlonnaires returned lingle plane diuItera. them and the results showed : One of the uvIvin1 purqera. Epl Luftau of NOl"WI)', t.dly bunIed In the -Only one hospital surveyed has AP Wirephoto In the wate of the Kennedy erub, lugsase, bodieI and debria from the craah, llid It the Jamaica HoIpIta1 emer­ policies which meet constitutional stan· eencyroom : dards. 'Just short of Kennedy airport' shattered jetliner were IC&ttered oYer I five-acre patch of IDIeveIoped land. "GoIna In fOt' I 1andIni, the pilot went -Ninety.five per cent of the abortions too much to the left. You know, with one performed in the hospitals which answered Retc:ae W1IIten erowded to cleo up die debrtt Taelday CIIIle to I flW halt I few II-nd yarda from It.-Iy AIrpert George Viti Eppa. In ehIt1e of an evenlag afler • EIIterD AlrIIaeI m jet ctallled, skidded .... oatllde New YorkOty. invntlution by the Nltional wing down. not two. Then there wu an n· the questionnaire were performed in three pioslon. Everyone ... fllncInI lround. institutions, aU of them private and located After that I only remember the ftre. " in Des Moines and Waterloo. From above the aoene, I police lviatlon -second trimester abortions are nearly lllit reported, "debrta and bodIei are unobtainable in most areas of Iowa. City Council tables con~ract vote acattered over a large area." The two women said that gathering The met.ropOlltan area'. frantic evenlna public information on abortion and nIIh hour wu jUll J«linI underwlY and sterilization operations Is nearly 1m. By MARIA LAWLOR delaying tbe project a week to work out Neuhauser uld that Ibe wu not happy "1biJ urban renewal r,lan II better than within minutes there were mIleI-IonI JI088ible. Staff Writer more assurances to the city that Old with the wording 01 the preIellt contract no urban renewal plan, , Ibe aa1cL "I juIt traffic Ueupa in the vIclnIty of Kennedy They said their survey was hampered by A "Jut ditch effort" by two Iowa City Capitol would in fact carry out the agreement. It atltes tblt '111.000 thlnk we 0UIht to Include IOtnI ,uarant.n Airport. "unsympathetic bureaucrats, ad· Council members to delay the voting on I contract. deposited by Old Capitol when the ortcIDIl totbeclty." At fll'lt poUc:e emerpllC)' equipment ministrative red tape and outright 0b­ controversial amendment to the city's DeProsae and Czamedt! drew fire from contrlct was si8ned witb the city be At one po~ durIna the often-healed tried 111 end nm. UlinaIeOOlldlry I'OIcIa to structionism on the part of organlza tions urban renewal contract pald oIf Tuesday the other council members when they said returned to the finn In the event they cou1d debate Neuhauler appeared to be In flvor the airport. But, these too, became clO8&ed from the Iowa Department of Health to the night when IIIIIXher council member cast they felt that a complete l'HValuation of not, "after diligent effort," obtain of holding the vote Tuetday night. and eventually rescue squads had to be Iowa Hospital Association." the tie-brealtlng ballot In a motion to the whole urban renewal project might be mortgage firlancinl for the projecta. At a later ~ In the meetlnI. when airlifted 1n by helicopter. Mrs. Morrissey said many Iowa postpone the vote for another week. considered. Neuhauser, who has In the put aaid abe Czarnecki tabled a motion by TIm Brandt Mayor Abraham BeIrne telepboned New boIpitala, especiaDy in rural areas, still Mayor Edgar Czarnecki, aftek' nearly .. Anything other than reviewing I was I "100 per cent for urban renewal," to vote on the reaolution Tuelday, Orleana Mayor Moon I.andrleu to IIIUre require consent of the spouse or parents two hours of public diJcuaIon ItId council specifiC issue of amendment would open up said Tuesday night that she would not NeWlaUler IeCOI1decI the motion and then him that all poeIible UIiItaDce would be before aIl~ing an abortion although debate, moved for a reaolution to have both the whole thing and put off this project flvor reviewing the whole urban renewal helped to carry the motion wltb bet' given any survivon. Then the New York federal courts have held the decision is up the amendment tabled and the council even longer, " Davidsen said. plan It this time. afflnnative vote. mayor new to the ICeIIe In I heUeop&er. to the woman alone. delay Its vote until July 1. Czarnecki also It wu the flnt major Iirc:rIft craah In The ICLU said it suspects the prospects moved that the city staff, repreaentatives the Unl!e4 St.IteI ~ Dee. I, when I for establishing "reproductive freedom" 01 Old capitol Aaaociates and the City Ttans World Alrllnel jetliner, alao I 7f1, for Iowa women Is "dismal" unless liti· Council meet in an executive 1e8II0II at 1 Board to decide funding policies MIlt dowu In UppervtJIe, VI .• ki11lnIln 12 ption is initiated. a.m. today to diIcuIs and clarify the Issues peI'IOl\IlboIrd. Involved In adopting the amendment. In response to a question, Mrs. Czarnecld's motion was Ipproved by a 3 By RANDY KNOPER forced the House to come back In IeIIlon year Medical Technology students I. the Eaatem'. lilt craah WU Sept. II at Morrissey said the ICLU is interested in to 2 vote, with Czarnecki and council Staff Writer or forced the state to forego capital fun· result ol a change of structure in the Olarlotte. N.C., when I DCI eruhed. finding a woman who has been denied an members Carol deProsae and Mary Board of Regents appropriations for the ding. The motion failed. Medical TechnoJosy prOll'lm. ki1IinI" of 12 penonIlboI.rd. abortion or persons denied a sterilization Newhauser supportlJ1l the motion. The two preliminary budgets Of the five regents Doderer and several other state The Jamaica Bay area Ii KenDedy wu operation in Iowa to me a case. Fourth·year students have been paying remaining council members, Penny i!lstitutions, including the UI, are among legislators hope to meet next week with only the $110 UI Activities Fee because the ICeM of MOtberCJ'llh 13 yem..,. An Mrs. Morrissey said that when the first Davldaen and TIm Brandt, cast dissenting the items before the board at its meetings Gov. Robert Ray and the State Executive their program conaIsted of on-tbe-job American AirIlneI BoeItIIm pIun&ed Into questionnaire was sent out last March, votes. here today and Thursday. Council to get the $900,000 that was t.·aininll at the UI and Veleran's the bay III Marcb. 1, 1182, kIlIIDI • several hospitals returned them unan· By cllting ber vote In support of Although the final detail of the line requested transferred back to the con· Administration Hospltll. In.tead of oet'IOIlI. swered, saying that all questionnaires had Czarnecki's motion to hold off on the budget for regents institutions will not be tlngency fund from lOme other part ol the regular lcademic instruction.
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