~,...>.~~~~~m4cNltrtquill~ itrrnrb OLD NORTHVILLE SPRING FaT MOTe Than 83 Years - - Friend,.. Companion and Kindly Counselor Volume 83, Number 38 Northville, Michigan, Thursday, February 18, 1954 $2.50 Per Year in Advance Four Candidates Definitely ~'H~~~~d In Race For Commission We hope that. when all nominating 'petitions are. filed there will be more ca;ndidate,s for ~lectlOn to the VIllage Commission at the .March 8th electIon than ther~ are v:'l- I cancies to be filled. We also nope that each ca~dldate wIll 1St. Paul's to , be a person of,outstanding abil!ty, w~th a good ~ndersta~d- ing of the basic problems WhICh w111conf~ont NorthVIlle Mark Anniversary in the years immediately ahead, and p~rslstence enough • PRESIDENT to keep on working towa!d a sound solutIon of those prob- Langfield lems. This Sunday Stubenvoll The fourth anmversary of the * * * * dedication of S1. Paul's Lutheran VILLAGE COMMISSION ............ "" Allen - -The first big job that will·confront the new Village Church will be observed in two Commission will be to draw up an operati.ng budget f~r the special servIces this Sunday. Doran coming fiscal"year. This budget determmes expendltu,res At the 10 a.m. service, Rev. Facknitz that may be made by the Village, and sets ,th~- patteJ,'ll Walter Rutkowsky, pastor of S1. Stubenvoll :for the year's property tax levy. The rate was .$f'h90· p~r Paul's Lutheran Church in Farm- Welch ington, will be the guest speaker. $1,000 of assessed valuation last year. or withm '1~ cen~ Weston of the maximum permitted by law. Assessed valuatIqns m The 30-voice youth choir, direct- ed by Miss Hazel McDaris, will the Village are low, however, and up to now taxes have render two vocal selections. not been onerous. Rev. Oscar Gerken, pastor of St. Matthews Lutheran Church at No Contest Walled Lake, will preach at the 8 p.m. service. SpeCIal musical numbers also will be presented. CLERK Alexander A social hour, with refresh- TREASURER '"'' Clarke ments furnished by the Ladies Aid, will follow the evening ser- ASSESSOR _ Bogart vice. Rev. E. E. Rossow cordially invites all Villagers to attend I'._..".,-""",.,..-..".,-##<~""",.,..-.."._##<,-""",.,..-~-",*,"~##<"",J, Blood Drive Nets 176 Pints both services and enJoy the social hour. The above represents the prospective list of candi- Northville really rolled up its sleeves registering donors while Red Cross work .. Members of the committee dates for Village offices at the election March 8, with the for the Red Cross Bloodmobile last Fri- ers gave each an examination. Red Cross planning the observance are Fred exception of Stubenvoll, who has said he will not seek day. Grey Ladies served coffee anO, donuts. Sterner, Sr., chairman; Adolph re-election to the Village Commission, on which he has Neuman, Victor Miller and Ed- served for the past eight years. A total of 176 Villagers stopped by the Assisting Mrs. A. C. Carlson, local Red ward Drews. Cross Chapter Chairman, and Mrs. For- The keynote of the fourth an- There is a strong feeling in some quarters, however, Methodist Church House during the af- that his services have been so valuable to the Village in the ternoon and evening and contributed a ney we~e th,«r.following volunteers: Mrs. niversary celebration is "What Gladys .IJ olip~on, Mrs. Donald Secord. Great Things The Lord Hath past that he should be "drafted" for service again. pint of blood. Done". Mrs. Edith '\McKenna, Mrs. Emma Reid, DRAFT STUBENVOLL TALK "It was one of the most successful Mrs. Haroldt' Schultz, Mrs. Lauese Cans- If this draft \ develops into Bloodmobile visits we've had," said Mrs. fi~ld;' Mr8~~,~erbert. Brown, Mrs. Gerald something more than talk, and if William Forney, chairman. GIlmore, 'M';rs.,MerrIll Sweet, Mrs. Harry 8tubenvoll lends a sympathetic Some 280 persons signed UP. in advance. Wagenschut~ .. Mrs. York Conroy, Mrs. ear, he could be a candidate for A few couldn't mak~ it. Others were 'turn- N. K:~Pa·ttison, Mrs. Jennie York? ''M:rs. either .village President or to suc~ ed down' ~~~r phYsicalJx.l!~inations. William Dowsett, Mrs. Clifford Winter, ceed himself as a commissioner. Local volunteers handled the job of Which office he might seek prob- Mrs. Eldon Biery and Miss Ruth Angell. ably would depend upon whether Langfield decides to run for re- For Four Days Prospects "Good" election. The latter has said he would be glad to terminate his publIc service with the expiration Chest X-Ray Unit to for Oil Strike of his present term in office and that he would welcome Stuben- on Wilson Farm voll as a candidate for the job. On Be Here ex ee Prospects of a.new o!l strike N t W k west of NorthVIlle brIghtened this week. The newest well is on the farm of Ralph Wilson at 10489 W. Sev- Mustangs Beaten en Mile Rd. The hole was drilled to a distance of 3200 feet in 1947 but it was decided to deepen it after the recent strike on the Le- By Clarkston Master farm on Napier Rd. While rumors persisted that oil already has been hit on the Wil- son' farm, those In a position to know denied It. ,.. * '" * '* Ken Fox, a representative of The Wayne Eagle reports that a new move is getting the W. C. Taggart Co., which is drilling the well, said it had been under way to incorporate the Village of Wayne into a city. deepened less than 100 feet dur- An attempt last fall bogged down in the Wayne County here mg the past week. He said the Board of Supervisors when objections were made to city crew ran into parts trouble and boundaries that would have included portions of Canton had to qUit work for a period. Township. Some supervisors were against this expansion. Both Mr. and Mrs. WIlson ~aid (Continued on Page 6) they had no knowledge of a Ford Motor Offers strike. However, Mrs. Wilson said Fox Ford Field to told her the well "looked good". The state geologist's office in FG FT TP Lansing, usually one of the first 9 1 19 Village 'for $5500 to hear of oil strikes, also said 9 2 20 Ford Motor Co. has offered to there had been no report from o o o sell Ford Field and some sur- Taggart on the Wilson well 1 1 3 2 1 5 rounding territory to Northville The drilling rig was set up on for $5500, Village Attorney Philip the Wilson farm after drillers o o o 2 2 6 Ogilvie reported to the Commis- faIled to fmd oil in a deepened sion Monday night. hole on the Glenn Angell farm 1 1 3 2 2 6 In exchange for the land at the corner of Napier and Seven _____ ,Northville also would be required Mile. Totals 26 10 62 to deed to Ford a small triangle The Angell well, first drilled Northville of land north of PJymouth Rd. in 1946, was deepened to 4,521 FG FT TP Howmth and in front of the Ford Valve feet but failed to show any signs 6 4 16 Nash plant, Ogilvie said. of oil. 6 o 12 Ifversen 1 1 3 In return the Village would get Tesehka 4 o 8 Ford Field propel' plus land west BeJI 8 1 17 of the present fence and running Water Safety Clark o o o in a northeasterly direction to Schulz 1 o 2 the millpond. The Village also Course Offered _____ I would be given the dam and to Northvillites Totals 26 6 50 flowage rights. Total area of the plot is about lti• d H - A watel' safety instructor's Dlr 6use Contest Red Cross Meeting six and one-half acres. course, open to Northville resi- Storm Disrupts Ford, just as ('onscious as any- judging March 8 dents, has been schedUled at Hen- Set for March 1 one of the current oil "boom", ry Ford School at 16140 Driscoll The annual meeting of the said it would reserve mineral Judging in the annual bird Phone Service Here Ave. in Dearborn. Northville Branch, American Red Monday night's storm played rights on the property it sells to house contest, sponsored by the The course will begin at 7 p.m. Cross, will be held Monday, Mar. hob with phone service in North- the Village. Northville Branch of the Women's Friday, Feb. 26. 1, at 8 p.m. in the Elementary ville. The Commission instructed National Farm ahd Garden Asso- W. George Wibby, water safety School auditorium. Bell Telephone Co. reported Ogilvie to draw up a contract and ciation, will be held at the Vil- director of the Detroit Red Cross Officers for the coming year that 115 lines serving 231 custo- bring it back to the Commission- lage Library March 8. C.hapter, will be the instructor. will be elected at the meeting and mers were out of order for a time. ers for final action. h ,_ The contest is open to boys in Red Cross certificates will be is- it is urged that every organization Service wa~ restored on most of Ogilvie said Ford officials 'em- Four generations of the Miller family of MUler, and at right is the baby's' mother, Mrs. grades eight through 12. sued to those completing the in the .Village be represented. the lines by late afternoon Tues- phasized they were in no partic- COurse. Novi were represented when month-old Michael Stanley Onechowski. Little Michael's chri.sten- Prospective contestants have Anyone who has contributed to day.
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