
" .;-, .J '. (,{.:-~ ~1.l;l'-.;~;:,Ti'ISEMENTf . ., Wi'tl .~5~ ~~:thWb~!~ ~ltkg ltUll f(i'l)tk ~althfacttlrer, 'rpRACTtCAL JEWEL~E~r'J~ SILVERSMITH,~' . 17, BR·U·NSWI<~._~- P"~RADE; Anerley Road, Uppr-<j ~~~rwood, S.E., , Adjoin1:ng the C1'ystat ?tiace Statiun, .AND"AT 5, G R E E N W I C I~. R~OAD. (ESTA.BLISHED uPW.i~nDS OP 50 YEARS.) ---~~'. {~~'~:).....s2l~~ :Musical Boxes;Bu'd Boxes, POGket Chronometers, Repeating, and all Jd71U.> of E~gli'1h and Foreign Watches Cleaned Ilnd Repaired. '.' . French, .English, German and American .[illd Chinese StrildnO' OIo'cks Cleuned anu' Hepaired. ,"'" , Initials, Orests, Monograms, ,&c" engraved on Pearl, Ivory, Metal. or Stone. .' Repousse and Oxydis('dSilver Repairet~ -'qual to Ne\v. BAROMETERS, THEROMETERS, AND SPECTACLES REPAIRED. • .Marine Okrometers Skilj'ullyllepaired {lnd C.arefitlly A.djusted. Plate Repaired and Polished. SpOO1l8,.Forks, Cruets, Tea and Coffee Services re-plat~d in a superior manner. ANY ARTICLE OF JEWELLERY'MADE OR, REPAIRED. Hair worked into Ri.ngs,Brboch.es, Br~Pins «,Fancy devices FANS, CARD CASES, SNUFF BOXES, AND.ALL AltTICLES IN PEARL, HORN, TORTOISESHELL, JET, IVORY, &c., v.\.REFULLY REPAIHED . .All Orders' ~nd Repairs executed on the Premises; . ,~LADIES'EARS PIERCED WITHOUT CAUSING THE LEAST PAIN. Old Gold, Silver, Watches, Diamonds, anel,aJt kinds of Precious 'Stones .' purchased or taken. in exchange. CLOCl\:S WOUND &, KEPT IN UEPAIR BY CONTRACT. A. well select~d stock = 4' ElectroPlate. The performance of any Watch or Clock strictly Guaranteed. ALL ORDERS BY POST PUNCTUALLY AND P.ERSONALLY ATTENDED':rO, :REGARDLESS OF DISTANCE. (~, ADVERTISE1\'U~ REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS- Ar~O HEATHS. The Paren.t of evert' Ohild Inav,~)L~in for it "' .f the advantage o~a legal I{c',';'<ry 'of its BIRTH, , without payment .of (oW,·fee, provided it be registered by the Registrar of the Dis~rict ill which the Child 'was born, within ",im l.vee1r-s after the birth. A birth may be registered at any time within six months after the birth; but after sim ,weeks, it can be registA,red only in the presence of the Superintendent Registrar, and the expense of ,registering it luaY.k ...7' s. 6d., and aftel~six ~onths it cannot be regi~£ei'ed at all., NOTICE OF BIRTHS AND DEATHS SHOULD BE SENT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO THE REGISTRAR, ]\IIR. E. BAIL'EY, 4, Ripley Villas!)'D~ngwall R03~d, o R 0" Y D. ,c). )\,1: 'J A ' A....:/ '--J J...~ • uR TO THE PAROCHIAL OFFICE S, PENGE Days of attenaahcca,ii ren[Jt:) Tl~e8day and F,riday. THE HAMLET OF PENGE ~' L 0 C AIl D IRE C TO.R Y, FOR 1871-72. , . ~,J;:;: FIRST ANNUAL PUBLICATION. PRICE ON E SHILLING. PUBLISHED AT THE OFFICES OF TH E LONDON RECORDER PRESS, AmI can be obtaineu "'holesale of Miss FRENCH, News Agent, Woodbine Groye 1'enge, and Retail of all Booksellers and News Agents in the Hamlet. ' . 'Sf ))~lfl HAM LET 0 F PEN G E, 1 8,7 1. Vestrymen. Mr. James BeJl........................ Fox Lane, Upper Norwood " George Edmund Benbow •.•.~ 'Del went Road, Penge . " ]ohn Thomas Blackmore... Seymo'lr Road, Penge " Henry William Wimshurst.. Thicket -RGad, Upper Norwood " William Clutton ..•...•......•. Duhvich Road, Penge " Francis Coleman •.•...•......•. Ha~~let Road, Upper Norwood " Robe~t Cudde~ord............... Cro;. don Road, Penge " FrancIS Gruzeher ..•..•..•.... :. Selby R~a,d. Penge , " George Elkmgton ..•..•.• ~..... Anet;ley Road, Penge " John George Fleet......... .•... err Ion, Road, Penge " Willia;m~. Fieldin.g............ C' .ield Road, Penge ,. Fr~n~ls RI~hard Glbbes •.••.. "dan Road, Pengg '." WIlham Gibson.................. .',c; Road, Penge " Charles Green •.•.... ;.......... .oydon Road; Penge " William Hudson Griffin •.•..• Anerley Rond, Penge Dr. James W. Johnston ....••.•..•. Beverley Road, Penge Mr. Thomas W. McAnally......- 37, Welghton Road, Penge " Ebenezer Pritchard •.•..•.•..•• Tudor Road, Upper Norwood " Thomas Fleming Robinson.. Derwent R0ad, Penge ' " Samuel Se:1.rle..................... Hamlet Road, Upper Norwood " Thomas Smith •.•..~............ Arch Villa. Anerley Rd., Penge " William ,V. Stanger ••••.•.•. Belvedere Rd.,Upper N,.orwood " Abraharr:Steer ........•.•.•...•. Crovdon Road. Penge . <.' .'~:L~-~~ " William Locock Webb •.•.•. MapI.e..,R.. Oll"l[ ~;n ..g.e...:.•..u..~;_·.·.'~.'.",I.·.~.. Auditors. '.: i'M';';~ ~c..,;.i~.t-U. Mr. HENRY LYELL, I, Thicket Ra.d, ':1~" ; Noh'\~9f!;~,.·~-_ .• ~ £.~-:·i " EDWARDl'.1EADE,J 33, Oakfield R, , enge. I 't' Y ;;..-, /, " " DAVID RITCHIE, 3, Selby Rond, Pt,:. , L-. 2,;. (t{ . " WILLIAM SAMBROOKDulwich Road ·Penge~ , -,_v_ ...~_~ " HENRY WHJTE, Pal~ce Road, Uppef Norwd()d!C~ /52 5 'SS~ Repres~ntativ~s ~f the HamIeLf'?. ! _ ._.__~ At tke LewMham Dzstrwt Board of Wfj1·ks.---~_·"'-.;:..o..c;....--- =,~ Mr. William W;ight S~anger. I Mr ..pharles Gte.en." .._-:'~ ." George ElkIngton. " Thomas SmIth. ; C~l " William Hudson Griffin. " William Gibson. , u'l Overseers. (Ex OfficioMembers oflhe Vestry.) --- Mr~ WILLIAM EDMUNDFIELDING,.8 r, Oakfield Road, Penge . .'" THOMAS FLEMINGROBINSON,<;I. Derwent Road, Penge. " JOHN THOMAS BLACKMORE,9, Seymour ,Villas, Pengc. Assistant Overseer & Collector of the Parochial Rates.' . Mr. Alexander Wilson, Parochial Offices, Anerley Road, Penge. • Guardians of the Poor. (Sitting at the !loard of Guardian, of the Croydon Union.) Mr. William Hudson Griffin, Anerley Road, Penge. " William Gibson, Maple'Road, Penge. " William Wright S~anger, Belvedere Road, Up>'er Norwood. Poor Law Medical Officer. Mr John Sydney Turner; Anerley Road, Upper Norwood. , . Relieving Off\cer. Mr. F. ~. Ebbutt, 2, Suffolk Terrace, South Norwood. PO.PULATION OF TIlE HA'MLET OF PENGE. \1ALES. FEMALES. TOTAL. 1871 t "'5 7,806 13,201' 1861 5,015 Showing an increase of 8,186 Since the Oensus 18(:>1. ",1"-' '-.' ' eIRE. ~- IN case of Fire notice should be iluluediately sent to the Fire Brigade Station, Jasmine 'Grove, close to', the principal entrance to the ,Orystal Palace; also to the Turncocks, at 2, Anerley Vale; and 18, King's Road, Penge !toad, South Norwood. A ~Iap ~howing, the positions of the Fire Plugs in that part of the Haullet South East of the Brighton Railway, may be seen at the Parochial Offices, and' copies obtained. ADVERTISEMENTS. ANERLEY HOUSE~ S~1I~10N ~OllD~ PENGE, S.E. --:0:--- Ladies and the Public are invited to inspect H. Rickards & Co.'s new and well selected stock of SILKS· CALICOES DRESSES SHEETINGS MANTLES LINENS GLOVES BONNETS HOSIERY FEATHERS HABERDASHERY FLOWERS TOGETHER WITH EVERY DESCRIPTION OF GENERji}.L DR~l\PERY- OF THE BEST QYALITY AT THE LOWEST LONDON PRICES. MOTTO. Small Profits and Quick Returns. EVERY ARTICLE MARKED IN PLAIN. FIGURES. FOR READY MONEY ONLY. lJeI1ge Pul11ic ~iBtaty. - -- Presented by ~ H~....e.0.!1tCUV rL! hA".9V-f.••• J" /).&rvIIe,,' ......... J.O f..n t.~ 7.. •••.••' ••••~~f 0 . Dat~lia.M~.. ~~.~f···F;;g~~······.. :~~()1 STREET DIRECTORY. ANERLEY ROAD. Concanon,Rev Geo. B, Avonhea'd Hurlbatt, Charles, Esq, Berkley Taylor, Henry L, Esq, Oatlands house Elkington, George, Esq, Briarford Travell, L, Mrs, Pengelly house i".. I Edwards, John, Esq here is Versailles road ..•••• i! ~ 2 King, William, Esq ;:~ 3 Watts, Henry, Esq ~ ~ I Sapwell, S, Mrs ~ N 4 Bickley, William, .l£sq 1; ~ 2 Walkenshaw, A, Mrs Hopcr;:tft, Wm, Esq, Oak lawn ~ b 3 Gordon, M. A, Mrs SmIth, Thomas, Esq, Arch villa ~..... 4 Bailey, James Bleadon,George, Esq, Eldon lodge Pilkinjton, Thomas, draper 'Hart, ohn, bootmaker here are Seymour villas . Cor!1aby, Henry R, Berlin Wool .., I Washington, Thos, Esq Repository ~ ~ 2 Woodin, Joseph, Esq Lyell, Samuel J, stationer ~ ~ 4 Elliott, Joseph, Esq Wright, William, upholsterer 5 Allingham, John, Esq ........• here is Hamlet road ........• Phillips,Alfd, Esq, Thurlow loage Griffin, W. H, Esq, Warwick villa Gardner, Mrs, greengrocer North Surrey Industrial Schools Ramsey, Thos, grocer French, ] as, pork butcher ~ ~ I Sharer, Mrs Saunders, James,' refreshment ~~ 2 English, Mrs. E rooms Peto, John, Esq, Ferh lodge. Beaver, George, The Rising Sun Leman, George, Clarendon hotel .......•. here is Anerley vale . Denby, J, Miss, Osborne house Delevigne, T ,Mrs,San Remo house Pumfery, Samuel, Mr, Hanover Cadell, William, Esq, Eldon house lodge Willard, Henry, Esq. Brooklyn Scaggs, WIlliam, Brunswick lodge Frinneby, Fred. A, Esq, Norfolk SchIff, Saling, Sydenham villa house Holdan, J ohu, tobacconist B 6 HAMLET OF PENGE Winter; John, dairyman ...•..• here is Brunswick place .....• Piper, J ames, butcher 14 Smith, George M, oil and Kraft, Madame, refreshment rooms color merchant Norton, G. E, auctioneer and IS Helyer,Henry,fishmonger house agent 16 Catterall, A, Mrs, fancy ........• here is Palace road •........ repository ~ ~ I Cook, WiIlliam, d 17 Sullivan, William, watch- ~ ~ 2 and Thomas, rapers maker and jeweller ~ ~ 3 Pike , tailor 18 Edwards, William, ward- robe dealer Moore, James R, Oxford house 19 Jackson, William, Hat- Moore, James R, Cambridge cham steam bleaching house and dveing company Bennison, Mrs, Montrose dlla 20 Flynn,' Patrick, carpenter Goldsthorp, Mrs, Howard house and blind maker ....••..• here is Cintra park ..•..•.•• 21 Moger, Joseph, Esq Fox, Edwin,'Cintra Park villa 22 Water, Mrs Emma Wiggins, Amos, carpenter Bayley, Mr J, surgeon den tist Westbrook, E. Mrs, Star hotel Bertram, John, The Hermitage ...•....• here is Hadlow place ........• J ones, Mrs, Harefield house Chambers, Henry A, St An- ~ '" ~ ~ I Lorn, Captain Walter drew's Turner, John 5, Esq, surgeon ~ ~ 2 and 3 Brind, Sarah, Miss Keely, H, Mrs, Argyle lodge Fisher, Richard, St. Katherine's Rider, A, draper and milliner
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