MONEY TO LOAN AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE I AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR FOR SALE I AUTOMOBILES FOR SALK I | SALE , AUTOMOBILE! I || AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE | i AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE THE EVENINGSTAR (CONTINUED) - B-17 CORPORA- • <CHEVROLET. '55 4-door .tltlon ' I FORD ’5B Fairlane Victoria; FORD 59 Fairlane "fl" Tudor: MERCURY1 MONTEREY r. and Washington, D C * HOUSEHOLD FINANCE •500” ’53: OLDSMOBILE 54 08 4 dr aedan: FLYMOUTH1 56 Suburban V-8. heater; 2-1 heater: an Custom TION. 8641 Colesville rd. JUniper BUICK1 *5B Super hardtop sedan. wagon. radio, heater, one cruiseomatic, radio, I Fordomatic. radio, extra h., w -w. tires. slsu or best of- w.-w. tire*, clean, excel, 4-door; mechan- power steering, auto Tuesday, May JO, J 960 blue; owner >895 LOVING CHEVRO- tone finish top quality through-1 clean, car: $1,845. Call after 6 ical cond FL. 8-4200. | beautiful pastel equipped' I top-quality . | fer. pm. UN. 4-0272.' $430; 4-5562. r and blue E. W. ! an ° to with air conditioning, full power. LET. INC . 1339 hwy., 8 8.. out: $1,695. finish: SIOBTGAGE LOANS, $2,500 TRIANGLE FORD MERCURY 57 Montclair conv.; OLDSMOBILE 1956 Super "88” white $1,595, >145 down. ' etc : real nice: only $2,095. Md . JU. 9-4166. i >150,000. Lower your payments $47.20 month AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE TRIANGLE FORD i 3010 R. I, Ave. N.E. LA. 9-160.3 1 Cruiser engine. Merco., pa . p b .i 4-dr. Holiday hardtop: 2-tone gray , per your debts. Refinance your Suburban Cadillac-Olds Co. CHEVROLET< ’52 Blue, in exael. r. *et with Group J 3010 I. Ave. N LA. and h.; $1.395. JO. 1-1315. finish. off custom red . Station Sales cond r. h. KE. R. E FORD tudor Wagon honest service ; and Call 8-4221 ? 9-10031 j 1952. $99. fl-cylinder - interior, automatic trans- Corp property Quirk. BRADLEY SHOPPING CENTER ’55 station all to equipped POJjTIAC ’6O station wagon; after 6 pm. FORD 9 - passenger custom: heater, good operating METROPOLITANS model* '1717 K. Residential, farm. commercial.;, I I J miMion, power steering and R. I K AD 4-4&5H BETHESDA. MP.OL. 6-7760 - waaon sky choose from: brand new; power $2,969. full steering, hvdra refinanc-M V-8: auto trans.; blue;, I cond.. new battery, tuneup. WH big dis- brakes Real power , construction. Financing. CHEV. *5B Impala 2-door hardtop: ! luxury model for PLYMOUTH '55 4-door da-, full equip low mi. FLOOD Maryland. BUICK 1957 2-dr. hard- a family car to fit the budget; 2-3338, count*. BURROWS RAMBLER. ; . PON- Ing. Only in State of 1 Special v auto, trans , power steering and only >1,198. Term*. CCC war- price I 900 M *t se . LI jreen: full J.llB r i down TIAC. 4221 Conn ate. or write MR 218 top. automatic, radio, heater; >l,-i only $695 4-8300. ranty. Call ROBERTS. brakes; good cond., one owner, FORD ’55 Banliner convertible: : Sift per mo F street. Baltimore 2.1 i 395. MG '5B roadster: fully Bonneville Lexington terms: >1.895. straight shift w. overdrive; r and 1 equipped Chase convert”: or 7-4047 day. & Sons low mileage; white fin- Chevy Chevrolet low power, eiec- 14d, Saratoga ALEXANDRIA RAMBLER Banning h . excellent cond. CL. 6-0606 sparkling METROPOLITAN i $3..>50 mi. full night. Bundays, holidays ish: $1,395 LOGAN UPTOWN Home of Country Club Used Cars’’ if windows fully equipped. sa\e MOTORS. INC powder AUTO SALES CORP 1704 Mt. Vernon Ave GUY STEUART FORD *55 Bunliner conv.; FORD. 3540 14th n.w 7725 Wisconsin Ave >loo*. FLOOD PONTIAC. at. , TU T/A 4221 Alexandria. Va.OV. ‘ 5800 BALTO. AVE. blue: auto.: 32.000 mi., SOUO 2-4100. OL. 4-14120 L 4-4674 AUTO VILLE Conn sve. i 3-0600| LINCOLN—MERCURY—COMET and N. Y Ave N w ~ TRUST NOTES FOR SALE de I FE. 7-7376 after 6.: 4th 'CADILLACj ’57 Coupe Ville ”62"; 1160 EAST-WEST HWY. I MD. UN. 4-9550 MG MAGXBT '5B Flnwt BritUh OLDS ’55 4-dr. 88 Holiday: r and ME t PONTIAC '6O 2-door. $2,550: full HYATTS., FORD ’57 F/L "500” cl sed: r. and 8-112 gre air condtionlng; power. OL JU.j 8-5750 JU, 8-1545 8. 8. MD 11 sport sedan; r. and ; h.. hydra : $655 JA. 2-3517 -n. low ml h.. h superb PLYMOUTH . power steering. NOTE. I Fordo. w-w tires. 2-tone cond 57 ' Bel” d * >4.000 SECOND TRUST 6*7 _ FORD *54 station wagon; looks! : *ac., >1.450 5-7620 ull I JMJBSfI. i rCHEV. *59 Biscayne; yellow; clean 11 6-0760. : CO , OLDSMOBILE '36 Super “8R” Holi- radio, heater: RJx J£.\ equipment FLOOD ’5B Coupe de and runs paint. $1,200, WH. 2-tone. smart and Conn ave mo. payments: modern Maryland < CADILLAC Ville: i car. >1.695 splendid $395. Terms. MG 1954 TP; excel, cond. through-! day sedan; r and h . auto trans- fresh i PONTIAC._422I looking: <M9S - down. LA. !I FORD ’5B Pairlane Tudor sedan: black; power steering. power $25 ROFER. 6-2700 out. JET FORD. 1534 mission, power and PONTIAC ’59 Bonneville property: excel, white makers r. ENGLISH steering coupe ; brakes, factory air-conditioned, . and h . Fordomatic. black and b.acx with FORD 1952 convertible: $295. HE.I Pa. aye . *_e ._LI. 4-2300. | 1 brakes, fully guaranteed; $895. Akers Olds-Cadillac Co. red interior, hvdra- $2,650. ST 3-5000 unusually well priced at $3,795, white. Rear clean $1,495. : matic. power 4-5439 : >95 down, cash or trade; bank steering. power NASH. 1959 Ambassador: full power AI CCC guarantee. CAVE GTON radio, w.-w. i financing fiHOP CENTER brakes, heater, FORD ’59 Galaxie Tudor equipment: area 1 ?W^ tires. |; hardtop.! >2.250; leaving 3-n.1.»0 ALEXANDRIA AVIATION ' Capitol Cadillac-OldsCo. auto, trans, r. and h: low mid UN 4-49’>7. McNEIL PONTIAC lOV 4814 Elm St. BETH. OL 6-8262 PLYMOUTHS—'S3 2-door 1222 22nd St NW FE 7-2600 1 one owner; bank financing;, CAVE NASH, and 4- Jack Blank Pontiac FORD-FALCON-THUNDERBIRD ’53 Ambassador, good condi- 7320 WIS. AVE O1 4-8000 ooor, both fully equipped; excel- $2,295 tion $295. “IN THE HEART OF BETHESDA" 14.37 Irvine St Nw. AD 4-15no AIRPLANE. Howard. 5-pa*senger; CHEVROLET *53 r. h lent condition throughout, priced .1460 OURJ6th YEAR_ < 2-door; and . I 4814 Elm St.. BETH. OL. 6-8262 14th st N W RA 3-5670 excellent condition: full instru- . green finish: full PACKARD 1963 Clipper 4-dr; 1 LOGAN *55 sedan;! cnee. $293. $l3 FORD-FALCON-THUNDERBIRD WILLIAMS & UPTOWN bank on jack blank and radio. Can be seen at CADILLAC Fleetwood GUY STEUART BAKER automatic, radioi FORD 3u40 menu ’ down. >l3 per mo. equipped with 14th st. nw . TU 28.000 mi.: like new. $1,559 1959. German, 29th and M N W 2-87<>O Fa Ils Church Airport. ST 3-0183. LINCOLN—-MERCURY—COMET ' iGOGOMOBILE. very ¦ Bts_ HO. and heater, excellent running 2-4100. Consider trade. WO. 6-4648. small. Sunroof METROPOLITAN I mod.: nrac. new. OLDs.< '54 Super “88’’ condition; a very unusual ] FOR SALE—Aeronca Champ. HO . 1160 EAST-WEST HWY. conv.; p.b.. buy. PLYMOUTH ’6O 4-dr : co- 1 s<w> - Fury CADILLAC ’57 de i * o<) - **cr * wo t-5525. r new hours since major Good fabric. ’ Sedan Ville: AUTO SALES CORP. JJU. 8-5750. JU. 8-1545. SB MD p* . auto, trans , and h . matic, radio, heater, balt blue; steering, . | power steer-i • available Call power power T A AUTO VILLE IBETTA ’5B series “600” BMW 4- paint; D C inspect. Must sell ina; SPECIAL PURCHASE radio ROBERT BOWMAN has only a few miles, ab- brakes; very clean, special. >2,- immed. $600; and CO 5-7400 0 4th and N. Y Ave. N.W. ' passenger sedan: excellent new- make offer. like new. BOCKIS. between 695. CCC guarantee FORDS—'6Os Studebaker-Lark-Mercedes solutely $2,595 LOGAN and KI. 8-2357 after 6 8-1124 re Prices car condition; $875: terms. RA. 5 pm. We Laughing at Silly | $l5O 6-6842. RD l4th s? down 6-2700. Our New Big 20U-Car Lot 1960 ROPER. LA. OLDS< ’53 “98" n.w Plymouth Capitol Cadillac-OldsCo. <CHEV. *55 V-8 Bel Air h t.; r. and! Holiday aedan Ga. Ave.RA , TU. 2-41v<> JAG Estate sale. 7445 6-1122 22nd St NW. FE 7-2600 h.. w.-w.'s. Pow steer.; snow '57 coupe: perfect; $2,195 Compl. p.s.. 58 MOTORCYCLES 1222 tires: equip PLYMOUTH V-R 4-dr""r and auto trans. Pvt. 8785. FORD ’6O S convert , 540 mi., save and h ¦ hydra PLYMOUTH '5B Belvedere 2-door h TAXICABS OWNER. FOLEY $800; OWNER . standard trans ; 1 ex- OUR 26th YEAR car 27.000 hardtop, stand, r. and owner: HA. 2-8109 aft. 4 P m. company JACK PRY, 1218 mi, TU. 2-5867. $595 trans., h., cellent cond “On the Marlboro Pike $1,495. $1,195; terms ar- 650 Must sell.'; ' Conn, ave. n.w Est. P-cyl BSA 1955. CC CADILLAC *56 hardtop 2-door: hy-'CCHRYSLER hard- r Md. MA. 7-2801 i 1923. IOLDB< ’59 ”88’’ ranged. JE. 8-Cyl.—Automatic WO. *59 Windsor 2-dr. Upper Marlboro. Holiday aedan; 2-7817, make offer 6-0248. • radio, heater, power, top; turquoise and white; LARK by 1960 while and blue: dramatic, 18,000 . Studebaker: Com*! j powei steering. c ub Transmission brakes; FORD *57 Fordor Country Sedan; power GUY STEUART * coupe: splen- steering, power absolutely miles; p.s., r.
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