OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER COUNCIL AGENDA AGENDA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 9, 2015 5:30p.m. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 313 COURT STREET THE DALLES, OREGON I. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLLCALL OF COUNCIL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 5. PRESENTATIONS/PROCLAMATIONS Presentation by The Dalles Chamber of Commerce and Fort Da1les Fourth Regarding Collaboration and Funding for Fourth of July Event 6. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION During this pm1ion of the meeting, anyone may speak on any subject which does not later appear on the agenda. Five minutes per person will be allowed. If a response by the City is requested, the speaker will be referred to the City Manager for further action. The issue may appear on a future meeting agenda for City Council consideration. 7. CITY MANAGER REPORT 8. CITY ATTORNEY REPORT 9. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS 10. CONSENT AGENDA Items of a routine and non-controversial nature are placed on the Consent Agenda to allow the City Council to spend its time and energy on the important items and issues. Any Councilor may request an item be "pulled" from the Consent Agenda and be considered separately. Items pulled fi·om the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Agenda at the end of the "Action Items" section. CITY OF THE DALLES "By working together, we will provide services that enhance the vitality of The Dalles" A. Approval of October 26, 2015 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes B. Approval of October 23,2015 Special City Council Meeting Minutes (Watershed Tour) C. Resolution No. 15-045 Concuning With Mayor's Appointment of a Committee to Review City Manager Semi-Finalist Applications D. Resolution No. 15-043 Assessing Properties for the Cost of Nuisance Abatement 11. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Public Hearing to Receive Testimony Regarding Proposed Reimbursement Fees for Port of The Dalles Chenowith Business Park Water and Sewer Reimbursement District 1. Resolution No. 15-036 Establishing a Reimbursement Fee for Chenowith Business Park 12. CONTRACT REVIEW BOARD ACTIONS A. Approval to Purchase Financial Software 13. ACTION ITEMS A. Special Ordinance No. 15-570 Amending Section 1 of Special Ordinance No. 14-563 to Conect the Legal Description and Map Attached as Exhibits B Consider Options for Washington Street Crossing Project 14. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Discussion Regarding Sewer Rates for Restaurants 15. ADJOURNMENT This meeting conducted in a handicap accessible room. Prepared by/ Julie Krueger, MMC City Clerk CITY of THE DALLES 313 COURT STREET THE DALLES, OR 97058 PH. (541) 296-5-481 FAX (541) 296-6906 AGENDA STAFF REPORT CITY OF THE DALLES MEETING DATE AGENDA LOCATION AGENDA REPORT # November 9, 2015 Consent Agenda N/A 10, A-D TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Julie Krueger, MMC, City Clerk DATE: October 28, 2015 ISSUE: Approving items on the Consent Agenda and authorizing City staff to sign contract documents. A. ITEM: Approval of October 26, 2015 City Council Meeting Minutes. BUDGET IMPLICATIONS: None. SYNOPSIS: The minutes of the October 26, 2015 City Council meeting have been prepared and are submitted for review and approval. RECOMMENDATION: That City Council review and approve the minutes of the October 26, 2015 City Council meeting. B. ITEM: Approval of October 23,2015 Special City Council Meeting Minutes. BUDGET IMPLICATIONS: None. SYNOPSIS: The minutes of the October 23,2015 special City Council meeting have been prepared and are submitted for review and approval. RECOMMENDATION: That City Council review and approve the minutes of the October 23,2015 special City Council meeting. C. ITEM: Resolution No. 15-045 Concurring With the Mayor's Appointment of a Committee to Review City Manager Semi-Finalist Applications. BUDGET IMPLICATIONS: None. SYNOPSIS: The City Council agreed to form a committee that will review the semi­ finalist applications provided by the City Manager Recruiter. The purpose is for the group to review the information and make a recommendation to the City Council on the top five to interview as finalists. In addition to the Committee members, Interim City Manager Krueger will serve on the committee as a staff person. RECOMMENDATION: That City Council adopt Resolution No. 15-045. D. ITEM: Resolution No. 15-043 Assessing Properties for the Cost of Nuisance Abatement. BUDGET IMPLICATIONS: Assessment fees will be entered on the City's Lien Docket for collection. SYNOPSIS: A Notice to Abate Nuisance Conditions was posted by Nikki Lesich, the City's Code Enforcement Officer, upon the properties located at 422 West 14'" Street, 383 Summit Ridge Drive, 204 West 15'" Street, 1410 Union Street, 414 West 6'" Street, 505 West 14'" Street, 914 East 8'" Street, 404 West 12'" Street, 1015 Laughlin Street, and 610 East 12'" Street on the dates shown in Resolution No. 15-043. The Notice to Abate Nuisance Conditions advised the property owners of nuisance conditions existing upon the properties, consisting of the presence of junk and hazardous vegetation. When the property owners did not remove the nuisance conditions, the City hired Rod Huarte and FLI Landscape LLC to abate the public nuisances. The cost for removal of the nuisance conditions was $972.56 for the property located at 422 West 14'" Street; $182.67 for the prope1iy located at 383 Summit Ridge Drive; $299.00 for the property located at 204 West 15'" Street; $239.00 for the prope1iy located at 1410 Union Street; $212.52 for the prope1iy located at 414 West Sixth Street; $361.90 for the prope~iy located at 505 West 14'" Street; $999.00 for the prope1iy located at 914 East 8'" Street; $599.00 for the prope1iy located at 404 West 12'" Street; $199.00 for the property located at 1015 Laughlin Street; and $799.00 for the property located at 610 East 12'" Street. The cost for the property at 422 West 14'" Street and 914 East 8'" Street includes an administrative fee of $500 required by General Ordinance No. 93-1162. On August 14, 2015, a notice of the proposed assessment for the costs of the abatement was sent to Kenneth Hick, William & Kristi Ketchum, Arthur Devlin, Marie Douglas, the Wilmington Trust (the trustee for V Mortgage REO I LLC which acquired the property by a Sheriffs Deed recorded on July 22, 20 15), and Kase Limmeroth. Copies of the notices are enclosed with this staff report. The notices advised the owners they had until August 19,2015 to file any objections to the proposed assessments, and that if the assessments were not paid by August 31,2015 for Mr. Hick and by September 14,2015 respectively, the amount of the assessments would be imposed as a lien upon the properties. No objections to the assessments were filed by August 19, 2015, and no payment has been made toward the proposed assessments by any of the property owners. On September II, 2015, a notice of the proposed assessment for the costs of the abatement was sent to Tobin Swick, M & T Bank (which is the holder of a trust deed which is the subject of a judicial foreclosure proceeding pending in Wasco County Circuit Court Case No. CC 15-198), Fetzer Family Charitable Fund, and Malcom Cisneros Law Corporation (which represents the Bank of America in a foreclosure proceeding pending in Wasco County Circuit Cmut Case No. 15-126). Copies of the notices are enclosed with this staff report. The notices advised the owners they had until September 16, 2015 to file any objections to the proposed assessments, and that if the assessments were not paid by September 28,2015 for Mr. Swick and October 12,2015 for the other property owners, the amount of the assessments would be imposed as a lien upon the prope1ties. No objections to the assessments were filed by September 16, 2015, and no payment has been made toward the proposed assessments by any of the property owners. RECOMMENDATION: That City Council adopt Resolution No. 15-043. MINUTES Regular Council Meeting October 26, 2015 Page 1 of5 MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 26, 2015 5:30p.m. THE DALLES CITY HALL 313 COURT STREET THE DALLES, OREGON PRESIDING: Mayor Steve Lawrence COUNCIL PRESENT: Dan Spatz, Tim McGlothlin, Linda Miller, Russ Brown, Taner Elliott COUNCIL ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Interim City Manager Julie Krueger, Recording Secretary Izetta Grossman, Project Coordinator Daniel Hunter, Public Works Director Dave Anderson, Finance Director Kate Mast, Police Chief Jay Waterbury, Engineer Dale McCabe CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lawrence called the meeting to order at 5:32p.m. ROLLCALL Roll call was conducted by Recording Secretary Izetta Grossman; all Councilors present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Lawrence invited the audience to join in the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mayor Lawrence added adoption of Resolution No. 15-044 to the Consent agenda as a housekeeping task. It was moved by Spatz and seconded by Miller to approve the agenda as amended. The motion carried unanimously. MINUTES Regular Council Meeting October 26, 2015 Page 2 of5 AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION None. CITY MANAGER REPORT Interim City Manager Krueger reported that the Blue Building roof could be temporarily patched for approximately $1300. It was the consensus ofthe Council to expend those funds. It was the consensus of the Council to schedule the Town Hall Meeting on November 30, location to be determined. Mayor Lawrence asked for extra effort in getting the word out, and asked Project Coordinator Hunter to try to get the state urban renewal person to attend. Krueger requested authorization to hire Zachary Craig for the Public Works Maintenance Worker position. It was consensus of the Council to authorize the hire. CITY ATTORNEY REPORT None. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Councilor Brown said he attended Traffic Safety meeting, and that there had been some concem that the crack seal when wet was a hazard for bicycles and motorcycles.
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