Abilene Christian University Digital Commons @ ACU Lectureship Books Lectureship, Summit, and Ministry Events 1961 1961: Abilene Christian College Bible Lectures - Full Text James O. Baird A. V. Isbell Henry E. Speck, Jr Hershel Dyer Howard Horton See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/sumlec_man Part of the Biblical Studies Commons, Catholic Studies Commons, Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, Comparative Methodologies and Theories Commons, Ethics in Religion Commons, History of Christianity Commons, History of Religions of Eastern Origins Commons, History of Religions of Western Origin Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, Practical Theology Commons, and the Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion Commons Recommended Citation Baird, James O.; Isbell, A. V.; Speck, Jr, Henry E.; Dyer, Hershel; Horton, Howard; Nichols, Hardeman; Reed, Kenneth; Fox, Logan; Bell, Robert S.; Sanders, J. P.; Moody, Vernon; Caskey, Guy; Bailey, George W.; Paden, Gerald; McGaughey, C. E.; Oka, Shoichi; Williams, Tex; Nicks, J.W.; Treat, J.W.; Paden, Cline; Tarbet, T.H.; Roberts, J.W.; Banister, John; Gardner, Claude; Bales, J.D.; Keley, Raymond; Rohre, Douglass; Johnson, Robert L.; Overton, Basil; Wilson, L.R.; and Pack, Frank, "1961: Abilene Christian College Bible Lectures - Full Text" (1961). Lectureship Books. 62. https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/sumlec_man/62 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Lectureship, Summit, and Ministry Events at Digital Commons @ ACU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Lectureship Books by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ ACU. Authors James O. Baird; A. V. Isbell; Henry E. Speck, Jr; Hershel Dyer; Howard Horton; Hardeman Nichols; Kenneth Reed; Logan Fox; Robert S. Bell; J. P. Sanders; Vernon Moody; Guy Caskey; George W. Bailey; Gerald Paden; C. E. McGaughey; Shoichi Oka; Tex Williams; J.W. Nicks; J.W. Treat; Cline Paden; T.H. Tarbet; J.W. Roberts; John Banister; Claude Gardner; J.D. Bales; Raymond Keley; Douglass Rohre; Robert L. Johnson; Basil Overton; L.R. Wilson; and Frank Pack This book is available at Digital Commons @ ACU: https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/sumlec_man/62 ffBILEnECHRISTIAn COLLEGE BIBLE LECTURES THE 1961 ABILENE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE LECTURESHIP ADVISORY COMMITTEE J . D. Thomas, Lectureship Director, Chairman Walter H. Adams Fred Barton Frank Pack J. W. Roberts W.R. Smith Paul Southern H. E. Speck, Jr. John C. Stevens Rex Vermillion Director of Physical Arrangements William B. Decker Housing and Reservations I HTHE MOREABUNDANT LIFE" Being the -~bilene Christian College ~nnual Bible Lectures I 9 6 I Price: $3.00 Published by ABILENE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE STUDENTS EXCHANGE ACC Station Abilene, Texas COPYRIGHT, 1961 Abilene Christian College PREFACE This book of lectures and panel discussions are those which were given at the 43rd Annual Bible Lectureship at Abilene Christian College during the 55th year of the Col­ lege's operation. The purpose for this Lectureship on the theme of "THE MORE ABUNDANT LIFE" was to lift the horizons of the Lectureship visitors and the readers of the Lecture Book to new heights in the discernment of the greater spiritual values afforded by genuine New Testa­ ment Christianity but which oftentimes come to be taken for granted and are, therefore, not duly appreciated . The Annual Bible Lectureship is conducted by the Col­ lege each year primarily to further the cause of Christ in the world and to assist in the rapid growth of the kingdom of God. There are many different ways in which such a purpose can be realized through such a program , but the presentation of the very best idea s by some of the very best thinkers in the brotherhood is one important way of achieving such a goal. At the Lecture Program, many workable ideas are exchanged, which can expedite for oth­ ers their work in the church; and the inspiration provided by the wonderful Christian fellowship and the high qual­ ity of the formal pre sentations given during the program altogether provide visiting Christians with some of their most wonderful spiritual experiences in each year. The Committee feels that the brotherhood deserves in the presentation of the ACC Lecture Program the very "top-most quality" materials, to enable us to "be about our Father's business" - that of winning souls and of saving ourselves in the proces s. We dedicate the book to all whose lives have been a spiritual help to others, and wa pray for all men, "especially them that are of the household of faith." J. D. THOMAS, Director The Annual Bible Lectureship TABLE OF CONTENTS THEME SPEECHES THE MORE ABUNDANT LIFE THE MORE ABUNDANT LIFE AS: ONE OF SPIRITUAL MATURITY - James 0. Baird ---------- 9 ONE OF SELF-GIVING AND SERVIdE - A. V. Isbell ----- 22 ON.E· THAT IS PRODUCED BY GOD'S WORD - Henry E. Speck, Jr. ---·--·--- ----- ----- --- --- ------------------------ 36 ONE THAT IS A LIFE OF OBEDIENOE - Hershel Dyer _ 54 ONE OF HIGH FELLOWSHIP VALUES - Howard Horton 66 ON.E THAT IS A LIFE OF FAITH - Hardeman Nichols __ 86 ONE THAT IS A LIFE OF REASON - Kenneth Reed ______ 103 ONE THAT PLACES THE SPIRITUAL ABOVE THE MATERIAL - Logan Fox -------- ------------------------------- 121 ONE OF CHRISTIAN ST!EWARDSHIP - Robert S. Bell __ 135 ONE THAT STRESSES CHRISTIAN EDUCATION - J.P. Sanders -------------- --------- ------ ---·--------------------- 151 ONE OF WORSHIP IN SONG - Vernon Moody -------------------- 165 ONE THAT "GOES" AND "TEACHES" - Guy Caskey ______170 MISSION SPEECHES WORLD VISION FOR CHRIST - George W. Bailey ---------------- 183 ITALY FOR CHRIST - Gerald Paden ------------------------------------------ 197 THIE BRAZIL PLAN - A NEW IDEA IN MISSION - C. E. McGaug'hey ---------------------- ---·-·-·--·-------·---------------------------------------------- 216 SPECIAL SPEECHES CHRIST AT IBARAKI - Shoichi Oka --------------------------------------------239 CHRIST IN SOUTH AFRICA - Tex Williams ---------·---------------- 245 CHRIST IN NIGERIA - J. W. Nicks ------------------------------------------- 254 CHRIST IN LATIN AMERICA - J . W. Treat ------------------------ 262 CHRIST IN SCANDINAVIA - Cline Paden ------------------------------- 275 CHRIST IN AUSTRALIA - T. H. Tarbet ---------------------------···-·--·-282 TJ-IEMESPEECJ-IES The More Abundant Life THE ABUNDANT LIFE AS ONE OF SPIRITUAL MATURITY By JAMES 0. BAIRD James 0. Baird was born in Lebanon, Tennessee, where he graduated from Castle Heights Military Academy. After gradua­ tion he made an exte nd ed trip around the globe visiting England, Belgium, Holland, Iran, Jr;aq, India, French lndo China, China, Arabia, Malay, Burma , Greece, Italy, Egypt, Palestine, and Japan . He attended Freed-Hardeman College 1938-40, during which time he began his preaching career. He received his B.A. and M.A. de­ grees from George Peabody College, Nashville, Tennessee, in the years 1941 and 1942 respectively. At that time, he p·reached for the Grandview Height church in Nashville. In 1943-44, Bro . Baird worked with the church in Trenton, New J ersey, and atte nded Princeton Seminary. In 1944, he returned to Na shvill e as a teacher at David Lipscomb College, and taught at th-at institution until 1950, at the same time preaching for the Grace A venue church in Nashville. Bro. Baird con­ tinued his graduate studies at George Peabody College and re­ ceiv ed his doctor's degree in the history and philosophy of high er education in 1948. In September, 1950, Bro . Baird became Dean of Okla­ homa Christian College, which position he held until Septem­ ber of 1954 at which time he succ~ded L. R. Wilson as President of that institution. Dr . Baird is married to the former A vanelle ,Elliott , who ( 9) 10 ABILENE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE LECTURES has an M.A. degree from George Peabody College. They have three dau ght rs, Harriet, Lynn Muir, and Frances, and one son, James, III. He serves on the editorial council s of thr ee monthly religious peri­ odicals: the "M inist er' s Monthly," the "20th Century Christian," and "T he Teenage Christian." Je sus said in John 10 :10, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." The Jews in their history had been frequently victimized by poor leaders . Therefore, in Psalms 23, 80 and Ezekiel 34, Jehovah is likened to a good shepherd and He stands in contrast to the rulers who frequently as tyrannous and negligent shepherd had grossly abused their offices . There were also fa! e messiahs in Jesus' time . In con­ tra t to the disa st rous con equences that came to the people from following the e deceitful usurpers , Jesus likened Himself to the good shepherd who brings life and brings it abundantly. What Is the Ab undant Lif e? Just what did Jesus mean? The word "life" is the most frequently used term in the book of John and of the thirty­ six times it is used in seventeen instances the complete phrase is "eternal life" with no change in meaning. John 5 :24 declares, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemna­ tion; but is passed from death unto life." In John 6 :54, Christ states, "Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day ." These Scriptures teach the believer has everlasting life ABILENE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE LECTURES 11 now. The phra e eternal life does not mean ju st an endless life - descriptive of quantity; it is descriptive of the quality of that life . It is everlasting . It partakes of the quality of Him who was from everlasting to everlasting. Euripides of the Greeks taught that the death of the body alone could relea e man into a life which is life in­ deed . Paul looked forward to a release from the limi ta ­ tions of the flesh (II Cor. 5 :2) but, even so, there is through Christ a quality of human life upon this earth that is everla st ing .
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