kr.'1 '~i Loyalists defiant over viailantes ’ From Christopher Thomas, Belfast The "Provisional IRA's relent Mr Paisley, however, is less campaign of - murder con- clearly stealing the show with turned yesterday* as Protestant his udo of die" approach. extremists prepared to launch '-Yesterday he called a press a “ third, force ” to mount vigi- conference <to state three prin- lame patrols, seal off towns cipal demands:' , Front Nicholas Ashford, Washington, Nor 18 and hunt terrorists. ■‘Therrx.~ security -■— sforces-should-*—1J be -Presideiit Reagan hr his firstft position o£ the United States The ** third force" threat freed of restraint and allowed major i foreign affairs pro¬0- when _ missile-reduction talks came as a ‘.former .Ulster 10 m°ve into republican areas nouncement today' reaffirmed'& opes-in Geneva on November Defence Regiment corporal was to search out .die killers; America’s- coumnunent *■ to' a I 30. .. • . -j _ murdered and three other men The Irish Government thus/ be strong'^ Aflawric -" Alliance- butit _ ; A seniorAdministration wounded in separate gun , forced to extradite ■terrorist; offered to negotiate sweepingg i official who briefed journalists attacks yesterday. Loudon-Dublin England tKroiigfi arms cuts 'in :Burope with the.e.." shortly before the President But Mr James Prior. .Si?ere- J be_atandoned. Soviet .Union. ' '. - spoke emphasized that.- the tary of State for- Northern ■ . ^ Prior’s sratemenr seemed • He -'said 'V America 'wouldd j American proposal—which has Ireland, again said that there . to have had ‘little immediate to cupfmais ; . Cancel -plans-.' to 1 deploy 5/22 "become known in Naxo. circles was no - place ■ for private ■ e“ecI m stemming the tide of England qualified - ?for ;.rhe Pers£rog;2 .’and ground-basedd . as the zero option—was bold, armies. Protestant anger. He said: Wgrld Cup .finals foe the first cruise missiles in Europe lif the0 ■-serious and submitted' in good Government respects the "? pI?cc Soviet Union dismantled all ofif fijWiV right of citizens ■ to disagree 30 ^oc?ety* Nor does the law its SS20 and- .other .medium-i- = : However, American -officials with it, but will use the lull re™#1*™ the disanction be- 1—u -win- over ±1 angary-; at range missiles' targeted againstit ■ nave cautioned that the chances force of its authority against tweS? on£'pnvate ^ Wembley. Northern Ireland Western Europe. , of gaining Soviet acceptance of those who do not rwpen the anM.her- .we.aI»ns.JOf suc5 rights of Others” armies arc inumidaaOn and also qualified by -beating Israel In. ,what he ' djesdribed: as a0 -.toe zero option, were very. slim. 1—O'put Wales, whojost 3-r-Q. .simple, straightforward .yetc * What the United States is really Bur the .Rev Ian Paisley. ** to Russia .in .Tbilisi, .will only historic message.” to the'Soviet£ -. hoping to' adneve is -a substah- qualify if the Russians. beat 2 tial.reduction in the number Of I -Tensions among loyalists in- Union, .- President'-1 Reagan ^v.o J creased yet further yesterday Czechoslovakia' later' this month. announced , a ' four-point'' pro*^ Soviet.missiles.targeted -against.] saying it was do or die time. after ncw anacks by Republican ;;v. p?ge:2t gramme.tp’achieve .the mutual,1- "Western Ear ope in exchange for He announced that his day terrorists. reduction _ of .'r.conventional;r. ' I a'cut, in the number of Per siting of . action- would go ahead on former Ulster Defence intermediate-range npelear and; - 2s’ and ladd-hased cruises Which Monday, despite the deploy- Regiment, corporal was mur- Foot support strategic forces. ' _' . _ the United States 'will -deploy. ment m border areas of GOO dered in Londonderry last night TBe plan"., also .called, for a. The President’s speech, which more soldiers .from’ the 1st Bat- by. mo men "who ambushed him plummets ■ reduction-. in '- . .conventional. - -he described as a prograijnne tahon, the Parachute Rejament as' he drove home along a quiet Support for Mr Michael Foot forces -and- agreement on West¬. :for peace, was clearly designed ■—the standby spearhead bat- country road. is the lowest for any: party, ern proposals - designed to." 'to offset rising European .con-. ta I ion—and the cancellation of Shors were also fired at a leader since the war, according' reduce l-tbe-- risk- of surprise; :cem about America’s nuclear all police leave. -farmer driving a tractor towards to the latest; Gallup polL The attack- -7 -r - • intentions and to reinforce'the. He was,- he said, mere win- Newbuildings Village, hut he hand of - its ;• Nsto partners.- figures, published id today's. Details of. the American plan dow dressing and is‘urging a escaped with slight injuries, Daily'Tclegraplu show.that- only L -.against the growing anti-nuclear i province-wide strike from noon.. Earlier, a- soldier and a were -sent to. Mr .Leonid Brezh-\ movement in-Europe. one voter in. six thinks, he is uej, -the Soviet. leader, shortly zo midnight on Monday . and civilian were seriously injured r ./It was also-designed to play a- doing, a good job ? . .. before.-the President: made-his-, wants tractors and cars tb con- in Crossxnaglen, South Armagh, Curb on Trotskyists,, page - 2 speech this morning. f ........[' vital role in the. all-important: verge on main uwns .in a gun attack on an army foot : propaganda contest taking place ; f in > The paramilitary Ulster- De- patrol, 'The 25-nrinute speech;-given'; -between the. United States mid' ■ fence Association,■ whose sup-. The IRA -claimed respon- ‘I govern a ; tp the National- tress Club in' 'the- Soviet Union -in Europe, * port For the day of action could-, sibility far both shootings, .Washington, whs designed to1 - - The' -offer to cancel the de¬ decide its success or failure, .Meanwhile, the first batch of have ■* maximum ' impact in ployment of American mediuro- remained undecided last night 150 soldiers from the spearhead penal dustbin’ Europe and; was broadcast "live' range missiles in Europe was The. Ptfndess of Wales, “feeling fine**, airiving-to switch on the.Christmas lights in -whether to mobilize members battalion arrived in the pro- Mr J. S.' McCarthy, . the by stellite .to" America's Natb"’ the first, most important, of: RegepUStreet last night. It-was her first^solo -engagement; (Report, page 2). behind the protest. \ . '. vince, governor of Wormwood Scrubs t.Uies. ■ - > . • the President’s four proposal*. Mr James Molyneaux, leader ' prison, writes to The Times' as . Speaking'- in-r slow; measured He said the" United States of the rival' Official Unionists,-. Tighter SeCUIStV “ the manager of a .large penal tones /.the -Presidentsaid, that'v Intended to negotiate in good suggested • yesterday morning . yT . .. J . dustbin” to say he ejLonot for Ms proposal to: eltirnnate- all faith ar:Genfcva mid-to consider Tax reform that -Mr Pais lev should delay 111 -Dublin much longer - tolerate new mediom-rahge nuclear mis- carefully the' proposals of the day of action for a fortnight.' n Security for government inhumanity of the system-'in siles in Europe would'.'be. an'-: Soviet- Unioa! " However, .the antd the Government's handling., ministers and their families has which I work*KLettefs,,‘page 13 ihi^Eodc step.- •• . President, - -using ; coloured of the security situation could . been increased considerably in He 'went, oh:* “With' Soviet graphs to make his point, m- be asswsed. _ the Irish Republic (our Dublin Rail closures greemerit, we cbuldi together-■ :directly rejected Mr Brezhnev’s But he^said .later that not Correspondent writes). Substantially reduce the dread"" freeze offer by pointing out says Bnttan * - By David Blalte, Economics Editor .^“^dbe it 1S understood that children .threat of • nuclear war ' which ’ that; the Soviet Union irad-1,100 "By Bor^ Jbhhstbri y postponed. He insisted :.that.; 0f. ministers are being ferried ‘bystealth’’ •••' hangs' Over-, the people 'of' warheads on its medium-range. j -The. ^Government was given : high -streets, slipped 'back'"to Aiyarniogtbat’fmher reform a .double boost for ■its' economic-' make ..the’ rise: a. Small one for to ahd.from schools‘in State Dritain is beihg- candemued tp Europe. This, 13ce the first Toot- ‘' imissiles while the United States 1 cirs Md property .belonging to a much smaller railway network? step oa the.moon,- Would be a -'- ihad no comparable missiles. * . 1of-vtoe tax -smeni /is- severely hppes hy new fig ores, on output the economy overall. constrained..0-for \ihfc .* JSoverqs- mnet • leading British figures is being the rail consumer witch dog giant step for mankind." Emphasizing that the-scope ' anS 'earning* public :Wte.- figite, -ail,-tea™ ff&nfiLS* guarded more closely. syoup said. Financial pressure - The- American proposal for '• 1of strategic arms talks, should J:ment’s economic policy was soicttded-yesterday by Mr Leon ■L . the5 country producing 2J-per “ ^^esmmsrbiv'To SsTs^ the D Notiiing could be achieved i om the, Goverament leaves eliminating intermediate-range 'be broadened to embrace'an. * • The iong:awaited -recovery m . less. thin it was. in the *?ri^fnrr^c- 10 the iri Northern Ireland without an livitish,.'Rail - with-, only: one •Duelear~ missiles1 in--Et&ppe will !overall; reduction mid. not just ;Brittap, Chief.Secretary to, the Output started in late simmer, ^jrd quarter 0[ 1^ year and 7 security, forces-. .. tn option,. closure. 'oft •ihtre-c J?T be -the ^-opening, negotiating 1jfie. limitation jn.the number of Treasury... ‘ ' . -vrmt > J ess - than -its- oiTtpnr in puccar. weapons in the^ hands la ■-a: *0: a cqooptan ts. £!LiCenl^, 1SA T-0t^L.?J the spring'-of-1979. Most eepm.: if- fSe- tWo •a^X5pqwefs,^'rf»- -1 ^•<Y,fag4 oinisrs^wouid's4y Urat-thexeces- Iwissideet •■'nMr ithac - ihe SWt nyer-tije^fcar to-'Sept- ■ sion is'not over until total'out- B-TkSSFJSTSS Se ** fStrategic' :Aaans:- Ximitiou- I ?er 1 put-has grown back-10 levels , continuationLuuuuunuuu _ ofui Monday’s-rauuimj a pro-ino- £JZJTwJC/4,-1—_' 1 j • ' ,_^ >*- TaQa).
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