Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 2-1898 The aB tes Student - volume 26 number 02 - February 1898 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 26 number 02 - February 1898" (1898). The Bates Student. 1953. http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student/1953 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. IDOL SSID1. Ifebruan>, 1808. Wo. 2. The RATES STUDENT is published each month during the college- year. Subscription price, $1.00 in advance. Single copies, 10 cents. Literary matter should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief; business communications to the Business Manager. CONTENTS. What is a Liberal Education ? 35 Lessons of Life from the Foot-Ball Field , . 39 A Trip to Katahdin 42 The Popular Song 46 BATES VERSE: Opposition ' . .48 The Singers 48 Three Valentines . 48 My Friend 49 AROUND THE EDITORS' TABLE. EDITORIALS 50 ALUMNI ROUND-TABLE : Class Review 54 Personals 55 Richard Salter Storrs, D.D 57 Obituary . 57 LOCAL DEPARTMENT: Glimpses of College Life 59 COLLEGE EXCHANGES 64 OUR BOOK-SIIELE 67 Eutcrcd as Second-Class Mall Matter at Lcwiston Post-Office. IS AT THE FRONT with all the Latest Novelties in J^ammond CLASS WORK. Call and See Him. 172 Lisbon St., LEWISTON, ME. •> @s. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS OUB SPECIALTY. 213 Lisbon Street, Corner of Fine, LEWISTON, ME. E. & M. S. MILLETT, ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHY AT ♦ Stylish Millinery, Stevens's Studio. SPECIALTY : Satisfaction to our customers. 13 XiisTsoaa. Street, H. L. STEVENS, Photographer, LEWISTON, ME. 198 Lisbon Street ami 24 Fine Street, LEWISTON, ME. OR NICE PURE CANDIES -$o* -»«- F GO TO ^^ A. E. HARLOW'S, 149 L.I8B0N ST., LEWI8T0N, ME. Where a large stock and variety is always on hand. Complete BUSINESS and SHOBT-HAND Courses. Ice-Cream Soda,5 cents. BEND FOR CATALOGUE. A. E. HARLOW, - 68 Lisbon Street. N. E. RANKIN, PRINCIPAL. GENTLEMEN FURNISHERS and Dealers in A. T. L'HEUREUX, ^ ; .BOOTS 9 SHOES. BATES, '99, Sole Agents of Auburn for the LAMSON & HCBBABD HAT. Sole Agents for the E. & W. Collar. Teacher of the French Language ATTWOOD & BARROWS 432 Main Street, 60 Court St., AUBURN. LEWISTON, ME. GEO. V. TURGEON I CO., WAKEFIELD BROTHERS, JEWELER; 114 Lisbon St., LEWISTON, DEALERS IN Scientific Watchmaker and Graduate Optician. 2>ru08, ZlDeofcines, Cbemicals, Repairing neatly and promptly done. Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Combs, etc. Cash paid for old gold and silver. Perfumery and Fancy Toilet Articles. 78 Lisbon Street. Sign, Electric Clock. Physicians' Prescriptions Accurately Compounded. L BUSINESS DIRECTORY. THE BRIDCE TEACHERS' AGENCIES, C. A. SCOTT & CO., PuoruiKTOKS, 2 A Beacon Street, BOSTON, and 169 Wabash Avenue, CHICAGO. We huvc secured 112 positions for graduates of Bates at salaries ranging from $400 to $2,000, and aggregating $103,060. In 52 of these positions the salary has been not less than $1,000. Send for Agency Manual. One Fee Registers In Both Offices. IF YOU WISH TO BUY BATES Students are always in demand. BOOKS Register now. • •• Send to us for Prices • •• or oilier Information. Wc carry the largest stock of any store In New England, and can furnish any books in print at the shortest notice. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. WM. F. JARVIS, Catalogue of Special Bargains mailed free. MANAGER, (N. E. Bureau of Education) DE WOLFE, FISKE & CO., the oldest Teachers' Agency in New England, 361 &. 365 Washington St., 3 Somerset St., BOSTON, MASS. ROSTON. MASS. 40* Western Office, Topeka, Kansas. WHEN YOU WANT A RIDE HENRY C. WESTON, Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers. Come To Me first-Class Goods at Lowest Prices. 276 Main Street, - Opp. St. Joseph's Church. For Hacks, Barges, Buck-boards, BBS1* Undiiard Buggies, Top Carriages, Carryalls, Sur- REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. reys, Baggage Wagons, or anything wanted in the line of Carriages and Horses. Keliable drivers and best of service at night and day trains. Parties, Receptions, Bulls, Weddings, Banquets, Funerals, etc. Glen rock Water Personal Attention given to Funeral Occasions. Best Hearses and Hacks at Shortest Notice. Every- thing flrst-class. Sparkles CEO. H. CURTIS. A. B. Parker OFFICES; 48 Ash Street, and at Gerrish's &t> Sons, Drug Store, 145 Lisbon Street. Greene, Me. with Health Telephone Number 282-12 and 29-2. 11 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. COOK St WEST, INSURANCE AGENTS Room No. 1, Garcelon Block, 194 Lisbon St., LEWISTON, ME. Local Agents for the Mass. Mutual Life Ins. Co. and The N. E. Mutual Accident Ass'n, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASS., OF BOSTON, MASS., Two of the most conservative and fair-dealing companies in New England, as they are both regulated by the Massachusetts Insurance LAWS. Wo also have the State Agcncv for the New Edition of the STANDARD DICTIONARY with Atlas of the World, which is undoubtedly the best Dictionary of the English Language. WRICHT & DITSON Athletic outfitters to the leading S. P. ROBIE colleges, schools, and athletic clubs of New England. Athletic Outfitter to Bates College. Gymnasium Supplies of EVERYTHING FOR POLO. J Equipments, Every % and Do not Shirts, Description Field for fail to Collars, Supplies. Neck-Wear, Base-Ball, Vv Til 6 \\y) see our Tennis, 1 TViiAf^Sr f Estimates Gloves, Golf, IBBS and SWEATERS Hosiery. Foot-Ball. Samples for before House Coats and CATALOGUE Team buying. Bath Robes. FREE. Uniforms /if furnished SPECIAL Goos VALUES AT POPULAR PRICES. Secure our rates before //If on purchasing. short notice. Men's Furnishings, Athletic Outfits. WRIGHT & DITSON, ^UBtttiBJ* 3. P. S. P. ROBIE, Local Agent, Lewiston, Me. LOCAL AQENT FOR WRIGHT & DITSON. ■»>,„ RE IN IN Do You Intend to Teach? If so, you will do well to investigate mutual Life insurance Co., our new system. OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. No Commission POSITIONS yt Charged Unless After the Cash Values. GUARANTEED. A Actual Assistance Second Year Loan Equal to Cash Values. Is Rendered. Policies Paid-Up Values. Correspondence in all parts of the United States. Contain Extension Features. For particulars inquire of J. P. SPRAGUE, Bates, '98, or write to Insure while young, when premiums are low. UNION TEACHERS' BUREAU, J. P. SPRAGUE, Agent, No. 1 Beacon Street, - - BOSTON, MASS. No. 23 Parker Hall, Bates College. THE BATES STUDENT. VOL. XXVI. FEBRUARY, 1898. No. 2. Published by the Class of 1899. BOARD OF EDITORS. OSCAR C. MERRILL, Editor-in-Chief. CHARLES 8. CALHOUN. MURIEL E. CHASE. FRED E. POMEROT. LETTICE B. ALBBB. MABEL T. JORDAN. BUSINESS MANAGERS. PERLEY E. GRAFFAM. ALBERT T. L'IIEUREUX. WHAT IS A LIBERAL EDUCATION? HE nineteenth century has been pre-eminently an era of inquiry T!and growth. In nothing is this fact more marked than in the marvellous development of education and the change which our f theories upon that subject have undergone. To-day, as never in the past, the demand upon education is for symmetrical men. We have learned that man is a threefold being. He is withal a unit, and to-day, unless his education is a drawing forth of the whole man, a harmonious development of all his powers, it is in no sense a liberal education. The liberally educated man is, from the very import of the expression, the free man ; free to enter into the most abundant life, physical, mental, and spiritual, life of the highest usefulness, and of the highest happiness because the highest usefulness. He is, in short, the man who knows and lives life in its entirety. Now, how is this conception to be realized ? The provision for \ the physical development is provided with little difficulty, but the l question that is agitating the educational world is this : What studies furnish the highest mental development, the freest intellectual vision ; what most aid a man in becoming, in the words of Carlyle, "responsive and susceptible to truth and nobleness, with a sense to discern and a heart to love and reverence all beauty, order, good- ness, wheresoever or in whatsoever forms and accompaniments they are to be seen." 36 THE BATES STUDENT. Among such studies we do not hesitate to give language an important place, for language is the nucleus ahout which all other knowledge has its growth. The American student who has learned the perfect use of his mother tongue has acquired taste, judgment, and expression, and a powerful ally in mastering any other brandy of learning to which he may turn. Language, too, is the pass-word into the great realm of literature. If, as Matthew Arnold says, " the aim of culture is to know our- selves and the world," and if " we have, as a means to this culture, to know the hest that has been thought and said in the world," then it is to English literature that we must turn. Here we find, in greatest abundance, the richest and most varied productions of human thought. Wide as are human interests, deep as are human passions and yearnings, all find expression in marvellous beauty and power, in the magnificent literature of the English language. At home in this domain, surely the student is well advanced in the culture that comes from knowing " the best that has been thought and said in the world." It is, however, often said that until one has studied some other language he does not really know his own ; and the aid in the mastering of the mother tongue, and the valuable mental training that the study of foreign languages gives are truly undeniable. Moreover, the end of this training, viz., the ability to appreciate the treasures of thought and knowledge among other peoples, removes prejudice and enlarges the sympathies, thus extending the mental horizon, and making a man truly liberal.
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