January 12, 1918. THE HOSPITAL 321 THE COLLEGE OF NURSING (Limited by Guarantee). HUNDREDS OF NURSES JOIN ITS REGISTER. It is of the first importance that we are in toria Hospital, Folkestone; Royal Albert Edward Infirmary and a position this week to give incontrovertible and Dispensary, Wigan: Royal Berkshire Hospital, Read- ing ; Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton; District In- evidence i that trained nurses throughout cheering firmary, Ashton-under-Lvne ; Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, the are resolved to do their utmost to country help Norwich; General Hospital, Bristol; Royal Infirmary,. themselves and their profession by becoming at once Bristol; Wolstanton and Burslem Poor-Law Institution; members of the College .and joining its Register in Tonbridge Poor-Law Institution, Tunbridge Wells; Croy- ever-increasing numbers. The Bolos have ex- don Infirmary; Ashton-under-Lyne Poor-Law Institution; hibited the methods have Aston Union Infirmary; Bolton Poor-Law Institution (Town- ill-judgment by they Mill Road Liverpool; Oldham of which demonstrate the ley's Hospital); Infirmary, pursued, especially late, Poor-Law Institution; North Bierley Union Infirmary, the of contempt in which they hold intelligence Clayton; Brownlow Hill Poor-Law Institution, Liverpool; trained nurses in this country. It was time that St. Vincent's Hospital, Darlinghurst, Sydney, N.S.W.; Sea- trained nurses should assert themselves. The men's Hospital, Greenwich, with Now Hospital for Women, subjoined lists demonstrate that this view is now Solio Square, London; New Hospital for Women with Sea- men's Hospital, Greenwich ; Dr. Steevens' Hospital, Dublin ; taken trained nurses for they include by everywhere, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast; Mater Infirmorum Hos- the of Scotch, training-schools English, Welsh, pital, Belfast; Barrington's Hospital, Limerick; South In- of Irish, Isle Man, New South Wales, .and South firmary, Cork; Clare County Infirmary; Belfast Union African institutions, as well as of great Poor-Law Infirmary; and Royal Infirmary, Sheffield. institutions in the ,and Scotland. London, provinces, List No. 3 of Training-schools of A careful of the names of the schools study " Registered Nurses. enumerated, with the help of Burdett's Hospitals At the of the Council of the of" and Charities," 1917, will well repay the time thus meeting College held.011 3, 1918, the candidates spent by members of Parliament, supporters of our Nursing January for of the and the hospitals, training-schools and Poor-Law institu- passed membership College were trained at the tions, matrons, sisters, and nurses. The lists are College Register following a splendid demonstration that the College of training-schools: St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London; 'St. George's Hos- is and progress. Nursing making steady increasing pital, S.W.; King's College Hospital, London; London.' the it is fair to who Further, public, conclude, study Hospital, Whitechapel; Middlesex Hospital, London; St. these lists, will gratefully and continuously lend Thomas's Hospital, London; University College Hospital, their eleemosynary aid to the Building and Scholar- London; Westminster Hospital, S.W.Guy's Hospital,. ship Funds now being raised by the British Women's London; London Temperance Hospital, N.W.; Royal Free West Committee. trained nurses Hospital, W.C.; St. Mary's Hospital, Paddington; Hospital Providing London Bethnal Green St.' continue to make it their business to with Hospital, W.; Infirmary, N.E.; register Luke's Infirmary, Chelsea, S.W. ; Fulham Infirmary, the without and to take in the College delay, part London; Holborn Infirmary, Highgate; 9t. George's In- election of members of its Council next April, the firmary, Fulham Road; St. George-in-thc-East Infirmary; nurses .may themselves win State Registration with St. Mary, Islington, Infirmary, N.; St. Pancras Infirmary, West Ham Willfesden Infirm- practical certainty before the year is out. N.; Infirmary, Leytonstone; ary, N.W.; North Devon Infirmary, Barnstaple; Royal List No. 2 of Training.-schools of Berkshire Hospital, Reading; General Hospital, Birming- Registered Nurses. ham ; Queen's Hospital, Birmingham; Royal Infirmary, Bradford; City of London Infirmary, Homerton, N.E. ; At the meeting of the Council of the College of St. Pancras Infirmary, South, London; Lambeth Infirmary, held on December 6, 1917, the candidates S.E. ; Suffolk General Hospital, Bury St. Edmundis; Royal Cursing General General In- passed if or membership of, the 'and the Infirmary, Bristol; Hospital, Bristol; College firmary, Burton-on-Trent; King Edward VII.'s Hospital, were trained at the train- College Register following Cardiff; General Hospital, Cheltenham; Chesterfield and irig-schools: North Derbyshire Hospital; General Hospital, Darlington; Guy's Hospital, London; King's College Hospital, S.E. ; Royal Infirmary, Derby; Royal Albert Hospital, Devon- Victoria Hos- lanipstead General and North West London Hospital ^ port; Royal Infirmary, Doncaster; Royal diversity College Hospital, "S.E.; London Hospital, White- pital, Folkestone; General Infirmary, Gloucester; Royal 1 aPel, E. ; Middlesex Hospital, London; Mildmay Mission Infirmary, Halifax; West Herts Hospital, Hemel Hemp- Bethnal Green; St. Thomas's Hospital, London; stead ; County Hospital, Hertford; General Infirmary, p?sPital,ru'ce of Wales's General Hospital, N.; St. Bartholomew's Leeds ; Royal Infirmary, Leicester; David ,Lewis Northern ?.C.; St. Mary's Infirmary, Highgate, N.; Cam- Hospital, Liverpool; Ro3ral Infirmary, Manchester; General Infirmary, S.E.; St. James' Infirmary, Wandsworthj Hospital, Nottingham; Royal Isle of Wight County Hos- ? ? Southwark Infirmary, East Dulwich Grove, S.E.; pital, Ryde; Royal Infirmary, Sheffield ; Royal Salop Infir- ?*th Infirmary, S.E. ; Princess Christian Hospital, Wey- mary, Shrewsbury; Stockport Infirmary; North Stafford- mao;n 1' , Cumberland Infirmary, Carlisle; Royal Gwent Hos- shire Infirmary and Eye Hospital, Stoke-on-Trent; War- and , wP?rt; Royal County Hospital. Guildford; Royal rington Infirmary Dispensary; Princess Christian Hos- a*i General 1 an<3 Southampton Hospital; Royal Hospital, pital, Weymouth; Hospital, Gt. Yarmouth; Devon and Exeter T R?yal Hospital, Exeter; Royal Ashton-under-Lyne Poor-Law Institution; Higher Tranmere n f"'irmary, Halifax; Royal Hospital, Richmond, Surrey; Poor-Law Institution, Birkenhead; North Bierley Union In- V ,ro?ke's Hospital, Cambridge; Royal Infirmary, Sun- firmary, Clayton, Bradford; Medway Union Infirmary, ' ^enera-l Infirmary, Chester; Ancoats Hospital, Chatham; Farnham Poor-Law Road In- Vr'anc ai-i Institution; Anlaby iester; Royal Infirmary, Manchester; General Hos- firmary, Kingston-upon-Hull; Leeds Infirmary (Union); pital, Nottingham; County Hospital, Lincoln; Royal Vic- Bagthorpe Infirmary, Nottingham; Ecclesall Bierlow Poor 3*22 ' THE HOSPITAL January 12, 11)18. Fir Yale Law Institution, Sheffield; Poor-Law Hospital, Hospital, Glasgow; Bolvidere Fever Hospital, Glasgow; Poor-Law Sheffield; Crumpaall Institution, Manchester; Royal Infirmary, Perth; Hospital for Sick Clii t- Poor-Law Warwick Institution; North-West. LondonHospi- dren, Great Ormond Street, London; Sir Patrick Dun's tal, N.W.; St. Hill; White- Marylebono Infirmary, Notting Hospital, Dublin ; Chelsea Infirmary, S.W.; County Hos- St. Saviour's South chapel Infirmary, E.; Infirmary, pital. Durham; Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, Exeter; wark; - Southern South lioyal Hospital, Liverpool; Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford; Gloucestershire. Staffordshire Vic- General Hospital, Wolverhampton: Royal Infirmary and Eye Institution; Royal Infirmary, toria Hospital, Burnley; Kent and Canterbury Hospi- Hull; Herefordshire General Hospital, Hereford; Noble's tal, Canterbury; East Sussex Hospital, Hastings; Royal Islo of Man General Hospital; Victoria Central Hospital, Hospital, Portsmouth; General Hospital, Salisbury: Liscard; County Hospital, Lincoln; West Kent General Middlesbrough Poor-Law Institution; North Evington Hospital Maidstone; Ancoats Hospital, Manchester; Poor-Law Road Infirmary, Institution, Leicester; Dudley Royal Infirmary, Oldham j South Devon and East Corn- Birmingham; Bradford Poor-Law Institution; Burnley wall Hospital, Plymouth; Royal Portsmouth, Portsea, fir ma Poor-Law Institution; Kingston-upon-IIull In rvj and Go sport Hospital, Portsmouth; Royal Hospital, Sal- Highfield Infirmary, Knotty Ash, Liverpool: Mill Road ford; General Infirmary, Salisbury; Royal Hospital, Shef- Infirmary, Liverpool; Salford Infirmary, Pendleton, Man- field; Staffordshire General Infirmary, Stafford; Stockton chester; Harton Poor-Law Institution, South Shields): and Thornaby Hospital; General and Eye Hospital, Swan- Wolstanton and Burslem Stoyning Poor-Law Institution; sea ; Clayton Hospital, Wakefield, Yorks; General Infir- Poor-Law Carnarvon Institution; Hospital, Kimbeiley; mary, Worcester; Aston Poor-Law Institution, Birming- Brompton Hospital, S.W., and St. Mary's Hospital, W.; ham: Erdington Poor-Law Institution, Birmingham; Seamen's Hospital, Greenwich, S.E., and New Hospital for Bolton Poor-Law Institution (Townley's Hospital): Women, N.W.; Kensington Infirmary; Toxteth Park In- Bromley Poor-Law Institution; Township of South Man- firmary, Liverpool; Royal? Hants County Hospital, chester Hospitals, West Didsbury; Warrington Poor-Law Western Southampton; Infirmary, Glasgow; Royal Infir- Institution; Swansea Poor-Law Institution; Stepping Hill mary, Edinburgh; Royal Infirmary, Glasgow; Royal Infir- Poor-Law Hospital, Stockport; North Ormc.sby Hospital, mary, Dundee; Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary; Middlesbrough, Yorks; Provincial Hospital, Port Eliza- Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen; County Hospital, Ayr; Town's beth, South Africa; National Hospital, Queen Square, and Hospital, Glasgow; Stobhill Hospital, Glasgow; Essex County Hospital, Colchester; National Hospital, Kilmarnock Infirmary; Western District Hospital, Queen Square, and St, Mary's Infirmary, Islington: Glasgow; Morrvflatts Hospital, Govan; Barnhill Brownlow Hill Infirmary, Liverpool. .
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