IL NUOVO CIMENTO VOL. 32 A, N. 4 21 Aprile 1976 Vacuum Polarization and Photon Propagation in a Magnetic Field. D. B. MELROSEand R. J. STONEHAM Department of Theoretical Physics, Paculty of Science The Australian National University - Canberra, Australia (ricevuto il 18 Novembre 1975) Summary. - The vacuum polarization tensor in the presence of a static homogeneous magnetic field is calculated exactly as a function of both the magnetic field and the wave vector, and is regularized explicitly by using Shabad's diagonalization with respect to tensor indices. The wave properties for the two electromagnetic modes in the birefringent vacuum are calculated exactly using a technique from plasma physics. The strong- field limit is considered explicitly and it is shown that the two modes reduce to forms equivalent to the magnetoacoustic and shear Alfv6n modes in a plasma with Alfven speed much greater than the speed of light. 1. - Introduction. Interest in the vacuum polarization tensor in the presence of a static homo- geneous magnetic field has been connected with interest in the properties of photons in the birefringent vacuum. TOLL (I) used the Kramers-Kronig rela- tions to calculate the refractive indices from the known absorption coefficient for photo-pair production. More recently, approaches have involved the use of the Heisenberg-Euler effective Lagrangian (2.3)and Schwinger's proper-time (I) J. S. TOLL: Thesis (unpublished), Princeton University (1952). (2) J. MCKENNAand P. M. PLATZMAN:Phys. Rev., 129, 2354 (1963); J. J. KLEIN and B. P. NIGAM:Phys. Rev., 135, B 1279 (1964); E. BREZINand C. ITZYKSON:Pl~ys. Rev. D, 3, 618 (1970); Z. BIALYNICKA-BIRULAand I. BIALYNICKI-BIRULA: Phys. Rev. D, 2, 2341 (1970). (3) S. L. ADLER: Ann. of Phys., 67, 599 (1971). 436 D. B. MELROSE and R. J. STONEHAM technique (a.4). However only approximate expressions have been presented for the vacuum polarization tensor and for the wave properties. Here we pre- sent exact expressions for the regularized polarization tensor for a magnetized vacuum and for the wave properties of the two natural electromagnetic modes, and we correct an earlier treatment of the strong-field limit. We also develop a simple method for regularizing the vacuum polarization tensor explicitly. In sect. 2 we write down the electron propagator in a magnetic field in the GBhBnian representation and we use it in sect. 3 to calculate the vacuum polar- ization tensor. The regularization procedure is developed in sect. 4 and explicit expressions for the exact regularized vacuum polarization tensor are exhibited. The properties of the two natural modes are derived in sect. 5 by means of a method familiar in plasma physics. The strong-field limit is taken in sect. 6 where it is pointed out that Constantinescu's (5) approximate expression is unacceptable, and where it is shown that for very strong fields the wave properties reduce to those of the magnetoacoustic mode and shear AlfvBn mode in a very diffuse strongly magnetized plasma (specifically, one with Alfvbn speed much greater than the speed of light). Our notation is that of BERESTESKI~et al. (B) (but with - e for the electronic charge and Sp for the trace over Dirac matrices) and unrationalized Gaussian units with ?i= o = 1 are used. The symbols : = and = : define the quantities on the left and right respectively, and AN=(A 0, A) relates a 4-vector to its time and space components and A = (A,,A,, A,) relates the 3-vector to its Cartesian components. 2. - The electron propagator. A convenient form of the electron propagator for present purposes is that derived by GBHBNIAU(') and also by SCHWINGER and K~LEN(8). With the 3-axis along the static magnetic field B the propagator from zfu= (t', r') to zu = (t, r) may be written as (&) A. MINGUZZI: Nuovo Cimento, 4, 476 (1956); 6, 501 (1957); 9, 145 (1958); 19, 847 (1961). (5) D. H. CONSTANTINESCU: Nucl. Phys., 36 B, 121 (1972); Lett. Nuovo Cimento, 5, 766 (1972). (B) V. B. BERESTETSKII, E. M. LIFSHITZ and L. P. PITAEVSKII: Relativistic Quantum Theory, Part One (Oxford, 1971). (') J. G~HENIAU:Physica (Utrecht), 16, 822 (1950); J. GBHBNIAU and M. DEMEUR: Physica (Utrecht), 17, 71 (1951). J. SCHWINGER:Phys. Rev., 82, 664 (1951). (8) A. 0. G. KXLLEN:Handbuch der Physik, Vol. 5, Part 1 (Berlin, 1958) (reprinted in translation as Quantum Electrodynamics (New York, N. Y., 1972)). VACUUM POLARIZaTION AND PHOTON PROPAGATION IN A MAGNETIC FIELD with is unrelated to the choice of gauge, Iis the unit matrix, and The other quantity in (1) is (5 V(X, XI) : = exp [i- ie ~X~A#(X) I , where the path of integration is a straight line from x to x'. This is the only gauge-dependent term in G(x, x'; B). For the choice of gauge (6) A = (0, Bx, 0) (5) becomes (7) ~(x,x') = exp [- ieB(x + XI)(~ - y')] . Using the standard representation of the y-matrices one has 29 - I1 Nuwo Cimento A. 438 D. B. MELROSE and n. J. STONEHAM with R, : = JeB(x f iy), and hence with I (it+ m) 0- o - AXC- - R-C+C- 0 (At + m) C+ - R+C+ C-. (10) B(1; x) = R-C+C- (-1t+m)C- 0 and with C,:= ctg(eB121)+ i. (Convergence of the integral is ensured by allowing the path of integration in the ]-plane to ma,ke a small positive angle with the real axis, i.e. by replacing L by (1+ id) 2 with d > 0.) 3. - The unregularized vacuum polarization tensor. The vacuum polarization tensor is given by r (11) afiv(x--m') = -ie2 Sp [yfiG(x,x ; B)yvG(xr, x; B)]. The advantage of the representation (1)is that then (12 ~fiv(x- 3') = - ie2 Sp [yfiA(x- x') yvll(xf- m)] is manifestly independent of the choice of gauge for the magnetostatic field (and manifestly dependent only on x -xr, rather than on x and x' indepen- dently, as required by translational invariance). Choosing x'= 0 and insert- ing (9) with (10) gives .Sp [yfiB(1;x)yvB(Ar; - x)]. After changing the varial~lesof integration to eB 1 1 and B:=~(~-~), VACUUM POLARIZATlON AND PHOTON PROPAGATION IN A MAGNETIC FIELD 439 the range of ,!?-integration becomes [- a, a] and one may omit the terms odd in ,!? adtake twice the ,!?-integralover [0, a] of the terms even in ,!?.The final step is to Fourier transform to find (15) aflv(k): = Sd9 aflv(x) exp [ikx] . The relevant integrals have been evaluated by BOGOLIUBOVand SHIRKOV(lo). With kfl= (w, k) and one obtains 2 with L := BIB,, where B, := m /e is the (( critical field o, with a2- ,!I2 cos ,!? - cos a (18) Dflv(k;a, ,!?) = @v(k; a, ,!?) exp sin a and with k2 (COB ,!? - cos a) - -21 sin a cos a 2m2 sin3 a ' k:(cos ,!? - cos a) - cos,!? [- (a2- ki)(a2-- B2) + iL-- 1 - ---- sin a 4m2 cc2 a I 2m2 sin3 a ' - ~0s,!? (a2- ki)(a2- ,!?I) iL k:(cos ,!? - cos a) ,,, [- --A +;-I +---, sin a 4m2a2 I 2m2Sin 3 a (m2+ ki)(aa- P2) iL k:(cos 8 - cos a) I d3. = ctg a [- -xF- + ---- - (19) sin a cos a do1 = - 2m2 sin a 2 d03 = - wkl_____- (a - Pa)ctg a 2m2a2 d13= - klk,COSP( I--- PtgP) 2m2sin a atga ' (lo) N. N. BOGOLIUBOVand D. V. SHIRKOV: Introduction to the Theory of Quantized Fields, subsect. 14.1 (New York, N. Y., 1959). 440 D. B. MELROSE and R. J. STONEHAM and where the remaining components follow from In the weak-field limit (18) with (19) gives and L may be incorporated into the variables of integration (a/L --f a, p/L + p) in (17). 4. - The regularized vacuum polarization tensor. The polarization tensor (17) is divergent and it must be regularized. Also (17) does not satisfy the requirements of gauge invariance and charge continuity, i.e. one does not have abvkv= 0 and kbabv= 0. It is desirable to write the regularized vacuum polarization tensor in a form which is manifestly con- vergent and which manifestly satisfies the requirements of gauge invariance and charge continuity. Formally the regularization may be achieved as follows. The presence of a magnetostatic (or other electromagnetic) field does not introduce any addi- tional divergent terms (the divergences are from the limit a -t 0 in (17)) and consequently the divergences may be removed by subtracting from (17) the zero-field limit of (17). The regularized form of (17) may then be found by adding to the result the well-known expression for the regularized zero-field vacuum polarization tensor. This procedure gives (22) reg aPv(k) = aov(k)- af(k) + reg ar(k) with aov given by (17) with (18) and (19), af given by (17) with (21), and with reg dv(k)= A(k)( gov - k12")- 7 e2k2 (1 (1- p ctg p)(4m2 2k2) A(k)= - - -- + (24) 2 (27~)~9 3k I 7 and sin2p := k2/4m2. However (22) is neither manifestly convergent nor manifestly gauge inva- riant. To obtain an explicitly convergent and gauge-invariant result we note VACUUM POLARIZATION AND PHOTON PROPAGATION IN A MAGNETIC FIELD firstly that it must be possible to write Pv reg a@v(k)= 2 Pi fi 7 where the Pi are functions of invariants and the sum is over all fiPv which can be constructed from ka and Pfiv (the Maxwell 4-tensor constructed from B) using gfiv and ePvQa.N OW SHABAD(I1) has shown that reg apV(k)has the follow- ing four eigenvectors: with P*av := - 4 ES~@~PQa. Furthermore gauge invariance implies that the eigen- value corresponding to b: is zero.
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