CHARCOAL LINE frequent & direct between Bungay Poringland fast Norwich City Centre calling at Hillside Road East Ditchingham Poringland Upgate Stoke Holy Cross Framingham Earl from 6th January 2019 MAPS FARES TIMES Norwich m Cathedral nsu Playhouse We r Tombl Norwich City Centre Rive St Andrews Hall Norwich lose Yare The C er St Andrews St Ba a ©P1ndar iv R n City Centre 7 nk 4 PottergateMaddermarket Bridewell d Norwich A Plai Theatre Museum The ailway pen n Prince of Station adow Wa ©P1ndar Trowse Me les ©P1ndar Travel Road ©P1ndar St Giles St ©P1ndar ©P1ndar Centre King Street 6 ©P1ndar Be Castle 5 White Horse PH Lane ©P1ndar e ©P1ndar thel Museum os 0 City R e 1 l S t 1 ©P1ndar t Hall 1 A iver Green Cafe Cha Market s Castle A a pe te A146 l´ C Gardens No eld The St Peter t A rth S 14 Forum Mancroft erga 40A B 6 Castle attle t n ©P1ndar u L ����e�fie�d Th t C u 40 o ea ed Mall arket o 41A n dd Gardens tre S M g Theatre R M Norwich on White 41 a S Royal on en ailway y R t i ©P1ndar 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Peter’s ©P1ndar ©P1ndar Road X41 Kings 41 CHARCOAL LINE Brooke Head ©P1ndar ©P1ndar 41A ©P1ndar ©P1ndar B 1 3 ©P1ndar ©P1ndar 3 where to catch©P1ndar High 2 Framingham Earl Green your bus in High School N Ditchingham o r Framingham d wich 40 S R H Poringland p 41 e Earl o g u t Kirstead 41 i ll n R r ©P1ndar i o A a d 41 L w h d ailway PH a ©P1ndar w t X41 a X41 H h o e n il R e e l T ©P1ndar The Nightingale R S d ©P1ndar ad Centre N o d N R o e o Homestead Nurseries L R R Post on n r Stok g R r w oa 40 o w Office d 40A do a i i c 41A d d c T S h Lo h t ll Hallows 40A h R a d R t oyal ak e Hospital R o io s S ’ Hall Rd Smokey oes a n o PH d t y a Bar and Grill r r d e a e e Upgate M n ibrary t a L ©P1ndar 43 t d A1 P d a irn R ©P1ndar Budgens S h ©P1ndar o o rch ©P1ndar R w y 40 40A m Chu X41 h a S Kings t tr or D u 41 e t Poringland Head o e Lo c utney Meadow t ©P1ndar w Poringland m ©P1ndar R A m d e Upgate r 41 41 ©P1ndar Caravan Park a e a ©P1ndar Cafe n R Y X41 h all Rd La g 41A empn Farm rr B n H a S r i Shop C 41 41A h Church t o Hollow Hill r a c ll Saints t e i Woodton oad e d B1 ©P1ndar Road X41 D nglican Church 3 33 ©P1ndar 14 Green t 2 41 A Fisher 41A Dragon Theatre iver Hedenham The X41 R ney ©P1ndar Post Office ave ©P1ndar Mermaid ©P1ndar W n e ©P1ndar d Inn n Bungay R e ©P1ndar a Drapers Bigods Castle es F Trinity Street cl L ane ec Bungay B arsham Bungay Ditchingham E Dam ibrary St Mary’s St B14 35 41 41 An utney Meadow nis St Edmunds S 41A Hill Caravan Park Catholic Church Police t R Jo Station d h de X41 Bungay n illsi t ’s H s 41A X41 Ea Co-op Medical Rd 5 3 Centre 4 where to catch 3 1 S Fire t 14 B J Station o A e h your bus in id t n A ls s ’s 1 il e 4 H W H 4 2 d i 6 R ll 0 B1 Bungay Bungay Bungay & High Pool and Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown Copyright 2017 School Gym itchingham Digital Cartography by Pindar Creative www.pindarcreative.co.uk 40 40 X41 Bungay 41 X41 Ditchingham Brooke Poringland Stoke Holy Cross 40A 41A Norwich Mondays to Saturdays (except public holidays) fast fast fast fast fast fast fast 41A X41 X41 41A 41A X41 40 40 40A X41 40 41 40A X41 40 40A X41 40 41 40A X41 40 Bungay Hillside Road West/Queens Rd 0623 0652 0712 0732 0940 1040 1140 Bungay St Johns Road layby 0626 0655 0715 0735 0843 0908 0943 1043 1108 1143 Bungay Hillside Road East/Co-op 0628 0657 0717 0737 0845 0910 0945 1045 1110 1145 Bungay St Marys Street 0635 0705 0725 0745 0850 0915 0950 1050 1115 1150 Ditchingham Hollow Hill Road 0641 0710 0730 0750 0855 0920 0955 1055 1120 1155 Hedenham Church Road 0644 0714 0734 0754 0859 0924 0959 1059 1124 1159 Woodton Kings Head 0723 0733 0928 1128 Kirstead Bus Shelter 0650 0720 0740 0730 0740 0800 0905 0935 1005 1105 1135 1205 Brooke Norwich Road/Kings Head 0653 0723 0743 0803 0908 1008 1108 1208 Brooke St Peters Road 0735 0745 0940 1140 Poringland Upgate 0658 0742 0752 0812 0823 0853 0928 0953 1028 1053 1128 1153 1228 Poringland Church 0705 0730 0750 0750 0800 0810 0820 0830 0900 0915 0935 0945 1000 1015 1035 1100 1115 1135 1145 1200 1215 1235 Stoke Holy Cross Wildebeest Arms 0715 0800 0810 0910 1010 1110 1210 Framingham Earl High School 0735 0755 0815 0825 0835 0920 0940 0950 1020 1040 1120 1140 1150 1220 1240 Trowse Bus Shelter 0723 0803 0808 0818 0823 0833 0918 1018 1118 1218 Norwich City Centre St Stephens St 0730 0750 0813 0818 0828 0833 0843 0850 0925 0935 0955 1005 1025 1035 1055 1125 1135 1155 1205 1225 1235 1255 Saturdays Saturdays only only bus operates on Mondays to Fridays only speedy boarding! fast fast fast fast fast fast 40A X41 40 41 40A X41 40 40 40A X41 40 41 40A X41 40 40 X41 40 41 X41 Bungay Hillside Road West/Queens Rd 1240 1340 1440 1545 1645 1720 1815 Bungay St Johns Road layby 1243 1308 1343 1443 1508 1548 1648 1723 1818 Bungay Hillside Road East/Co-op 1245 1310 1345 1445 1510 1550 1650 1725 1820 Bungay St Marys Street 1250 1315 1350 1450 1515 1555 1655 1730 1825 Ditchingham Hollow Hill Road 1255 1320 1355 1455 1520 1600 1700 1735 1830 Hedenham Church Road 1259 1324 1359 1459 1524 1604 1704 1739 1834 Woodton Kings Head 1328 1528 1743 Kirstead Bus Shelter 1305 1335 1405 1505 1535 1610 1710 1750 1840 Brooke Norwich Road/Kings Head 1308 1408 1508 1613 1713 1843 Brooke St Peters Road 1340 1540 1755 Poringland Upgate 1253 1328 1353 1428 1453 1453 1528 1553 1633 1700 1737 Poringland Church 1300 1315 1335 1345 1400 1415 1435 1500 1500 1515 1535 1545 1600 1620 1640 1707 1720 1744 1802 1850 Stoke Holy Cross Wildebeest Arms 1310 1410 1510 1610 Framingham Earl High School 1320 1340 1350 1420 1440 1505 1520 1540 1550 1625 1645 1712 1725 1749 1807 1855 Trowse Bus Shelter 1318 1418 1515 1518 1618 Norwich City Centre St Stephens St 1325 1335 1355 1405 1425 1435 1455 1525 1525 1535 1555 1605 1625 1640 1700 1727 1740 1804 1822 1910 Mondays to Saturdays Times at these stops are estimated Fridays only only get big discounts on unlimited bus travel for school, college or 6th form use weekends, evenings and half-terms too get it on mTicket 40 40 X41 Norwich Stoke Holy Cross 40A 41A Poringland Brooke Ditchingham Bungay 41 X41 Mondays to Saturdays (except public holidays) fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast 40 X41 X41 40 X41 40A 40 X41 40A 41 40 X41 40A 40 X41 40A 41 40 X41 40A 40 X41 Norwich City Centre St Stephens St 0740 0755 0820 0830 0845 0900 0930 0945 1000 1015 1030 1045 1100 1130 1145 1200 1215 1230 1245 1300 1330 1345 Trowse Bus Shelter 0745 0906 1006 1106 1206 1306 Stoke Holy Cross Wildebeest Arms 0914 1014 1114 1214 1314 Framingham Earl High School 0755 0807 0832 0842 0857 0942 0957 1027 1042 1057 1142 1157 1227 1242 1257 1342 1357 Poringland Church 0805 0812 0837 0847 0902 0924 0947 1002 1024 1032 1047 1102 1124 1147 1202 1224 1232 1247 1302 1324 1347 1402 Poringland Upgate 0812 0853 0928 0953 1028 1053 1128 1153 1228 1253 1328 1353 Brooke St Peters Road 1037 1237 Brooke Norwich Road/Kings Head 0816 0841 0906 1006 1106 1206 1306 1406 Kirstead Bus Shelter 0819 0844 0909 1009 1042 1109 1209 1242 1309 1409 Woodton Kings Head 1049 1249 Hedenham Church Road 0826 0851 0916 1016 1053 1116 1216 1253 1316 1416 Ditchingham Hollow Hill Road 0830 0855 0920 1020 1057 1120 1220 1257 1320 1420 Bungay Trinity Street 0835 0900 0925 1025 1102 1125 1225 1302 1325 1425 Bungay St Johns Road layby 0838 0903 1105 1305 Bungay Hillside Road East/Co-op 0929 1029 1129 1229 1329 1429 Bungay Hillside Road West/Queens Rd 0932 1032 1132 1232 1332 1432 Mondays to Fridays only fast fast fast fast 40A 41 40 X41 40A 40 X41 40A 41 40 40A X41 41A X41 41A Norwich City Centre St Stephens St 1400 1415 1430 1445 1500 1530 1545 1605 1620 1635 1705 1720 1735 1750 1810 Trowse Bus Shelter 1406 1506 1611 1714 1744 1816 Stoke Holy Cross Wildebeest Arms 1414 1514 1619 1722 1752 1824 Framingham Earl High School 1427 1442 1457 1542 1557 1635 1650 1735 1805 Poringland Church 1424 1432 1447 1502 1524 1547 1602 1629 1640 1655 1732 1740 1802 1810 1834 Poringland Upgate 1428 1453 1528 1553 1633 1700 1737 1805 Brooke St Peters Road 1437 1645 1814 1839 Brooke Norwich Road/Kings Head 1506 1606 1745 1815 Kirstead Bus Shelter 1442 1509 1609 1650 1747 1819 1817 1844 Woodton Kings Head 1449 1657 1824 1849 Hedenham Church Road 1453 1516 1616 1701 1754 1824 1854 Ditchingham Hollow Hill Road 1457 1520 1620 1705 1758 1828 1858 Bungay Trinity Street 1502 1525 1625 1710 1803 1833 1903 Bungay St Johns Road layby 1505 Bungay Hillside Road East/Co-op 1529 1629 1714 1807 1837 1907 Bungay Hillside Road West/Queens Rd 1532 1632 1717 1810 1840 1910 Times at these stops are estimated All fares & tickets on these pages are correct at 13/01/19.
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