,,r George Kirksey, third from left, one of the men most responsib!e for columnist and sports writer, and Mrs. Herskowltz; Captain H. Staid, master bringing bi~ leajue baseball to Houston, was honored at a farewell lunc’n- of the HATTINGEN;Frank Mancuso, City Councilman and Mayor pro t~m; eon aboard the M/V HATTINGEN, a Hapag-Lloyd A.G. ship on which Michael Scorcio, Port of Houston, assistant to the executive director; Ted Kirksey sailed last month. Other guests, from the left, included John Springer Dugey, vice president of Biehl & Company; ard C. F. Bullock, Port of of Biehl & Company, steamship agents for Hapag-Lloyd; Port Commiss!cn Houston,director of port operations. chairman Fentress Bracewell; Kirksey; Mickey Herskowitz, Houston Post CUSTOMS PR()MOTIONS (;us ~. Herrmanhas I,een named{-.S. (]ustoms regional director of securilv and DEpEt4D~BLEAround the Clock audit with headquarters in Houston. l{obert E. Edwards has been promoted to DOCKSIDE GENERAL REPAIRS assislanl direclor I attdi[ ~ on the regional sial1". Including Electrical and Refrigeration WorldwideRecognition For Our TankCleaning Equipment and Services CompleteFabricated StevedoreEquipment CARGO INSPECTION U.S. Departmentof LaborCertified TestingStation LAND--SEA--AIR $3.75 Per Hour, 5¢ Per Mile LARRY S. LAWHON MARINEMAINTENANCE CO. Box 53, LaPorte, Texas 77571 Phone: (713) 471-1791 Houston,Phone (713) 923-2884 Galveston,Phone (713) SO2-7785 TAKETHE "SHORT CUT" TO WORLDMARKETS VIA HOUSTONAND OTHER II,. S. GULFPORTS AND LYKES LINES FAST, MODERNSHIPS-- DEPENDABLE, REGULAR SAILINGS U.K. LINE " CONTINENT LINE GrowingWith the Lykes-YoungstownCorporation ¯ MEDITERRANEANLINE ¯ AFRICA LINE ¯ ORIENT LINE CottonExchange Bldg., Houston,Texas OFFICES AND AGENTS IN THE UNITED STATES On the way--the giant SEABEES-- AND IN PRINCIPAL WORLD PORTS a totally newconcept in ocean shipping Limited Passenger Accommodations MARCH,1971 21 Portof HoustonTonnage Sets All-Time Record With an all-time tonnage high of 62,- ume in 1971. lion container crane being built to serve 415,482 tons in 1970, the Port of Hou- The 1970 total represents a 14 per cent it are indications of the increasing role ston looks forward to equally bright in- jump over 1969, a year in which tile Port containers will continue to play in 1971 creases in both tnnnage and dollar vol- for three mouths was paralyzed by a and succeeding years. longshoremen’s strike. The previous A major announcement by the Port highest tonnage year was 1959 when 60,- during 1970 also concerned containers 265,000 Ions moved ow’r Houston’s as well as tile new lighter-aboard-ship wharves. and Seabee type vessels and their car- l)espite a slowing of general (’argo goes. This was a $100 million, 20-year activity last year, tile overall picture was project, to begin in 1971, for Barbour’s enhanced by the big increases in bulk Cut Terminal at the junction of the Hous- cargoes, especially in the last quarlcr of ton Ship Channel and Galveston Bay, 1970. December x~.as a record month for twenty-fi~e miles downstream from the bulk grain shipmenls, including 910.000 Turning Basin. tons, mainly wheat. Some93,527 foreign automobiles were imported through Houston in 1970 for another record year in that field while steel and coffee also played major roles. Bagged rice, oil field and refinery equip- CompaniaSud Americanade Vapores ment, petrochemicals, and liquid bulk, ExpressFreight ServiceFrom grain and other bulk shipments were HOUSTON ¯ GALVESTON major exports. MOBILE ¯ NEWORLEANS A new $1 million container marshal- AND OTHERPORTS AS CARGOOFFERS ling yard at the Port and a new $1 mil- TO PANAMA ECUADOR° PERU AGENTS ARE NAMED BOLIVIA ° CHILE International Maritime Agencies, Inc., has been named agents for the Florida ......... ~ 29 Broadway,New York, N. Y. Lines, said Gordon N. Kimmel, execu- Tel. (212) 943-8600 tive vice president of Canadian Gulf Gulf Agents Line of Florida, general agents. Florida STRACHAN SHIPPING CO. Lines maintain a regular freight service NEW ORLEANS ¯ HOUSTON ¯ MOBILE to and from 1. S. Gulf ports to Santa GALVESTON ¯ CHICAGO ¯ ST. LOUIS ATLANTA ¯ DALLAS ¯ MEMPHIS Domingo, Port Au, Prince. St. Thomas and St. Croix. Miss Pat Lynn, assistant editor of the Engineer- FastRegular Cargo Service ing News-Record, New York, a McGraw-Hill pub- lication, is photographedon the Port of Hous- ton’s inspection vessel SAM HOUSTONas she HOUSTON, NEW ORLEANS, MOBILE prepares to do someplcture-taking of her own. Miss Lynnis the publication’s specialist on harbors WEEKLY and ports and, while attending the recent annual meeting of the National Association of Home to La Guaira* and Curacao* Builders in Houston, she took time out to confer with Port officia/s and tour Port facilities. FORTNIGHTLY to Maracaibo*, Aruba*, Guanta*, Barbados, Trinidad, Pto. Cabello* GULFPORTS CRATING CO. Georgetownand Paramaribo Export Packing *Fortnightly from Mobile Commercial--Military Agents: Boxing--Crating--Processing HOUSTON:1600 N. 7Sth St., 923-5551 Houston,Mobile, NewOrleans, Chicago, St. Louis, Dallas, Memphis, NEWORLEANS: 1717 Tchoupitoulas 525-9936 Atlanta ....................................... STRACHAN SHIPPING COMPANY Philadelphia, Pittsburgh .................................. LAVINO SHIPPING CO. Baltimore, Norfolk ..................................... RAMSAY,SCARLETT & CO. Detroit, Cleveland .................. INTERNATIONAL GREAT LAKES SHIPPING CO. LONGHORN TRANSFERSERVICE, INC. SPECIALIZI NG~IMPORT/EXPORT TRUCKING lloualll¢lherlands Sleamship tompanu 7112 Avenue C Houstont Texas 926-2661 "Perfectionin Performanceis AchievedOnly 25 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, N. Y. 10004 by Experience" 22 PORT OF HOUSTON MAGAZINE Japan’s Consul General in Houston, the Hon. Arao Ohta, was given a farewell luncheon by the Navigation District last month prior to his de- parture for The Hague, Netherlands, where he CABLE: MAHCO FBM 2187 will be Minister of Embassy.From left to right are Yoshiaki Shibusawa, Bank of Tokyo; J. P. Turner, executive director of the Port of Houston; Hon. T. K. Chu, Consul General of China and Dean of the Consular Corps; Hon. F. A. Hoefer, Consul M. G. Maher& Co., Inc. General of The Netherlands; William B. Dazey, attorney-at-law, Ohta; Hon. Stella Cheesman, Consul General of Guatemala; Vaughn M. Bryant, CustomhouseBrokers -- Foreign Freight Forwarders director of international relations of the Port of Houston; Isamu Kodama, Consul of Japan and Akiro Hirose, director of the Japan Trade Center. Members: Custom Brokers & Forwarders Association of America, Inc. Sanlln Building 812 Petroleum Bldg. CombiLine Will New Orleans 12, Louisiana 70112 Houston, Texas 77002 Telephone: 529-5941 224-8101 Start OnApril 1 TWX-810-951-5220 TWX-713-571-1283 Effectixe April 1, 1971, Hapag-Lloyd and Holland American Line will jointly operate their present cargo liner services between the U.S. Gulf and South Altantic ports, and northern Europe under the new trade name. Combi Line This joint undertaking will result in weekly sailings from the Port of Houston and improved shipping schedules for other /.S. ports in thc Gulf and South GULF of MEXICO-- Atlantic. EAST COAST of SOUTH AMERICA-- The Comt)i Line xessels will provide WEST COAST of AFRICA-- increased container I’acilities and arc also First class equipped to carry, general and reefer cargo as well as hcavvlil:ts. American-Flag service, The Combi lane, for ~hich Biehl & with frequent calls also at Company. Inc. has been appointed [7.S. Mexican and Puerto Rican ports. general agents, plans to,offer a lighter- aboard- ship I LASHItype service next year. The new shiplfing line presently }las l~o 1.3.000 ton barge carriers under construction in Belgium. Modern cargo liners--dependable express general cargo services i specializing in containerized and palletized ship- mentsirefrigeratediheavy lifts--extra lengths--bulk UNITEDSTEVEDORING liquids, etc. Cotton ExchangeBldg. DELTASTEAMSHIP LINES INC. DivMon Of P.O. BOX50250 ¯ NEWORLEANS, LOUISIANA 70150 States Marine Lines, Inc. NEWYORK ¯ WASHINGTON¯ CHICAGO ¯ MOBILE° HOUSTON 227-0687 227-3374 MARCH, 1971 23 \, INDEPENDENT GULFLINE (Vinke & Co., Amsterdam,Managers) REGULARSERVICE to and from the CONTINENT S~wIPPING~ CORPORATXON General Agent U.S.A, Houston ¯ Galveston ¯ New York New Orleans * Memphis ¯ Bahim Philadelphia ¯ Wilmington Refrigerated Space Available This mobile drilling ri3, some 59 tons, was lifted aboard the M/V LOPPERSUM,an inde- pendent Gulf line ship, recently for use in West Germany. The telescoping rig extends to 112 feet and can drill to 10,000 feet with 41/2-inch drill pipe. The rig was manufactured by the Cabot Corporation International Machinery Division in Houston New Orleans Houston and the packing of the vehicle was done by Brand Export Packing, Inc., also of Houston. Vishva Jyoti Mar. 12 Mar. 9 Amerind Shipping Corporation was the steamship State of Punjab Apr. 9 Apr. 6 agent ond H. E. Schurig & Company was the Vishva Raksha Apr. 16 Apr. 13 foreign freight forwarders. NewYork - 90 WestStreet - (212) 732-2211 CopperExported Houston- 420 McFaddenBldg. - 222-9601 Dallas - 513 CottonExchange Bldg, - 747-5064 Almost six tnillion pounds some Mobile- MarineBulk Ore Terminal, 433-1536 2.696 metric tons of copper slabs ~erc shil)ped from tile Port of Houston last month aboard tile S/S JAMES L~KES by the Kennecott Sales Company of New York through arrangements made with freighl forwarder H. E. Sehurig & (~ompany The 1,078 slabs wcnl t,) Germanv and and Belgium,-195 pieces h, Hamburg and Fast Freight, Reefer, Deep Tank and Passenger Service 583 to Antwerp. The giant slabs were transported from the Kemlecott Copper U.S. GULF / FAR EAST SERVICE smelting plant in N(.w Mexico on 36 rail cars. Regular Sailings From: HOUSTON ¯ GALVESTON ¯ BEAUMONT FINN IS ELECTED Ed~dn E. l:in,L president ()f Chamwl- NEW ORLEANS imv tlank, has beell elected a director of TMT Shipping & Charalcring. Inc.. or MANILA ¯ HONG KONG ¯ BANGKOK ¯ SINGAPORE H oust(HI. PORT SWETTENHAM ¯ PENANG ¯ BELAWAN DELl Other Ioadlng or discharging ports called if cargo warrants. BEN H. MOORE INSURANCE AGENCY Agents Agents: Ben H. Moore- William C. Moore BARBERSTEAMSHIP LINES, INC. BIEHL & COMPANY MARINE- CASUALTY- FIRE Sixth Floor, WORLDTRADE BLDG., 17 Battery Place,; NewYork, N.
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