B KS S; I N Michael

B KS S; I N Michael

1 B 166 Butler—Byers 000102 ^ TELUS AdvertisingStnim21 Butler Vance 1601bl8AvNW 284-4717 Buttar Resham 24CastleglenWyNE 293--8627 Buuck Randy 2601a48 StSE 272-1063 By The Cup Coffee 736 8AvSW 233-2718 Butler W 272-2191 Buttco Properties Ltd l 920 69AvSW253-3474 Buur J 230-2047 BY THE CUP PLUS 633 6Avsw234-7544 Butler W RR4 274-9522 Butte George 232 27AvNW 277-1947 Buur Peter 280-8340 Butler W Fax Line RR4 274-2424 Byam D 217-1135 Buttee C 509 73GlamisDrSW 313-1285 Buur Peter 285-3263 Byam Jesse & Daelene '. ' Butler W G 4104DoverbrookRdSE 272-1883 Buttee William 248-7627 Buur R H 110 1415 17 StSE 269-1415 124 McKerrellGdnsSE 257-539? Butler Wade 52DougiasRidgeCloseSE 236-1704 Butter Johann 919 808 5 StSE 237-0948 Buwalda EIke 239-2332 Byam R L 4 1931 31 StSW 246-527» Butler William 204 8948ElbowDrSW 640-4207 Buwalda J 7739BowcliffeCrNW 288-2902 Butler Wm 2113 2AvNW 283-4606 Buxom Blondes 276-5429 Byam Tracey 686-9587 Butler Wm J RR4 274-9360 BUTTERFIELD ACRES Buxton C 242-2978 Byard Andrew 205 l027CameronAvSW.802-133f Butler Y Computer 208-9465 Buxton David S l03HolmwoodAvNW 289-9661 Byard Andrew 205 1027CameronAvSW.802-1337 Butler-Gretton M 247-3795 Information Line 547-3595 Buxton F 94 ShawbrookeCrSW 256-4785 Byatt Harold 235 lOAvNE 276-9681 ButlerToGo 502 105 150CrowfootCrNW815-9668 3 Km N Of Crowchild Tr On Rocky Ridge Rd BVBLOS BAKERY LTD ;• 254077 Rocky Ridge Rd NW 239-0638 Buxton F 94 ShawbrookeCrSW 873-0728 Butlin Greg lOOCoralSpringsMewNE 590-4143 Buxton G & I ...640-9639 2479 23 StNE 250-3711 Butlin James 224WoodsideBaySW 238-0987 Buxton John E 46 SilvercreekMnrNW 202-3775 Fax Line 291-4895 Butlin James 224WoodsideBaySW 238-1305 Butterfield C 287-2241 Buxton L 1744 36AvSW 287-9469 Byblos Kitchen Ltd 1449 17AvSW 541-17SS Butlin James 224WoodsideBaySW 238-4163 Butterfleld E H 213 2945 26AvSE 273-3590 Buxton M J 1312RanchlandsWyNW 239-7848 Byblow E 8< D 133CoventryGrnNE 226-179? BUTLIN JAMES A Lawyr Butters D 286-0950 Buxton Mark 319MtDouglasCrtSE 257-5571 Byblow Lyndsey ..217-46R 100 1501 1 StSW 543-7751 Butters IVI L 590-0574 Buxton Mark 319f,ltDouglasCrtSE 257-8802 Byblow T W 239-6057 Butters Roy lOOllMapleglenCrSE 271-6454 Buxton Tom 67EdgeparkRdNW 239-4784 Residence 238-1305 Butters Wayne 204-0081 Byblow T W 14IRockyRidgeLandingNW...239-55^ Butlin Jeff 245-6554 Buxton Tom 67EdgeparkRdNW 241-2211 Byca J 1407 738 3AvSW 264-9666 BUTLIN OKE ROBERTS & NOBLES Bycio W H 686-1613 Lawyrs 5401 Temple Or NE 280-6797 Byciuk A 251-2241 Butterwick L 8312 43AvNW 247-9123 Fax Line. ;;;;;;;28o-6878 100 1501 1 St SW 543-7750 Butterwick S Bsmtl436 45 StSW 246-8561 Buy-Rite Store 740 l7AvSW 228-5272 Byciuk Ronald 104 1029 l4AvSW 244-9773 Fax Line 543-7759 Butterwick S & H Buyar Joseph W 4647 69 stNW 288-4159 Byciuk Shane 255-182? James A Butlin 543-7751 4635NorthHavenDrNW 289-7292 Buye Andrew 283MargateCloseNE 235-0412 Byciuk Shane 255-2577 J David Oke 543-7753 Butterwick S & H Byciuk Shane Fax 255-18SJ Colin D Roberts 543-7758 4635NorthHavenDrNW 289-7299 Buye G & K 280-5555 Buye Glenn D 302 317 i4AvSW 269-2286 Byck A 730-996S Butlin Victor Butterworth Gal 189 ScrippsLandingNW.241-1451 Byczynski A l920TecumsehRdSW 244-7336 154 lOOCoralSpringsMewsNE 590-2231 Buye Robert 331LynnoverPlaceSE 279-3158 Butterworth Gal 189 ScrippsLandingNW.547-0363 Buye Ryan 163MtAberdeenCloseSE 257-6474 Byczynski Mirek 4716 21 StSW 244-4272 Bulling P 289-4812 Butterworth F J 148HawkwoodWyNW ...547-1143 Bye Bob 84TemplemontDrNE 28S-22S6 Butot L BlCapriAvNW 284-1429 Buyer D J 239-9679 Butterworth G 202-0661 Buyer T 2044BirchCrSE 235-0961 Bye Bye Graffiti 535ClevelandCrSE 287-3331 Butot M 228-0102 Butterworth Ian 602 16 StNW 270-8370 Buyer's Edge Home Inspection Bye G 136TuscanyValleyWyNW 208-2474 Butrenchuk E RRlPriddls 931-3582 Butterworth Kenneth D Bye D 236-0947 ButrenchukDuuciK^iiun So 281-2501 6503LarkspurWySWoDujLarKspurwybw 242-5333 Services 874-2143 n..^ Mi; n*«. Butrenchuk S E 277-8458 Butterworth S 264-2701 buyers Side 212-0222 Butroid M 241-8950 Butterworths Canada Ltd 251-5412 Buyers Susan 288-8002 ®12 l4AvSw zg-sws Butroid R W 241-8449 Fax Line 251-5413 Buyitfromjoe 1317BownessRdNW 283-2839 Bye Marshall 3836VancouverCrNW 21^-2^ Butson S ..■.■■.■283-6504 Buttery ML 270-7733 Buys Wayne 257-4009 Bye Murray iioi 535 l3AvSW 2^-8^ Butson S 283-6731 Buttle A J 47RoseryDrNW 289-9370 Buysman Cor 7638 25 stSE 279-5620 Bye N ■■■■■ Butson Sarah L Or Psycolgst Buttle Brian ll2MartingienMewsNE 285-2383 Buysman M 277-8931 Bye Olave Mrs 618 3330 SAvSW 262-^ 206 609 14 StNW 270-9331 Buttle Eric 233-0916 Buysman Neil 203-8745 Bye P 257-4795 Butt A 10335WapitiDrSE 278-5224 Button C 270-3121 Buysschaert John 512WillingdonBlvdSE!!271-0622 Bye P 257-4S21 Butt Asad 272-4603 Button C 270-3166 Buza K & D 88CovingtonRdNE 226-0907 Bye Reg L RR2Balsac 226-446» Butt B .. 226-8383 Button C 283-6642 Buza Z Box41 Balzac 226-0210 Bye Robert 201DouglasParkBlvdSE 279-S4X Butt Catherine 1439LakeTwintreeWySE..278-1747 Button C 283-6646 Buzahora Gerald 5804DaltonDrNW. .! 286-0868 Bye S 235-2475 Butt Chris 309 505 56AvSW 252-6916 Button Chris 1828LynnoverRdSE 236-0208 Buzahora M 203 1323 iSAvSW 209-1202 Bye S R 281-2135 Butt David 560 310 8 StSW 234-9230 Button Gerald 205WoodlordDrSW 251-0618 Buzahora M 203 1323 ISAvSW 541-0386 Bye Stan Box53 Slte2RRl 254-5035 Butt E 101 520 34 StNW 283-4173 Button Glen 44 SunvalePlaceSE 256-2402 Buzak L 277-1194 Bye T 802-392! Butt Ed 516 54AvSW 252-9485 Button H 238-4490 Buzan F 280-4218 Bye Tracy & Gary 226-3977 Butt Ehsan Rasul 4387 38 StNE 285-7519 Button H & C 194EmeraldBayDr 247-8346 Buzan Gerald W 6412 34AvNW 247-2671 Byer Ben 4 3032RundlesonRdNE 285-6627 Butt Ehsan Rasul Fax 285-7613 Button Jean 730-7853 Buzan Larry, B l40HallbrookDrSw"!!. !259-6551 Butt F 4PlumTreePlaceSW 246-6058 Button Keith 242-8827 Buzan Rodney ^47.9dm Byer C 230-0911 Butt Frank 935RanchviewCrNW 239-0576 Button Kyle 194EmeraldBayDr 286-3066 Buzan W B 532CanterburyPi'acPsiA/ IsT-SfiPQ Byer Melissa S Lawyr 30Fir237 4AvSW 268-6831 Butt J 217-1835 Button R W Butt J 247-9786 u oS s; ^ Butt J 126b22AvNE 276-5096 Butt J 9 SantanaMnrNW 274-4128 KS s; i n Michael Im Kl,r8'l22iT7«E SI' St g,"" S13 Zlii Bum 276-4653 2^5.™:::::::::::::: i'?:! ^ ) Butts C T 14 2021 llAvSW 244-1874 Buzuao Harry„ 283-6822228-1400 Byers Cathy 541-007'' Butt Len !.!.;!!!";;;:;!;i;!".";!!!;258-0303 Butts David Dr 207 1600 90AvSW 640-6282 Byers Cecile 103922916 StSW 259-43S.V Byers D 4309BownessRdNW 247-417* ButtR^ii Lome& Fax Line 274-7473 Butts J 103 3802 16 StSW 243-5333 BuzoganyTerry J I•■4935Neiso^nRdw;:;;::;;:;;;;; !!"'.!!'.!!'.!".'.!!274-4383 Byers D E 275-02tfi Butt M 280-3208 Butts L 6328 34AvNW 286-2580 Buzogany K 0 2635MorleyTrNW... .282-6668 Byers D J 23 lOOOlBrookparkBlvdSW 238-2715' Butt M 541-1646 Butts R & C 202-3045 Buzogany Peter J 289-5542 Byers Daniel & Diane Butt M 2209a48 StSE 235-5969 Butts Randy 76MacEwanGlenCloseNW 274-0391 162EdgevalleyCircleNW 547-8SW Butt Mark 503 1212 14AvSVV 802-1619 Butts T 286-9018 MB/i^ 568-2133730-5531 Byers David J 6055 SilverRidgeDrNW 288-71K Butt Maryanne Fax 273-5981 Butts T 1 301VitlageMewsSW 217-5595 Buzsik M 590-9862 Byers Don 155 SunmeadowsCrSE 254-1324 Butt Mehmood 22 508 72AvNW .....730-5614 Butts Trevor 686-4825 Buzuk z 262-7403 ^ Butt Michael 1322 StrathconaDrSW 217-5535 Butts William D 712HunterstonCrNW 274-3613 Buzz Inc 215-0585 Byers G Fax Butt Michael Faxline Butuk N 203-1741 Buzza A 107 23AvSW. Byers H 270-32® 1322 StrathconaDrSW 217-5364 Butuk N 279-3019 245-8468 Byers H Fax 270-3225 Butt N 235-3521 R..t..ic c M /.Qi 7 oa'aV-wc Buzzard Rentals Ltd 300 205 ■9AvSE^!!269-5488 Byers I ill 335GarryCrNE 29S-87SJ| Butt Paul 822 23AvSE 269-3911 KnetsM.." , . ! buhar_ps cook shack & Byers I & D 226-9S®! Butt R 235-5498 Butz Dallas 2 1730 27AvSW 228-6191 WATERIN' HOLE Byers J 289-409.' Butt R 802-4039 Butz Damon & Christina 140 lOAvSW 264-6959 Byers J 2348CrestwoodRdSE 276-SW7 Butt R 802-4047 60 SunhurstRdSE 256-6038 BUZZARDS FOR BIRTHDAYS BY Byers J C 7211 5 StSW 252-526?! Butt R 3759DoverRldgeDrSE 273-0898 Butz J 436QueenslandCircleSE 256-5258 Byers James 51WestLakeviewPass3ge....293-SSl4l Butt R 212 SierraVistaTerrSW 240-2230 Butz Joanne C 128LakeFraserPlaceSE....278-9232 YARD CARDS 276-8133 Butz John 344RundleridgeDrNE 285-1245 Buzzee S 247-3047 Byers Jennifer 51WestLakeyiewPass3ge.569-2SS7l Butt Ralph 5 ShawglenCrtSW 201-0468 Byers John 83WoodridgeCloseSW 251-SOS? Butt Robert 5 SOSMIIIarRdNE 277-2003 Butz Kelly 226-3346 Buzzel Darryl 107 135LynnviewRdSE 720-8618 Butz Kim 52DeerfieldCircleSE 278-1280 Buzzel S 101 827GlenmoreTrSW 258-2092 Byers John A 419GeorgianVillasNE 273-5017 Butt S 228-3961 Butz L J 256-7801 Byers Kathy 8i Michael Butt 5 248-9653 Buzzell Cindy 157WoodparkCrtSW 251-1527 6 8 9HarvestHillsDrNE 244-43S«. Butt S 212 SierraVistaTerrSW 249-2233 Butz M 262-8607 Buzzell Jody MnFlr721 lAvNW 270-3281 Butz N 285-0902 Buzzell L 249-4006 Byers L 146HiddenRanchRdNW 274-554$ Butt Shahid & Shahala 280-6237 Byers L R 13123 6 StSW Butt Shahid & Shahala ...293-4006 Butz R,..^....... 264-5915 Buzzell L 140HarvestGoldHgtsNE 226-2707 Butz Richard 251-0963 Buzzell L 1012 200BrookparkDrSW 201-5711 Byers M 225-2824 BUTT STOP Butz Richard "!;";;;;251-9048 Buzzell T ;;;!!!;;;237-0420 By®''S 283-9131 (No Charge Dial) 800 653-1222 Butz S 58ChaparralRidgeWySE 256-2498 Buzzell Terry 569-8245 Byers Michael A 608ParkvalleyRdSE 271-4^^ Butt Trevor 108 1410 2 StSW 217-1512 Butz S Ann 30WestwoodTerrSW 246-2016 BWIA INTERNATIONAL AIRWAYS Byers P 76RiverbirchCrSE 236-8S31 Butt Trevor 108 1410 2 StSW 264-4085 Butz T 281-4417 Byers P N RR2 Springbank 288-9645

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