IN THE NEWS Wednesday, Jan. 12, 1972 Still one thin dim. riefly Iowa City, Iowa 52240 White whump According to Associated Press, those lllIering nabobs of negativism, we've Bill goes to floor for debate- P lOme migbty severe weather on the . ..y. They opine that a major winter _ Is churning its way out of the res! to whump us up the side of the Wad. House committee oks fHvelers wanings are posted lor tile northern part of the state through ttdgbt. 11 aU probability we won't get lIIICh snow but cloudy skies and a plummeting thermometer temperatur­ es will prevan. Look for temperatures 10 drop to the teens today and expect adult rights at age 18 McGovern JDOIt of the same Thursday. DES MOINES (!I - 'I1Ie state ever, and Ihe motion failed for ing the l8-year-olds to beer. males to obtain marriage ll­ Government Committee of the lack of a second. "Tbis bill is designed to give censes at age 18 without paren­ Iowa House voted unanimously Rep. Don D. Alt, (R-West Des full rights to the 18-year-olds," tai consent. will speak Black Muslims? Tuesday to pass to the House Moines), said he felt the liquor Fisher said. "If he goes into a Present 10". law requires floor a bill tbat would give full restriction would create an im· bar and gets drunk on liquor or parental approval for males un­ BATON ROUGE, La. IA'I - The may­ adult rights to Iowans at age 18. possible situation for lawmea. beer, he will suffer the full con­ et of BatoD Rouge said Tuesday th.t der 21 and females under 18. here today The vote came after the com­ Rep. E. Kevin Kelley, (H­ sequences as an adult." The htu would also remove GEORGE McGOVERN Black Muslims trying to overthrow ne­ mittee defeated a motion to re­ Sioux Ci ty), said he felt It bal Muslim leader Elijah Muham­ The bill would also allow 18- restrictions that currently do U.S. presidential hopeful ocratic nomination for the strict hard liquor to people at would not only create a lawen­ year-olds to obtain chauffeur li­ not aUow persons under 21 to mad came bere and deliberately pro­ least 21 years old. forcement problem, but a prob­ Sen. George S. McGovern (0- presidency said, "the Nixon lIIked the guaflght which cost four Iiv· censes. be licensed for such occupa­ Rep. Charles Uban, (R-W,ter- lem for bars. He said 18-year· Some members of the com­ tions as pbarmacistll, accoun­ S.D.) will speak at 3 p.m. to­ administration has fa i led 100), proposed that the bill •• re­ olds would have the right to be mittee bad proposed leaving tants and architects. Fisher day In the Union Main Lounge. American youth in three other TIro poHcemea and two blacks were st{ict hard liquor to those in the bar to purchase beer and jiIIed !J the &Uddell flare of gunfire. chauffeur licenses to age 21, said there Is no reason those In the free lecture, "We areas as well: voting rights, above 21 years of age, hut per­ it would be hard to distinguIsh contending that trucking firms persons should not be licenses bout 25 persDliS were Injured, Including mit beer sales to persons 18 who had the right to purchase Can't Go on Like This," Mc­ education and appointment for I ItlevlslOIl newsman listed In critical that allowed the 18-year-old to at 18 if they manage to ac­ Govern will outline some of positions in government." and older. hard liquor. drive trucks could be in viola­ cumulate the educatioll re­ «1Iditiol from I beating. Only one other member of Committee Chairman C. Ray­ the IUs of America and wbat He will discuss these topics Idayor W. W. Dumas told a lIews con­ tion of federal laws which re­ quired the commlttee was in favor of mond Fisher, (R-Grand Junc­ quire 21-year-old drivers In J.­ he proposes to do about them . and others, and offer his solu­ I!rtnce the shoo tout was part of what the proposed restriction, how- tion), also disapproved of limit- He said the principal reason he called a plaMed conspiracy of revo­ terstate commerce. for not allowing lIcensillg In In remarks prepared for use tions to such problems during lution llld said that other cities should But the majority of the com­ those professions at age 18 bas in the speech , McGovern said, hIs speech today. be on the alert for similar violence. mittee members felt that the been that, under present law, "the Nixon administration has Sponsored by the Contem­ '!be mayor said he didn't know why 18-year-old should be allowed to the 18-year-old is not sccount­ failed to meet the unemploy­ porary Affairs area of Union drive trucks within the state. able. the militants precipitated the comon­ ment crisis, not only in the Board, McGovern's stop In tIIIon - or how it tied In with what he McCarney does not They ~aid that firms which Fisher said some age require­ dealt with Interstate commerce ments such as 2:J to become an nation as a whole, but among Iowa City is part of a six-city dt.!cribed as one of their goals-to "get young peopfe in particular." campaign tour he will com­ rid 0(" Elijah Muhammad. would know if they were re­ Iowa Highway Patrolman and quired to have 21-year-old driv­ 25 to be a mine Inspector are a The candidate lor the Dem· plete Thursday. appeal suspension . ers. matter of maturity and not a The btu also would allow matter of responsibility. Police ChIef Patrick J. Mc­ city's involvement in the prison­ First of, many Carney waived Tuesday his er abuse case has ended. Had DES MOINES I'" - The Iowa Senate right to appeal a five-day sus­ the chief appealed, the city pension imposed on him last 'l'Uesday completed the first of what would have been required to Accuses challengers of 'nitpicking'- b expected to be many sessions work­ month after all investigation ilia on the massive, 206 page home rule linked him with abuse of pris­ present evidence at a Civil bU!. oners in his custody. Service Commission hearing. Senate Majority Leader Clifton C. McCarney had until 5 p.m. However, County Atty. Carl J. Lamborn , (R-Maquoketa), said he ex­ Tuesday to appeal the suspen· Goetz said Tuesday night that Turner fights redistricting suit pects Ihe Senate to work continuously sion to the Civil Service Com­ his investigation into complaint~ on Ihe bill until a vote is take - pro­ mission but did not fiJe an ap­ against McCarney has been ex­ DES MOINES IA'I - Iowa Turner said every legislature between the legislature's reap­ found to be inevitable or which bably some time next week. peal. panded. He said he is continu­ Atty. Gen . Richard Turner ac­ since 1963 has enacted a differ­ portionment plan and that of can be justified. The bill is designed to implement a Had the chief appealed, a ing to question witnesses In con­ cused three groups challenging ent reapportionment plan and the League of Women Voters. Asst. Atly. Gen . Richard Hae· constitutional amendment passed In hearing would have been held nection wlth his probe and has the constitutionality of the 1971 everyone has been challenged The difference , he said, i s semyer contended the legisla' 1968. 11 is designed to provide home rule on the charges that led to his "lost count" of the number of legisiature's reapportion men t in the courts. that a league committee "made ture acted in good faIth in I lor cities and towns by rewriting the suspension. persons questioned. plan of "nitpicking" Tuesday. The legislature has tried bard 8 good faith effort 10 reach pre­ adopting its plan and tried bard f City Code of Iowa. When former City Manager Goetz said he hopes to com­ Turner's heated l' e mar k s to conform to various court rul­ cise mathematical equality of to meet all constitutional tests. Frank R. Smiley recommended plete his investigation, whicH came as the court received ings on reapportionment, turn­ population between districts " He said a legislative appor­ tthe suspension without pay, he could lead to criminal charges final briefs and arguments in er said, and he told the Su­ while the legislature did not. tionment plan is not created by said he hoped McCarney would against McCarney, by Friday. three lawsuits contending the preme Court if it found the leg­ Smith said both the U.S. and a "deus ex machina from l Another one appeal so that the charges The Federal Bureau of Inves­ plan violates the one man , one islature's plan unconstitutional Iowa Supreme Courts have held Mount Olympus but by 150 could be aired and defended . tigation also conduced an in­ LOS ANGELES I'" - Gus Hall, head vote principle laid down by "you will invite continued litiga­ that the attempt must be made human beings" with human McCarney's suspension came quirey into the charges of pris­ the V.S. Supreme Court govern­ tion . "even though they know It Is frailties . He contended they 0( the national Communist party, an· after a week-long investigation nounced his candidacy for president oner abuse against McCarney. ing legislative apportionments. "It's just not fair for those impossible" to achieve math­ did well to arrive at a plan as Into allegations connecting the A Justice Department spokes­ Attorneys for the t h r e e people to be in here nitpicking ematically precise equality, good as it is, and called it "a Tuesday and said only his party could chief with mistreatment of pris­ man sa id Tuesday that the re­ I "give meaning to the rhetoric" express- groups argued the legislature as they are today," Turner and have said the only dis­ good plan, a fair plan and a oners held in the city jail.
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