MESSENGERTHE VOL . II . No. 1 “ A MESSAGE OF DEMOCRACY ” JANUARY , 1918 Edited by Chandler Owen - A. Philip Randolph STARR NEW YEAR ISSUE 15c. per Copy $ 1.50 per Year TIIE MESSENGER MILLER - REED CO. WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Builders and GeneralGeneral Contractors 103 PARK AVENUE NEW YORK CITY AWAY W124 W Garages, Road Building Terraces, etc. WWW Built A. M. E. Zion Church , St. Phillip's P. E. Church and Madame C. J. Walker's Residence All of New York CALL ON US WHEN PLANNING TO ERECT ANYTHING - -- THE MESSENGER 3 Compliments of FRANK R. SMITH Furniture of the Better Kind Oriental and Domestic Rugs 47 West 34th Street Tele . Greeley 3607 New York . Merry Christmas and a Pros Your Own Haberdasher perous New Year to All Don't forget to patronize the fashion able tailor , L. BLOOM Nick The Toggery 2453 Seventh Avenue New York Colored Capital Colored Help Our Motto ll'ishing All a Merry Christmas - – Happy and a New Year S. SILVERMAN , R. E. NICHOLAS Prop . Gent's Furnisher New York 520 Lenox Avenue New York City 488 Lenox Avenue CLUB BREAKFAST , 35 CATERING OF ALL DESCRIPTION CENTS MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A REGULAR DINNER , 35C . , 50C . SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS HAPPY NEW YEAR Thorpe's Chop House From the Candy Store 56 WEST 135th STREET NEI YORK CITY CREOLE , MEXICAN AND FOREIGN DISHES F. H. SCHWIEBERT Specialized by Mlle . OLGA BURGOYNE , Manageress 505 Lenox Avenue New York BANQUET HALL AND PRIVATE DINING ROOMS UPSTAIRS Phone 4804 HARLEM Delicious Desserts of All kinds HAPPY NEW YEAR from the HAND HAIR HAIR FREE -- REAL MADE HUMAN BOOK NETS FREE ARKONIA PHARMACY 563 Lenox Avenue New York EXTRA SPECIAL OFFER Electric Straightening ELECTRICETRATOINERI COMB 20c . 2.95 together with ImportedFrench Halr Not Fros. HAPPY NEW YEAR $ Jowel Comb50cwith two Hair Nets Froo. Write to-dayenclosingorder for 200 combor 50c comb Wig ELASTICNET and get Halr Nots Free also BOOKfully Illustrated showing latest styles in Halr Goods and Tollet Ladies and Gent's Furnishing articles. Remember, Hair NetsFREE with order for 20c or 60c Comb.IllustratedBookFREEon request. SA Store Duchess GyometteINVISIBLE , So. GEORGE BUNGAY 28 William St. NewYork ) ( SILK AIR ) MET 2451 Seventh Avenue New York 4 THE MESSENGER The New York Times Wealthiest Negro Woman's Suburban Mansion Estate at Irvington , Overlooking Hudson and Containing All the Attractions That a Big Fortune Commands country , and England. is owa a estateon the redtile, is in theItalianrenaissancestyle maidsof all work. In addition to these the South New She , by big a of designed V. secretary a to banksof theHudsonhas been architectureandwas shehas social and nurse. content lether chauffeurdrivethe , , , is . a negro . It of many a W Tandy. T :thedream NewYork architect 113 On thethird floorarealsobathroomsa cars Shehas howevera smallelectrie , , long 60 in , er . It is a in y dreamcometrue feet wide andstands thecen a billierdroomand children'snurses coupéwhich she drivesherself on shop , of J . ping Walker the . They the case Mrs. Sarah tre of a fourand- - a - quarteracre- plot. It Mme Walkerloveschildren are tours , . city's is fireprool of an frequent woman queste at Mrs. structuraltile with . pro wealthiestnecro her home She Mme. Walker is preparing to entertain , , , , or . as is covering of - toys to at Walker MmeWalker she more outer creamcoloredstucco vides for themlikes seethem her friends on a largescale in thenew , , thirty- . In a $ 250,003 play to generallyknownhas built andhas four rooms thebase anddoeswhat she can make house. Shewill have as her companion , happy , at . a of bome Irvington Twelveyearsago mentare gymnasiumbathsandshow them most the timeherdaughterMrs. Lelia , , , a glad of a , pantry ' dining furnishing she was washerwoman ers kitchenand servants Plansfor thehousecallfor WalkerRobinsonassociatedwith her in , , . do any family to power an organ chance one's washfor room roomfor and a degree of eleganceandextravagancebusiness day . storage , $ a . " I valuables a princessmightenvy forty- 1.50 Her friendsnow acclaim vaultsfor that Thereare wasborn nineyearsago " she is on to be , statuary. Hetty of . They Themain entrance the north spark her the Green her race bronzeandmarble said in speaking of herlife " wasmar . , , nearly . say a or that , , , at 14 a at 20 shehas coolmillion side. Thevisitorenters a marbleroom ling cut glasscandelabrapaintingsrich ried andwasleft widow , a stairway to things a Ground dwelling whence tapestries girl to theWalker was marble leads the and countlessother with little support. If I have , . eight ago a large floorabove On thefirst floorare the broken months and which will make the place a wonder accomplishedanything in life it is be , . gang of keptbusy library conservatorya living house workmenhavebeen and room cause I havebeenwilling to workhard. get ever since ALL I never started thoughthe house anythingdoubt . , is nearly com ingly and I have , in pleted it will not alwaysbelieved ' be ready for oc keeping at things , cupancyfor bev with a vim. When . eralmonthsWhen a littlemorethan it is it is finished twelveyearsago, of to be a one the I was washer , I showplaces on the woman wascon . Hudson of late sidered a good , Mme. Walker in washerwomanand I . her high- powered laundress am , . motorcar hasbeen proud of thatfact I a familiar visitor At times alsodid , , . in Irvington On cookingbut work , to I I her first visits as would sel inspecther prop dom could m a erty the villagers, morethan $ 1.50 noting , her color day . I gut my by ; were franklypuz start givir ms . , . It is zled Later when self a start. way it becameknown oftenthebest . , I that she was the believe in pash owner of the pre andwemustpusa , tentiousdwelling ourselves. I they could only 10 was at my morning gasp in astonish , BroanBros. tubs one IrvingtonHome of WealthySegroWomanNou NearingCompletion. ment with a heavywash by , , I of 21 32 in style facing . the wash " bentover they . On the As ! " side thehouse Lefore " Impossible exclaimed No feet furnished Italian the me , by is in a a 72 long at my of woman herrace couldafford such a LouisXV drawing room 18 45 river terracedveranda feet brard andlooked armsburied , , , a : a dining to myself I roomwith hand 14 soapsuds Whatare supportinga place. " feet and and wide with columns said grow old balcony . of you , paintedceiling. Adjoining twodraw above On eitherside this yougoing to do and village re the when To saythat the whenthe to is going $ 8,000 or ? , is a an , ing your gets portwas verifiedwas surprisedwould rooms chamberfor longterracestairwayslead to a second back stift Who , , gan may be playedautomatically co in length stairways set girl ? ' which terrace feet with of your This mildly " the little be putting case Doesshe takecare by , thinkingI all my or . c . , hand Mme Walkerlikesmus to a garden . to thinkingbutwith is reallyintend to livethere or shebuild sunkenItalian below This me , , , I a poor organ is played sounding garden is to be in charge of an couldn'tseehow washerwoman " the people When the Italian a ! ing it as speculation have my . , going to better condition pipes carry the to gardener it is planned to keep it . It may be was asked. saidfor Mme Walker will strains different and . in part of mystory rooms thehouse blooming earlySpring " Nowcomesthe that thatsheintends to makeIrvingtonher with flowersfrom , . is The secondfloor containsbedrooms until late Fall may strangebut it theabsolute to sound permanenthome. and is preparing , , by , , is a dressing garage I apartments . night fumishthebouse in accordancewithher bathrooms showers rooms Near the with tru'h One had dream and in , to thebusi sewing slecpingporches for the gardener. somethingtoldme start tastes. roomsandtwo chauffeurand Mme . engaged. ' quarters. I am Ontbethirdfloor WalkermaintainsfourautomobilesShe in This . are servants ness which now Although money in shehasmade her , , began , to I employs I and eight in Col The trips in did went Denver , owner servants bas takenautomobile theWest hair- tonicbusinessshehas alsomade , , , , , , . of $ - a capital cluding a butler subbutler chef and indies PanamaCubaand CostaRica my businesscareer on 1.25 is good . it through She the , investments , a in began of modest I course most owner of considerablerealestate in this - - to way. I madehouse housecanvases , , State theWest and the South. Until , among people of my race and after in recently a $ 50,000home she owned goingpretty , though awhile I got well thenorthernpart of this city. Shehas manyobstacles I naturallyencountered made a gift of thishome to herdaugh and discouragementsbefore I finally , , . ter Whatwealth is hers shesayshad do inetwith realsuccess. I notbelieve , beenacquiredthroughperseveranceper , I in taking chancesand have never , sistency and hard work " Persever a I am playedthe stockmarket. not , , " day " is ance sheremarkedthe other , , day to be millionairebut I hope some ; my . It it motto laid theAtlanticcable money, not bxcause of the but because telegraph, telephone, gave us and the to belpmy do so I could much then . It gave to an wireless theworld Abra race. " , hamLincoln and to a racefreedom of a Mme. Walkerwas member the gave to thenegroBooker T. Washington negrocommitteethat visitedPresident and TuskegeeInstitute. It madeFred Wilson severalweeksago to protest Douglass great be is erick the oratorthat againstthe St. Louis rioting. She , it gave to was and theracePaul Lau at payingtheexpenses of six students , , to renceDunbarand poetrya newsong. " TuskegeeInstituteandshe is assisting of her . is passionately
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