The Rockland Gazette. Gazette Job Printing Pt BUSHED EVERT THURSDAY AFTERXOOX br ESTABLISHMENT. VO SE fit PORTER, Having every facility in Presses, Type and Materia* to which we are constantly making additions, we ai« piepared to execute with promptneaa and good aty.e 2 I O Main Street. every variety of Job Printing, including] Town Reports, Catalogues, By-La'wt TERMS: Posters, Shop Bills, Hand Bills, Pro­ If paid strictly in advance—per annum* $2.00. grammes, Circulars, B ill Heads* If payment is delayed 6 months. 2.25. If not paid till the close of the year, 2.50. Letter Heads, Law and Corpor­ W New su b scrib er areezpected to make the first ation Blanks, Receipts, Bills payment in advance. of Lading, Business, Ad­ No paper will be discontinued until ALL ak- dress and Wedding <Larges are paid, unless at the option of the publish- Cards, Tags, Labels, • Single copies five cents—for sale at the office and j V O L U M E 3 5 . ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IS, 1880. &c., N O . 51. PRINTING IN COLORSPAKD BRONZING J. B. PORTER. will receive prompt attention. lief in his own good luck, especially in its and Bob stole his arm around her slender What Has Happened Since 1840. g o r t r n . relations to the fair sex w a is t . NEW PUBLICATIONS. He took his rocker and put it in running Nell at last turned her blushing face, and (farm, i&atticn 3 Som e. order down the ridge by a little pool of wa­ looking roguishly at Boh, said: “ Don’t you Tt is not much to say that no great inven­ T he A xlaxtic Monthly for 1881 is to pre­ BOSTON CLOTHING STORE, tion which had not its beginning in the de­ sent a rich literary feast tor its readers. It will Autumn. ter, fed by a small stream, where he could think. Bob. it would be better sense to say contain several stories bv Elizaltetli Stuart Phelps, Br ie f article*, suggestions,and results of experience bring his dirt and wash out for half an hour ye’d live for Nell than die for her.’’ cade of 1840—1850 has appeared in the Henry Janies. Jr.. W. D. Howells, Geo. P. kith- .. Iuto the fields flew a little bird; Bob didn’t speak. but drew Nell to him, past thirty years. In that jieriod occured f’atlug to Farm, Garden or Household management ZR/OOTCLAJSTZD, and then pack down more while the pool rop anil W. H. Bishop—an array of names that ire invited from our readers interested in such matters In the Joyous sunshine his song was heard; was tilling with water again and kissed her. Nell somehow had her the most signal development of the appli­ promises the very ereaiu of American action, And wondrous sweet was the sound of his lay, Next ho went and rolled away the rock i hands so entangled in the soap-suds and cations of chemistry to manufactures and rben there will he short stories ami sketches bv a Immense Stock of IVIen’s, Youth’s, Boy’s brilliant array of contributors, including Harriet ;• Farewell, I am going!” it seemed to say— where Nell had been sitting and singing clothes that she could’nt resist, but she agriculture: an enormous expansion of “ Far, far away Beecher Stowe, T. B. Aldrich, Sarah 6. Jewett, MORE WINTER APPLES. and Children’s SUITS for Fal. by the dry pebbles of the rivulet, and,tak­ pouted her lips, and Bob took his kisses back commerce by means of railroads and ocean Constance "Fennimore Woolson, Mark Twaim Must I travel to-day.” ing his pick, commenced digging out a from them. steamships; the discovery of either: and Rose Terry Cooke ami Ellen W. Olnev. Es The apple crop harvested in this State tUe and Winter wear. That sweet field-music I lent an ea r; ditch in the grass, about two feet deep and Three years after the above events hap- the perfection and diffusion of some of the on biographical, historical and social subjects will lie given by Golden Smith; on the social, political present year is a fine one and there is a It made me sorry and glad to bear; two feet wide, down stream, and, took the pened. in that same valley, was a very pret- most precious contributions ever made to ™ d^rriitfousHft of tb’e worid^^theliSofchrist good prospect that winter fruit will bear a W ith an aching joy, with a gladsome pain, dirt to the rocker. He worked until sunset ty cottage with a garden and flowers around J welfare of mankind. In 183a only bv Edward Everett Hale; on •• The Wives of the good price. But fall fruit has been a dro<* in My heart rose lightly, then sank again. gathering only two hits of coarse gold, but it, that indicated taste and refinement, and ?84 mile* of railroad hail been completed Poets.” by Wm. M. Rosetti; on the •• Early Cul- the market ever since the harvest begun nnd “ Say heart, say heart, in his last bucket, when washed out,he found the whole clearing had become extensive, in the United States; in 1840 they had been tnre Myths and Folk-Lore of our Arvan Anees prices have been unremunemtive. We O v e rc o a ts ! Art thou breaking for pleasure, or breaking for a solid piece of gold weighing three ounces. with its buildings and improve menu. Here nearly trebled. (2818); in 1812 they h«’l • t1" '1 q«hf Kv’,:«V0V«°.V have known good sorts of early fall apples O v e r c o a ts ! pain?" This encouraged him. and brightened his resided Mr. Robert Sinton and his pretty I nearly quadrupled .(•;’<*>• In 1385 ,o contribute Travel S k e tc L ^ ? ^ N ^ a y ?nd\he to be sold for twenty-five cents a bushel, a The leave* around me fell sadly down. hopes’for the future. There was gold there, wifo Nell, the handsomest and happiest »>n^‘^n was connected with Ivor eester, and living questions of......................... the day, in politics, ednea t r ce which hardlv pays the cost of picking Then I said, "A las’ the autumn is nigh! he now found to he a fact. coupleple ini the northern countries. Baltimore with Washington; from Phila­ industry an.l religion, wiil discussed bv able and marketing. II e have been more strong- writer*. Besides those mentioned above, the list The summer swallow has homeward flown, In the morning he rose by daylight, and Mr. Sinton was a prosperous cattle deal­ delphia the traveller could go no farther V impressed this season than ever before west by rail than the Susquehanna at Co­ of 17o lb',-contributors includes the names of U ls te rs ! U ls te rs ! Perchance, thus love and longing fly— after his breakfast of fried pork and coffee, er, well-to-do. and few remembered ever lasngfeltow, Whittier. Holmes, Lowell. Whipple. that our farmers are raising too much eariv Far, far and swift. ending with the usual smoko of his pipe, there was such a man as Whisky Bob. lumbia. In 1839, Ericsson brought over Stedman. Scudder. White, Warner. Waring. Miss trait. I his is especially so since the pres'- With time they drift.” he went to work again, determined to work the propeller to these hospitable shores. lareom , Miss Preston. Miss Thaxter and manv ent commend tbie d s ise of beverages de­ the place out for Nell’s sake, if he’d id not In 1840 the Cunard line of ocean-steamers oiliers. The price of the magazine is 34 per rear, rivedfrom fruit, and farmers must have But the sunshine streamed around me anew; or wiih a anperb life-size p.rtrait of either Long­ Back to me quickly tlie little bird flew, make a fortune. BENEFITS OF EDUCATION. was established, but for a time only "side round that the crowing of so great a pro­ wheelers.” were tolerated. The tirst reg­ fellow, Bryant, Whinier. Lowell or Holmes. So. R e e f e r s ! R e e fe rs ! And sang, as he saw my falling tears— He worked hard and steady through the Tho Novemtier A December numbers will lw sent portion of perishable apples has involved “ Love knows no winter lu his years. day, only stopping at noon for some coffee A graduate of one of our high schools ap­ ular ship, the Britannia, reached Boston free to all who subscribe for IRS1 before Dee. 29. much loss, and opposed a serious obstacle Nay, nay! and a smoke beneath his pine-tree camp. plies to a gentleman in the commission after a trip of fourteen days and eighteen Houghton, Nufflin A Co., Publishers, Boston. to their prosperity. When Providence For love there is no such thing; The sun was very hot. but he didn’t mind business for a position in hit store, where- house. Morse’s telegraph, after vain of- smiles upon the farmer and pours an abund­ Also a splendid line of Gent.’s, Youth's and Boy's It is, and must be always, spring!” it. At night he washed out the result of St. N icholas, the favorite magazine for boys ance of fruit in his lap as in the present —Ludwig Tifck. the day’s hard toil: he only had a dollar's ; occur: last subsidized by our own government, and girls has made an average gain of 10,000 in season, so far as the eariv fruits are con­ worth of coarse gold, but he found a little and in 1844 communication was opened circulation during the past year.
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