Index Acland, Sir Richard: and Jewish refugees, II6 at (October 1943), 158; the truth revealed Aden: So, 199,244 again, but without impact (March 1944), Afghanistan: seeksJewish refugees, 134-5 179-80; aerial reconnaissance over, 190-1, Akzin, Benjamin: urges bombing ofAuschwitz, 216,222,249-50,275,302-3,309,317,321; 246-8, 312; biographical sketch, 342 escape from (7 April 1944), 192-7; further Albania: 152; 157 escape from (27 May 1944), 215--{); the Aleppo: emissaries reach, 222, 226, 228, 268 gassings continue at (April-November 1944), Allam, Major: fliesover Auschwitz, 317 201, 205,209,210-11,216,220,222,225,228, Allen, David: 59,60,96,97,290 231-2,249,25~,260,281,292,301-2, Allen, Floger: ISO,3°3, 3°5,319-20 3°8-9,314,322,324,326,327; reports about, Alter, Viktor: shot, 13I reach the west (June 1944), 231, 23H, American Palestine Committee: 176 244-5, 248,251-3, 262-5, 268; bombing Amiens: attack on prison at, 285,328 appeals concerning, 216-7, 236-7, 245, 246-8, Amsterdam: Jewish Council in, 105, 121; 252,255,264,269,278-9,285,301,303--{), deportations from, 145; exchange lists sent 312,318-20; and the 'goods for blood' to, 174 proposal, 243; a poet deported to, 306-7; Anderson, SirJohn: and aid to Jews, 178 bombed in error, 315; a further revolt at Angola: possibleJewish 'asylum' in, 289 (October 1944), 324; Polish Government's Anti-Semitism: referred to by Winston appeal concerning, 324-5; broadcast over the Churchill, 49, 76,164; by AdolfHitler, 72; BBC concerning, 325, 326; publication of by Herbert Morrison, 77,109; in a Foreign report by escapeesfrom, 327; further Office telegram, IIO; by the Archbishop of photographs over, 331, 332, 334, 335; last Canterbury, 126; at the War Cabinet, 133; deaths at, 332; last days of, 333--{); liberated in the House ofCommons, 139, 140; in (27January 1945), 337-8. answer to the ChiefRabbi, 208; by the War Australia: 'too far away', 109; Germans in, Flefugee Board, 256 120; and HungarianJewish refugees, 289 Antonescu, Marshal: 69 Austria: Jews deported from, 14, 16,20,124, Arabs: and British policy, 21, 36-7, 4~, 76, 155, 263 132, 147, 152, 171, 176,219,224,226, 300; German relations with, cited, -3I 3 BBC: broadcasts about Nazi atrocities over, Argentine, the: possible protest through, 107 42-3,44,46; appealed to, 56, 58n.l; seeks Athens: Jews deported to Auschwitz from guidance, 97; and public declarations, II 8; (April 1944), 201 and (June 1944), 258 and the truth about Auschwitz reaches the Attlee, Clement: 108, 109, III-2, 128, 132, 171, west (June 1944), 232-3; and the Hungarian 300 deportations, 255, 265, 279-80; and Auchinleck, General: and a possible refugee Auschwitz warning (October 1944), 325, 326 haven, 36 Backe, Dr: and need to feedJews, 83 Auschwitz: an early report of(3 May 1941), IS; Bader, Menahem: 175--{),267,27o,280 first gassing experiments at (September 194I), Baltic States: Jews of, 16 16; Jews first deported to (March 1942), Barlas, Chaim: and Jewish refugees, 32, 75, u6, 34-5; first gassings ofJews at (4 May 1942), 122, 168, 186,201,207,242,271; biographical 35; first reports reach the west of, 45, 51, 52, sketch of, 342 54; the continuing deportations to (August Barry, Captain: over Auschwitz, 321 1942-November 1944), 61-2, 73, 86, 88, 92, Baxter, J.1. : in Palestine; 164 II3, II5, 122, 129-30, ISO, 152, IH, 154, Bedzin: fate ofJews in, ISO-I, 152, 153, 180; 155,158,161, 162, 174, 175, 181, 184-5, 216; aJew from, at Monowitz, 308 not mentioned or known, 70, 73, 85--{), 97, Behar,Joshua: meets refugees, 271 105, 121, 139, 146, 174, 175, 184, 192, 228; Belgian Congo: Germans in, 336 factories at, 86, 142, 175, 176,207,215, 262, Belgium:Jews of, 14; Jews deported from, 61, 282-3; mentioned, but without impact, 92, 63,65,70,71,72, 81, 86, 97, 121, 139, 153, 129,130, 145, 151, ISS, 161; 'protective 155.174,192; news offate ofJews of, 179; custody' reported at (July 1943) 151; a revolt exchange lists fOJ" Jews of. 159. 163.205; Index 357 renewed deportations of(May 1944), 210, 235-6; and the 'goods for blood' proposal, 232; the destination ofdeportations from, 243; a second aerial reconnaissance over (26 revealed (June 1944), 234, 263; further June 1944). 249-50; full report of, reaches the deportations (August 1944), 301 west (4July 1944).262-4; possible bombing Bella Citta, the: reaches Istanbul, 201 ofrailway lines to, 269-72, 303-6, and ofgas Belzec: death camp at, 25, 26. 62, 64,86; chambers in, 327; 'the sensation ofbeing named in the west (August 1942),65, 81; totally abandoned in', 3°1; a third aerial and (November 1942).92.93,94,97. 102; reconnaissance over (9 August 1944), 302-3; gassings continue at, 105. 113, 121; 'never photographed (20 August 1944), 308 and heard of, 170; gassings end at, 174,236; (25 August 1944), 309; Allied bombers fly death toll in, 329n.2 over (late August 1944), 311; bombed in Ben Gurion, David: 37. 90, 92; and the 'goods error, 315; photographed (13 September for blood' exchange, 212-3, 228-9, 280, 281; 1944),317; total deaths at, estimated (26 and Lord Moyne's assassination, 330; November 1944). 329; photographed (29 biographical sketch of, 342 November 1944), 331 and (21 December Bend, Edward: seeks to protest, 262 1944),332; again bombed in error (26 Bennett. J. S.: 98; and Jewish 'sob-stuff', 99 December 1944). 332; evacuation of(18 Ben-Zvi, Itzhak: blames 'civilized nations', 90 January 1945), 335; destruction ofevidence Bergau: internment camp, 123 at, 335-6; last days of, 336, 337 Bergen-Belsen: Jews deported to Auschwitz Blechhammer: synthetic oil production at, 190. from. 158;Jews from Holland deported to, 322; a bombing target, 207, 223, 301, 308, 26o; Jews from Hungary sent to, en route to 3II; final bombing raid on (20January 1945), Switzerland, 261; Jews reach Istanbul from, 335 271; Jews from Hungary to go to Spain from, Blum, Leon: 96 289; Jews from Auschwitz deported to, 327, Board ofDeputies ofBritish Jews: 19, 5f. 74, 334,336 108,312-3.326 Berle, A. A.: his 'blunt and cruel conclusion', Bohemia and Moravia (the 'Protectorate' of): 135 Jews deported from, 25,·32; Jews reach Berlin: report ofdeportation ofJews from, 17; Istanbul from, 173; news oHate ofJews Hitler prophesies 'the complete annihilation deported from, 180 ofthe Jews' in, 20; a film shown in (July Bohumin: a bombing target, 308, 3II 1941). 29; Jews deported from, 57. 58. 120; Bolivia: and Jewish refugees, 200 Hitler re-iterates Jewry will be 'wiped out' Bombay: 'Teheran children' at, 80 (September 1942), 72; and proposed reprisal Boris, King ofBulgaria: opposes deportations, air-raids (January 1943), 107; report of 122, 287; biographical sketch of, 343 deportations from (January 1943), 114 and Boryslaw: deportation from, 185 (March 1943), 120-1. 122; bombed, 142; a Bottomley, N. H.: and the bombing of deportation from, 175; Birkenau postcards Auschwitz. 301. 319; biographical sketch of, posted from, 192; Jews reach Auschwitz 342 from, 205, 292; atrocities in, reported, 293; Boyd, E. H.: and Jewish refugees, 22, 75-6 renewed deportations from (August 1944), Bracken, Brendan: 46 302 and (September 1944), 314 Brand, Joel: and the Gestapo offer, 'goods for Bermuda Conference: 127, 129, 131-7; blood', 201-2, 204. 212, 214, 217-8, 219, criticized, 138-41, 166 221-2,223,224-5,226-7,228,230,240-4, Bernadini, Monsignor Philippe: 33. 188,200 253-6,258,259-60,267-9,277-8,280,285-6, Bernburg: euthanasia experiment at, 16 296. 297; biographical sketch of. 342 Best, DrWerner: in Denmark, 156 Bratislava: messages sent through, 83, 151, Bialystok: revolt at (August 1943), 153 154-5.232-3 ;Jews escape to, from Poland, Biltmore Conference: 37, 39 154; the truth about Auschwitz reaches, Birkenau: extension ofAuschwitz opened at 203-4; an appeal from (May 1944), 216. 236 (16 August 1942), 46; medical experiments Braun, Bina: seeks to escape, 162 at, 52; its gas chambers a secret (September Brazil: 117. 128.313 1942),73,85-6; a labour camp reported at Brest-Litovsk: Jews murdered at, 86 (April 1943), 129; 'protective custody' British Honduras: and Jewish refugees, 132 reported in (July 1943). Iii;Jews deported to Brotman, A. G.: 51. 312. 326 (1943-4).154; report ofdeportations to Brown, William: and Jewish refugees. 119 (October 1943), 161; extension of (January Bucharest: 75; refugees from, 294 1944), 175; 'increased number ofJews' at. Buchenwald: concentration camp, 16,30,259, 176; guards attacked at (March 1944), 179; 292,336 a postcard from (April 1944), 192; escape Budapest: 112,245,250,251,252.266,268, from (April 1944). 192-7; its true function 292.312. 322. 326 still hidden (April 1944), 206; first aerial Bulbul.the: refugees on, 294 reconnaissance over (May 1944),216,222; Bulford, Mrs Helen: at Auschwitz, 338n.1 'Jews in danger' at (June 1944). 233. 234, Bulgaria: and Jewish refugees. 38;Jews of, 71. 358 Index 80,81; warnings to, 82; opposition to Auschwitz, 269-70, 271-2, 301; and an deportations from, 91n. I; rescue efforts appeal to Stalin, 276; and Allied air-raids towards Jews of, 98--9, 102-3, 116, 125, 128, (July 1944),283-4; 'this martyred race', 291; 134-5,136,148; threat to Jews of, 122;Jews and the Polish uprising in Warsaw, 299, 322; of, saved (1943), 122-3, 287; fears for Jews of and a Polish appeal for new protest (October (1944), 185 1944), 325; tells Eden of 'the greatest and Bund, the: reports on Nazi atrocities, 39-44, most horrible single crime', 341 46-7,50,55,61,65,70,75 Clauberg, Dr: at Auschwitz, 52 Burzio, Monsignor Giuseppe: 204 Cluse, William: 103-4, III; biographical Butcher, Herbert: and Jewish refugees, 140 sketch of,
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