Huddersfield Area

Huddersfield Area

48 (Section 52) ADVERTISEMENTS. ~ Telt>phone• lti!JT ~ Telephone /liff" H U D DE ltS FIELD 971 HUDDERSFIELD 971 482 482 WM. ARNOLD & SON, e1\RTER & eo .• CENTRAL SALT DEPu'J'","' BIRKHOUSE BOILFR WORKS, 39, Market Street, and Water Street, Haddersfield, ~addoeR, Jiuddersfield. Manufacturers and Merchants of firewood and Firelighters. Cement Plaster Whiting, Granite, Lime-stone, Slag, Spar, 8and, French Chalk, La'ths, Naiis, Hair, Colors, Oils, Paints, Putty, Varnishes, Brushes, MAKERS OF ALL KINDS OF BOILERS. Blachlng Brass Polishes, Turpentine, Glue, Salt, Saltpetre. Soap, Soda. Charcoai. Chloride of Lime, Ammonia, Liquid Annatto, Vinegar, Corks, REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Fibrous Plaster, Centre Flowers, and Trusses, &.c. "& Telephone /liiiT Tel. : Huddersfield 131. Telegrams : Station Tel. : Huddersfield 131a. "TROHAB DARWIN, HUDDEB&FIKLD.' 41y HUDDERSFIELD 41y -L. CONTRACTOR FOR CABS DAY OR NIGHT. lB' HIS MAJESTY'S MAILS ~ ~ { <tonfecttoner Wedding & Funeral Carriages, Olass·Sided & Plain Hearses. JQ t~a V er, ant~ <taterer. Also tbe latest designs in New Silent= Tyred Funeral Cars. ti4, New .Street, Huddersfield. funerals turntsbeb <tomplete. WEDDING CAKES of artistic design and highest THOMAS DARWIN, quality, from 10f6. LIVERY STABLES, DECORATIVE CAKES in great variety. Fartown, HUDDERSFIELD ~ Telephone w 17X Machine and Metal Bl'oke,.!l .C. • 17x BRIG HOUSE and Commission Agent. :\.1) V * LISTER BROOK & CO., Boiler and Pipe Coverer ~ $ Telephone: with Non-eonclueting ~· J.._ HUDDERSFIELD 792. Builders & Contractors, Composition. ~ :El B. :I: G-~ 0 U S E, V ~ And at l'i•:I.R\'. Estimates r'. Sectional Covering a Speciality. Dealers InSanitary Pipes, Chimney Pots, Fire Brlclis. Fire Clay. Lime, Cement, &c. Free. ""-V Same..price as " Plastic." IIRDUitO MORTAR FOR SALE. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO PROPERTY REPAIRS. 0 Yard and Mortar Grinding Works: OWLERINGS. * $~~ Noth~!~ :::El.~:E:e: ~:~~i::!o~ :::~:. Head Office: 49, Commercial St., BRIOHOUSE. Selby Office: 15, Finkle Street. '\. LONCROYD LANE, LONCROYD BRIDGE. U TELEPHONE Ill' TELEPHoNE: HUDDERSFIEL.D 119x.. ~fl::., 448 Huddersfield 448 Repairs of every ~~ ,.~'\J~ • 0 description under- .'f>~'- ''V taken at Lowest 'Y t..., AGENTs FoR BROWN & THOMAS, Prices. ~.,_"-... ,.~' "Enileld," ''Ariel,' ~· ~"-\...~ "'Pretnier,'' '"James,' ~ainters, fl>eeorators, Sign Writers, 9-e., Satisfactory Work "~~~ ••Rudge-Wbltwortb," &c. Guaranteed. -f> ~ 6, SPRING STREET, HUDDERSFIELD. ~~\~~.Y.!~~!. [!!!!!~~. 1i;ll Telephone JW HlJDDEHt->FIELD '1U Tel<>phone u- 127 171 171 127y HUDDERSFIELD y CALVERT & c~ LTD.• HOPE FOUNDRY AND RASHCLIFFE IRONWORKS ERNEST GIBSON, HUDDERSFIELD. THE LEADING ENGINEERS, MILLWRIGHTS, Wholesale Tripe Dresser and Dripping Refiner HEATING EISINEERS & IRONFOUNDERS. MANUFACTURER OF NEAT'S-FOOT OIL AND TALLOW, Ring up for Prices of Hydraulic Hoists. Cranes. Dyeing Machinery, BCJYER OF OX SHANKS AND HOOFS. Pumps, Hydraulic Engines. &c. SPECIAL AND PROMPT ATTENTION OIVEN TO REPAIR WORK. 56, Bradford Road, HUDDERSFIELD. 49 (Section 52) HUDDERSFIELD AREA. ~-.!._____~~-----~~~~~~:__ ______--- Hnddersfleld . 693t Manh, Westbourne Road, 62 .. Arroitage, W. T. Huddersfield .896t Mexican House.. • • Batea, Eertie. Huddersdeld .662 New Street, 30 .. Coltinson, T. & Sona Ltd. Huddersdeld . 725t Northgate, Almondbary Drake, W. P.U.Hddrsrte.ld 1t Post 0 ncs Huddersfield Huddersfield . 782 Post Office, Kirkheaton Grrenwood, E. KIRKBURTON. Kirkburton ... Sit Ellls Square, Klrkburton .. Notional Tei.Co.Ld. Kirkburtou ... 521 8heptey .. .. Brook, W. F. MA RID EN. Marsden • , .... 30t "The Hall " .. .. •• National Tel. Co~d. MELTHAM. Meltham ...... SOt Station Street . National Tel.Co.Ld. MILNSBRIDGE. Milnsbridge ... 53t Armltage Road, 109 . • • National T•l.Co.Ld. MiWsbridge ... 95 L. A N. W. Hotel . Rile)', J. W. SKELMANTHORPE. Skelmanthorpe 501 Wake field Road, Sclsselt .. National Tcl.Co.Ld. ILAITHW AITE. Slaithwaite .. -461 Varley Road, 10 .. .. .. National Tel.Co.Ld. t Avaihble lor Trunk Service. Oftices of Subscribers marked with an asterisk (*) can be used as Call Olllraa Huddersfield 345 ABBEY J. B. &~on, Sn-yrs & Awhts 84!1 New st ' Huddersfield 225 rlo. & Hanson, Lr.nd Surveyors .• 11 Cloth Hall a' HuddersHcld 763*ACKROYD A., Wine Merchant , . 53 Kin;: st Skelmnthrpe 34 do. 1I ., Plumber, etc. Clayton W Huddersfield 695 ACONLEY J. & Co., Trimming Mcbts New st HuddersHeld 671 ADDY John & Sons, \:'nrn Spinners .. Firth st Skelmnthrpe 20 do. J. & Son, Engineers . Clayton West HuddersHeld 139 do. Tom, Yarn Agent . 'st Peter's st Huddersfield 139a do. Tom . • (Resid!mce) Clare bo Hudderslleld 444 ADVERTISE Pro"" J.it4., Prldters, l'age st Pnhlisherg, Bookbinders Huddersfield 35y AFFLECK J. .. " \\-ood ville" Rein \\' ood rd Hilnsbridsre 144 AINLEY Benj. Brewers . Royrt Stm hrewef7 Milnsbrldge 26K do. Geo. & Sons, Joiner!l, Builders C'rosland moor ll1ilnsbridge 122 do. H., 111rs. Golcar Slaithwaite 54 do. Joe, Architect., Surveyor . Chapel ot H uddersfteld 57 do. Sons & Co., Fncy Wr.hl )fnf"' St Geor!!e's sq Huddel'!fleld 71 do. Boos & Co., Fo-,y Wr-td ~(rfl-s Kirkhenton Hntldersfteld 495 AI RE & Galrler. Navi~atn, Gent Cr•ior< f'anal wlv-.rf Hndderslleld 103x AIRIEY Robt. & Son, Cprs, Vat Bldr; Chapel hill mill> R.OBER.T AIR.EY & SON, Coopers and Vat Builders, Wholesale Manufacturers of PITCH PINE and OAK DOLLY TUBS, CLOTHES HORSES, STEP LADDERS, ZINC WASH BOARDS and WIRE SPRING MATIRESSES. Speeiality-Dyers' Round Vats and Square Cisterns. ESTIMATES GIVEN. Telephone: Huddersfield 103X. EAST PARADE, HUDDERSFIELD. Hnddcrsfteld I 034 AKAM Arthur. Pharmarr·uticul Chmst 49 King st Jiudrlersfiold 71Y AKROYD Jas., Cotton Spinner .. Woodhousc mill Hutldersfteld 604 ALBERT Club . Northumborland •' Huddersllelcl. 546 ALEXANDRA Proofing Co. Alexandra miU.. lluJde~fteld 790 ALLEN B. Prior . "Holmclitfe" Mountjoy rd M1lnsbnrlge . 20 ALLISON Thos. Ltd. Britannin work• Huddersfield 148X ANDREW Joe, Whl•le Tripe Drssr St Andrew'• rd BrioltoUBe . 54b do. Will!am, Fire Bri!lado ~upt 9 Wellclose st Huddersfield 17• ARGENT A Meat Co. Ltd., Fmv Rtchs 1~ Buxtou rd Huddersfield 988 do. Meat Co. Ltd., Meat Purvyrs King st Hndderafteld 1033 ARMISTEAD B. & Sons, Commssn Springdale milia HUDDERSFIELD AREA, Yarn Spinners Including ARMITAGE BRIDGE, BAILIFF BRIDGE, BERRY BROW, Huddersfleld 935 ARMITAGE Alfred .. .. .. .. Edgerton hill BRIGHOUSE, BROCKHOLES, CLAYTON WEST, DENBYDALE, DOS­ Kirkburton . 7b do. Benj. S. • " Ashldgh" Shepley GROSS, ELLAND(H), FENAY BRIDGE, GOLCAR, GREETLAND (Hi, HOLM­ Kirkburton . 7 do. .Ben]. Jc Son, Jo'ancy Sbepley BRIDGE, HOLMFIRTH, HOLYWELL GREEN, HONLEY, HUDDERSFIELD, ~hln.britlge . 142 do. Bro>., Wootn. Worst<>d Mnftrs Spring mill• KIRKBURTON, KIRKHEATON, LEPTON, LINTHWAITE, LONGWOOD, Brighouso .. 97 do. E. & Co., Silk Merchants .. Roseni.orv wka MARSDEN, MELTHAM, MILNSBRIDOE, M'i'THOLMBRIDGE, NETHER· Kirkburton . 3a do. H. Netherllet.l THONG, NETHERTON, NEW MILL, NORTONTHORPE, QUARMBY, Kirkburton . 7a do. James . • Hallroyd Shepley RASTRICK, RINGBTONE, SCHDLE8, 8CISSETT, SHELLEY, SHEPLEY, Huddersfield 295 do. .ram«, Drrper. ~runr, tstmr .. 8 John Wtlliam •: JKELMANTHORPE, SLAITHWAITE, STAINLAND(H), THONGSBRIDGE and Honley .... 4Y do. Jas. T., Coal I•'actor . Berry Brow WEST VALE ill), Holmllrth .. 41 rln. .Tames & Son, CoUiery M;ents Coal yd NOTE.-IH) lee also HALII'AX AREA-Page 65. IIuddersfieltl 646 clo. James & Son,Coal ~[errhants Cloth Hall st Huddersfield 255 do. Sykes & Hinchcliffe, Solidtr< 13 Westgat~ Huddersflel<l 303 do. Thos., Plumber & Gaqfltter . Buxton rd PUBLIC CALL OFFICES. Klrkburton • 17 do. W. & E. Ltd., Woollen Mltrs Shepley BRIGHOUSE. Huddersfield 278 do. Wm. H .. Chartere,l Acconutnt Banney royd Brigbouse ••.•. est Bradlord Road, 18 .. Hutton, H. W. Huddersfield 693• dO. W. T., Chemist & Druggist :\larsh National Te!.Cu.Ld. Brighouse ..•.. est Martin Street, 1 .. Huddersfield 537} do. & !'lorton .. Station st ELLAND. (:! Lines) Elland ....... 931 Church Strefl, 6 . National Tel.Co.J.d. Marsden .. 9 do. & Rhodes, Tweed•, Rgs,Shwls Delph HOLMFIRTH. }larsden .. 9a de,. &':Rhodes, Tweeds, Rg~,Shwls Warehouse Hotmllrth ...•. 531 Station Road .. National Tel.Co.I.d. Huddersfield 187 do. & Son, Seed.<nten & Florist"·. New st HONLEY. Huddersfield 187a do. & Son, 8eed:mwn .\': Flnri::"to; .• Fenay br Hon!ey ....... I BOt Bridge End .. .. National Tel.Co.Ld, Brighonse .• 82• ARMYTAGE ARMS HOTEL Licensed Clifton Honley ..•... 181 Road Side, Netherlon Yictunller HUDDERSFIELD. •. Brlghouse .• 16 ARMYTAGE Genrge J., Sir . • Klrklees hall Huddersftelrl . 868 Berry Brow . ·, . • . Lomax, JJ, Brl~house .. 93 ARNI9DN & Rohert•. Surgeons .. The Poplan Huddersfield 1163 Blrkby, St. ~ohn s Road, 41 .• , . Heaton, \Y. & Co. Hudderstleltl 592 ARNOLD C. F., Yarn.., Wastes, &c..• 1 Cloth ball Huddersfield 1100 Bradiey Street, South .. Burris, D. Huddef>lftrld 971 do. Wm. & Son .. (Boller Works) Paddock Huddersfieltl -866t Cloth Hall Street .. .. Cloth Hall Exoh. Bri"house .• 55 A8HWORTHR.H., Ltd.Prntr&Statnr Fft't'tPrsotll Bethela' Hudderslleld . 751 Great Northern Street l'ublic Slghtr Hses, Marsden ... 32 ABPINW ALL 1'., Physician, Surgeon The Inner Hey Huddersftrld .101 Havana House .. Hobson, J. W. H uddeJ-stleld 1431 ATHA Herbert., Joiner & Undertakr Newsome rd Budderstleld .536t ~ohn William Street National Tel.Co.Ld, H uddel·sfield 636 ATKINBOII Harry, Poinwr, Decorator llfarsh t A \'oilahte for Trunk Ser\'ke. H lltldNSflPld 1144 uo. H. S. & Co., Shipprs & 111erchts l:i Chnnrery lA 50 (Section 52) ADVERTISEMENTS. • EDWIN MILLS & SON, HYDRAULIC ENGINEERS,

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