SUNY University Faculty Senate Volume 1, Issue 1 Plenary Report Stony Brook University—January 21-22, 2016 Executive Committee Meeting, Thursday, January 21 Executive Committee Meeting information on Presidential terms of a starting point for nego‐ Dominated by Budget Discussion searches. tiations." President Knuepfer made the following observations In addition to their usual duties of Campus Performance Improve‐ on the Governor's proposed responding to committee reports, ment plans were submitted in budget: refining resolutions and discuss‐ October. The Provost and Chan‐ ‐No money for SUNY pay raises, ing the President's report, cellor approved all of the plans no maintenance of effort the Executive Committee was after some give and take. The ‐$485 M cut from CUNY senior Special Thanks forced to respond to the upcom‐ plans look at Access, Completion, colleges (about 30%) To our Hosts ing winter snow storm. The Success, Inquiry and Engagement. ‐Concerned that funds negotiated storm that eventually dumped to restore the CUNY cut will come over 20" of snow in NYC was rap‐ SUNY announced the first phase from SUNY. idly advancing up the eastern of "winners" for the $18 million ‐SUNY doesn't want Governor to seacoast. It was forecast to hit (M) investment fund. There were back off of his support for tuition Stony Brook around 2:00am on a number of themes used to de‐ ‐Some legislators want Saturday. As a result, the group termine the final awards. These "maintenance of effort"— decided to cancel the Saturday are Data Systems, Procurement increased base operating support morning meeting and combine and SmartTrack. Winners of the from the State—and no tuition two days into one. other portions of the $100 M will increases be announced later this semes‐ ‐if SUNY does not gain the au‐ President Pete Knuepfer pre‐ ter. thority to raise tuition and the sented his President's re‐ legislature does not approve port. The report covered some of The Executive Budget Proposal maintenance of effort, SUNY the key initiatives and actions at received the greatest amount of could lose $78 M in real terms SUNY. These include the follow‐ discussion. Stacey Hengsterman, ‐State funding for higher educa‐ ing: Performance Improvement SUNY's Chief of Staff and Director tion has declined across the coun‐ Plans, SUNY Investment Fund, of Government Relations was try. Executive Budget Proposal, Ap‐ quoted "This year's Executive ‐SUNY is doing better than most. plied Learning Initiative, TeachNY, Budget represents a substantial UFS vice President changes and improvement from last year's in Inside this issue: CGL Student & Faculty Governance Workshop: Working Together to Improve Campus Climate Executive Committee 1 Report from Chairman McCall 2 March 5-6, 2016 - Hilton Garden Inn Albany/SUNY 1389 Washington Avenue, Albany NY Chancellor Zimpher and Faculty Concerns 3 Registration and Hotel Information Provost Office Report 4 Applied Learning 5 518‐320‐1376 Joe Hildreth, Recorder 800‐547‐1548 Resolutions 6 Designed by Carol Donato [email protected] Page 2 Friday Senate Plenary Session, January 22, 2016 The Senate received a video welcome dent Knuepfer mentioned the $485 eligible for TAP and other NYS schol‐ from Stony Brook President Samuel M cut to CUNY and his concern that arship support Stanley. In addition, Provost Dennis negotiations to restore funding could ‐ $15.00/hour minimum wage for Assanis and Campus Governance result in cuts to SUNY or at least an hourly workers Leader Ed Feldman welcomed the inability to secure additional funds A brief overview of the annual group. for SUNY. Other items mentioned budget calendar was provided. The were: budget process begins with a SUNY Eileen McLoughlin, Senior Vice Chan‐ ‐SUNY System/campuses receive ask in December. The Governor's cellor and Chief Academic Officer was $708 M Executive Budget is presented in scheduled to provide a budget report, ‐Loss of $4.7 M in salary support January. This is followed by SUNY but she was unable to arrive in time from current enacted 2015‐16 advocacy efforts in February and to give her report. President budget March. Also, there will be budget Knuepfer was able to use the Power ‐Add of $10.0 M for a Clean Energy hearings in March. The final budget Point prepared by Ms. McLoughlin Workforce Program is scheduled to be passed by March and he provided the Senators and ‐No increase in FTE support for Com‐ 31. Campus Governance Leaders with an munity Colleges update on the status of the SUNY ‐Continuation of SUNY 2020 will pro‐ The Senate moved to the impressive budget. vide up to a $300 annual tuition in‐ Wang Center for lunch and an ad‐ crease through 2020‐21 dress by SUNY Board of Trustees The Governor's Budget provides sup‐ Chairman, H. Carl McCall. port for renewal of SUNY 2020. Presi‐ ‐Dream Act will allow students with‐ out lawful immigration status to be Budget Report - Faculty Senate Win- ter Plenary 2016 Chairman H. Carl McCall Calls for Diversity BOT Chairman McCall made a brief support diversity? A. I have never had the feeling that presentation to the Senate. During A. Yes. It will come in the form of the Comprehensives were not being his remarks he made three student support. adequately supported. I am glad that points. 1) SUNY was founded to be you brought this to my attention. and open inclusive institution. Conse‐ Q. How can you help us improve quently SUNY has developed a sys‐ shared governance on our cam‐ Q. What is the Board doing to sup‐ tem‐wide diversity plan. The plan puses? port our hospitals? requires every campus to hire a chief A. I am going to urge our Chancellor A. We decided that we should have a diversity officer. This person will to encourage our Presidents to be governance structure with knowl‐ oversee the development of a diver‐ responsive to shared governance. edgeable people from outside the Board. Downstate is continuing to sity plan containing information on Q. With advocacy in mind, one possi‐ how the campus will recruit more struggle. We really need a first rate bility is to give the Governor and the professional at System to help us to diverse students and faculty. 2) At Legislature what they want, then what point do we tell the legislature develop strategies for our hospitals. maybe they will give us what we that we cannot continue to grow want. The Conference Board was a Q. At many campuses, fees are being SUNY based mostly on tuition in‐ model for advocacy. created to help the campus sur‐ creases. The State must do its A. Yes, I did chair the Conference vive. These fees are on top of tui‐ part. The students have done their Board. We need to do something like tion. What is your position on fees? part. 3) SUNY is engaged in a contin‐ that. I am concerned over what will A. I am concerned with fees. It ual effort to promote shared govern‐ happen to any potential for SUNY makes it more difficult for students ance and make it work. SUNY Voices increases if the cuts to CUNY are re‐ to afford college. We must do bet‐ is an example of this commit‐ stored. Will we be asked to merge? I ter. ment. We look forward to hearing hope not. your ideas on how we can improve The Senate showed their apprecia‐ shared governance. Q. It seems there are funding models tion for the Chairman with an enthu‐ for the University Centers. The Com‐ siastic round of applause. Following his remarks, McCall an‐ prehensive Colleges are feeling unap‐ swered questions from the Senate. preciated. How do you feel about Q. Will there be additional money to funding the Comprehensive Colleges? Page 3 Chancellor Zimpher Responds to Faculty Concerns Chancellor Zimpher addressed the Senate the engagement of the faculty. Colleges of Technology via a video conference call from NYC, Q. A search has begun for a new Q. We understand the Governor has having chosen not to join in person due president for Alfred University. Our proposed $15 M to use in the develop‐ to the impending storm. Following Chan‐ existing Memorandum of Under‐ ment of the Clean Energy Workforce cellor Zimpher's introduction, the various standing needs a revision. How will Improvement program. As the technol‐ sector leaders asked questions developed SUNY be involved? ogy sector is proactive in clean energy from sector discussions. A. I don't know if we have represen‐ research and leaders in workforce de‐ tatives on the search committee, but velopment, we are interested in how Campus Governance Leaders I want representation. We will not the $10 M targeted for the state oper‐ Q. We ask that campus presidents be revisit the MOU until the new presi‐ ated colleges might be distributed to required to report on how campus gov‐ dent is in place. the tech sector campuses. ernance organizations were included in A. We have not been mandated on how the development of performance im‐ University Colleges to distribute those funds. What we provement plans. Q. The comprehensive sector is ex‐ need is a process on the way we distrib‐ A. I think we talked about some kind of a periencing a drop in enrollment. Is ute the funds. If you are competitive, sign off on campus plans. I don't know if SUNY considering a system‐wide you will win. this works. rational, strategic enrollment plan Q. We hope presidential reviews will Q. It would be nice if we could report on that would reduce inter‐sector and contain evaluations on diversity, full‐ the exact nature of the involvement of intra‐sector competition? time/part‐time faculty ratios and campus governance in the development A.
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