Macomb Community College Education • Enrichment • Economic Development MACOMB COMMUNITY COLLEGE 2008–2009 Catalog Macomb Communty College s Accredted by The Hgher Learnng Commsson and a member of the North Central Assocaton. 312.263.0456 Center Campus University Center 44575 Garfeld Road 44575 Garfeld Road Clnton Townshp, Mchgan 48038-1139 Clnton Townshp, Mchgan 48038-1139 South Campus Michigan Technical Education CenterSM (M-TECSM) 14500 E. 12 Mle Road Warren, Mchgan 48088-3896 7900 Tank Avenue Warren, Mchgan 48092-3936 East Campus 21901 Dunham Road Clnton Townshp, Mchgan 48036-1025 General InformatIon 866.macomb1 (toll free) webste: www.macomb.edu Whle every effort s made to publsh accurate nformaton, the catalog cannot reflect changes made after ts publcaton. Subsequent changes to better meet the needs of students and the communty may become necessary. For the most current nformaton, refer to the Macomb Communty College webste. www.macomb.edu www.macomb.edu Macomb Community College Welcome Macomb offers more of the knds of programs that wll prepare you for lfe and work n the 21st century. Whether you’re just startng college, retoolng your career, or want to learn for the sheer adventure, there’s more for you at Macomb. From the latest n technology to personal attenton from frst-rate professors, Macomb offers you more of the advantages you need to succeed. Each semester, 30,000 students take classes here. For these reasons and more, over 500,000 students have attended Macomb n ts over 50-year hstory servng Macomb County. We are a commuter college wth a campus lfe. There are student clubs to jon, study trps to take, cultural programs to check out at the Performng Arts and Cultural Centers, and college athletc and other events at the Macomb Sports & Expo Center. Macomb offers qualty, convenence, affordablty, and more. You can learn about our courses, programs, fnancal ad, counselng, tutorng, learnng centers, lbrares, and the bookstores through ths catalog or on our webste, but nothng beats one-on-one attenton. College representatves are here to serve you so don’t hestate to ask for the help you need. We are the college around the corner wth a vew of the world. Dversty n students and staff, courses and currculums, and nstructonal delvery are among Macomb’s greatest strengths. We welcome you to Macomb and nvte you to dscover how Macomb Communty College can make a dfference n one lfe at a tme: yours. the faculty and Staff of macomb Community College. www.macomb.edu Board of Trustees Macomb Communty College Trustees are elected county-wde and serve sx-year terms wthout pay. Ther terms of offce are alternated n a manner that guarantees contnuty of membershp of at least four trustees from year to year. Vacances are flled, as they occur, by Board appontment from volunteers n the communty. Board members elect ther own offcers. The Board’s responsbltes nclude appontng a presdent, settng fscal and operatng polces, and makng decsons that determne the long- and short-range drecton of the College. Nancy Falcone Sullvan Roseanne DMara Conne Bolanowsk Joseph DeSants Charperson Vce Charperson Secretary Treasurer Chrstne Bonkowsk Frank DeSants James F. Kelly Trustee Trustee Trustee www.macomb.edu v Macomb Community College Mission Statement Vision Macomb wll contnue to be a leadng edge communty college and the communty’s preferred choce for lfelong learnng, cultural enrchment, and communty development opportuntes. mission As a publcly funded and communty-based nsttuton of hgher educaton, Macomb Communty College provdes a comprehensve program of hgh-qualty educatonal, enrchment, and economc development experences desgned to promote ndvdual growth and socal mprovement. organizational Goals and Purposes Macomb Communty College endeavors to mantan open, affordable, and lfelong access to an ntegrated contnuum of learner-centered educatonal opportuntes, personal enrchment experences, and communty development programs, ncludng: Transfer education, desgned to offer courses that parallel unversty currcula and prepare students successfully to pursue a baccalaureate degree. Career Preparation, desgned to prepare and qualfy students for mmedate employment and ongong success n the world of work. Learning outreach, desgned to provde alternatve delvery systems, personalzed optons, and communty-based learnng opportuntes. Advanced Studies, desgned to enable students to complete baccalaureate degrees, graduate programs, and contnung professonal educaton experences through afflatons wth colleges, unverstes, and professonal assocatons. Student and Community enrichment, desgned to provde artstc, athletc, cultural, co-currcular and personal enrchment experences, and related communty development programs. Economic and Workforce Development, desgned to delver customzed learnng experences, specalzed busness support servces, and contnung educaton offerngs that rapdly respond to busness and communty needs. Student Success Services, desgned to mprove academc achevement, persstence, and the attanment of educatonal goals. Approved by the Board of Trustees December 20, 2005 www.macomb.edu v Table of Contents Areas of Study . 1 Assistance Directory . 2 Degree & Certificate Requirements at Macomb . 3–11 General Information (listed alphabetically) . 12–62 Program Descriptions (listed alphabetically) . 63–226 Course Descriptions (listed alphabetically) . 227–396 Maps . 397-399 General Index . 400-401 www.macomb.edu v Macomb Community College Areas of Study TUDY S Macomb offers nearly 200 degree and certificate programs in the areas of study listed below. S OF There are degree, certificate, and transfer programs with associate’s degrees of Arts, Science, A Applied Science, Baccalaureate Studies, Business Administration, and General Studies. Accounting Fluid Power Technology Music ARE Advanced Processes French Language Natural Science Anthropology Geography Nuclear Medicine Applied Technology & Geology Technology Apprenticeships German Language Nursing Arabic Language & Culture Health Information Occupational Therapy Architecture Technology Assistant Art Health Reciprocal Programs Paraprofessional Education Astronomy History Pastry Arts Automotive Technology Hospitality Management Philosophy Biology Humanities Physical & Health Education Biotechnology Hybrid Electric Vehicles Physical Science Building Construction Information Technology – IT Physical Therapist Assistant Business International Studies Physics Business Communications IT – Applications Software Plumbing & Pipefitting CAD/Computer Aided Design IT – Computer Security Political Science Chemistry IT – Database Pre‑Engineering Chinese Language & Culture IT – Gaming Product Development Civil Technology IT – Networking Psychology Climate Control Technology IT – Operating Systems Quality Systems Technology Clinical Laboratory Technology IT – Programming Reading College Survival Skills IT – Web Respiratory Therapy Culinary Arts Italian Language Restaurant Management Early Childhood Studies Journalism Robotics Economics Labor Management Relations Sign Language Education Law Enforcement Social Science Electricity & Electronics Legal Assistant Sociology Emergency Medical Services Life Career Development Spanish Language Engineering Management Speech English Manufacturing Stationary Steam English for Academic Purposes Marketing Surgical Technology Entrepreneurship Mathematics Surveying Technology Environmental Science Mechatronics Theater Arts Finance Media & Communication Arts Veterinary Technician Fire Science Medical Assistant Welding Note: Most Areas of Study listed above have a detailed listing in the Program Descriptions section of this catalog (beginning on page 63). For more information, visit our website at www.macomb.edu or call 866.Macomb (toll free). www.macomb.edu Macomb Community College Assistance Directory (all 586 Area Code—a complete department and employee directory is on the website.) CENTER CENTER SOUTH SOUTH CAMPUS CAMPUS CAMPUS CAMPUS BLDG/ROOM PHONE BLDG/ROOM PHONE Admissions G–20 445.7225 G–30 445.7225 Apprenticeship Programs R–24 445.7438 Athletics P–52 445.752 Bookstore P–7 286.2093 K–240 445.7385 College Police I–03 286.223 C–6 445.735 TORY Career Services G–02 445.732 S–47 445.732 C Cashier G–22 286.2083 G–302 445.798 RE I Center for Continuing Education H–220 226.4800 D–22 498.4000 D Conference and Event Services K–350 498.498 E Counseling & Academic Advising Services G–32 286.2228 H–36 445.72 Emergency Phone Dial 911 Dial 9 ANC Enrollment Office G–20 445.7255 G–30 445.7225 ST I Financial Aid G–27 445.7228 H–305 445.7228 SS Financial Services S–300 445.7336 A General Information 445.7999 G–30–2 445.7999 International Students G–20 445.7255 G–30 445.7225 Learning Centers C–6 286.2203 J–325 445.7400 Learning Outreach H–4 286.257 Library C–5 286.204 J–224 445.740 Macomb Center for the Performing Arts M–25 286.2222 Nature Education Areas 286.247 445.706 Placement Testing F–03 286.2027 H–27 445.7423 Public Service Institute A–26 286.289 Registration G–20 445.7255 G–30 445.7225 Scholarships G–27 445.7228 H–305 445.7228 Single Parent/Displaced Homemaker Program H–3 445.7003 Special Services Department G–3 286.2237 H–320 445.7420 Sports & Expo Center P–52 445.7346 Student Activities P–27 286.2242 K–25 445.7446 Student Center, John Dimitry P–26 286.2086 Student Center, John Lewis K–320 445.753 Tutoring C–6 286.2203 J–325 445.7400 University Center U–00 263.608 Workforce Development Institute M–TEC–04 498.400 Email: [email protected] www.macomb.edu 2 Degrees & Certificates Common Degree Outcomes
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