Loyola University New Orleans School of Music Presents Mary Van, Soprano Junior Recital with Jonathan Szymanski, Accompanist and Guest Artist Voces ad Opus Sunday, February 17, 2019, 7:30 p.m. Nunemaker Auditorium Program Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion George Frideric Handel from Messiah (1685-1759) The Mermaid’s Song Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) Leiderkries, Op. 39 Robert Schumann I. In der Fremde (1810-1856) II. Intermezzo III. Waldesgesprach IV. Die Stille V. Mondnacht Elle a fui, la tourterelle! Jacques Offenbach from Les Contes d‘Hoffman (1819-1880) Intermission Sei Ariette Vincenzo Bellini V. Per pietà, bell'idol mio (1801-1835) VI. Ma rendi pur contento My Bonny Lass She Smileth Thomas Morley (1557-1602) Voces ad Opus: Brittany Schaubhut, soprano Rebecca Sullivant, alto James Rodrigue, tenor David Murray, bass Deux Romances Claude Debussy I. Les cloches (1862-1918) II. Romance I can’t be talkin of love John Duke (1899-1984) April Elegy John Duke (1899-1984) I carry your heart John Duke (1899-1984) Translations Leiderkries, Op. 39 I. In der Fremde Aus der Heimat hinter den Blitzen rot From the homeland, behind the lightning’s red da kommen die Wolken her. there come the clouds here, Aber Vater und Mutter sind lange tot, but father and mother are long dead, es kennt mich dort Keiner mehr. and no one knows me anymore. Wie bald, ache wie bald kommt die stille How soon, ah, how soon come the quiet Zeit, time, da ruhe ich auch, unt über mir then I also rest and over me rauscht die schöne Waldeinsamkeit, rustles the beautiful forest solitude, Und keiner kennt mich mehr hier. and no one will know me anymore here. II. Intermezzo Dein Bildniss wunderselig Your image, wonderfully blessed hab’ ich im Herzensgrund, have I in my heart depths, das sicht so frisch und fröhlich it looks so fresh and joyfully mich an zu jeder Stund’. At me in every moment. Mein Herz still in sich singet My heart silently within itself sings ein altes schönes Lied, an old, beautiful song, das in die Luft sich schwinget that into the air it soars Und zu dir eilig zicht. and to you quickly goes. III. Waldesgesprach “Es ist schon spät, es ist schon kalt, “It is already late, it is already cold, was reitest du einsam durch den Wald? Why ride your alone through the wood? Der Wald is lang, du bist allein, The wood is large, you are alone, du schöne Braut! Ich führ dich heim!” you beautiful bride! I will lead you home.” “Groß ist der Männer Trug und List, “Great are the men’s deceit and cunning, vor Schmerz mein Herz gebrochen ist, from pain my heart broken is. wohl irrt das Waldhorn her und hin, one hears hunting horns here and there, O flich’, du weißt nicht, wer ich bin.” oh flee! You know not who I am.” “So reich geschmückt ist Ross und Weib, “So richly adorned is horse and lady, so wunderschön der junge Leib, so wondrously beautiful the young body, jetzt kenn’ ich dich Gott steht mir bei! Now I know you God stand me with! du bist die Hexe Lorelei.” You are the witch Loreley.” “Du kennst mich wohl, vom hohen Stein “You have recognized me, schaut still mein Schloß tief in den Rhein. silently my castle looks deep into the Rhine. es ist schon spät, es ist schon kalt, It is already late, it is already cold, kommst nimmermehr aus diesem Wald.” you will never again come out of this forest.” IV. Die Stille Es weiß und rät es doch Keiner, No one knows or guesses, wie mir so wohl is, so wohl! how happy I am, how happy! Ach, wüsst’ es nur Einer, nur Einer, Ah, if only one knew, just one, kein Mensch es sonst wissen sollt! no other person should know it! So still ist’s nicht draußen im Schnee, It is not as quiet outside in the snow, so stumm und verschwiegen sind the stars in the sky are not die Sterne nicht in der Höh’, as mute and discreet, als meine Gedanken sind. as my thought are. Ich wünscht’, ich wär ein Vöglein I wish I were a little bird und zöge über das Meer, and could fly over the sea, wohl über das Meer und weiter, well over the sea and farther, bis dass ich im Himmel wär. until I was in heaven. V. Mondnacht Es war, als hätt’ der Himmel, I was as if heaven had, die Erde stille geküsst, silently kissed the earth. Dass sie im Blütenschimmer so that the earth in the shimmer of blossoms Von ihm nur träumen müsst. could only dream of heaven. Die Luft ging durch die Felder The breeze went through the fields, die Aehren wogten sacht, the ears of corn waved gently, es rauschten leis’ die Wälder, the forests rustled softly, so sternklar war die Nacht. the night and stars were so clear. Und meine Seele spannte, And my soul spread weit ihre Flügel aus, wide its wings out, flog durch die stillen Lande flew through the still lands, als flöge sie nach Haus. as if it were flying home. Elle a fui, la tourterelle! Elle fui, la tourterelle! She has flown, the turtledove! Ah! souvenir trop doux! Ah, memory too sweet! Image trop cruelle! Image too cruel! Hélas! à mes genoux, Alas, at my knees, je l’entends, je le vois! I hear him, I see him! Elle a fui, la tourterelle, She has flown, the turtledove, elle a fui, loin de toi she has flown, far from you, mais elle est toujour fidèle, but she is always faithful, et te garde sa foi. and for you keeps her faith. Mon bien-aimé, ma voix t’appelle. My beloved, my voice calls you. Oui, tout mon coeur est à toi. Yes, all my heart is for you. Chère fleur qui viens d’éclore, Dear flower, that just opened, par pitié réponds moi! out of pity, answer me. Toi qui sais s’il m’aime encore, You who know if he loves me still, s’il me garde sa foi! if for me he keeps his faith. Mon bien-aimé, ma voix t’implore. My beloved, my voice begs you, Ah! que ton coeur vienne à moi. Ah, that your heart would come to me. Sei Ariette V. Per pietà, bell'idol mio Per pietà, bell'idol mio Have mercy, my beloved non mi dir ch’io sono ingrato and do not tell me that I am ungrateful, infelice e sventurato unhappy and unfortunate abbastanza il ciel mi fa. enough has Heaven made me. Se fedele a te son io, That I am faithful to you, se mi struggo ai tuoi bei lumi, that I burn under the gaze of your beautiful eyes, sallo amor, lo sanno i Numi, knows Cupid, the gods, il mio core, il tuo lo sa. my heart and your heart. VI. Ma rendi pur contento Ma rendi pur contento Just make then happy della mia bella il core, the heart of my beautiful one, e ti perdono, amore, and I will forgive you, Cupid, se lieto il mio non è. Even if my heart remains unhappy. Gli affanni suoi pavento I fear her sighs più degli affanni miei, more than my own, Perché più vivo in lei for I live more in her di quel ch’io vivo in me. than in myself. Deux Romances I. Les Cloches Les feuilles s’ouvraient The leaves opened sur le bord des branches, along the length of the branches délicatement. delicately. Les cloches tintaient, The bells tolled, légère et franches, lightly and freely, dans le ciel clément. in the sky temperate. Rhythmique et fervent, Rhythmic and fervent, comme une antienne, like a hymn, ce lointain appel this distant call me remémorait la blancheur chrétienne reminded me of the whiteness Christian des fleurs de l’autel. of the flowers of the altar. Ces cloches parlaient d’heureuses années, These bells spoke of happy years, et, dans le grand bois, and, in the deep forest, semblaient reverdir they seemed to make green again les feuilles fanées, the leaves withered, des jours d’autrefois. as in days gone by. II. Romance L’âme évaporée et souffrante, The vanishing and suffering soul l’âme douce, l’âme odorante the gentle soul, the fragrant soul Des lis divins que ja’ai cueillis of divine lilies that I have gathered Dans le jardin de ta pensée, in the garden of your thought, Où donc les vent l’ont-ils chassée, where then have the winds driven them, Cette âme adorable des lis? this adorable soul of the lilies? N’est-il plus un parfum qui reste Does no more perfume remain De la suavité céleste of the celestial sweetness, Des jours ou tu m’enveloppais of the days when you enveloped me D’une vapeur surnaturelle, with a magical vapor, Faite d’espoir, d’amour fidèle, made of hope, of faithful love, De béatitude et de paix? of heavenly happiness, and of peace? Acknowledgements To my parents, Donald and Gina, thank you for all of the love and support you have provided me throughout my life, and allowing me the opportunity to receive an education and pursue a career in music. I would not be the woman today without you. To my Grandma Myrle, from singer to singer, you inspired me to further my education in music, and I am grateful for your love. To all of my family, thank for your love and support in my continuing growth and education.
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