INDEX TO PERSONS AND AUTHORITIES. N o t e .— The numbers in heavy type refer to the Text; those in plain type to the Footnotes, Appendices, etc. PAGE PAGE Acosta, Joseph De ........................ 298 A r istipp u s. Aeschylus. G o ld ................................................. 9 • 14 Amber .......................................... 35 A r ist o d e m u s. Aesculapius. Money ............................................. g Love of gold ............................... 9 A r ist o t l e ......................................... X II ; 607 Africanus (alchemist) ........ XXVII ;XXVIII Amber ............................................. 35 Agatharchides. Athenian mines ............................. 27 ; 83 Cupellation ................................... 465 Burning springs............................. 583 Egyptian gold mining ...... 279 ; 391 ; 399 Coal ................................................. 34 Fire-setting................................... 118 Cupellation ..................................... 465 Agathocles. Distillation ..................................... 441 Money .......................................... 21 Lodestone........................................ 115 Agathodaemon (alchemist) .......... N itrum ............................................. 558 ....................................... X X V II; XXVIII Ores of brass ................................. 4 10 Agricola, Da n ie l .......................... 606 Quicksilver ..................................... 432 Agricola, Georg (a preacher at Silver from forest fires .................. 36 Freiberg) ............................... 606 Theory of ore deposits .................. 44 Agricola, Georgius. Wealth o f ........................................ 15 Assaying ...................................... 220 A rnold de V il l a N o v a . Biography ................................... V— XVI (See Villa Nova, Arnold de). Founder of Science...................... XIV A t h e n a e u s . Geologist........................... X II; 46; 53 Silver from forest fires .................. 36 Interest in Gottsgaab mine ......... V I I ; 74 A u g u r e llu s, Jo h a nn e s A u relius Mineralogist .................... XII ; 108 ; 594 (alchemist) ............... XXVII; XXX Paracelsus compared with............. XIV A ugustinus P an th e u s (alchemist). XXVII Real name ................................... V A u g u stu s, E lector of Sa x o n y ... IX Works ...................................... Appendix A Dedication of De Re Metallica .... XXV See also : Letter to Agricola.......................... XV B erm a n n u s. A v ic e n n a .................................... X X X ; 608 De Animantibus. De Natura eorum , etc. Bacon, Roger ....................... XXX ; 609 De Natura Fossilium. Saltpetre ..................................... 460; 562 De Ortu et Causis. Badoarius, Franciscus ................ XXVII D e Peste. Balboa, V. N. de .......................... V De Precio Metallorum * Ballon, Pe t e r .............................. 559 De Re Metallica. Barba, Alonso.............................. 300 ; 1 De Veteribus Metallis. Barbarus, Hermolaus.................. XXVII Etc. Barrett, W. F................................ 38 Agricola, Rudolph ...................... 606 Becher, J. J................................... 53 Albert the Brave, Duke of Meissen VIII Bechius, Philip ........................... XV Albertus Magnus (Albert von Beckmann, Johann. Bollstadt) .......................... XXX ; 609 Alumen ........................................ 565 Alluvial gold ............................... 76 Amalgamation ............................. 297 Cementation................................. 460 Nitrum ........................................ 559 Metallic arsenic ........................... I ll Parting with nitric acid............... 461 Metals .......................................... 44 Stamp-mills ................................. 281 Saltpetre ...................................... 562 Stannum ...................................... 473 Zinc ............................................. 409 T in ............................................... 412 Albinus, Petrus ........................... V ; 599 Bergbuchlein (see Nutzlich Bergbuchlin). Cuntz von Gluck.......................... 24 Bergwerks Lexicon .................. 37 ; 80; 81 Alpinus, Prosper .......................... 559 Berman, L orenz ........................... VI ; 597 Alyattes, King of L ydia. Bermannus.......................... 596 ; 599 ; VI Mines owned by .......................... 26 ; 27 Arsenical minerals....................... I ll American Institute of Mining Bismuth ..................................... 3 ; 433 E ngineers ........................... 38 ; 53 Cadmia......................................... 113 Anacharsis. Cobalt ......................................... 112 Invention of bellows.................... 362 Fluorspar .................................... 381 Anacreon of T eos. Molybdaena ................................. 477 Money despised by .................... 9 ; 15 Schist ......................................... 234 Anaxagoras. Shafts ......................................... 102 Money despised by....................... 15 Zinc ............................................ 409 Anna, daughter of Agricola ...... VII Berthelot, M. P. E ........................ 429 ; 609 Anna, wife of Agricola ............. VII Berthier....................................... 492 Antiphanes. Bias of Priene. On wealth.................................... 19 Wealth ........................................ 8; 14 Apollodorus ................................. 26 Biringuccio, Vannuccio................ 614 Apulejus (alchemist) ...... XXVII ; XXIX Agricola indebted to .................. XXVII Archimedes. Amalgamation of silver ores........ 297 King Hiero* s crown .................... 247 Assaying ..................................... 220 Machines...................................... 149 Assay ton .................................... 242 Ardaillon, E douard. Brass making.............................. 410 Mt, Laurion .......................... 28 ; 281 ; 391 Clarifying nitric acid ................. * 443 632 INDEX TO PERSONS AND AUTHORITIES PAGE Curius, Marcus. page Biringuccio, Vannuccio. Gold of Samnites ....................... 9 . 15 Copper refining ................................ 536 Copper smelting .............................. 405 Dana, J. D...................................... m Cupellation ......................................... 466 Alum ........................................... 566 Liquation............................................. 494 Copiapite .................................... 574 Manganese ......................................... 586 Emery ......................................... H 5 Parting precious metals... 451 ; 461 ; 462 Lemnian earth............................. 31 Roasting ............................................. 267 Minerals of Agricola .................... 594 Steel making ..................................... 420 Zinc vitriol .................................. 572 Z afire................................................... 112 Danae. Boeckh, August ................................ 28 Jove and ..................................... iq Boerhaave, Hermann........................ X X IX D’Arcet, J. Borlase, W. C. Parting with sulphuric acid ........ 462 Bronze celts....................................... 411 Day, St. John V. Borlase, W illiam. Ancient steel making .................. 423 Cornish miners in Germany .......... 283 De Animantibus Subterraneis......... 597 • y|| Born, Ignaz E dler von .................. 300 Editions ..................................... * 600 Boussingault, J. B.............................. 454 Gnomes........................................ 217; 217 Boyle, Robert. De Bello adversus Turcam ............... 605 Divining rod ..................................... 38 De Inventione Dialectica.................. 606 Brough, Be n n e t t ............................... 129 De Jure et Legibus Metallicis ......... 100; 604 Bruce, J. C.............................................. 392 De Medicatis Fontibus .................... 605 B runswick, D uke H enry of. De Mensuris et Ponderibus ............. 597 {See Henry, Duke of Brunswick). Editions ..................................... 599 Budaeus, W illiam (Guillaume Bude) 461 ; 606 Weights and measures ................ 264 ; 78 De M etallis et M a ch in is.................. 604 Cadm us.................................................... 27 Democritus (alchemist)... XXVII; XXVIII Calbus (see also Nutzlich Bergbuchlin), Demosthenes. 610 ; XXVI; XXVII Mt. Laurion mines ...................... 27 ; 83 Alluvial gold ..................................... 75 De Natura eorum quae Effluunt ex Caligula. T erra .................................... 598 ; 32 Gold from auripigmentum.............. I l l Dedication .................................. VIII Callides (alchemist)....... XXVII; XXVIII Editions ..................................... 600 Callimachus. De Natura Fossilium... 594; 600; III 5 XII On wealth............................................ 19 Alum ........................................... 565 Camerarius............................................ VIII Amber ......................................... 35 Canides (alchemist)........... XXVII ; X X V III Antimony .................................... 429 Carew, Richard. Argol ........................................... 234 Cornish mining law........................... 85 Arsenical minerals......................
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