Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1933 Campus Comment, November 1933 Bridgewater State Teachers College Volume 7 Number 3 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State Teachers College. (1933). Campus Comment, November 1933. 7(3). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/46 This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. r Men's s. c. A. Amateur Night Formal Dance November 24th ~AMPlJS ~OMMENT!'l, December 9th STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE, BRIDGEWATER, MASS. ------------------~ Vol. VII NOVEMBER, 1933 No.3 Seven Attributes for Teachers Parents See College, Dr. Zenos Edmund Scott Officially Confer with Faculty, Described by Convention Speaker Opell House Sunday Installed as President of College -- +------------- -----------------------------, + Teachers Association Pre­ By Kathryn Ross Senior, Junior, and Sunday afternoon, November 5, the Payson Smith Presides At sents Memorial Dial dormitory students were hostesses to Exercises in Auditorium Sopllonlore Attend their families and friends at Open By Barba:!:a Albret Atllletic COllfere1lce House, which has been instituted to To revie... v again the ideals and give the parents an opportunity tc On Wednesday, Nove~ber 15, at principles of child education, the Ply­ see how and where their daughters two o'clock, in the Horace Mann Audi­ mouth County Teachers' Association torium, Dr. Zenos Edmund Scott was By Bessie Freitas live. held its ninety-eighth annual meet­ officially installed as president of the Louise West, Audrey Tripp, and Early Sunday morning those rooms ing in the Horace Mann Auditorium, which the art committee had judged State Teachers College at Bridge­ Ruth Cronin, delegates from the water. Friday, October 27, 1933. the best were presented with lettered \V JnH~n'S Athletic Association, and The meeting was opened with de­ door-plates. Those receiving honors Payson Smith, commissioner of edu­ Miss Lois L. Decker, Miss Mary Isa­ cation, was the presiding officer; Rev­ votional exercises led by 'William D. were: Jackson, president of the Association bel Caldwell, faculty advisers to the er~nd William L. McKinney, of Association, attended the annual ath­ Woodward Hall-First floor in 1896. Music was furnished by the Prize: Barbara Stockbridge and BrIdgewater, pronounced the invoca­ Glee Club and the Male Quartet under letic conference of the Massachusetts tion and the benediction; and greet­ Helen Robinson. State Teachers Colleges, at North ings were received from representa­ the direction of Miss Freida Rand. Honorable Mention: Marj orie After the "Greetings To The Asso­ Adams, November 9-11. While visit­ tives of the State Department of Ed­ Butterfield, Phyllis Adams, Nat­ ciation" by Dr. Zenos Scott, Anson ing Mt. Holyoke College where the ucation, the Teachers Colleges of the alie Dean, and Constance Nash. B. Handy, president of P. C. T: A., Bridgewater representatives lunched, state, the public schools, and from the Second floor paid, in behalf of its members, tri­ they were given an opportunity to see Alumni Association, the faculty, and Prize: Madeline Bartell and Mar­ bute to the memory of Dr. Arthur ':he gymnasium, while the girls from the student body of Bridgewater State jorie Whitney. Clarke Boyden by a formal presen­ Mt. Holyoke explained their W. A. A. Teachers College, Honorable Mention: Doris Grade, PRESIDENT ZENOS E. SCOTT tation of a granite sundial to the organization. Music was supplied by. the Glee Irene Kidd, Grace Knox, and State Teachers College. In closing, "About three o'clock," said Miss Club, under the direction of Miss Ruth Koss. Mr. Handy said, I'May it ever be a Cronin, IIwe started for Smith Col­ Frieda Rand; men students of the Third floor Sectional Meetings, reminder of him--the Imaster teach­ lege, reaching there about four. vVe college ushered. A reception was held Prize: Isabel Tutty and Ruth er.' His principles of life are endur­ visited their new gymnasium, which in the gymnasium at the close of the Mannion. Tea Dance, Feature ing forever, pointing upward, not '.1as a large swimming pool. At the exercises. Honorable Mention: Muriel Eyre, downward, everlastingly right." boat house we saw the shells in which Alumni Conference Payson Smith welcomed ~ll to the Celia Perkins, Mary Salo, and A message from the Massachu­ ::he girls practice rowing. The girls exercises and presented each speaker. Carol Griffiths. setts Teachers' Association was at Smith have student coaches in the (Number 5, continued on page 4) Six Speakers Greet Dr. Scott , brought by John F. Scully, superin­ various sports. We were finally By Barbara Smith taken, to the W. A. A. room where Frank W. Wright, of the Division tendent of schools in Brockton, after The Annual Graduates" Conference, we discussed the W. A. A. systems of of Elementary and' Secondary Edu­ which sectional and business meetings Editor of Atlalltic November ,17-18, began auspiciously the two colleges. cation and Teachers Colleges, said were held for two hours. on Friday evening with the Dramatic " Around the Smith campus the Speal~s to College that. this installation was, " ....the At 12.05 the convention met again Club presentation of "The Passing of girls use bicycles; we saw at least realization of a hope def~ri'ed and a in the Auditorium where an address, By Marjorie Keith the Third Floor Back." ItWhat the World of Tomorrow is twenty-five bicycles in stalls outside dream come true." 'M~.' Wright had Going to Ask of Our the buildings." A young, enthusiastic, and informal On Saturday morning the Grad- long hoped that some day Dr. Scott speaker was the first presentation of uates' Conference was held in Boyden would belong to the Department of given by Dr. JNumh~:r: 3, .corttinuedon pa,g-e 4) theCuJtu!l,e',F~d()nOctohe~2a. AI- Hall, opening with an assembly in the Education. In summarizing the hi~- W ':t lain ""'.:*:..~~~":!.'i!':"",~j~~~~~~,¥!!';.!" ,_____ ._~ very Sl a lon s a e fr~J: 'Woi.)(I~' \.:11l;r~rtll;;.t oft11t::Cul'Lu!.~' T:T Cl't'cR"'f>.]Vf:;J!'.!':A..:IJ!(l]1tJftt:i.u'm.,:with Dr. ,T(lr~'" ot::Jh:i~E'<w~t~r'Teub&?!'t -CQ~~~,... _~ _"~ flin, "has three aspects: Mrs. Harriet Bixby Fund committee, introduced Edward Scott in charge of the 'exercises. Mr. he quoted the words of Horace Mann,~­ 'Something to it; we get something Weeks, editor-in-chief of the Atlantic Arnold and Miss Davis addressed the who spoke at the dedication of Bridge~ out of it; we do something with it." Retires as Matron Monthly Pres3, who discussed the alumni. This was followed by the water Normal School, "Among all tb:e To it we bring our background, all ~]uties of an editor. demonstration and conference groups lights and shadows that have crossed that we have been in the past, and Mr. Weeks is a graduate of Har- for the teachers of the kindergarten my path, I consider this' day's radi- On November first, Mrs. Harriet our philosophy of life--a philosophy 'lard, where he began his career as an and primary grades, the intermediate ance the brightest." F. Bixby, after forty-one years of not adopted but achieved. editor of a college pUblication. After grades, and for the junior high school. Mr. Wright related how"..... service in the dormitories, retired. "It isn't the size of the situation graduation, he became a member of Members of the faculty of the college without hesitation or delay", the De­ She is living in the home on Union that matters," continued Dr. Graf­ the- sta~ of the Atlantic Monthly and the training school addressed partment suggested to Dr. Scott that street in Bridgewater which she and flin, "It's the magnitude of the con­ from whIch he has risen to his present these groups. he assume the presidency of the col­ her husband, Charles H. Bixby, cept. We have our choice-we may position. At luncheon approximately three lege, and closed with the words "We bought several years ago, planning to bring a tin cup to fill at Niagara wish for you the happy and ~ucc'essful live there when they retired. This Mr. Weeks made us realize that hundred and fifty or more guests, Falls, or a barrel to a mountain administration that your talents de­ plan was never fully realized because there is much to editing beside the alumni, faculty, and students were spring. Most of us have the tin cup serve." of Mr. Bixby's death in the summer reading of manuscripts. An editor served, after which the student body, complex-we are bringing two ounce of 1932. has to d.evise means of cutting ex- led by Lemira Smith, welcomed the (Number 1, continued on page 3) concepts to big situations. They are Mrs. Bixby came here in 1892 with penses wlthout decreasing the quality alumni to B. T. C. again with appro­ few who carry the barrel to the her husband who was the chief clerk of the magazine. Much of his work priate songs, while the alumni, led by spring--the big concept to the little in the Normal School. Since that is writing letters-Mr. Weeks esti- Ruth Nugent, responded. Men's Club Presents job. And that's what counts in this time Mrs. Bixby has held several mates that he writes about one hun- Owing to the unexpected snowstorm world today." positions; among them were that of dred twenty-five Ie,tters a week-and Friday night, the students and the Annual Show Friday (Number 2, continued on page 4) school nurse, assistant matron and interviewing people who can write or alumni were unable to have the an- head matron.
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