B om mad taddor company No. 4 Llbmrtj, No. Selectman and Mra. H. M. Bead of A t the tobsoeo pleaLUh* of John Karl llaiks 4Q)d fkiffiCty Saturday will dim tomorrow my«oin( mt 6 U U O. £,,"wUl have a dog roast South Main street and their young Rackatt In Booklaad and the Hart­ moved from 88 RuaaeU etreet to o'clock at tlw toww on Hartford Saturday at ths home of Mr. and SCO are occupying the Olson oottage man tobaooo pUjatatloB nearly all Strant etreet. Road. ' Mra. Latting Caverty, 88 WJUlam at Black Point for two WMks. of the outdoor woTk on the tobaooo Waller N. Leclerc s tr M t Outdoor spOTts win begin crop has been (Completed. Like con­ Mrs, Beniamin Johnston and two S t Mary’s Junior choir wlD hare at 8 o’clock, and the supper of ham- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hynds and ditions also exist in most of the sona spent today In Boston, leaving Funeral Oiref^or burg and frankfurter sandwiches daughter, Roberta, with Mr. and other tobacco ssetlona. a rebieanal tonight at 6:80 In pre­ on the 8:80 tram this morning and 888 No. stain St. paration for the Sunday evening and other Itsma will bt Mrved at 6 Mrs. Samuel McAdam and little will return this evening. servlee. The choir will nng at these o’clock. Msmben'hmd friends will Caughter, Mary Elisabeth of Wal­ FRIDAY 3 TO 6 7:00 p. m. services during the next be welcome. The committee In nut street and Miss Bdnab NeviUs of three Sunday evenings. charge includes lira. M a r k e t East Center street are spending tan Smith, Mrs. Jans Irwin, M n. taien days at Lake Wamgumbaug. SPEQALS IN THE When SmiUng Roosevelt Met Smiling Lkndon Ferguson and Mrs. Sarah Tomlin­ ABEL’S SSz SOPER * SU B POLITICAL WAR ‘ Hr. and Mrs. Winiam H. Dun- The store on Shurt Center street son. AUTO and TRUCK REPAIRINO SELF SERVE o f Btrond (treot have l«ft for. near Parker streat . conducted by All Work Onarantoedl M m CIUT. my, Vermont, where they the First National Stores Is being Try a Good Sandwich Bear M Oeoper Street mu ipend the next two week*. equipped with new fixtures. Mr. and Mrs. WUllam H. Manning TKIPALATOR COSTS RUNNING and Mrs. Catherine Magnuaon of and Giass of Beer at the . EstabllBlMd 1881 <rM.rw«a*i (rM.MMW(> Confectioner’s Green HIU street. Miss Agda Nllson Inauroa prolootton Iruuras lha finest atom- of Park street and Mrs. Sophie An­ PRINCESS GRILL tzotlon of the oil, thera- INTO IL U O N S derson of Etost Center street, are aqatnst lha remoiast by saving on fuel—-as SETBACK Choice Gladiolus motoring to Rockford, III., where Cor. Main and Pearl Streets SUGAR Odd Fellows Han they will visit relatives and friends. possiMUty of demgar. much 08 20% to 35%r 35c and 50c doz. These Chilly Mom- BodgeU of Two Big Parties Thorsday, 8:30 P. M. Thaaa OBid rnanr oSmx facduaa BxettniVBtT la dw pkg. FLAMES SWEEPING Cl ingrs Remind Us of Admission 50c. K. A. KARLSEN the Heart of the SU PER * S U B Prises: |8. - $5. • |3. > $1. iU B orth Main S t Phone 1888 $2,000,000 Each; Both A MILLION Home — HEATI Maxwell House Fascist Troops Conpletiojl WE CLEAN AND Have Spent Big Smns Dnr* URGESPOOLING FLOORS Checks and bank drafts are REPAIR FURNACES Plan to Mediate War Occupation of One r m i SANDED and maiied each year as benefits COFFEE ing the Last 3 1 -2 Years. PICKLING SUPPLIES — DIAL 4151 from Traveiers policiea. Holland Furnace OFFEDERALAND OIB BURNER^ SPBOIALtt GoYomment Stron^uik^ Flaebnnit fun strength Older Vinegar Is good value at ZOo gal- REFINISHED * Co. Makes No Progress We seil ail forms of New Tork, Sept 4.— (A P)— The km. (Jug lOo extra). We sell Celery Seed, Mustard Seed, Satisfaciton Onarantoedl Manchester Branch C ttatttbeTacU Insurance in The Travelers ipaign fund* of the two major PRIVATEPOWER Only 500 Loyalist-Stra^ CrystaSam and Preiwrved CHnqer . White Vinegar . Jar Dial 5092 2 5 ® ib. London, Sept 4— (AP) — Oreatsito call the conunitten tor the first Tope, Jar Rings, Jars, Jelly Olasses. Our truck Is In Hartford ontbisR n^k- lea were running into many Britain and France, In a fresh effort session In London this week, but It every morning and If we do not happen to stock the Item you milUona of doUara today, making to obtain definite assurance of Ger­ appeared the meeting wotdd not be want we wUl gladly pick It up for yon. John L Jenney a b l e S u m e r glers Left in City to En*’ JOS. J. FARR the National political campaign one Manly, U. S. Commission man and Portuguese participation held until n » t week at least. 816 Main Street TeL 6880 on a proposed Spanish non-interven­ British diplomats in Berlin and 10 Depot Square, Phone 6850 X4 Hour of the biggeat of big buaineaaea. r a u m and VEGETABLES ARE PRICED VERY LO.W Servloo tion committee, assured the two Lisbon explained the entire purpose gage m Last Desperate The national committee budget of Official Calls Plan Best governments today that the group and scope of the InternatlonM com­ ORBBN OK WAX BEANS.............................................X qts. I80 PENTLAND Phone WATKINS BROS. the Democrata la around 18,000,000, will not attempt to mediate the civil mittee and stressed tbat It would PVeshly Picked Vellow Com................................. ........dozen l9o THB FLORIST 6884 or INOORPOBATED the Republican budget "dependa on war. seek to coordinate action on the em­ Street Battles; R efogm Uma Beans, 8 qts 15c. Cucumbers, each 3o 17 Oak Street 640X what we get In,” aaid Charlea B. Solution; Tidd, Utilities The refusal of Germany and bargo agreement, entered into by Ripe Tomatoes, 8 lbs. 10c. 49c large basket. ROBERT &. ANDERSON Ooodapeed, treaaurtr of that Portugal to accept an Invitation to tbe majority of European powers. In Stream Across Bordeir FtekSng Onions, 8 lbs. Z8e. Fresh Peas, 2 qts. XSo BURNETT’S LINE OF On The Air Fnneral Director national committee, but there waa Executive, Opposes Mea. sit on. Uie committee before the an effort to halt entirely the ship­ Bird Seed-Gravel W. & Z. and W. B. Z. A. no reaaon to believe It would be un­ scope and competence of tbe body ment of munitions to either aide in We expect tlist Csqllllower will be low again tomorrow . POPULAR MARKET Sony Restorer la clearly outlined kills any chances the SpanishBps civil war. Sept. to 28 • 11 P. M. Funeral service in home­ der the Democratic figure. to France. aonM to sen at ISo and extra large at 18c, according to market Bird Teeth and Ortt 8 for an Immediate session, Informed At the same time the British gov­i conditions. 855 Main Street Rubinow Building like Burroundinga. Theae budget eatlmatea do not Song Toys include the mllllona apent In Indi­ Washington, Sept. 4— (A P )—The sources said. ernment Instructed its Barcelona pooling of electric power, Imth gov­ Portugal already has accepted the consul general to protest against Peacbeo, 8 quarts 18c. Fesua, 0 for lie “WHERE THRIFTY SHOPPERS SHOP” Bird Salvo 142 EAST CENTER ST. vidual atatea. Both major partiea BULUmN! Fish Food ' ernment-owned and private, in re­ Invitation to elt with the other na­ tbe aeisure In Barcelona of the Large A pp lm .................................................................... S lha. XSo generally leave It to the atate com­ Traction, Light A Power Company, Bird Tonle Anderson & Johnson Telephone mittees to raise their own funds. gional systems under federal tions, but the same questions were MadrM, Sspt 4— ( Louse Plumbing and Heating Oontraetora 88 OUnton Street agencies was proposed today by raised In the conditional acceptance registered In Chmada, by the work­ mler Jose Oiral Psrelm i STEAMING CHOWDEB Office 5171 House 7494 However, If some state possesses as were brought forward by Ger­ ers’ committee which took charge Thursday Evening Special a fund larger than it needs, as often Basil Manly, vice-chairman of tbe sd today and a asw | CLAMS PINEHURST FISH CLAMS Federal Powsr Commission. many, of Industrial operations in .the Cata­ was aanomieed to 2 Quarts happens, thb national committee Great Britain and France sought lonian provine*. ' ' Bpoln. Opened sees that the surplus is distributed He said It waa "the best solution BUTTERFISH, of tbe numerous problems created Th* Socialist Extremist I in strateglo atatea. ar, FiSAcIsoe Largo SUGAR CURED Congress Aspirants On Own by the development of large blocks 35c HADDOCK 30c Two smiling rivals for the presidency of the United S tates are shown here as President Franklin D. Roose­ hydroelectric power as an inci­ waa named prim* mtaHater The Congressional candidates, velt, seated, and Governor Alf M. Landon, left, mot at the drouth conference in the Iowa state Capitol at dent to the construction of federal minister of w*r. Mackerel n L E T S ,lb ........ ZDC Steak Cod also, muat look after their own Des Moines. This was the first time opposing candidates of the major parties have met during the cam­ P'Jbllc works project*.” The new OsMnet contafaM i Halibut BOSTON 1 Filet of Sole SMOKED 1 e c funds. The national committees pay paign since Taft and Bryan did so 28 years ago. Landon was the first of^the state executives to greet Roose­ But George N. Udd, president of RICHMAN REACHES END Socialists, two OommwitstE 1 SwordOsh BLUEFISH, Ib. 1 2*2 C Salmon ' thousands of dollars to direct the velt as they went to luncheon.
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