Description of document: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) Log, 2010-2016 Requested date: 24-October-2016 Released date: 21-November-2016 Posted date: 12-December-2016 Source of document: Freedom of Information Act Request Information and Privacy Coordinator Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 Fax: 703-613-3007 The governmentattic.org web site (“the site”) is noncommercial and free to the public. The site and materials made available on the site, such as this file, are for reference only. The governmentattic.org web site and its principals have made every effort to make this information as complete and as accurate as possible, however, there may be mistakes and omissions, both typographical and in content. The governmentattic.org web site and its principals shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly, by the information provided on the governmentattic.org web site or in this file. The public records published on the site were obtained from government agencies using proper legal channels. Each document is identified as to the source. Any concerns about the contents of the site should be directed to the agency originating the document in question. GovernmentAttic.org is not responsible for the contents of documents published on the website. Central Intelligence Agency Washington. D.C. 20505 21 November 2016 Reference: F-2017-00161 This is a final response to your 24 October 2016 Freedom of Information Act request for copies of the Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) Log maintained by the Central Intelligence Agency. [You] are primarily interested in the time period 2010 to present. Enclosed are a copies of the Central Intelligence Agency MDR logs, consisting of 73 pages, for the time period from January 2010 through March 2016. Please note the MDR case logs are unavailable in electronic format. The information includes the date the case was created, the case number, and the subject of the request. Since you are entitled to the first 100 pages free, there is no charge for these documents. Please note, MDR case logs are produced on a quarterly basis. Therefore, the logs for months of October through December 2016 have not been produced at this time. If you have any questions regarding our response, you may contact us at: Central Intelligence Agency Washington, DC 20505 Information and Privacy Coordinator 703-613-3007 (Fax) Sincerely, ft!fMj~ Michael Lavergne Information and Privacy Coordinator Enclosures EOM CASE LOG Jan-Mar 2010 lease~ .. I g ? Csse Numberf MCB NO. 60-1 "ANALYSIS OF (REDACTED PHRASE) LAST STAGE OF THE SOVIET 'LUNIK' 1/6/2010 EOM-2010-002871 SPACE VEHICLE" 1/13/2010 EOM-2010-00308 VERNON JAMES PICK 1/21/2010 EOM-2010-003381PROSPECTS FOR CLOSING THE AFGHAN-PAKISTANI BORDER DATED JULY 1981, GS 81-10164 ··-' 2/18/2010 EOM-2010_:0~4-~6jCenter for Analysis of Personality and Political Behavior's psychological profile of Dimitris Ioannidis Center for Analysis of Personality and Political Behavior's psychology profile of Konstantinos or 2/18/2010 EOM-2010-00407 Constantine Karamanlis 1Center for Analysis of Personality and Political Behavior's psychological profile of Georgios 2/18/2010 EOM-2010-004081 P~padopoulos 2/18/2010 EOM-2010-004091Center for Analysis of Personality and Political Behavior's psychological profile Andreas Papandreou 3/1/2010 EOM-2010-00423 ~ny article in the 2000-2001 timeframe relating to Gamma Guppy 1 THE NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER, VOL 1: ANTECEDENTS & EARLY 3/3/20101 EOM-2010-00444 YEARS ... -·-·-~-- 3/9/2010 EOM-2010-00479!The Gambit Story --i-- 3/16/2010 EOM-2010-00497 National Photographic Interpretation Center, 1960-1965 3/16/2010 EOM-2010-00510!Unpublished•·· monograph by Woodrow Kuhns, CIA and China in the Time of Mao, CSI 3/23/2010 EOM-2010-00543 Joint Allied Refugee Operations Centre, 1946-1991 USSR: THE SPACE MISSION THAT WASN'T FROM THE DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE 3/24/2010 EOM-2010-00549 PUBLICATION WEEKLY REVIEW" (PAGES 18-19) ISSUED ON 8/4/72 EOMDR Case Log 1 April 2010-30 June 2010 case Ooened I Case Number I Subject 02-Apr-10 EOM-2010-00570 NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE ESTIMATES ON THE SOVIET SPACE PROGRAM NIE-11-1-86 & NIE-11-1-88 06-Apr-10 EOM-2010-00587 "History of the Manned Orbit~ng Labor~~~ry;·-- 06-Apr-10 EOM-2010-00588 CIA translations of two related Soviet operational training documents Soviet Space SupportSfilps- ----- ---- - - -- ------·- ---- -- -- - - -- - - - - - - -- --- - - 14-Apr-10 EOM-2010-00605 INTELLIGENCE MEMO ENTITLED "SOVIETSTAKE A NEW-LOOK AT SPACE SPENDING", SR IM 70::-29 16-Apr-1 ol EOM-2010-00608 ISSUED 10/8/1970 - ~ INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN, ARTICLE 18 FEB 1969, USSR: THE SOVIETS ARE PREPARING FOR ONE AND 16-Apr-10 EOM-2010-00609 PERHAPS TWO SPACE EVENTS 30-Apr-10 EOM-2010-00634 INFO-ON SELF 03-May-10 EOM-2010-00635 9/8/82, SNIE 91-2-82; 7/3f/84, SNIE 91/5-84 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD 8/4/78: "BRIEFINGS FOR MICHAEL GLENNON & JOHN RITCH, ON THE 05-May-10i EOM-2010-00651 STAFF OF THE SENATE FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMITTEE 1/15/83 SNIE "PRC POLICY & PRACTICES REGARD SENSITIVE NUCLEAR TRANSFERS", JAN 1985 05-May-10LEOM-2010-00652 RESEARCH PAPER "PAKISTAN: NUCLEAR DECISION MAKERS-UNANIMOUS OPINION" 10-May-10 EOM-2010-00671 CIA 312-series reports regarding Soviet and Warsaw Pact nationals info on chemical munitions. 10-May-10 EOM-2010-00672 ·Briefings for Michael Glennon and John Ritch, on the staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. 11-May-10 EOM-2010-0067 4 E. Herbert Norman 12-May-10 EOM-2010-00675 INTERVIEWS WITH ED PROCTOR, DDI, 1971TO1976 12-May-10 EOM-2010-00676 CIA INTERNAL REGULATIONS NATL INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM 83-10002 EMPLOYMENT OF WARSAW PACT FORCES AGAINST 13-May-10 EOM-2010-00681 NATO: A FOUR FRONT ATTACK PUBLISHED IN 1988 13~May-10 EOM-2010-00683 PRESIDENT'S DAILY BRIEF PRODUCED DURING THE PERIOD OCT 20- NOV 4, 1969 19-May-10 EOM-2010-00692 CIA MEMO'S CONTAINED IN SECTIONS 1 & 4 OF THE 2007 FAMILY JEWELS DOCUMENT 2q__-_M_ay-1~l_EOM-2010-00703 ITALIBAN, AFGHANISTAN, PAKISTAN, THE ISi, MULLAH OMAR, OSAMA BIN LADEN & AL-QAEDA 21-M~y-19 EOM-2010-00706 !FRENCH NUCLEAR PROGRAM & FRENCH DEVELOPMENT OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS DELIVERY SYSTEMS -1- ~--~- ·- ' 02-Jun-10 EOM-2010-00718 iAID, SUPPORT, & CONNECTIONS FROM PAKISTAN GOVERNMENT TO THE TALIBAN, 8/1/01 - PRESENT 02-Jun-10 EOM-2010-00719 lpRCiSPECTS FOR THE FURTHER PROLIFERATION OF NUCLEAR CAPABILITIES 8/23/1974 02-Jun-10 EOM-2010-00720 "BLUE SKY" PAPER OCT-DEC 2000 03-Jun-10lEOM-2010-00751 RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE ISLAMIC MOVEMENT OF UZBEKISTAN & TALIBAN IN AFGHANISTAN OFFICE OF STRATEGIC RESEARCH INTEL. REPORTS CONCERNING ARAB-ISRAELI CONFLICT 6 OCT - 06-Jun-10 EOM-2010-00768 30OCT1978 OFFICE OF STRATEGIC RESEARCH INTEL. REPORTS CONCERNING ARAB-ISRAELI CONFLICT 6 OCT-30 06-Jun-10 EOM-2010-00769 OCT 1978 Page 1of2 EOMDR Case Log 1 April 2010-30 June 2010 Case Opened I Case Number I Subject OFFICE OF STRATEGIC RESEARCH INTEL. REPORTS CONCERNING ARAB-ISRAELI CONFLICT 6 OCT-30 OCT 1978 06-Jun-1_~{E~M-2010-00770 1 I UFFlCFOFSTRATEGTCRESEARCRTtilTEC REPORTS CONCERNING ARAB-lSRAEU CONFLICT 6 OCT - 08-Jun-1_91EOM-2010-00771 30OCT1978 08-Jun-10 EOM-2010-00772 "THE SOVIET SPACE NUCLEAR POWER PROGRAM, SW91-10074X" ISSUED IN OCT 1991 1O-Jun-1.oT EOM-2010-00785 TIES BETWEEN VENEZUELAN ARMY COLONEL HUGO CHAVEZ & COLOMBIAN GUERILLA GROUPS ~ 5-Jun-10~E9_M--2Q.1_9~:0~~! 5 Watch reports and any daily briefings to chairman of the Watch Committee during 10/17/69-11/4/69 15-Jun-10 EOM-2010-00816 Nuclear Diversion in the US? 13 Vears of Contradictfon and Co-nfusiori -. - . -· -·· - MEETINGS AMONG TONY LAKE, CIA DIR JAMES WOOLSEY & DEPUTIES ON OR AROUND OCT 20, 1993- 16-Jun-10l EOM-2010-00817 NOV 4, 1993, CONCERNING PRESIDENT ARISTIDE & HAITI BRIEFING OF PRESIDENT CLINTON BY THE CIA ON MARCH 27, 1995, CONCERNING CLINTON'S TRIP TO 17-Jun-10 EOM-2010-00825 !HAITI . ' -tB~R=1=E-F=l-NG-O~~F~P~R=E~s-,1=D-ENT CffNTO.r'fBYTHECIA ON MARCH 27, 1995, CONCERNING CLINTON'S TRIP TO 17-Jun-10IEOM-2010-00827 !HAITI .. ·-TBRfEFING OF PRESIDENT CLINTON BY THE CIA ON MARCH-27,-1995, CONCERNING CLINTON'S TRIP TO 17-Jun-10'EOM-2010-00828 HAITI Page 2 of 2 EOMDR CASE LOG 1 July 2010--30 September 2010 lease Opened Case Number Subject 07-Jul-10 EOM-2010-00945 LEADERSHIP ANALYSIS REPORT CATALOG 12-Jul-10 EOM-2010-00967 INTERIM PROGRESS REPORT ON THE ACTIVITIES OF THE IRAQ SURVEY GROUP 27-Jul-10 EOM-2010-01097 Article about the life and career of Mr. James H.W. "Jim" Thompson 20-Aug-10 EOM-2010-01177 JUNE 2005 "OIG REPORT ON CIA ACCOUNTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE 9/11 ATTACKS" 20-Aug-10 EOM-2010-01178 GATEKEEPER: MEMOIRS OF A CIA POLYGRAPH EXAMINER BY JOHN SULLIVAN 2/28/58 REPORT ''TERMS OF REFERNCE; NIE 100-2-58: PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPEMENT 20-Aug-10 EOM-2010-01179 OF NUCLEAR CAPABILITIES IN "FOURTH COUNTRIES" ALL MEMORANDA TO HOLDERS OF SNIE 11/10/84 "IMPLICATIONS OF RECENT SOVIET MILITARY­ 25-Aug-10 EOM-2010-01180 POLITICAL ACTIVITIES", 5/18/84 25-Aug-10 EOM-2010-01181 201 PERSONNEL FILE OF JAMES HARRISON WILSON THOMPSON 14-Sep-10 EOM-2010-01264 "201" Personnel File of James H.W. "Jim" Thompson 14-Sep-10 EOM-2010-01265 Watergate (Report of the CIA Inspector General) 14-Sep-10 EOM-2010-01266 No.
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