HORTSCIENCE 53(12):1772–1775. 2018. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI13574-18 Naga (Purkayastha et al., 2012). ‘Bhut Jolo- kia’ was considered one of the hottest in the world; in 2007, it was registered in the Guin- Behavior of the Hottest Chili Peppers ness Book of World Records with 1,001,304 SHU. Later, the ‘Trinidad Moruga Scorpion’ in the World Cultivated in variety, originally from Trinidad and Tobago, occupied that place in the Guinness Book of Yucatan, Mexico World Records with a pungency of 2,009,231 SHU (Bosland et al., 2012). Cur- Liliana S. Mun˜oz-Ramírez, Laura P. Pen˜a-Yam, Susana A. Aviles-Vin˜as, rently, the ‘Carolina Reaper’ variety, de- Adriana Canto-Flick, Adolfo A. Guzman-Antonio, veloped by the U.S. company PuckerButt and Nancy Santana-Buzzy1 Pepper in South Carolina, is recognized as the Unidad de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular, Centro de Investigacion most pungent in the world, with 2.2 million í · SHU (PuckerButt Pepper Company, 2013), and Cient fica de Yucatan A.C., Calle 43 No. 130 32 y 34, Merida, Yucatan, is registered in the Guinness Book of World CP 97205, Mexico Records. Taking into account that the Peninsula of Yucatan is known to distinguish the Haba- Additional index words. Capsicum, HPLC, pungency, capsaicinoids, Scoville heat units nero pepper for its high level of pungency, our Abstract. The Yucatan Peninsula is recognized as the center of genetic diversity of proposal was to evaluate, under the conditions Habanero peppers (Capsicum chinense Jacq.), which can be distinguished from those of the region, the pungency behavior of three cultivated in other regions of the world by their aroma, taste, and—most of all—by their varieties internationally known for their high pungency. We evaluated three commercial varieties of chili peppers reported as being the level of pungency. hottest in the world: ‘Bhut Jolokia’, ‘Trinidad Moruga Scorpion’, and ‘Carolina Reaper’. The aim of our study was to determine the behavior of the pungency when cultivated under the edaphoclimatic conditions of Yucatan. Our results show that the Materials and Methods three varieties registered greater contents in comparison with those reported in other regions of the world. ‘Carolina Reaper’—considered to be the hottest variety in the Plant material and growth conditions. For world, with a pungency of 2,200,000 Scoville heat units (SHU)—when cultivated in this study, three varieties of commercially Yucatan, had a pungency of 3,006,330 SHU, which was greater than all the other varieties available chili peppers—‘Trinidad Moruga analyzed. Scorpion’, ‘Bhut Jolokia’, and ‘Carolina Reaper’—were obtained from different sup- pliers on the Internet [Spicegarden (n.d.) and Chili peppers form part of the identity and noids are in great demand in the pharmaceutical PuckerButt Pepper Company (2018), respec- culture of Mexico. They belong to the genus industry as a result of their application as anti- tively]. They were planted from Sept. 2016 to Capsicum, which originated in America, inflammatories (Liu and Nair 2010; Tag et al., June 2017 in greenhouses located in the seed from Mexico to South America. The word 2014), antioxidants (Reddy et al., 2010; production unit of the Scientific and Techno- chili derives from the nahuatl chilli or xilli, Rodriguez-Maturino et al., 2012), and antican- logical Park of Yucatan in Sierra Papacal, and in Mexico it is used to refer to any fruit of cer agents (Jia et al., 2013). Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, at lat. 21°07’20"N the genus Capsicum (Long-Solís, 1986). Mexico is one of the centers of domesti- and long. 89°43’41"W, and at an altitude of Chili pepper is an extraordinary condiment cation and diversity of chili peppers. It is also 9 m.a.s.l. During the study period, the average with a high nutritional value. It is a source of where the greatest genetic diversity of the temperature was 18 °C (minimum) and 37 °C vitamins A, C, and E; minerals; and natural genus Capsicum is located (Ibiza et al., (maximum), and relative humidity was 86% dyes; in addition to its multiple industrial 2012). Yucatan is well known for its culinary (Servicio Meteorologico Nacional, 2018). uses, such as flavorings, sauces, powders, and tradition, which is associated closely with the The seeds were germinated in polystyrene oleoresins, among other products (Qin et al., trays with 200 cavities using commercial sub- Habanero pepper, considered to be one of the Ò 2014). It is the only plant species containing hottest chili peppers in the world. In Yucatan, strate called Peat Moss Premier (Green Forest, capsaicin, the most abundant metabolite Puebla, Mexico). The plantlets were trans- the Habanero pepper found particular condi- among the capsaicinoids, which belongs to tions of soil and climate that allowed it to plantedtosoilafter 35 d, under greenhouse conditions, at a distance of 30 cm between the alkaloids and is responsible for the adapt and diversify in an environment very plants and 100 cm between rows. Plant man- pungency of the chili (Duelund and Mouritsen, different to that of its origin. These conditions agement and irrigation, pest and disease control, 2017). The capsaicinoids, integrated mainly by are associated with the high temperatures of the and fertilization were conducted following the capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, nordihydrocapsai- region, sparse rainfall, and stony soils (basically cin, and homocapsaicin, are produced in glands established standards applied to the cultivation calcareous with alkaline pH) very poor in located in the point of union of the placenta of Habanero pepper in the region (Tun, 2001). organic material (Borges-Gomez et al., 2014). with the pod wall and are accumulated in One hundred fifty plants per variety were used, In June 2010, the Designation of Origin was vacuoles of the epidermal cells of the placenta distributed in three rows of 50 plants. Each granted to ‘‘Habanero pepper of the Peninsula until they metabolize (Stewart et al., 2007; variety was evaluated based on the descriptors Suzuki et al., 1980). The total content of of Yucatan’’ (Diario Oficial de la Federacion, established for Capsicum (IPGRI,1995).The capsaicinoids is called pungency, which is 2010). Subsequently, the Official Mexican characteristics evaluated were type of epidermis, Standard (NOM-189-SCFI-2012) was gener- fruit color, weight of the fruit (measured in calculated and expressed in SHUs, derived from the organoleptic test for the pungency of ated (Diario Oficial de la Federacion, 2013). grams), pericarp thickness (measured in milli- the chili peppers (Scoville, 1912). This test has However, there are other varieties of the genus meters), fruit length (measured in centimeters), been replaced with high-performance liquid Capsicum originating from other regions of the fruit width (measured in centimeters), number chromatography (HPLC) (Collins et al., 1995; world that have been recognized for their high of fruits per plant, yield per plant (grams per Kozukue et al., 2005). Currently, the capsaici- pungency, such as ‘Bhut Jolokia’, a natural plant). hybrid of C. chinense and C. frutescens, Standards and solvents. Capsaicin (>99%) cultivated mainly in Bangladesh and India and dihydrocapsaicin (>97%) (Sigma Aldrich) (Meghvansi et al., 2010). It can be found with were used as external standards, whereas meth- Received for publication 14 Sept. 2018. Accepted other names, such as Bih Jolokia, Borbih anol, acetonitrile, and HPLC-grade water were for publication 10 Oct. 2018. Jolokia, Nagahari, Naga Jolokia, Naga Mor- used as solvents (J.T. Baker). The filtrates were 1Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. ich, Naga Moresh, Raja Mirchi, and Dorset acquired using a 0.45-mm membrane filter 1772 HORTSCIENCE VOL. 53(12) DECEMBER 2018 Table 1. Morphoagronomic characteristics of the three varieties evaluated. Type of Thickness of No. of Varieties epidermis Color of fruit Length of fruit (cm) Width of fruit (cm) pericarp (mm) Wt of fruit (g) fruits/plant Yield (g/plant) Bhut Jolokia Wrinkled Red 5.28 ± 1.52 az 2.42 ± 1.03 b 1.46 ± 0.20 b 6.75 ± 0.32 b 219.7 ± 3.65 a 1482.2 ± 9.8 a Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Wrinkled Red 3.63 ± 1.64 b 2.97 ± 1.22 a 1.65 ± 0.19 a 7.77 ± 0.48 a 108.7 ± 4.09 b 846.7 ± 4.5 b Carolina Reaper Wrinkled Red 2.61 ± 2.63 c 2.37 ± 1.71 b 1.14 ± 0.10 c 3.70 ± 0.45 c 98.1 ± 2.76 c 362.9 ± 4.3 c zThe means followed by different letters in the same column are significantly different (P < 0.05) with the Tukey test, the data are shown as the mean value ± SD. Fig. 1. Varieties evaluated include (A) ‘Bhut Jolokia’, (B) ‘Trinidad Moruga Scorpion’, and (C) ‘Carolina Reaper’. gies, USA) column (4.6 mm i.d. · 250 mm) at a temperature of 25 °C and an injection volume of 20 mL. The wavelengths used for the de- tection were 280 nm (excitation) and 338 nm (emission). The mobile phase was isocratic with 70% of solvent B (100% methanol) and 30% of solvent A (10% methanol solution v/v). The operating conditions of the HPLC for determining total capsaicinoids were a temper- ature of 25 °C, a flow rate of 1 mL/min, and a runtime of 15 min. HPLC calibration. The standards of cap- saicin and dihydrocapsaicin were used to obtain a calibration curve based on the relation- ship of the maximum area for the known concentrations of external standards. The stock solution was prepared in 100% (v/v) methanol, and a total of five different concentrations—20, 60, 100, 200, and 300 ppm—were used to generate the calibration curve. Quantification of capsaicinoids. The con- Fig. 2. High-performance liquid chromatography chromatograms of capsaicin (1) and dihydrocapsaicin (2) (A) standard.
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