Mm .’Qofier'' wt:xLv^ '•^■•w»-'^- - . ' t .' ' • "■< •■> ■ "r ' *' '■' ‘/ . j. ■5^-: .-■W 1. - - • ^ ---‘ • AUTO, 1 Pi^vidence R: L, Oct. 31.—(AE) .^'122 calibre * blac^iKk B A ^ HURT _^Tiniess be cab show^J^Eederal Judge . Were, found to c ^ i CavMa TrftvTJovd Lietts bv next Wednesday hailed before the,court on the S t ^ « No5? A r“ :,l»l?W Sei tloD of vlototloii ot^e ter^ ^ A - he was fined S750 and ^ven a sus- suspended senttoce DquHnimit AgnoBnees: Raymond A. Jewell, of Lyd- n L S aeSde be bS ^de his liv- fense Uquor charge whi* out G ndierB injr” through ' nicans other than of a. hijackeptbOot^egger b aw e at his ; Phmsto S |^ H ^ o a - '/ h^diine liouok Herbert Cavaca of Tiverton farm- ^ • aUyffle, in Critical Condi­ n i must so to jaU for . Cavaca told the court he; was go-; of C ettod S^davs ' CaVac™?s Imown to the ing shooting, geese last, tion ^ Express Crashes l e S ' auSorities .^sone of the and the cbutt'asked Win if he a% S M t?d r5 ? K “rwmers, b«ckjyl.ea jjto Mt?.- ii,600 Barr^ After being stopped by state ordered into Cavaca s mode of llv- BeLeiTaim pm em ents Car at Crossing. troopers last Wednesday when two tog. ^ Dedde MaFI Be IDOpMlOO Cubic F od T Washington, Qct. 31.-—(AE)—Th® of Gas Da3y — Raymond A. Jewell, 42,, of Lydall- ; Navy Dq?artment, today aonownb®^ A natloW shrine toy, mark-toe 'to ra to. Chai^ — FBI ville, was very seriously injured at j that toe Bureau ^ Yards andt'Dbcks last. resting place of .'Frlvate- noon today when a westbound ex- • would imdertake (mnstructlom James.B. Greshaim honored, by 'M Hie Chrites Closed, Fires press train struck and completely j public" worjet and utiUties Ihmnsyme,.'Ind., Gold ‘ Stjm mothers «is the first American demolished his Whippet sedan auto­ ingTlli.OOO,()00 ,as fast .as extracts soldier : hilled in Frc,’'.ce,. is ed and Danger th re a t^ mobile at the railroad crossing, in for toe projects could'be le^, - g anhed in th^t city. Gresham, Although the larger ^part of $1,- V Parker Village here. He was remov­ The program for rivate Thoinas P. Enright,,rf ; 2()b,*^ toe’ contract price of toe W l^ Coninlinity. ed to the Memorial hospital where | of shore- works, was authored, by Eittsburgh, . PA, -^and 'Erlvato /. Christmas Jlg^ting' qi^lay at , toe it was said by the house physician j Congress,': May, 14, Meric D. Hay' of GHddtfn, Iftv^ soutottod,':was^ wppirtch as, subscrlb- that the man's condition was very; TpHs Made Daily in New par&ent announced that ^contrw^ met'dCkto ;V?hen Germans rrfd/ - " BORIS AND BRIDE :\ ■ ^ ty;:mi^chtots( at. a ^meeting .of critical and that it is impossible to already:',had be^ plac;^ - by toe ed toe I 6to^:infsnti^.’B 'toe^es ' the qtostihaf' lighting^ committee . BULMTIN! . say whether or not he will recover. York City to See How Pic­ biFfedu'tdtallhig’^ 2;90p ,(^ . near Bathlembnf on toe^ night this ittbnhhg, it was unanimoysly Oklahoma' City, Oct. Badly Wrecked ’ Ck»nti»cto X*t ' , of Nov. 2-3, 1917. , G-resham, ^ voted to' abtodbh'toe lighting pro­ (AF)-^^dJtttant Generiti Cbav, The automobile was one of the ThA. contracts let (include repwd- •wild how rests in t o , obsCure gram this ygar, due tp toe.general F. Barrett today ordered out!, worst wrecks ever seen in Manches­ tures Are. Received in ine biers at the sUbniarine^base, grave at BvansvUle, IS ' shown business depTeirfon.'dnr. M tochei^r several onltS of the Nattoosl ’ ter. How its lone occupant escaped S o y , cow.,, hiere with toe memorial planned and toe' heed for a ^pat®r charity Board to asitot dvB motho^tisa Instant death is a mystery to those construction of piers .at- toe EWla in his.hohor. in .policing th e flito. d w g er sire#^, Sofia Welcomes Royal Cou­ SipMd NaVy.Yardy gM6,00O; p ^ e r fiihd. in riew; of. toe anticipated sit­ who gathered at the scene shortly Homes; Expernnent Stage uation to® committee of ten felt surrotindlng the glgimtie'Nnm-,' after the accident occurred a few; edmpment at ,thb turf depot, .Mrf- that eatotose ehpiild' be- avoided by ' ber 1, Stont oil weii, lipwing' * minutes after 12 o’clock. Debris of | vUie, Hfiode Island. $88,1^ ; pier wUd on the sontbeaSt edge .of the machine waS strewn along the' ple With Monster Celebra- cohstfuctlpn at too “dval alr.^tar COMMONS •LAUGHS omitting toe jpregyain, Sb m to, gtye New. York,, O ct. -31.—(A P.)— - every. busihessAihan libfrty- to,, con- the Okl^onui ' Gify wheletul^''' side of the railroad track for more tioh, Srfiyii^o, ?101,(^ ; ' district. than 100 feet. There didn’t seem to Problems of televisidnUraMinission, J Military Parade. it toe Philadelphia Naiw .^Jurd, at bry mMsU^ tributo ah generously as pbssible to Fred Morgan, .president of^j^i be a piece of the automobile that and there are many of them, are be­ $124,000; and improvemente at toe the: ebari^ tond, which toe Cham- toe Morgan company,'owoer: of i- could be salvaged, save possibly one ing tackled in eantost by the Na­ Naval Academy, f Annapolis, e i 45»* heribf CS)ii^er6e'>%s''sp6^ for the weli, luto .abfmdbned, hopon" tional Broadcasting Company. Only Prohibitionist in,-British toe pkat iffveral ^ y e a to i* ® ‘ wheel and a tire. 500. , ’ „ , . of shotting in. tlie menacing? Partly Conscious It was learned today that .tests Sofia, Birigaria, Oct. 31.—(AP)'— ■ ' Other Projects ' House Introduces Bill to^Stop ly s]^h3br a^ato'this.^ar. gusher before tonight or e a ify -- ! Mr. Jewell was pulled from , be­ now. under way in top heart of toe Sofia welcomed Czar Boris and his The bureau will adyerU^ for M anuf actiire df Liquor.^^^^" Ftod Promised > tomorrow. neath tiie wreckage by workmen Broadway. ■ 'theatrical district are Italian bride, Giovanna, with open bids om toevfolloydng projefcto be­ There W^no doubt'but that toe Ra ces Block of Wood In­ full ^oim t n:Aceia«ry-for.t^W from the Colonial Board Compah^ dealing solely with attempts to arms today. fore January 1 : mine London, Oct. 3 1.—(A E )^ A Oklahoma City, Oct. ^1.—(AP)— mill located directly across the learn just what Is t6 be expected in Practically toe city’s entire popu­ kt naval ammunition, depot, Haw- bill "to prohibit- *tod' mahufto- tif eff^'l^^w ^^^ ^bslantiated Flowing an ^tonated 60,6(k) or m ^ i tracks from the scene of the crash. tooriie, Nevada, • $285,000r. - s h ^ sight sending. r p ' lation turned cut' to meet toe royal stead of B ^ ture,.: importotldh ‘'tod s^ ; of by toe fact that to® canvass made barrels of oU and 100,000,000 cu^c Although unconscious when remov­ For this purpose, toe N. a . couple at their train as it'arrived house and magazine at alcohbUd<Uquoi» fo r beverage ed from the wreckage, Jewell be­ limes Square theater stodlo is be­ munition . depot. Lake ®ton^k, thiis far has only cbvered about fifty feet of gas dally, a- •wUd gusher iii from Bourgas, Black Sea port, at purponei^^ whs given' fftot, .fead-. of thb l75 subscri^fs of last year. came partly conscious at the hospi­ ing'Used as a laboratory, where tele­ 10:00 m m . Nw-Jersey. ,$55,000; rehuUding of and M«n Are & tn ^ idgMa- toe -HoVise df GommShs the southeast doorstep of OUkhdiSt tal later and was a.ble to talk- with vision equipment; has"been set up. In While idiplanes maneuvered over­ miay-wiril At Nayal Atodenw^ today.' amidst laughter and ' 'BtatehMiit.' city threatened residence and bili^- his wife; formerly Miss Isabelle addition to providing adequate head toe- two sovereigns pasted 000; wkter reseryoir Jit.,HaWto5 5 i.* The following statement was ness'4 districts today. Tho fire haz­ Prentice, sister of Samuel J, Pren­ space for toe wparatus, which . in­ amtoynitioii depot, - sued-te^toePGbambw ard led to closing, of schools, brei^- tice of Manchester Green. He was cludes toe shoft wave,: transmitters alqpg troop iiped streets.' to toe Kewanee, HI., OCt. 31,— I' meroh^tft,arerw ingaW^^ '-a cathec&ai ,a simple Bulgarian <5er«- racks c«U|truc,tion. u t A wont's .Wutoge FklfvCie^tode!^ ever 0 fastless, fireless homes and tr^ c delirious most of the time toough W2XBS and its antenna on , the mony legalized their maLtridgcr; reasbnilifle; aJnbunt of - -money - in blockades. and did not know whAt had h^P?h’ rdorf of toe eightSstbry budding whito had taken place aocoftUng |O f thethA autfibiiitiCstotiiorities" t i ^ bringing about 'Fhat they though, ,, .Chief danger. of fire- lay in - great cd ex.cept that he had been in a 'there is permit Oointobha 'o]bt^ns p e rid ^ rfi woul^ hkye'^lbeen a real C hristi^ Rbibsm Cfttoollc and Italian law In Diego, .$130,000, yffre tant f^etpr in bringing, fa^e-rW d ■ to iiifttoduc'e'aad‘rfgifiB clouds of gas which- clu^ to low- bad accident. studio, development work when that Asslrf’ iMt Saturday. 'Cheer: ttoewitr' su c h ''^ gpienTO; iands surroilnihng the. well. AA-a The Accident atwdrtolesF, w b < ^ # light, southeast vrind spraysd birifc- stajje is reached. -I - , Aa,tofe ceremony was,brfbg iyn;;$5i^0^ . ' , ,^--presw«q^ atree^riirfltog'liroi^^ Just how the accident occurred -..The testa are/entirely experimpt- M. its.' St^9«i%»»iE‘Aflng- grew n w and residentiW districts frith temporarily remains' a matter 6f al, ahd do nbt'toucb' on toe depigh- forinei’ :toe airpliM§B;:j,4 ^V« ..
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